April 2013 VOLUME 35, Issue 4
Attend Your Spring Region Meeting
See Page 12 for more information
Registration Now Open for Annual Conference June 22-25 Amelia Island, FL See Page 8
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April 2013 Editor: Jim Bracewell jbracewell@gpha.org Managing Editor: Kim McNeely kmcneely@gpha.org The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) is the official publication of the Georgia Pharmacy Association, Inc. (GPhA). Copyright © 2012, Georgia Pharmacy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording or information storage retrieval systems, without prior written permission from the publisher and managing editor. All views expressed in bylined articles are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily express the views or policies of the editors, officers or members of the Georgia Pharmacy Association. Articles and Artwork Those interested in writing for this publication are encouraged to request the official “GPJ Guidelines for Writers.” Artists or photographers wishing to submit artwork for use on the cover should call, write or email jbracewell@gpha.org. Subscriptions and Change of Address The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) (ISSN 1075-6965) is distributed as a regular membership service, paid for through allocation of membership dues. Subscription rate for non-members is $50.00 per year domestic and $10.00 per single copy; international rates $65.00 per year and $20.00 single copy. Subscriptions are not available for non-GPhA member pharmacists licensed and practicing in Georgia. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) (ISSN 1075-6965) is published monthly by the GPhA, 50 Lenox Pointe, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. Periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, GA and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Georgia Pharmacy Journal®, 50 Lenox Pointe, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. Advertising Advertising copy deadline and rates are available upon request. All advertising and production orders should be sent to the GPhA headquarters at jbracewell@gpha.org.
2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 10 18-19 20-27
Message From Robert Hatton................................................
Election Schedule......................................................................
Message From Jim Bracewell.................................................
Welcome New GPhA Members..............................................
Legislative Update...........................................................
Annual Convention >>>>>................................1..............2-12
By Laws Proposal......................................................................
Candidate Profiles.............................................................
PharmPAC Supporters................................
Continuing Education...................................
GPhA Headquarters 50 Lenox Pointe, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30324 t 404-231-5074 f 404-237-8435
MESSAGE from Robert Hatton Robert Hatton GPhA President
“Spring has sprung the grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is...” I don’t know about the rest of you, but spring got here in a hurry. Of course, for many parts of Georgia, this spring meant cold, rain and some snow. I have often heard it said that if you don’t like the weather in Georgia just wait a few days and it will change. That has certainly been true this year. Let’s talk about what spring means to GPhA. The legislative session is wrapping up and will probably be history by the time this article goes to print. We have several measures we are trying to advance and I for one feel good about our chances of success. We are also already planning for next year, so we value and need your input. Let’s build on the accomplishments of this year and start early on ideas for 2014. The spring region meetings this year will concentrate on legislative updates, which should be finalized by the time we have the meetings. So please invite your colleagues for a night of fun and education. One of the most important things we can do is start or hopefully continue is your contributions to PharmPac. Please see page 16 to sign up for PharmPAC if you haven’t already. There are many changes this year as to who you can give your money to and how much, but it won’t change the fact that we need to keep supporting the legislative arm of GPhA. We are fortunate to have a wonderful legislative staff including Andy Freeman, our Director of Governmental affairs and Cindy Sheppard who helps us as a contract lobbyist. In the last several years, pharmacy has become much more influential politically and much of the reason for this has been a strong PAC. In addition to a strong Pharm PAC, never underestimate the power of your personal influence over your local members of the legislature. Please get to know your representative or senator and invite them to your pharmacy. Tell them the obstacles you face in providing optimum care to your patients and be proactive in giving them solutions. We are starting to make gains, but we have to keep moving forward and realize that even after all this time and effort, our elected folks don’t always fully understand our issues. After spring comes summer, and with it our convention. We will be gathering this year at Amelia Island, June 22nd-25th. For those of you who don’t know, the Amelia Island Resort has been completely renovated and this should be one of our best conventions ever. We have also changed the format of the convention to a shorter schedule while preserving most of the CE opportunities. In addition to other changes, the President’s Banquet will now be held on Saturday night which should make for a more convenient chance for everyone to attend. In closing, please let your GPhA Executive Committee what issues are important to you, either through e-mail or the new website. The leadership of the organization is driven by issues brought to them by the membership. Let us represent you by letting us know what’s important to you. Have a great spring and thanks for all you do to make GPhA the premier pharmacy association in America.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
2013 GPhA Elections Schedule Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 (60 days before Convention) Petitions for additional nominees must be submitted to EVP by 12NOON. Ballots Monday, May 13, 2013 (45 days prior to the commencement of Convention) *Please note that the 45th day falls on Sunday the 12th, so date was moved to the next business day. Electronic Ballots must be sent to membership – Election Opens
Monday, June 17, 2013 (10 days prior to the commencement of Convention) *Please note that the 10th day falls on Sunday the 16th so moved date to the next business day. Paper ballots must be returned by this date. Saturday, June 22, 2013 Election closes at 2 p.m.
