July 2013 VOLUME 35, Issue 7
138th Annual Convention Coverage Inside!
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July 2013 Editor: Jim Bracewell jbracewell@gpha.org Managing Editor: Kim McNeely kmcneely@gpha.org The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) is the official publication of the Georgia Pharmacy Association, Inc. (GPhA). Copyright © 2012, Georgia Pharmacy Association, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including by photocopy, recording or information storage retrieval systems, without prior written permission from the publisher and managing editor. All views expressed in bylined articles are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily express the views or policies of the editors, officers or members of the Georgia Pharmacy Association. Articles and Artwork Those interested in writing for this publication are encouraged to request the official “GPJ Guidelines for Writers.” Artists or photographers wishing to submit artwork for use on the cover should call, write or email jbracewell@gpha.org. Subscriptions and Change of Address The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) (ISSN 1075-6965) is distributed as a regular membership service, paid for through allocation of membership dues. Subscription rate for non-members is $50.00 per year domestic and $10.00 per single copy; international rates $65.00 per year and $20.00 single copy. Subscriptions are not available for non-GPhA member pharmacists licensed and practicing in Georgia. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal® (GPJ) (ISSN 1075-6965) is published monthly by the GPhA, 50 Lenox Pointe, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. Periodicals postage paid at Atlanta, GA and additional offices.
2 4 5 6-7 10-11 14-15 21-27
Message From Pamala Marquess.........................................
Message From Jim Bracewell.................................................
Welcome New GPhA Members..............................................
Banquet and Awards Coverage .............................
Golf Tournament
Exhibit Hall
Continuing Education
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Georgia Pharmacy Journal®, 50 Lenox Pointe, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. Advertising Advertising copy deadline and rates are available upon request. All advertising and production orders should be sent to the GPhA headquarters at jbracewell@gpha.org. GPhA Headquarters 50 Lenox Pointe, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30324 t 404-231-5074 f 404-237-8435
• Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Com
What It Takes To Be Number One Vince Lombardi, the legendary coach for the Green Bay Packers shared his keys to success in his most famous speech...What It Takes To Be Number One. Many of you have heard the famous Lombardi speech on ESPN or another sports channel. The beauty of the message is that it transcends football. For me, it truly captures the fundamentals for success in sports, in business, or in the profession of pharmacy. The 9 categories included in Lombardi’s philosophy on success: Commitment, Discipline, Excellence, Mental Toughness, Habits, Faith, Passion, Results and Truth. To capture the essence of the Lombardi philosophy, I will focus on the first element of success: Commitment. Pamala Marquess Commitment quote by Lombardi: “Individual commitment to a group GPhA President effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Pharmacists know how important medication therapy management is in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. We also know how hard it is to keep up with all the new drugs and treatments, how confusing medications can be for patients and how improper use of drugs costs the system billions. We often wish we could do more to improve proper medication use such as: •Decreasing medication non-adherence-which cost the system $269 billion, •Decreasing medication errors- which costs $42 billion, •Increasing suboptimal generic use-which costs $30 billion •And improving mismanaged polypharmacy-which costs $18 billion. These are all areas that pharmacists are uniquely qualified to manage. These are opportunities to prove our value in the healthcare system and increase our worth as providers. I encourage every pharmacist to make a commitment to examine what you can do each day, one patient at a time, to improve adherence, prevent medication errors, increase generic utilization, and manage poly-pharmacy. Quote: “A decision is made with the brain. A commitment is made with the heart. Therefore, a commitment is much deeper and more binding than a decision.” Dr. Nido Qubein This month I will travel to represent you at the GPhA Executive Committee strategic retreat, the Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists Board of Directors meeting and summer convention, and the GPhA-AIP strategic retreat. I will represent GPhA’s Commitment to advancing the Profession, to develop strategic alliances with key partners, and to promote a unified voice for provider status. What Commitment will you make to your profession? Lastly, your GPhA Board of Directors will be meeting in August. We will be discussing what it takes to be number one. We want to hear from you. Please contact me or any member of the board with your thoughts or concerns. Pamala S. Marquess
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Heparin Label Changes: Are Your Patients at Risk? To prevent medication errors, the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) revised the label standard for two heparin products: Heparin Sodium Injection, USP and Heparin Lock Flush Solution, USP (including pre-filled heparin flush syringes). As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requiring manufacturers to change the labels of these products. Instead of prominently listing the total content of the entire container, previous labels for these multiple-dose vials showed the per-dose volume. To prevent dosing errors, the new labels display the container’s full volume, with the perdose strength in close proximity. These changes took effect May 1, 2013, so you may already see the label changes in new stock. USP recommends the following steps to protect patients during this label transition: Ensure that key personnel are aware of and trained on these changes (pharmacists, nurses, physicians, leadership, buyers, risk management, informatics*) Consider separating old-label stock from new, and exhaust old supplies before introducing new Look at heparin vial labels before dosing patients Implement independent double-checks** for high-risk drugs, including heparin
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USP is a scientific nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, quality, and purity of medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide. USP also sets standards for packaging and labeling; USP’s drug standards are enforceable in the United States by the FDA. For more information on these label changes, USP offers a free, on-demand webinar for healthcare professionals, and additional resources on its heparin labeling changes web page. *The label change will not affect bar codes/scanning. However, informatics staff may need to adjust computer systems as a result of the label change. **USP member Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) offers more on independent double-checks.
