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ERM and Business Excellence
In order to enhance competitiveness in the Oil and Gas industry, which is witnessing rapid developments, it is necessary to keep pace with changing operational and management processes so that the industry becomes more efficient and effective.
For this to happen, companies should improve and develop practical strategies and management systems to enable them to achieve positive results at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time.
Therefore, evaluating and continuously monitoring the performance of management systems is a key requirement for companies at a time when pressures are ever-increasing and business activities becoming more complex.
GPIC’s Executive Management Team emphasse the alignment of all business operations to the company’s overall vision and its drive for Sustainability. This is achieved through the relevant committees who steer the sustainable alignment of the company, defining responsibilities and framework conditions. All of our Business Operations are managed using defined targets and performance indicators in areas such as; innovation, supplier management, safety, product stewardship and environmental protection. On the basis of stringent internal auditing and analysis; GPIC has established relevant Management Systems, Committees, Reporting Structures and Standard Operating Procedures, which undergo regular internal audits and are continuously improved and aligned to the specific requirements at any given time. GPIC’s Management and Committees hold periodic management meetings to review and monitor the performance and efficiency of its dual Integrated Management Systems (PAS 99). These include Quality Management Systems ISO 9001; Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems ISO 45001; Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001; Responsible Care Management System (RC 14001); Information Security Management Systems (ISO 27001); Business Continuity Management Systems (ISO 22301); Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001) etc.
The outcome of these meetings creates a roadmap for the future aimed at further improving and developing management systems as an ongoing process.
In this context, the company was able to deservedly obtain the newest certificate for OH&S - ISO 45001:2018 after completing the evaluation and review process by the certified external auditor on all GPIC’s systems related to occupational health and safety.
The company has also been successful in achieving and fulfilling all the requirements of the certification system related to general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO 17025, which is the most up to date version - 2017. This certificate covers both the Laboratory and the Maintenance Instrument Sections. Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) is considered one of the first companies operating in the oil and gas field in the Kingdom of Bahrain to obtain this certificate, started in 2016.
GPIC’s Resilience Committee is responsible for following up on the progress of these certifications and also responsible for reviewing Enterprise Risks and activities related to the revisions and validations of the standards specifications.
The Resilience Committee ensures that the company is aligned to the required standards; the current situation of the company; the chemical industry and, the region in general.
One of the most important activities of the Committee during the year was to establish a comprehensive and thorough review of all corporate risks. This review resulted in a reformulation and classification of potential corporate risks to which the company might be exposed to.
The ERM and Business Excellence Section presented during 2019 a new and different work methodology for the Business Continuity Management System ISO 22301, which was built on the basis of the direct impact of the disruption in electronic services and products produced (ammonia, urea and methanol) on the users and customers of the company.
The Committee has also worked diligently to develop clear and well-defined goals for all departments and sections to introduce a periodic review of all possible business threats. The purpose of these reviews is to help the company to proactively discover any potential hazards in advance and, in case of any adverse event occurring, to trigger the required implementation plans to ensure no negative impact is experienced in the general conduct of day-to-day operations. In so doing, the Resilience Committee safeguards the company’s ability to fulfil its obligations to shareholders, clients, customers, employees, society and all of its interested parties, in the shortest time possible and at the lowest realistic associated costs.
There were approximately 70 internal audits conducted during 2019, covering various standards and requirements of different management systems. These audits were, and continue to be, one of the most important instruments used by GPIC towards its journey of continuous improvement. In addition, different certified bodies also conducted 7 external and independent audits on various standards during the year. All external audits concluded that the company was committed to implementing these management systems and fully compliant with Bahrain’s laws and legislation. The ERM and Business Excellence Section is proud to confirm that all internal and external audits have been successfully concluded on schedule.
All the members of the distinguished internal auditors’ team were honoured during the company’s annual celebration, in the presence of the company’s management and the Board of Directors, for their efforts and achievements. This was a boost to morale for the team and confirmed how important their work and roles are in establishing the strict adherence to the application of the management systems requirements. It also reflects their role in ensuring GPIC conforms to the required laws and regulations, organisational internal procedures at all stages and sections of the company’s business and, contributing to the organisation’s continuity of workflow and desired goals.