For more information on the candidates for open GPhA offices, please see page 10.
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MESSAGE from Jim Bracewell No Member Left Behind
Jim Bracewell
The Georgia Pharmacy Association Team has accepted a new mantra, a pledge. We are no longer going to leave a member behind. Regularly, we have great members, very professional members of the association, who for some reason fail to renew their membership each year.
Executive Vice President The Association sends regular reminders to members starting at 90 days before their
renewal date. In the past, we asked Region Presidents to contact members in their Region who had not renewed their membership. However, busy schedules and time constraints have caused this method of follow up not to work very well. So, continually good members fall off the rolls most often because no one let them know how important their membership is to our professional association and our ability to represent the profession. We know our members care about each other, but a member is often reluctant to call a friend, a neighbor or colleague and ask why they have not taken time to renew their membership in GPhA. Members who are tardy about their renewal often need someone to contact them and remind them how important they are to GPhA. Today’s world does not allow for members to attend as many meetings in person as in the past. Less personal contact with other GPhA members makes a member feel unimportant to the Association and a lack of outreach to them when they fail to renew on time confirms in their opinion, that they are not really that important to the Association. So what does this new policy mean to a GPhA member who is hesitant or slow to renew? It means the GPhA Team has made a conscious commitment to do a full outreach to members who don’t renew. If GPhA has failed them, we need to know it. We need to find a way to make any shortcoming right. We are no longer going to leave a member behind. If you are a GPhA leader or former GPhA leader, will you also take that pledge and help us not leave one member behind? When the GPhA Team asks you to also reach out to a fellow association member, will you will take the five minutes needed to call them and tell them that every pharmacist is a critical member in our association? They are important, they contribute and they are vital to the future of pharmacy. “No Member Left Behind” begins today. Would you consider volunteering for one month to assist your association? Send me an email and dedicate one month in 2013 to work on the “No Member Left Behind” task group. One month, perhaps call one member. That is not too much to ask. I will dedicate space to list the volunteers on the Task Group in the journal each month. Not much praise, not much reward, but you will have a great warm feeling in your heart. Just send me an email jbracewell@gpha.org in the subject line write No Member Left Behind and then tell me the month in 2013 you are volunteering for the task group. Thank you in advance for your help.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
WELCOME New GPhA Members Gary Randolph Johnson – Columbus, GA Active Pharmacist Sasha Kahiga, CPhT – Atlanta, GA Pharmacy Technician Ellie Kamarjian – Norcross, GA
About GPhA
The Georgia Pharmacy Association is the collective voice of the pharmacy profession, aggressively advocating for the profession in the shaping of public policy, encouraging ethical health care practices, advancing educational leadership while ensuring the profession’s future is economically prosperous. The members of GPhA would like to welcome all our new members and encourage them to take advantage of all the benefits membership offers.
Pharmacy School Student Kristin Brown – Villa Rica, GA Pharmacy School Student Ora Jess Bailey – Conyers, GA Active Pharmacist Kimberley Hill Palencia- Albany, GA New Graduate, 1st year Teysha Vonaye Richardson- Columbus, GA New Graduate, 2nd year Ben Ross – Statesboro, GA Active Pharmacist Lisa Schweizer – Alpharetta, GA Active Pharmacist Stephanie Sponseller – Savannah, GA Pharmacy School Student Evelyn Steiner – Hiram, GA
THANK YOU FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP! The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Active Pharmacist Scott A Tyree – Forsyth, GA Associate Member
from Andy Freeman
Andy Freeman Director of Government Affairs
This year’s session of the Georgia General Assembly was a tough one for the Georgia Pharmacy Association and our legislative agenda. The groups that were against various parts of our legislative agenda included a statewide elected official that received the votes of 1.4 million Georgians in 2010, Doctors, Health Insurance Companies, Pharmacy Benefit Managers and a very influential legislator or two. A very formidable list of opponents which makes our successes this year even more impressive. One of the most important pieces of pharmacy related legislation this year was HB 132. This legislation moves the Boards of Pharmacy and Dentistry from the Secretary of State to the Department of Community Health. The opposition fought hard at every step of the legislative process. They warned of job losses in Macon where the Boards are currently located, the creation of a bigger government and all kinds of horrors that would happen if this legislation were to pass. The majority of legislators saw this legislation as we saw it; a positive step towards government efficiency having Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacists operating under the same umbrella. GPhA also passed legislation this year to prohibit PBMs from being able to recoup the cost of a drug if a pharmacist makes a clerical mistake. HB 179 also allows you to have 30 days after an audit to provide documentation to support your claims after a PBM rules against you. This legislation has long been sought by pharmacists in Georgia and GPhA is glad that it was finally passed this year. After the debacle of the New England Compounding Center last fall, we didn’t think