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FIRE –FIRE- FIRE Who Do You Call? That seems kind of silly question today. You know immediately to dial 911 and help will be on the way. Well, if you had a business in downtown district of historic Charleston, SC in the 1800’s, you of course did not have 911 to call. I am told that when a fire happened, the fire department went to the nearest Church and began to ring the bells over and over to let the fire brigades know the location of the building on fire.
Jim Bracewell
Executive Vice President
Charleston was a thriving city and had many fire brigades in the city, so you would think all is well, but those early fire brigades were not funded by the public treasury. If you were a business owner you choose the one you felt gave you the best value and they placed a medallion on your building to signify you were covered by their fire department if you had a fire. So what happened when you had a fire? The church bells rang and the fire brigade arrived but you did not have their medallion on your building? The story I am told is they watched your building burn or they made efforts to protect the nearby buildings that had their medallion on it. Pharmacists generally never plan to have trouble professionally. For the most part they feel they can put out their own fires and do not need to join their professional association. Strangely, however when they do have problem, need some urgent advice or information or a resource to help them out, they quickly call the Georgia Pharmacy Association. The question arises, should we spend GPhA-paying members’ resources of staff time and effort to put out the fires of a pharmacist who has never supported their profession with their membership, their time or their talent? Lately it seems we have had a number of non-members who seem to feel they are entitled to whatever help, information and time the association has to resolve their professional issue. Not unlike the lady who buys her prescriptions on the internet and brings them to the pharmacist for “free counseling” on her drugs. So how do you feel we should handle the non-member who calls? We also have a lot of members who just forgot to pay their membership dues until they call and then remember. I would love to hear from you with your thoughts on the question. Email me at jbracewell@gpha.org. Currently we help them and ask them to consider supporting their professional association. Some do and some just figure they got help for free on the backs of the pharmacists who pay dues to GPhA. If you would like to, share this with a colleague who has never gotten around to becoming a member of the Georgia Pharmacy Association. Only $14.58 per month at www.gpha.org I’ll be sure our GPhA team is ready to answer your call.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
WELCOME New GPhA Members Active Pharmacists Christopher Patterson - Blairsville Susan Oh - Atlanta Robert Johnston - Fayetteville
About GPhA
The Georgia Pharmacy Association is the collective voice of the pharmacy profession, aggressively advocating for the profession in the shaping of public policy, encouraging ethical health care practices, advancing educational leadership while ensuring the profession’s future is economically prosperous. The members of GPhA would like to welcome all our new members and encourage them to take advantage of all the benefits membership offers.
