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Lake Viking News
from LVN_July2023
by GranDesign
VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting July 09, 2023
Call to Order
Board Pres. Doug Winter, lot 46, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Terry Nibarger, lot 657, Tom Rice, Lot 343, Tony Gronniger, Lot 2281, George Eshnaur, Lot 505, Allen Slavin, lot 181, Jeremy Lillig, Lot 3041. Jeremy Lillig led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Lake Manager, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Doug Winter read the mission statement of Lake Viking.
Approval of Minutes
Allan Slavin made a motion to approve the April 2023 Meeting Minutes. Second by Jeremy Lillig. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Handbook Committee
Tom Rice reported: A few discrepancies have been identified in the 2023 Handbook where the language needs to be modified concerning the change in the meeting date from the first Sunday in March to the first Sunday in October. The changes will be voted on in October.
Finance Committee
Terry Nibarger reported:
• The Finance Committee met June 26, 2023 for a special Finance meeting. At this meeting the committee unanimously approved a dock/ jetty project at Beach One contingent upon a “scope of project” agreement being signed by Jared Hill. Jeff will compose the agreement similar to the one to be written for the Rock Weir dredge work. At the July 6 regular meeting, the committee agreed the Rock Weir project at the south end is to be completed first for continuity with the existing dredge work. Jeff composed a “Scope of Project” agreement which was signed by Jared Hill and is on file at the VVA office along with a certificate of insurance coverage. The Rock Weir Project will consist of installing an 82’ long x 20’ wide rock weir across Big South Creek behind the Yacht club where dredging has recently been completed. This is being done to slow down silt washing into the lake. The cost of the project is estimated at $30,626. This is a huge savings as much of the material and use of machines is being donated by Jared Hill. The projected date for setting and building the Weir is the middle of July 2023.
• Also at the regular committee meeting on July 6, 2023:
June 2023 financials were reviewed. Paula reported the June 2023 Financial reports show better numbers than the previous months. Clarification of three amounts in the financials was supplied by Jeff Ferguson.
• Terry reported VVA has moved $500,000 (maximum allowed) from our uninsured money market account to another Morgan Stanley money market account. Rate of return is slightly less at 4.75% on the $500,687 in the new account. Total value of Morgan Stanley accounts went from $1,480,434 on May 31, 2023 to $1,509,800 on June 30, 2023. Our YTD gain is $76,918. This return is reflective of a modest level of risk we have taken on our portfolio.
• Paula Hepinstall presented information on audits the committee could have done by an outside firm. Consensus of the committee is to follow Paula’s recommendation of a full audit. RFPs will be sent out for bids for this audit. Target date for the audit will be September 2024. It was suggested that a policy be implemented defining the frequency of audits to be done in the future.
• Three VVA owned lots have been sold in June for $15,000. Total for sales this year is at $37,362. Prep work on Lot 717 has been completed and the bidding period for members only is now in process. If the lot is not sold to a VVA member it will be placed with a realtor for sale to the public.
• Terry reminded the attendees that the annual meeting date has been changed and will be in October 2023. Handbook modifications will be presented and voted on at the meeting in October 2023.
• Paula reported $20,000 remains in the dredge accrual account and more work this year by Dredge America will absorb this amount.
• Paula reported on the 2024 budget analysis stating that spending and expenses will be up significantly and asked for suggestions from the committee. Troy Lesan stated that for the last several years road expenses have exceeded funds taken in from road assessments. These have been covered by transferring funds from other budget line surpluses. In the future these surpluses may not be available and a more realistic road repair assessment should be considered for the 2024 budget. Lake Manager Jeff Ferguson stated he is looking into a road repair strategy that would be more than the standard chip and seal. Jeremy Lillig stated the need for this increase should be adequately explained to the membership. Meetings will start next week on the 2024 budget.
• Jeff Ferguson, Lake Manager, explained the need for continued planning on projected lagoon levels and stated that plans for surface application and a drip system proposal were on the table. DNR contact will entertain a revised submission from VVA for flow calculations.
• Terry reported VVA is still waiting on documents on design for the Clubhouse septic update.