we would have a chance to do anything to increase what Georgia pharmacists could do in the area of compounding. Pharmacists in most states have had more restrictions placed on compounding since last fall but we were able to add some language to HB 209, which dealt with fixing the prescription paper problem from a few years ago, to allow compounding without having to be patient specific. Georgia is probably the only state that will increase compounding opportunities this year through legislation. Unfortunately we didn’t pass everything that we worked towards. Our MAC pricing legislation HB 413 never even received a hearing in the House Health and Human Services Committee. We tried a few things towards the end of the session to get it moving but were unsuccessful. MAC pricing will still be a huge issue that we seek to correct next session and we are already working on our strategy for the 2014 legislative session. Immunization is something else that we were blocked on. After passing immunization out of the Senate for the second straight session with overwhelming numbers, SB 85 was sent to the House Health and Human Services where the Chair would not allow a vote. The last day of the session, we added immunization language to SB 134 and sent it to the full House for a vote. A coalition of grocery stores, chain drug stores, big box retailers, drug manufacturers, GPhA and some physicians worked on getting our votes in the House. By our accounts we had an overwhelming majority of the House members that were going to vote for the legislation. Unfortunately the Speaker ruled that our amendment wasn’t close enough to the subject matter of SB 134 and a vote was never taken. Our fight for increased immunizations under protocol and greater access to healthcare for Georgians will continue on next session. A mentor of mine early in my professional career in politics often used to tell me that we have no permanent friends or permanent enemies but we only have permanent issues. It is easy to demonize the people that worked against some of our issues this session or sessions gone by. Next session our friends may be working against us and our enemies of this year may be working with us next year. What is important is that we must do what we need to do to prepare ourselves to make sure that we have another successful session in 2014.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
2013 Legislation Session Legislation Passed and Legislation Still Pending for 2014 Bill
Current Status
Pharmacy Legislation Passed 2013 1
Georgia Board of Pharmacy and Georgia Board of Dentistry; administratively attached to Department of Community Health
Passed both the House and Senate
Georgia Pain Management Clinic Act
Passed both the House and Senate
The Pharmacy Audit Bill of Rights; change certain provisions
Passed both the House and Senate
2013-2014 Regular Session - HB 209 Pharmacists and pharmacies; revise definition of “security paper”; Compounding added to this legislation
Passed both the House and Senate
Annual Drug update legislation
Passed both the House and Senate
Passed both the House and Senate
Allow elementary and secondary education; public and private schools to stock supply of auto-injectable epinephrine Recognized February 14, 2013 as Pharmacy Day at the state capitol
Adds definition of medical identity fraud
Passed both House and Senate
Provide that medical director of an emergency service provider may contract with more than one pharmacy
Passed both House and Senate
“Hospital Medicaid Financing Program Act”
Passed both House and Senate and Signed by Governor
Allowed that only Board of Pharmacy could determine who can accredit pharmacists and pharmacies
Currently in House Regulated Committees
Only a pharmacist licensed in Georgia can do accreditation inspections of Georgia pharmacies MAC pricing legislation
Creates a new database to monitor sales of substances containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine
Currently in House Health and Human Services Currently in House Health and Human Service Currently in House Judiciary NonCivil
Allows the filing of prescriptions by Georgia Pharmacists written by Doctors from other states
Awaiting Senate to agree to House Changes
Authorize public/private schools to stock a supply of auto-injectable epinephrine
Currently in House Education Committee
Increase number of vaccines a pharmacist can give under physician protocol
Currently in House Health and Human Services committee
Pharmacy Legislation Pending 2014
For updates, visit the Advocacy page at gpha.org The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
2013 Convention Reserve Your Room Today! June 22-25, 2013
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Friday, June 21, 2013 Certificate Program - APhA PharmacyBased Immunization Delivery 2012-2013 Board of Directors Meeting Council of Presidents Reception Saturday, June 22, 2013 Foundation Walk General Session CPE Programs Election Closes Tellers Committee Student Reception Exhibit Hall Opens President’s Reception and Banquet
Monday, June 24, 2013 Golf/Tennis CPE Programs General Session Annual Meeting Alumni Dinners
Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Georgia Pharmacy Coalition Meeting 2013-2014 Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, June 23, 2013 Sunrise Service General Session Academy Lunches CPE Program Resolutions Committee Exhibit Hall Opens PharmPAC Reception
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Call Omni Amelia Island Plantation TODAY and reference group name “Georgia Pharmacy” to reserve your room! 8
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Proposal to Improve the GPhA Board of Pharmacy Nomination Process Wants Your Input Our current process found an Article of the GPhA Bylaws, available on the GPhA website, that is, by general consensus, an outdated process in need of updating. In the fall of 2012,, upon a call for volunteers, seventeen members participated in a survey and review process to come up with a potential new procedure.