Jim Reed - Atlanta
Technicians Christopher Davis - Kennesaw David Tella - Marietta Andrew Dantzler - Kennesaw Jennifer Whalen - Kennesaw Cassie Butler -Kennesaw Holly Martin- Mableton
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Pam Marquess Installed as President at 138th Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony Awards were given out at the 138th Annual President’s Inaugural Banquet and Officer Installation held at Amelia Island June 22. The officers for the 2013-Executive Committee were installed. Your officers are: Robert Hatton – Chairman of the Board Pamala Marquess – President Bobby Moody – President-Elect Tommy Whitworth – First Vice President Lance Boles – Second Vice President The officers took their oath and were given their support from the audience with a round of applause. Awards were also given out at the event. The following awards and their recipients were: President’s Award – Hugh Chancy Pharmacists Mate Award – Kim Hatton Distinguished Young Pharmacist – Kevin Florence Larry Braden Meritorious Service Award – Jeff Lurey and Eddie Madden Mal T Anderson Outstanding Region President Award – Lance Boles Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award – Bobby Price Bowl of Hygeia – Bill Prather Cardinal Health Generation RX Champions Award -Jim Bartling NCPA Leadership Award – Pamala Marquess Smith Drug Visionary Award – Pamala Marquess McKesson Leadership Award – Pamala Marquess After the awards ceremony, President Marquess gave a speech thanking the people who have shaped her career, talking about
Robert Hatton and Hugh Chancy
Pamala Marquess receives the Pharmacy Leadership Award from Donnie Calhoun of NCPA. From left to right, Calhoun, Marquess, John Sherrer and Hugh Chancy. the profession of pharmacy and encouraging attendees and all pharmacists to “Cross the Line” in their careers. A full transcript of her speech was printed in the June Journal which is available on the website.
Kim Hatton and Terry Dunn
Hutton Madden and Kevin Florence
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Jack Dunn swears in the 2013-2014 officers. Left to right Robert Hatton – Chairman of the Board. Pamala Marquess – President, Bobby Moody – President-Elect, Tommy Whitworth – First Vice President and Lance Boles – Second Vice President
Robert Hatton and Jeff Lurey
Robert Hatton and Bobby Price
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Robert Hatton and Eddie Madden
Robert Hatton and Lance Boles
Robert Hatton, Jim Bartling and Eric Tenuto of Cardinal Health
Robert Hatton and Bill Prather
Continuing Education Opportunities Bring Legislators and Other Leaders To Amelia Island
The Advocacy portion of the third General Session brought state leaders Sen Buddy Carter, Rep Ron Stephens, Rep Bruce Broadrick and Rep Buddy Harden to the stage for a question and answer session.
Look for more photos from the convention on our Facebook page facebook.com/GeorgiaPharmacyAssociation
Rick Allen. Director of the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency gave a presentation to the attendees on the top 10 Street Drugs.
Board of Pharmacy members Bill Prather, Rick Allen and Laird Miller addressed the group at the third general session.
Flynn Warren presents the background and results of the annual “Brown Bag Competition� during a session at the annual convention
GPhA Director of Government Affairs Andy Freeman addressed the group at the general session.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
John Sherrer, Thomas Sherrer and Sharon Sherrer pose at the President’s Banquet Saturday night at the annual convention.
Sherrer Legacy of Leadership Continues as John Thomas Sherrer Takes Role in NCPA. John Sherrer Jr, a student at Mercer University, was recently selected for the NCPA Student Leadership Council (SLC) back in March. The SLC is the student representation for NCPA. John attended the SLC retreat in Washington, D.C. a few days before the legislative conference, and was elected as the president-elect of the SLC. John will serve in the elect position until next spring when he will become the president of the SLC. John will serve on a board with eight junior members who are third years in school and eight senior members in their fourth year of pharmacy school. John said, “We strive to bridge a connection with student members and pharmacist members of NCPA.”
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
“I see this as a great honor to be selected and serve and look forward to working with my dad in the opportunity to steer the direction of pharmacy for current and future generations,” - John Thomas Sherrer “Austin Tull is a past member of the SLC, Lou Woods is a current senior member. With the addition of myself, Mercer has had three consecutive members on the SLC.” John also notes that his term as president will coincide with his father John Sherrer’s presidency of
NCPA. “My dad will step up as president during my tenure as president. I see this as a great honor to be selected and serve and look forward to working with my dad in the opportunity to steer the direction of pharmacy for current and future generations,” he said.
Golfers Tee Up for 14th Annual C
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Carlton Henderson Tournament
Georgia Pharmacy Foundation Carlton Henderson Golf Tournament Winners 1st Place Bobby Melnick, Tom Smith, Bob Wright, Brian Thomas 2nd Place Laird Miller, David McCuen, Jeff Lurey 3rd Place Randy Taylor, Brian Taylor, Flynn Warren, Michael Dennis Longest Putt Brian Thomas Longest Drive Michael Lewis The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Participants in the pain competition at the annual convention competed in a lightning round of questions on their knowledge of pain management before a final trio competed against each other as they counseled a fictional patient.
