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Lake Viking News VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting
from LVN_Dec2023
by GranDesign
Call to Order
President Doug Winter, Lot 47, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Doug Winter, Lot 47, Tom Rice, Lot 343, Robert Walton, Lot 217, George Eshnaur, Lot 505, and Terry Nibarger, Lot 657. Terry Nibarger led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter read the mission statement of Lake Viking.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes were approved from the August 2023 meeting. Motion was made by Tom Rice and was seconded by George Eshnaur. The minutes for August 2023 were approved unanimously. (These minutes were not approved in September 2023 as there was not a quorum of members at the September meeting.) The minutes for November 2023 were approved. Terry Nibarger made a motion to approve and George Eshnaur seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved for the November 2023 meeting.
Committee Reports
Handbook Committee
Tom Rice reported there is no report this month.
Finance Committee
• Terry Nibarger reported that the committee met December 7, 2023.
• November 2023 Budget review centered around expense items which were over budget. 6051 Employee Insurance and 6050 Admin Expense. Employee Insurance has seen a substantial increase in premiums as we have added one more employee. Cost 6050 Admin Expense was higher as a second payment in 2023 to Condo Control was not budgeted until January 2024, but had to be paid in November 2023. Correspondingly income was up.
• Terry Nibarger provided the Morgan Stanley update. Investments were up in November 2023 in the amount of $49,911.41. This is an unrealized gain. The savings account earned $4,265.48 in interest. Total gain was $54,176 for November 2023 and up YTD $125,575.
• Discussion of the three (3) Budget proposals to be presented at the special board meeting on 12/9/23 included an explanation of actual money available to fund operations. The monthly total to run the Lake is $70k - $80k. We need to fund operations at this rate until dues and assessments are collected in April/May 2024. There is about $750K in retained earnings that cannot be used for operating the lake. The combination of these two items takes the balance sheet to approximately $1.2 Million.
• 2023 FY Audit - The UHY audit of 2023 is underway.
• Proposal to increase clubhouse rental fees. Currently the UpperLevel rents for $50.00/hour, the Lower-Level rents for $30.00/hour and the Patio/shelter rents for $10.00/ hour. The Finance committee recommends raising the rates for rental for the Upper Level to $100.00/hour, the Lower Level to $60.00/hour and the Patio/shelter rental to $20.00/ hour. Any executed contracts will not be subject to the rate increase if it is passed.
• Jetty Project – there is a possibility this project may start before the end of the year; however, it will likely start in early 2024.
• Sale of Lake Owned Lots – No lots sold in November 2023, Year to date sales is $92,417.78.
• Sale of Lot 717 – There have been a few people looking at this lot. Realtors think this will pick up in the spring.
December 10, 2023

• Retained Earnings as discussed earlier was $750,000.
• Campground Septic – plans will be completed shortly and will be sent out for bids at that time. Campground Electrical - Phase 2 should be completed next week at a cost of $85,000. This phase includes 45 sites; 74-83, 99-119, and 154-167.
• Clubhouse Septic Update – Plans are completed and have been sent out for bids.
• Special use “SU” 13 lots have been re-platted as SU lots, allowing for certain types of storage structures to be built with approval of the BOD and Building Committee. These lots will be priced at $35,000 and will be offered to current members first. Any remaining lots will be sold to the general public after the member only period has closed.
Strategic Planning Committee
No report per George Eshnaur.
Activities Committee
The new calendar for 2024 has been sent out for review. Tom Rice made a motion to approve the 2024 Activities Calendar and the motion was seconded by Terry Nibarger. The motion was unanimously approved.
Building Committee
Report by Robert Walton. Numbers of permits approved was not available. Reported modular construction sentence is still on the Building Permit form. The language change will remain tabled and will be discussed in a future regular board meeting.
Fire Department
Tony Gronniger reported:
• The Fire Department met December 8, 2023 at 2:00 pm. Storm sirens were tested and apparatus readiness was checked.
• Progress was discussed on the Fire/Safety Building upgrades. Construction has begun on the restroom facilities and building water supply. This upgrade is on track for completion by the end of Spring 2024.
• Chief Tony Gronniger reported that a new command vehicle was donated to the Fire/Safety department by the Cameron MO Fire Department. Minor repairs are being completed and the vehicle will be added to our fleet soon. Thanks was extended to the Cameron Fire Department for their generous donation of the vehicle.
Safety Department
No report this month
Campground Committee
No report this month
Lake Committee
Robert Walton reported:
• The Lake Committee has received a report of a concern regarding bank stabilization. The committee is in agreement with the report and will issue a “correction needed letter” to the property owner. This letter will be sent out in spring 2024 as it would be unsafe to request the work now with winter approaching.