It was reviewed by the GPhA Board of Directors at the January 2013 meeting, and upon deliberation by the Board, they voted unanimously to endorse for the membership’s consideration. Please review and submit any comments to Jim Bracewell at jbracewell@gpha. org or John Sherrer at johntsherrer@ gmail.com by April 26, 2013. This
message will be on the GPhA Website for comments. The May Journal and the GPhA Website will contain a recommended change in the Bylaws to be voted on at the annual meeting.
GPhA Board of Pharmacy Nomination Process Each year allow self-nominations by anyone interested in submitting their name for a statewide vote for three nominees to be submitted to the Governor by GPhA for his appointment to the Board of Pharmacy. 1. Allow any interested pharmacist to participate by submitting a petition with at least 25 Georgia resident pharmacist names, to the EVP by January 1 of the year to be considered. 2. Nominee must complete a required standardized form to be on the ballot. GPhA will contract with a third party vendor to create an electronic ballot. The ballot will be accessible on the GPhA Website for members and non-members. 3. The GPhA third party election vendor will use the Board of Pharmacy licensed RPh list to validate voting. Voting will close at the annual convention and the three names who received the most votes will be announced and delivered to the Governor for his consideration for appointment to the Board of Pharmacy, as the vacancy occurs that year. Summary: These changes make the process clearer and assure that the vacancy is open to all pharmacists. The new process will improve the GPhA image by showing our commitment to reaching out to all practices of pharmacy and help establish our brand as a unified voice for pharmacy. Ultimately we do not think the new process will necessarily change the outcome. The Governor will still appoint whomever he or she pleases, but we will have a respectable open process to nominate pharmacists to serve. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Meet the Nominees for GPhA Officers Candidate for GPhA First Vice President
Candidates for GPhA Second Vice President
Tommy Whitworth LaGrange, GA
Lance Boles Hartwell, GA
Thomas H. (Tommy) Whitworth graduated in 1980 from the Harrison School of Pharmacy, Auburn, AL. He is a preceptor at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy and Mercer University School of Pharmacy. Currently, Tommy owns Corley Drugs in LaGrange, GA. He has an extensive 32-year pharmacy career working in community hospitals, nursing homes, chain pharmacies, small independent and multi-store independent pharmacies.
Lance received his pharmacy degree from The University of Georgia, where he served as APhA-ASP Chapter President. He spent the next three years as a member of the GPhA staff before returning to earn his MBA from UGA’s Terry College of Business. Lance has been an independent pharmacy owner for nine years and currently owns two pharmacies - Hartwell Drugs in his hometown of Hartwell, GA and Iva Drug Store located in Iva, SC. He serves as President of GPhA’s Tenth Region and is in his second term on the GPhA Board of Directors. He is a member of AIP, NCPA, PharmPAC, SCPhA, and the GPhA Governmental Affairs Committee. Lance was twice elected to the AEP Board of Directors and is an alumnus of the GPhA New Practitioner Leadership Conference. Lance is a member of the First Baptist Church of Hartwell where he serves as Chairman of the Personnel Committee. Please visit www.facebook.com/ LBfor2ndVP for more information.
Tommy has been actively involved with GPhA since 1987. He was past president of Region 3 and was a recipient of the prestigious Mal T Anderson Outstanding Region President Award in 1993. He has served on the PharmPAC board for 15 years and chaired the Third Party/ Government Affairs Committees. Also, he has been a board member of GPHA over the past 25 years. Tommy and his wife, Susan of 30 years, live in LaGrange. They are members of First Baptist Church where Tommy ushers and teaches Sunday School.
Charles (Chuck) Wilson Dunwoody, GA Chuck Wilson grew up in the Atlanta area and received his University of Georgia Pharmacy Degree in 1982. He began his pharmacy career with Thrift/Treasury Drug. For more than 14 years, he managed several drugstores in the Atlanta area. In 1993, he went to Carlton’s Pharmacy and in June 2000, partnered with Gary Meyer in The Medicine Shoppe of Dunwoody that specializes in compounding, immunizations, and consultation. Chuck is an adjunct professor/ preceptor for Mercer University. “I believe I should give back to my profession and have found working with students to be very rewarding and a learning experience for me as well,” he said Chuck married his wife Cindy 31 years ago and they have a son enrolled in college in pre-pharmacy. Chuck said “I would be honored to serve GPHA and devote my efforts to protecting pharmacist’s rights, getting pharmacists the right tools to succeed.”
Nominations will remain open for nomination by petition through April 23, 2013.