Student Pain Competition Tests Knowledge of Prescriptions And Patient Counseling College students attending the annual conference at Amelia Island had an opportunity to test their knowledge of prescriptions and patient counseling at the first “No Pain, No Gain” competition held Sunday. The competition, sponsored by an educational grant from NASPA and Purdue Pharma, L.P, was designed to test the knowledge of pharmacy patients on identifying common medications and treatments used in pain management. Starting with a lightning round of questions, twelve competitors were given one question and one minute to answer. Hosts Sharon Sherrer and David Miller led the lively round of competition until the group was whittled down to three contestants. At that time, the final participants were asked to leave the room while the moderators coached a fictional patient, “Mr Krumpke”, played by attendee Lance LaRusso. Upon their return to the competition stage, the finalists Rejanne Richard, Carlie Traylor and Marissa Hatcher were shown a bio on Mr Krumpke and were given two minutes to read the information on him and prepare notes for their mock consultation of their patient. They were then each seated with their patient for five minutes and
The judges for the pain competition stand with the winner, Marissa Hatcher. From left to right, Jack Dunn, Tracie Lunde, Hatcher, Mary Meredith and Robert Bowles. simulated what their meeting with Mr Krumpke would be like in a pharmacy setting. Judges for the competition were Jack Dunn, Mary Meredith, Robert Bowles and Tracie Lunde. They scored the participants on their interactions with the patient and how well they counseled them. The winner, Marissa Hatcher, will receive a check for $500. Thank you to our sponsors for making this fun and educational event possible for the student attendees.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Counseling Seniors on Which Medicare Plan is Right For Them
Helping Patients Can Be A Win-Win If you’re a pharmacist with Medicare patients, you’re probably flock to those pharmacies, seeking professional expertise in used to fielding their questions about which Part D plan they picking a Medicare plan. should choose for an upcoming enrollment opportunity. If so, With the average Medicare patient on six drugs, each new you know that it can be a time-consuming process. And while customer can be worth at least $900 in additional profit you love serving your customers, when it comes to comparing for the pharmacy. Time and time again pharmacies that provide the most personal services—including medication Medicare plans, you’re often just too busy. But helping seniors through the Medicare enrollment process therapy management and Medicare plan consultations—see has mutual benefits for both the customer and the pharmacy. the greatest increases in customers, revenues, and profits. Seniors come to you with these questions because pharmacists If you’re a community pharmacist, consider helping more patients with Medicare plans and grow your customer base. are in the best position to help. Unlike insurance brokers, the pharmacist already has access to the list of medications a If you would like more information on how you can help patient is taking, which is crucial knowledge when choosing a your patients with Medicare, contact Flaviu Simihaian phone: (704) 769-0540 or go to iMedicare.com Medicare plan. In addition to providing that valuable service, you can also inform seniors of the Part D plans that allow them to continue coming to your pharmacy for all of their needs. Depending on which Part D plan a senior selects, they could end up enrolled in a plan that doesn’t fully pay for their necessary drugs—or even prevents them from using the beloved pharmacy that has served them for years, forcing them It means having real strategies for all your financial issues, not just insurance and investments. instead to the Wal-Mart miles away because it’s the plan’s It means working with a real planner who is “preferred pharmacy.” Besides all the inconvenience, choosing experienced with the needs of pharmacists, their the wrong Part D plan can also cost seniors thousands of families, and their practices. dollars extra per year. It means working with an independent firm you can So where does the pharmacist come in? There are scarce trust. resources to help seniors through this process. The For more information view our video at government’s website, Medicare.gov, is difficult to navigate www.fnaplanners.com. so that seniors with several prescriptions may find its plan comparison process harder than doing their taxes. The Medicare plan