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Interior collection

The 26th Dubai International Boat Show (DIBS) was officially opened today by H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Avia- tion Authority, in a new loca- tion with the infrastructure ful- ly operational and completed in record time. DIBS has relocated this year to a temporary site on the Dubai Canal in Jumeirah, moving from its original Dubai International Marine Club site, the show’s home since 2005.

The new location is closer to This required the building of the city and business centre at a temporary 100 berth mari- the mouth of the Dubai Ca- na to host the exhibitors with nal and the sea, which posed a on-water yachts, which have considerable challenge with no completely filled the available existing infrastructure in place. berths. “The new venue is able The move at short notice re- to accommodate 15% more quired the show’s owners, the boats and yachts than in pre- Dubai World Trade Centre vious years and we have better (DWTC), to act quickly to find car park space and access to the an alternate venue and comple- show via the Dubai Canal using te the site, which they did in ferry services,” says Trixie Loh- just six weeks. Mirmand, DWTC’s senior vice president for events.


Th e 2 6 i being h Du b a i hel on

In e r n a i o n a l Bo a Sh o w he Dubai Canal in Jumeirah

Around 60 boats of less than 12m in length, dinghies and personal watercraft have been accommodated on land. The considerable number of equipment, engine and service provider exhibitors are accommodated in a large, temporary air-conditioned structure. The total number of exhibitors at the show is 450, representing 800 marine industry brands from 60 different countries. According to the organising team, there has been very strong support by exhibitors with no withdrawals due to the relocation.

Initial reports from exhibitors speaking to IBI in the first hours of the show indicate they are very pleased

with the show set-up. Most major overseas manufacturers such as Azimut, Beneteau, Ferretti Group, Prestige and others are present with boats on water, while leading local manufacturer Gulf Craft is present with its flagship 140’ Majesty superyacht. DIBS has become the main show and industry networking event for the Middle East leisure boating market since the show started in 1992 and has been in continuous ownership by the DWTC, a Dubai government entity.

Riva 110’ The

New Flag hip

With the charming and unmistakable elegance of a diva of the past, the new flagship, Riva 110’, has ploughed the waves of the Tyrrhenian Sea, entering immediately into the myth. The extraordinary beauty and sinuousity of its lines recall, in the imagination, the unforgettable Anita Ekberg who amazed the world by bathing into the Trevi Fountain. A beautiful and harmonious sporting hull, featuring with height glass windows that offers a breathtaking visibility and an extraordinary light.

Italian style of knowing how to do and how to live are together in a yacht which has an aesthetic exciting image, superlative performances and cutting edge technology. This true seaworthy work of art has been named “Dolcevita”, to recall the 60’s era with sparkle and charm without equal. Some Technical max beam 23 ft 10 in Specifications: people on board 20 Loa 110 ft 0 in Engine MTU 16V 2000 LH 109ft 8 in M96L LWM 93 ft 1 in Max Speed: 26 (kn)

Negli anni le creazioni di Carlo Riva sono state un simbolo indiscusso di eleganza, savoir vivre e amore per le cose belle e ben fatte.

Nasce oggi RHS Home Collection la prima collezione living dedicata a questo mondo di creatività italiana. Con la collezione, firmata da Odilia Prisco, l'eleganza, il fascino, la cura dei dettagli e la tradizione delle quali Riva Historical Society si è fatta portabandiera prendono una nuova forma, spostandosi dal mondo della nautica al centro della casa.

La collezione riprende la leggerezza e la sinuosità delle linee dei motoscafi e le sottolinea con la nobiltà dei materiali. Il marmo di Carrara e l'acciaio sono addolciti dal legno e dall'ottone spazzolato 24k e le finiture riprendono motivi provenienti dalla nautica: l'interno dei cassetti è realizzato in pagliolato come le coperte delle imbarcazioni e come nelle barche ogni superficie nasconde uno scomparto. La pelle turchese riveste le forme morbide ed essenziali scelte dalla Designer. La scelta dei materiali è stata fatta sia nel rispetto della tradizione artigianale, sia in un'ottica di attenzione alle materie prime naturali ed ecosostenibili, come nel caso delle imbottiture interamente realizzate in gomma vegetale.

Questa prima collezione si concentra sul living con i suoi 17 pezzi, tra lampade scultoree, tea table, librerie, poltroncine, un divano ed un mobile bar rivestito in pelle turchese.

Il logo dei Tre Marinaretti RHS accompagna tutta questa collezione rivolta ad un pubblico senza tempo e senza confini se non quelli dell'eleganza e della cura del particolare tramandato dalla tradizione. Through the years, Carlo Riva’s creatures have been a symbol of elegance, savoir-vivre and love for carefully made creations.

Today the RHS HOME Collection is the first living collection dedicated to this world of Italian creativity. The collection designed by Odilia Prisco lets the elegance, the care for details and a tradition of which Riva Historical Society is the standard-bearer, to take new forms, from the nautical world to the heart of homes.

The collection embodies the light and undulating lines of motorboats and emphasizes them with noble materials. Carrara marble and steel are softened by wood and golden copper whereas the finishes use nautical patterns: the interiors of the drawers are made with wooden planks as for ship decks and as in boats every surface has a hidden compartment. Turquoise leather coats the soft and refined shapes chosen by the Designer. The choice of the materials was made with respect for the craft tradition and with care for natural and sustainable raw materials, such as the paddings in natural rubber.

This first collection focuses on the living with 17 pieces, among which sculptural lights, tea table, library, chairs, a sofa and a portable bar in turquoise leather.

The RHS Three Sailors logo is present all over the collection, which is addressed to a timeless public without boundaries save the ones given by elegance and the care for the uniqueness handed down by tradition.



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