Electronic Voting will begin May 13, 2013 A Paper Ballot may be requested at any time by calling Eugene O’Donnell at 404-419-8115
The Election will close at 2:00 p.m. Saturday June 22, 2013 10
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Membership Milestones OBITUARIES
Randall Maret Randall T. Maret, 80, of Dalton,passed away Thursday, March 14, 2013. Born Oct. 9, 1932, in Lavonia, he was the son of the late Karl and Sophia Randall Maret and was preceded in death by his sisters, Kathleen Jackson of Royston, Annie Laura Akin and Marguerite LeCroy of Lavonia and his brother, Karl Duane Maret of Dalton. Randall graduated from the University of Georgia in 1954 with a bachelor of science of pharmacy. He served in the United States Air Force and then moved to Dalton to work as a pharmacist for 59 years. He was co-owner of Maret’s Prescription Shop with his brother Charles for 38 years. He also served on the Dalton Public Schools Board of Education for 20 years. He was a member of the Georgia Pharmacy Association since 1985 and was a member at the time of his death. Randall is survived by his wife of 53 years, Susan Bremner Maret; he is also survived by his children, Paige Maret of Dalton, Stacy (Sam) Schuessler of Opelika, Ala., and Ross (Dawn) Maret of Dalton; grandchildren, Sam and Lee Schuessler of Opelika, Ala., and Walker and McCall Maret of Dalton; siblings, Charles (Sarah) Maret of Dalton, Henrietta Mabry and Sue Maret
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
of Lavonia, Jo Nix of Hamilton, Elaine (Lendon) Gibbs of Royston and Bette (Bob) Cowles of Marietta; sistersin-law, Lenora Maret and Kathleen Bremner of Dalton, Barbara Hayes of Birmingham, Ala., and several nieces and nephews. Private graveside services were held in Whitfield Memorial Gardens with the Rev. Phillip Cannon officiating. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the First Baptist Church of Dalton, P.O. Box 827, Dalton, GA 30722 or to Family Promise, P.O. Box 2162, Dalton, GA 30722. Words of comfort may be sent to the family at www. lovefuneralhomega.com.
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and has been a long-time member of Gridiron Secret Society and an avid fan of University of Georgia football. He was a member of GPhA since 1981. In 1976 the Gainesville Rotary Club named Mr. Johnson Man-of-the-Year, and the City of Gainesville honored him with “Charlie Johnson Day.” Mr. Johnson was preceded in death by his parents Mr. and Mrs. George G. Johnson of Siloam, two brothers George G. Johnson, Jr. of Dallas and Carol C. Johnson of Lake Sinclair. He is survived by his sister and brother-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marsh of Gainesville and several nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Charles Johnson Sacred Music Fund at First Presbyterian Church or to the Gainesville Symphony Orchestra.
Charles Henry Johnson Charles Henry Johnson died at his home on Saturday, March 2, 2013 after an extended illness. Born in Siloam, Georgia, on December 12, 1926, Charlie was a well-known and beloved citizen of Gainesville for over sixty years, having co-founded Riverside Pharmacy in 1954 with Mrs. Jo Ann Adams. He retired from the pharmacy in 1998. Mr. Johnson served in WWII in the Medical Corps in Okinawa. He was a graduate of the University Of Georgia School Of Pharmacy There he was
Ivey and Lanier McCurdy Ivey Brogdon McCurdy, owner and pharmacist of Lakeland Drug Company, and her husband Lanier McCurdy are expecting their first baby around August 19th 2013. Congratulations!
Attend Your Spring Region Meeting! April 16 Tifton and Norcross April 23 Griffin and Blue Ridge April 25 Augusta
May 9 Macon, Kennesaw, Dublin May 14 Brunswick, Savannah, Columbus, Athens
Register online at gpha.org and make plans to attend your Region Meeting: • Earn 1 hour of Continuing Education • Get an update on legislation affecting pharmacy • Learn more about the new gpha website • Network with other members • Visit your Region web page at gpha.org for dates, times, program information and more!
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Dr. Carolyn Bridges, Associate Director for Adult Immunizations for the Centers for Disease Control was awarded the Friend of Pharmacy Award by Mitchel C. Rothholz, RPh, Chief Strategy Officer with the American Pharmacists Association
Immunizations Leader Received Recognition at APhA Convention Carolyn Bridges, MD, Associate Director for Adult Immunizations for the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA was awarded the Friend of Pharmacy Award by the American Pharmacy Association (APhA) at their convention in Los Angeles in March. Dr. Bridges leads the ACIP working group on adult immunization and cochairs the National Influenza Vaccine Summit, National Adult Immunization Summit and the CDC Pharmacy StakeholderAdvisory Group. In each of these activities she is a strong advocate in support of the immunization neighborhood and the active role pharmacists play. Dr. Bridges has given numerous talks and interviews regarding the expanding immunization role of the pharmacist and has publicly advocated and sought ways for pharmacists to work with the public health and medical community to increase vaccination rates within our country. “It is very humbling to receive this award. The CDC works very closely with APhA and it is incredibly helpful to have APhA as one of our integral partners in immunization,” she said. Dr Bridges said that, in the past when the CDC faced short supply of vaccinations, APhA was helpful in responding to this public health need. “Our friendship works both ways,” she said, “We are all in this together and pharmacists play an important role in immunization.”