literature seniors receive in the mail is often Michael T. Tarrant, CFP® biased towards whichever insurance company sent it. Speaker & Author Hence, seniors often ask for help from family or an insurance PharmPAC Supporter broker, who too often lack an understanding of all the options Creating Real Financial available, or plan requirements like Quantity Limits, Step Planning for over 20 Years Therapy, or Prior Authorization. Failing to account for those technical factors can have huge impacts on the cost and hassle seniors will face when filling prescriptions. Pharmacists, on the other hand, combine the best of both worlds. They are one of the most trusted healthcare providers, studies have shown, and independent pharmacies provide a more thorough level of pharmaceutical care by scheduling 1117 Perimeter Center West, Suite N-307 time to conduct MTM, screen for interactions, and answer Atlanta, GA 30338 • 770-350-2455 questions.. Because pharmacists have a wealth of medication mike@fnaplanners.com knowledge and experience dealing with Quantity Limits, Step www.fnaplanners.com Therapy, and Prior Auths, they can even suggest substituting therapeutically equivalent drugs that can lower a patient’s Securities, certain advisory services and insurance products are offered through INVEST Financial Corporation (INVEST), prescriptions costs. member FINRA/SIPC, a federally registered Investment Adviser, So what’s in it for the pharmacist to help seniors choose a and affiliated insurance agencies. INVEST is not affiliated with Medicare plan? Pharmacists already know the value of seniors’ Financial Network Associates, Inc. Other advisory services may be offered through Financial Network Associates, Inc., a loyalty to their drugstore. Pharmacies using iMedicare have registered investment adviser. already seen big benefits from offering the service: Seniors
Real Financial Planning. No Generics.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
2013 Convention Exhibit Hall Brings V
Exhibitors like Rx Planning Solutions enjoyed meeting with attendees who visited the exhibit hall at the convention.
GPhA Director of Government Affairs Andy Freeman can’t contain his excitement as PharmPAC gets its first monthly student donor, Shane Bentley, who attends South University.
GPhA thanks Fred’s Pharmacy for being both a sponsor and an exhibitor at the 2013 annual convention.
Brian Robinson and Greg Primuth of Walgreens greet guests at their booth at the convention.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
s Vendors and Pharmacists Together
Exhibitors at the convention participated in several games that helped entertain attendees at the exhibit hall. Attendees were encouraged to visit each booth and speak with the representatives and have a bingo-style card stamped at each booth.
Vendors and pharmacists in attendance at the exhibit hall enjoyed the opportunity to meet with each other and share ideas about their products and services.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Association Plans Are DIFFERENT (between ordinary and extraordinary)
Georgia Pharmacy Association proudly sponsors Meadowbrook Insurance Group for your Worker’s Compensation insurance needs.
Workers’ Compensation dividends paid to GPhA members in 2012 For more information about this program, please contact: Ruth Ann McGehee p 404-419-8173 f 404-237-8435 email: rmcgehee@gpha.org
Experience the difference with us... Chosen by your association AM Best “A” rating Dividend plans for members* Superior claims handling Personal customer service representative Free Safety Gear Package Free Safety Meeting Library CD Access to Loss Control Services and much more!
Put our expertise to work for you! *Members must meet eligibility requirements
Networking Opportunities Were Many at Annual Convention
Deans from all four pharmacy schools in Georgia posed for a photo. From left Mercer Dean Hewitt Mathews, UGA Dean Sven Oie, South University Dean Curtis Jones and PCOM Dean Mark Okamoto. Each Dean presented an update on their universities at the annual convention.
Bowl of Hygeia award winner Bill Prather stands with presidential member Jack Dunn and his wife Terry.
Josh Kinsey met with students during a career counseling session at the convention.
AEP Tennis Tournament Provides Fun Play at Amelia Island AEP Tennis Tournament Winners Individual Prizes Male – Jordan Walker Female – Tie between Mary Broderick and Leah Ferguson Winner of AEP Academy Cup AIP The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Thanks To All Our Supporters Diamond Level
$4,800 minimum pledge Cynthia K. Moon Scott Meeks, R.Ph. Fred F. Sharpe, R.Ph.
