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Grande Prairie Campus

Northwestern’s Grande Prairie campus is zoned as Public Service District (PS), as per the City of Grande Prairie Land Use Bylaw 1260. Permitted land uses in the PS zone include accessory building or structure, accessory use, childcare facility, community outreach facility, community recreation facility, community service facility, education (private), education (public), essential public service, government service, park, parking lot of building, religious assembly, residential care facility, small wind energy systems, and solar collector. The minimum setbacks for this zone are: 6.1m front yard, 3.0 side yard, and 7.6m rear yard. Buildings within this zone may not exceed a maximum height of 15m. Additional approvals for developments in this zone including the site plan, relationship between buildings, structures and open space, the treatment of buildings, the provision, and architecture of landscaped open space, and the parking layout are at the discretion of the Development Authority. Parking provisions for this zone for College/ University uses require a minimum of 1 stall for every 10 students plus 1.0 stalls for 5.0 m2 of gymnasium and/or public assembly area.

Fairview Campus

As per the Town of Fairview Land Use Bylaw 1064, Northwestern’s Fairview campus is zoned as Community District (COM). The purpose of this zone is to provide recreational, educational, and community service developments for the community. Permitted uses in this zone include accessory buildings or uses, arenas, community or cultural facilities, parks or playgrounds, private religious institutions, public uses, indoor recreation facilities, outdoor recreation facilities, religious use facilities, and schools. Dormitory residences, WECS, and parking facilities are listed as discretionary uses. Additionally, the design, setting, construction, architectural appearance, and yard dimensions of any building or structure, accessory building, signs, and landscaping must be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and/or Municipal Planning Commission.

Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Health Land Use and Zoning

The hospital lands northwest of the Grande Prairie Campus has been rezoned from Urban Reserve (UR) to Site Specific Direct Control District (DC-5). This rezoning was to allow for the development of the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital and associated Grande Prairie Regional College. All of the permitted and discretionary uses contained in the Public Service District may be approved at the discretion of the Development Authority in this zone.

Southlands Zoning

Northwestern also owns land on the southeast corner of 68 Avenue and 108 Street in Grande Prairie. The land is surrounded by residential uses to the west, green space and undeveloped land to the south and, commercial uses to the east, and community uses to the north. The parcel of land itself is zoned as Arterial Commercial (CA). This zone allows for a variety of commercial uses that are adjacent to High Visibility Corridors as identified by the City of Grande Prairie. The minimum setbacks for this zone are: 6.1m front yard and rear yard, and 1.5m on one side, and 6.0m on the other. Buildings within this zone may not exceed a maximum height of 12 storeys for hotels, 6 storeys for commercial buildings, and 6 storeys for all other sole commercial uses. Any developments on this land are limited to a maximum site coverage of 60%.

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