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Melvin M. Goldstein, P.C. A T T O R N E___ Y AT L AW 248 Roswell Street Marietta, Georgia 30060 Telephone 770/427-7004 Fax 770/426-9584 www.melvinmgoldstein.com
n Private practitioner with an emphasis on representing healthcare professionals in administrative cases as well as other legal matters n Former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Georgia and Counsel for professional licensing boards including the Georgia Board of Pharmacy and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency n Former Administrative Law Judge for the Office of State Administrative Hearings
Association Plans Are DIFFERENT (between ordinary and extraordinary)
Georgia Pharmacy Association proudly sponsors Meadowbrook Insurance Group for your Worker’s Compensation insurance needs.
Workers’ Compensation dividends paid to GPhA members in 2012 For more information about this program, please contact: Ruth Ann McGehee p 404-419-8173 f 404-237-8435 email: rmcgehee@gpha.org
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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Georgia Reception at APhA 2013
GPhA President Elect Pam Marquess addresses the more than 100 attendees at the Georgia reception at the APhA Convention in March.
Dr Alan P. Wolfgang, dean of students at UGA and students Carlie Traylor and Valana Vannoy pose for a picture with GPhA EVP Jim Bracewell
Members of the Georgia Delegation included Monali Majmudar, Carol Ludwig, Bobby Moody, Alan Ryan, Jonathan Marquess and Pam Marquess.
UGA Dean Oie, GPhA President-Elect Pam Marquess and Mercer Dean Mathews welcome attendees to the APhA Georgia reception.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
12th Annual Carlton Henderson Golf Tournament
Amelia Island Plantation Ocean Links Course
New Time! Monday, June 24, 2013 8 a.m. Register online at gpha.org
Georgia Pharmacy Foundation
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Support GPhA PharmPAC today!
Step 1: Tell us who you are:
“I back PharmPAC�
Name: Address: Phone Number: Email Address:
Step 2: Choose one of two ways to support PharmPAC: I will make a monthly contribution of: (circle one of the following) Club Levels Amount Diamond $400 per month Titanium $200 per month Platinum $100 per month Gold $50 per month Silver $25 per month Bronze $12.50 per month * Andy Freeman, at GPhA will call you to set up your monthly contribution or you can sign up online at gpha.org.
OR I agree to make a One Time Gift of $ (amount) Signature:
Your gift to PharmPAC makes you eligible for one of the GPhA PAC Clubs. Club Levels Diamond Titanium Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Minimum One Time Pledge $4,800 $2,400 $1,200 $600 $300 $150
Contributions or gifts to PharmPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Thanks To All Our Supporters
Highlight denotes new and increased contributors.
Diamond Level
$4,800 minimum pledge Cynthia K. Moon Scott Meeks, R.Ph.
Titanium Level
$2,400 minimum pledge T.M. Bridges, R.Ph. Ben Cravey, R.Ph. Michael E. Farmer, R.Ph. David B. Graves, R.Ph. Raymond G Hickman, R.Ph. Ted M. Hunt, R.Ph. Robert A. Ledbetter, R.Ph. Marvin O. McCord, R.Ph. Mark Parris, Pharm.D. Loren B. Pierce, R.Ph. Fred F. Sharpe, R.Ph. Jeff Sikes, R.Ph. Dean Stone, R.Ph., CDM
Platinum Level
$1,200 minimum pledge Ralph W. Balchin, R.Ph. Glenda Bishop Robert Bowles, Jr., R.Ph., CDM, Cfts Jim R. Bracewell Bruce L. Broadrick, Sr., R.Ph. Thomas E. Bryan Jr., R.Ph. William G. Cagle, R.Ph. Hugh M. Chancy, R.Ph. Keith E. Chapman, R.Ph. Dale M. Coker, R.Ph., FIACP Billy Conley R.Ph. Ferrell Al Dixon Jr R.Ph. John Ashley Dukes, R.Ph. Jack Dunn, Jr. R.Ph. Neal Florence, R.Ph. Andy Freeman 18