Titanium Level
$2,400 minimum pledge T.M. Bridges, R.Ph. Ben Cravey, R.Ph. Michael E. Farmer, R.Ph. David B. Graves, R.Ph. Raymond G Hickman, R.Ph. Ted M. Hunt, R.Ph. Robert A. Ledbetter, R.Ph. Brandall S. Lovvorn, Pharm.D. Marvin O. McCord, R.Ph. Loren B. Pierce, R.Ph. Jeff Sikes, R.Ph. Dean Stone, R.Ph., CDM Tommy Whitworth, R.Ph.,CDM
Platinum Level
$1,200 minimum pledge Ralph W. Balchin, R.Ph. Jim R. Bracewell Larry L. Braden, R. Ph. Bruce L. Broadrick, Sr., R.Ph. William G. Cagle, R.Ph. Hugh M. Chancy, R.Ph. Keith E. Chapman, R.Ph. Dale M. Coker, R.Ph., FIACP Billy Conley R.Ph. Al Dixon Jr R.Ph. Ashley Dukes, R.Ph. Jack Dunn, Jr. R.Ph. Neal Florence, R.Ph. Andy Freeman Robert M. Hatton, Pharm.D. Ted Hunt, R.Ph. 18
Alan M. Jones, R.Ph. Ira Katz, R.Ph. Hal M. Kemp, Pharm.D. Eddie M. Madden, R.Ph. Jonathan Marquess, Pharm.D., Pam Marquess, Pharm.D. Kenneth A. McCarthy, R.Ph. Ivey Brogdon McCurdy Pharm. D Drew Miller, R.Ph., CDM Laird Miller, R.Ph. Jay Mosley, R.Ph. Sujal Patel Pharm D Mark Parris, Pharm.D. Allen Partridge, R.Ph. Robert Ledbetter, R. Ph. Houston Lee Rogers, Pharm.D., Tim Short, R.Ph. Benjamin Stanley, Pharm.D. Danny Toth, R.Ph. Christopher Thurmond, Pharm.D. Alex Tucker Pharm D
Gold Level
$600 minimum pledge James Bartling, Pharm.D., William F. Brewster, R.Ph. Liza G. Chapman, Pharm.D. Craig W. Cocke, R.Ph. Mahlon Davidson, R.Ph., CDM Benjamin Keith Dupree, Sr., R.Ph Stewart Flanagin R.Ph. Kevin M. Florence, Pharm.D. Kerry A. Griffin, R.Ph. Michael Iteogu R.Ph. James Jordan, Pharm.D. Ed Kalvelage R.Ph. John D. Kalvelage R.Ph. Steve D. Kalvelage R.Ph. Willie Latch, R. Ph. Jeff L. Lurey, R.Ph.
John W. McKinnon, Jr., R.Ph. Sheila Miller, Pharm D Robert B. Moody, R.Ph. Sherri S. Moody, Pharm.D. William A. Moye, R.Ph. Anthony Boyd Ray, R.Ph. Jeffrey Grady Richardson, R.Ph. Andy Rogers, R.Ph. Daniel C. Royal, Jr., R.Ph. John Thomas Sherrer, R.Ph. Sharon Mills Sherrer, Pharm.D. Michael T. Tarrant James Thomas R.Ph. Mark H. White, R.Ph. William Wolfe R.Ph.
Silver Level
$300 minimum pledge Renee D. Adamson, Pharm.D. Larry L Batten, R. Ph. Laura Coker, Pharm D Patrick M. Cook, Pharm.D. Rabun Deckle R. Ph. Ed Stevens Dozier, R.Ph. Greg Drake, R. Ph. Terry Dunn, R.Ph. Charles Alan Earnest, R.Ph. Stewart Flanagin Jr R.Ph Kevin Florence R. Ph. Marshall L. Frost, Pharm.D. Amanda Gaddy, R. Ph. Kerry Griffin, R. Ph Larry Harkelroad, R. Ph. Johnathan Hamrick, Pharm.D. James A. Harris, Jr., R.Ph. Michael O. Iteogu, Pharm.D. Joshua D. Kinsey, Pharm.D. Willie O. Latch, R.Ph. Hilary Mbadugha Kalen Manasco, Pharm.D. William J. McLeer, R.Ph. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Highlight denotes new and increased contributors.
Sheri D. Mills, C.Ph.T. Albert Nichols Richard Noell, R.Ph. Bill Prather, R.Ph. Kristy Pucylowski, Pharm.D. Anthony Ray, R. Ph. Edward Reynolds, R.Ph. Jeffrey Richardson R.Ph. Ashley Rickard, Pharm D. Brian Rickard, Pharm D Andy Rogers, R. Ph. Sukhmani Sarao, Pharm.D. James Thomas, R. Ph. Alex S. Tucker, Pharm.D. Walter Alan White, R.Ph. Charles W. Wilson, Jr., R.Ph. Steve Wilson, Pharm.D. William T. Wolfe, R.Ph. Sharon Zerillo, R.Ph.