• Terry reported Lake Lot S131 price has been reduced. Money from this sale was to be used on beach renovations.
Strategic Planning Committee
George Eshnaur Lot 505 reported:
• Committee will meet again July 19, 2023 and will review the status of projects.
• During the June meeting the pros and cons of the Harbor/Jetty for the Beach 1 area were discussed. Doug Winter indicated a release about the Jetty/Harbor project will be forthcoming soon with additional information.
• Committee discussed the needed upgrade for the Clubhouse septic system.
Activities Committee
Jeremy Lillig reported:
• The Annual Poker Run was held June 10, 2023 with 350 participating.
• Planned for August 2023 is a Patio party and a Scavenger Hunt.
• Jeremy stated the committee is working on an end of the Season Gala which will include dinner, dancing and an auction. Jeremy asked for committee members to help with this event. More information to follow.
Building Committee
Allan Slavin reported: In the past month, the committee has met two times. They reviewed 11 Building Permits. None of the permits were for houses. Allan also stated that the committee will try to get away from being asked to do emergency building permits. Permits are to be submitted two weeks prior to the Building Committee meetings which are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. This will give the committee time to review and cover each permit details.
Fire Department
Tony Gronniger reported:
• The Fire Department continues to meet monthly.
• The ISO report has been received and we were able to increase our fire rating to a 6x-6x. This is one category up from our previous rating. This change will go into effect October 1, 2023. (continued on page 14)
June 2023 Finance Committee Special Meeting
Topic: To give Board of Directors recommendation on Jetty Dock proposal submitted by Lake Manager Jeff Ferguson.
Call to order Thursday June 26 @ 5:00 by Chair Paula Hepinstall via ZOOM
Attendance: Paula Hepinstall, Board Contact Terry Nibarger, Flint Hibler, Steve Danner, Michelle Sullivan, Lake Manager Jeff Ferguson, Board President Doug Winter, Kevin Euston, Donna Archibald and Troy Lesan recording minutes.
Projected costs submitted in proposal:
12 Boat Slips and 3 Walkways $64,000.00
Rock Hauling 235 Loads of Rock @ 175 per load to haul $41,125.00
Fuel 1500 Gallons – We have in stock $0.00
Dirt Work removal and hauled by Maintenance $0.00
Total Cost to VVA $105,125.00
Association Member Jared Hill has offered to provide machine & rock for project.
225 -250 Truckloads of Rock to be hauled in -- 225 truckloads of dirt to be hauled off.
VVA bears all fuel costs
Discussion: Jeff referenced attachments & explained that existing shoreline would be dug back 250 feet to accommodate jetty & docks which would be 30 feet out. He also noted that there would be room for expansion.
Question: Flint inquired about financing which will be from the sale of lot 717 owned by VVA, and currently advertised. Membership voted to designate proceeds of sale for amenities.
Michelle suggested a written agreement/contract between VVA and Mr. Hill considering the extensive amount of work involved. Steve Danner concurred and stated that a contractual document would be beneficial to both parties. Jeff stated he will ask VVA attorney.
VOTE: All agreed with proposal pending a written agreement acceptable to both parties.
Other Business Jeff is also exploring the possibility of Jared Hill supplying rock for a weir in the Yacht Club dredging area. This would involve 139 more truckloads of rock which Mr. Hill has stockpiled. Committee did not take a vote or make a recommendation. More details to come later as situation develops.
Paula pointed out that with short year due to earlier Annual Meeting it would be possible to borrow from deferred capital maintenance fund for the extra work at the south end with the understanding that fund would be reimbursed with retained earnings from Dredge Fund.
It was also mentioned that a concern would be the wear & tear on VVA roads from all of the heavy loaded trucks.
With no further business, meeting Adjourned at 5:50
Minutes recorded by Troy Lesan
2023 Lake Viking Boat Parade
By Debbie Patch;
Photos by Mike Coyle
Thanks to those who participated and attended this year’s Boat Parade. All four participants were very creative so it was challenging to determine the winner. Here are the 2023 Boat Parade