Martin T. Grizzard, R.Ph. Robert M. Hatton, Pharm.D. Ted Hunt, R.Ph. Alan M. Jones, R.Ph. Ira Katz, R.Ph. Hal M. Kemp, Pharm.D. George B. Launius, R.Ph. Brandall S. Lovvorn,Pharm.D. Jeffrey L. Lurey, R.Ph. Eddie M. Madden, R.Ph. Jonathan Marquess, Pharm.D., CDE, CPT Pam Marquess, Pharm.D. Kenneth A. McCarthy, R.Ph. Ivey Brogdon McCurdy Pharm. D Drew Miller, R.Ph., CDM Laird Miller, R.Ph. Jay Mosley, R.Ph. Allen Partridge, R.Ph. Mark Parris Pharm. D Houston Lee Rogers, Pharm.D., CDM Tim Short, R.Ph. Benjamin Lake Stanley, Pharm.D. Danny Toth, R.Ph. Christopher Thurmond, Pharm.D. Alex Tucker Pharm D Tommy Whitworth, R.Ph.,CDM
Gold Level
$600 minimum pledge James Bartling, Pharm.D., ADC, CACII Larry L. Braden, R. Ph. William F. Brewster, R.Ph. Liza G. Chapman, Pharm.D. Craig W. Cocke, R.Ph. J. Ernie Culpepper, R.Ph. Mahlon Davidson, R.Ph., CDM Benjamin Keith Dupree, Sr., R.Ph
Kevin M. Florence, Pharm.D. Kerry A. Griffin, R.Ph. James Jordan, Pharm.D. Ed Kalvelage John D. Kalvelage Steve D. Kalvelage Marsha C. Kapiloff, R.Ph. Earl W. Marbut, R.Ph. John W. McKinnon, Jr., R.Ph. Robert B. Moody, R.Ph. Sherri S. Moody, Pharm.D. William A. Moye, R.Ph. Anthony Boyd Ray, R.Ph. Ola Reffell, R.Ph. Jeffrey Grady Richardson, R.Ph. Andy Rogers, R.Ph. Daniel C. Royal, Jr., R.Ph. John Thomas Sherrer, R.Ph. Sharon Mills Sherrer, Pharm.D. Michael T. Tarrant Mark H. White, R.Ph. Henry Dallas Wilson, III, Pharm.D.
Silver Level
$300 minimum pledge Renee D. Adamson, Pharm.D. Larry L Batten, R. Ph. Patrick M. Cook, Pharm.D. Ferrell Al Dixon, Jr., R.Ph. Ed Stevens Dozier, R.Ph. Terry Dunn, R.Ph. Charles Alan Earnest, R.Ph. Stewart Flanagin Jr R.Ph Marshall L. Frost, Pharm.D. Johnathan Wyndell Hamrick, Pharm.D. James A. Harris, Jr., R.Ph. Michael O. Iteogu, Pharm.D. Joshua D. Kinsey, Pharm.D. Willie O. Latch, R.Ph. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Thanks To All Our Supporters
Highlight denotes new and increased contributors. Hilary Mbadugha Kalen Porter Manasco, Pharm.D. Michael L. McGee, R.Ph. William J. McLeer, R.Ph. Sheri D. Mills, C.Ph.T. Albert Nichols Richard Noell, R.Ph. Loren Pierce R. Ph Leslie Ernest Ponder, R.Ph. William Lee Prather, R.Ph. Kristy Lanford Pucylowski, Pharm.D. Ola Reffell, R.Ph. Edward Franklin Reynolds, R.Ph. Sukhmani Kaur Sarao, Pharm.D. David J. Simpson, R.Ph. James N. Thomas, R.Ph. Alex S. Tucker, Pharm.D. William H. Turner, R.Ph. Flynn W. Warren, M.S., R.Ph. Walter Alan White, R.Ph. Charles W. Wilson, Jr., R.Ph. Steve Wilson, Pharm.D. William T. Wolfe, R.Ph. Sharon Zerillo, R.Ph.
Bronze Level
$150 minimum pledge Sylvia Ann Davis Adams,R.Ph. Monica M. Ali-Warren, R.Ph. Julie Wickman Bierster, Pharm.D. Nicholas O. Bland, Pharm.D. Lance P. Boles, R.Ph. Michael A. Crooks, Pharm.D. William Crowley, R.Ph. Rabun E. Deckle, Pharm.D. Helen DuBiner, Pharm.D. Charles Alan Earnest, R.Ph. Vaspar Eddings, R.Ph. Randall W. Ellison, R.Ph. Mary Ashley Faulk, Pharm.D. James W. Fetterman, Jr., Pharm.D. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Amanda R. Gaddy, R.Ph. Charles C. Gass, R.Ph. Winton C. Harris, Jr., R.Ph. Lura Elizabeth Jarrett, Pharm.D. Thomas Jeter R.Ph., CGP Anabelle D. Keohane, Pharm.D. Brenton Lake, R.Ph. Allison L. Layne, C.Ph.T. William E. Lee, R.Ph. Tracie D. Lunde, Pharm.D. Michael Lewis, Pharm.D. Ashley Sherwood London Max A. Mason, R.Ph. Amanda McCall, Pharm.D. Susan W. McLeer, R.Ph. Sheila D. Miller, R.Ph. Natalie Nielsen Amanda Rose Paisley, Pharm.D. Donald J. Piela, Jr, Rose Pinkstaff, R.Ph. Alex Pinkston IV R.Ph Sara W. Reece Pharm.D., BC-ADM, CDE Leonard Franklin Reynolds, R.Ph. Don K. Richie, R.Ph. Laurence Neil Ryan, Pharm.D. Richard Brian Smith, R.Ph. Benjamin Lake Stanley, Pharm.D. Dana E. Strickland, R.Ph. Charles Storey, III, R.Ph. Shad Jason Sutherland Archie Thompson, Jr., R.Ph. William C. Thompson, R.Ph. G.H. Thurmond, R.Ph. Carrie-Anne Wilson Charles Wilson Max Wilson Christy Zwygart, Pharm.D.