Bronze Level
$150 minimum pledge Sylvia Ann Davis Adams,R.Ph. Shane Bentley, Student Julie Wickman Bierster, Pharm.D. Nicholas O. Bland, Pharm.D. Lance P. Boles, R.Ph. William Crowley, R.Ph. Rabun E. Deckle, Pharm.D. Ashley Faulk, Pharm.D. James W. Fetterman, Jr., Pharm.D. Charles C. Gass, R.Ph. Kimberly Grubbs R.Ph. Larry Harkleroad R.Ph. Winton C. Harris, Jr., R.Ph. Amy Grimsley, Pharm. D Thomas Jeter R.Ph., CGP Brenton Lake, R.Ph. Tracie D. Lunde, Pharm.D. Michael Lewis, Pharm.D. Ashley Sherwood London Max A. Mason, R.Ph. The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Susan W. McLeer, R.Ph. Sheri Mills, R.Ph. Judson Mullican R.Ph. Natalie Nielsen R.Ph. Mark Niday R. Ph. Brian Robinson, R. Ph. Amanda Rose Paisley, Pharm.D. Rose Pinkstaff, R.Ph. Alex Pinkston IV R.Ph Don K. Richie, R.Ph. Corey Rieck Laurence Neil Ryan, Pharm.D. Olivia Santoso, Student Benjamin Lake Stanley, Pharm.D. Dana E. Strickland, R.Ph. Shad Jason Sutherland Archie Thompson, Jr., R.Ph. G.H. Thurmond, R.Ph. William Turner Austin Tull, Student Charles Wilson R.Ph. Christy Zwygart, Pharm.D.
No minimum pledge Monica Ali- Warren, R.Ph. Robert C. Ault, R.Ph. James Bartling, R. Ph, Claude Bates, R.Ph Winston Brock, R.Ph. David Carver R.Ph. Marshall Curtis John Drew, R. Ph. James England, R. Ph. Martin Grizzard, R.Ph. Winton Harris, R. Ph. Ted Hunt R.Ph. Marsha Kapiloff, R.Ph. Charles Kovarik, R. Ph. J. Thomas Lindsay, R. Ph. Lance LoRusso Ashley Love, R. Ph.
Carroll Lowery, R. Ph. Ralph K. Marett, R.Ph.,M.S. Kenneth McCarthy William Prather, R. Ph. Michael Reagan, R. Ph Ola Reffell R.Ph. Leonard Reynolds, R. Ph. Terry Donald Shaw, Pharm.D. Harry Shurley, R.Ph Amanda Stankiewicz Benjamin Stanley, R.Ph Krista Stone, R. Ph William Thompson Carey Austin Vaughan, Pharm.D. Lindsay Walker, R. Ph. Flynn Warren, R. Ph.
If you have not done so already, please take some time to update your credit card information in our new system. For assistance, please call Andy Freeman at 404-419-8118.
Outtakes from the 138th Annual GPhA Convention
Eddie Madden addresses attendees at an invitation only Pharm PAC reception held Sunday night at the convention.
Madison Marquess poses with a poster of her mother, GPhA President Pam Marquess.
President- Elect Bobby Moody met with students at a reception held in their honor. Students were able to meet with members and Association leaders and network and share ideas.
Plan now to attend 139th GPhA Convention June 26-29, 2014 Wyndham Bay Point Resort Panama City Beach, FL 20
Jonathan and Pam Marquess enjoy the first dance at the President’s Inaugural Banquet.
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Georgia Pharmacy Association
Robert M. Hatton Pamala S. Marquess Robert B. Moody Thomas H. Whitworth Lance P Boles Hugh M. Chancy Liza G. Chapman Keith N. Herist Joshua D. Kinsey Tracie D. Lunde Eddie M. Madden Jonathan G. Marquess Krista Stone Ed S. Dozier Renee D. Adamson Nicholas O. Bland Shelby Biagi Sherri S. Moody Tyler Mayotte Michael Lewis Amanda Paisley TBD Kalen Porter Ken Von Eiland Ted Hunt Sharon B. Zerillo John Drew Drew Miller Linda Gail Lowney Leah Stowers John T. Sherrer Michael E. Farmer Al McConnell Megan Freeman Systems Pharmacists Amy C. Grimsley Rusty Fetterman Tyler Bryant TBD Jim Bracewell
Chairman of the Board President President-Elect First Vice President Second Vice President State At Large State At Large State At Large State At Large State At Large State At Large State At Large 1st Region President 2nd Region President 3rd Region President 4th Region President 5th Region President 6th Region President 7th Region President 8th Region President 9th Region President 10th Region President 11th Region President 12th Region President ACP Chairman AEP Chairman AHP Chairman AIP Chairman APT Chairman ASA Chairman Foundation Chairman Insurance Trust Chairman Georgia Board of Pharmacy Chairman Georgia Society of Health
Mercer Faculty Representative South Faculty Representative UGA Faculty Representative ASP, Mercer University ASP, South University ASP, UGA Executive Vice President
Melvin M. Goldstein, P.C. A T T O R N E___ Y AT L AW 248 Roswell Street Marietta, Georgia 30060 Telephone 770/427-7004 Fax 770/426-9584 www.melvinmgoldstein.com
n Private practitioner with an emphasis on representing healthcare professionals in administrative cases as well as other legal matters n Former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Georgia and Counsel for professional licensing boards including the Georgia Board of Pharmacy and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency n Former Administrative Law Judge for the Office of State Administrative Hearings
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Keeping Independents Independent Dear Jeff, Jennie and I want to thank you for your recent intervention to help us retire and to keep our pharmacy independent. When we made our decision to sell Warwick Drugs, you were our first contact. You
Is it time to sell your pharmacy?
acted quickly and professionally to find a buyer in 5 days! We joined AIP at its inception. We
Do you want to own your own pharmacy or buy another pharmacy?
have participated in its programs, utilized the extensive information network and treasured our relationships with exceptional people, like you. We wish the best for all of you and the role you all play in our healthcare future. If we can ever be of assistance, please call on us. Thanks again; our best regards to all. Sincerely yours, Cliff Hilliard, RPH, PHD
Call Jeff Lurey, R.Ph. AIP Director 404-419-8103 jlurey@gpha.org
The Georgia Pharmacy Journal
Georgia Pharmacy Association
50 Lenox Point NE Atlanta, GA 30324
It’s more than just investing. We’re pleased to partner with GPhA to bring our comprehensive services to members as the endorsed wealth management provider for the association. Through the UBS/Georgia Pharmacy relationship, GPhA members have exclusive access to financial services resources through the Wile Consulting Group. This group relationship enables members to leverage the vast scale of products and services at UBS. We distinguish ourselves with a robust service model, comprehensive benefits, diligent research, quality performance and competitive pricing.
Member benefits include – Complimentary financial planning (a $5k–$10k value)
Please contact us today to start exploring your options.
– Brand new 401(k) retirement savings plan designed exclusively for GPhA members at a group discount rate
Harris Gignilliat, CRPS® Vice President–Wealth Management 3455 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1700 Atlanta, GA 30326 404-760-3301 harris.gignilliat@ubs.com
– Advisory and investment program offered at group discount rate – Retirement planning guidance, including a retirement income replacement system – Lending capabilities with competitive interest rates – Free access to UBS global investment research
Visit us online: ubs.com/team/wile
Ed Wile named to Barron’s Top 1,000 Financial Advisors for 2013 and the Wile Consulting Group named one of the top 100 Retirement Plan Advisors for 2013 by Planadvisor.
Chartered Retirement Plans SpecialistSM and CRPS® are registered service marks of the College for Financial Planning®. Neither UBS Financial Services Inc. nor any of its employees provides legal or tax advice. You should consult with your personal legal or tax advisor regarding your personal circumstances. As a firm providing wealth management services to clients, we offer both investment advisory and brokerage services. These services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate contracts. For more information on the distinctions between our brokerage and investment advisory services, please speak with your Financial Advisor, the Wile Consulting Group, or visit our website at ubs.com/workingwithus. Financial Planning services are provided in our capacity as a registered investment adviser. As a firm providing wealth management services to clients in the U.S., we offer both investment advisory and brokerage services. These services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate contracts. ©UBS 2013. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member SIPC. 7.00_8.5x8_AX0313_WilE 0313150 exp3/22/15
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