No minimum pledge G.M. Atkinson, R.Ph.
Robert C. Ault, R.Ph. Mary S. Bates, R.Ph. Fred W. Barber, R.Ph. Lucinda F. Burroughs, R.Ph. Henry Cobb, III, R.Ph., CDM Jean N. Courson, R.Ph. Guy Anderson Cox, R.Ph. Carleton C. Crabill, R.Ph. Wendy A. Dorminey, Pharm.D., CDM James Fetterman, Jr., Pharm.D. Charles A. Fulmer, R.Ph. Thomas Bagby Garner Jr., R.Ph. Charles Gass R.Ph. Kimberly Dawn Grubbs, R.Ph. Christopher Gurley, Pharm.D. Fred C. Gurley, R.Ph. Keith Herist, Pharm.D., AAHIVE, CPA William “Woody” Hunt, Jr., RPh Carey B. Jones, R.Ph. Susan M Kane, R.Ph. William Lee Ralph K. Marett, R.Ph.,M.S. Roy McClendon R.Ph. Darby R. Norman, R.Ph. Christopher Brown Painter, R.Ph. Whitney B. Pickett, R.Ph. Lewis Powell R.Ph. Robert J. Probst, Jr. Pharm.D. Carlos Rodriguez-Feo R.Ph. Hugh Rogers Terry Donald Shaw, Pharm.D. Negin Sovaidi - Moon Charles Iverson Storey III, R.Ph. James E. Stowe, Jr., R.Ph. James R. Strickland, R.Ph. Carey Austin Vaughan, Pharm.D. Erica Lynn Veasley, R.Ph. Allen M. Wallace William D. Whitaker, R.Ph. Jonathon Williams, Pharm.D. 19
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Georgia Pharmacy Association
L. Jack Dunn Chairman of the Board Robert M. Hatton President Pamala S. Marquess President-Elect Robert B. Moody First Vice President Thomas H. Whitworth Second Vice President Hugh M. Chancy State At Large Liza G. Chapman State At Large Keith N. Herist State At Large Joshua D. Kinsey State At Large Tracie D. Lunde State At Large Eddie M. Madden State At Large Jonathan G. Marquess State At Large Christine Somers 1st Region President Ed S. Dozier 2nd Region President Renee D. Adamson 3rd Region President Nicholas O. Bland 4th Region President Julie W. Bierster 5th Region President Sherri S. Moody 6th Region President Amanda McCall 7th Region President Michael Lewis 8th Region President Kristy L. Pucylowski 9th Region President Lance P. Boles 10th Region President Ashley London 11th Region President Ken Von Eiland 12th Region President Thomas R. Jeter ACP Chairman Sharon B. Zerillo AEP Chairman Archie R. Thompson AHP Chairman Drew Miller AIP Chairman Linda Gail Lowney APT Chairman Robert Bentley ASA Chairman John T. Sherrer Foundation Chairman Michael E. Farmer Insurance Trust Chairman Al McConnell Georgia Board of Pharmacy Chairman Kenneth G Jozefcyk Georgia Society of Health Systems Pharmacists Amy C. Grimsley Mercer Faculty Representative Rusty Fetterman South Faculty Representative Sukhmani K. Sarao UGA Faculty Representative Negin Sovaidi Moon ASP, Mercer University Amanda Brown ASP, South University James William Spence ASP President, UGA Jim Bracewell Executive Vice President
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The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Keeping Independents Independent Dear Jeff, Jennie and I want to thank you for your recent intervention to help us retire and to keep our pharmacy independent. When we made our decision to sell Warwick Drugs, you were our first contact. You
Is it time to sell your pharmacy?
acted quickly and professionally to find a buyer in 5 days! We joined AIP at its inception. We
Do you want to own your own pharmacy or buy another pharmacy?
have participated in its programs, utilized the extensive information network and treasured our relationships with exceptional people, like you. We wish the best for all of you and the role you all play in our healthcare future. If we can ever be of assistance, please call on us. Thanks again; our best regards to all. Sincerely yours, Cliff Hilliard, RPH, PHD
Call Jeff Lurey, R.Ph. AIP Director 404-419-8103 jlurey@gpha.org
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Georgia Pharmacy Association
50 Lenox Point NE Atlanta, GA 30324
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