2023 Employee Recognition Program

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Employee Recognition Awards Ceremony Fairview Campus: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 Grande Prairie Campus: Thursday, August 24, 2023

Northwestern Polytechnic acknowledges that our campuses are located on Treaty 8 territory, the ancestral and presentday home to many diverse First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people. We are grateful to work, live and learn on the traditional territory of Duncan’s First Nation, Horse Lake First Nation and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, who are the original caretakers of this land.

We acknowledge the history of this land and we are thankful for the opportunity to walk together in friendship, where we will encourage and promote positive change for present and future generations.

2023 NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC Employee Recognition Awards Ceremony

Master of Ceremonies


Blessing by Elder in Residence

Elder Theresa Gladue

Long Service Awards

NWP Values Award

Presented by Dr. Vanessa Sheane

Acting President and CEO

Outstanding Staff Awards Corporate Services

Presented by Karl Germann, Vice-President Corporate Services

Academic and Research

Presented by Dr. Carly McLeod, Acting Provost and Vice-President Academic

2023 NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC Employee Recognition

Awards Ceremony

Vice-President Academic Teaching and

Research Awards

Presented by Dr. Carly McLeod

Acting Provost and Vice-President Academic

Instructor Emeritus

Presented by Dr. Carly McLeod, Acting Provost and Vice-President Academic


Honoured Retirees

Welcome to New Employees

Long Service Awards


Abbasi, Dr. Ubaid

Albert, Misha

Andrews, Kelly

Antonio, Chelsea

Belcourt, Valerie

Bell, Teresa

Blazicevic, Maureen

Bowes, Nicole

Charchuk, Bruce

Cornick, Danielle

Craig-Sparkes, Bobbi


Honing, Kristy

Jin, Dr. Chuntai

King, Tracy

Lessard, André

L'Hirondelle, John

Mizzi, Dr. Christopher

Hansen, Eleni

Harabor, Nicoletta

Hiebert, John

King, Janice

Minozzo, Dr. Fabio

Pietsch, Andrew

Przybylski, Dan

Ritenburg, Eileen

Stone, Megan

Zgurski, Dr. Jessie

Moss, Darcy

Nickerson, Alicia

Peterson, Clint

Turick, Michelle

Vickers, Karl

Long Service Awards





Bator, Miroslaw

Heikel, Sheryl

MacRae, Janelle

McNaught, Kelly

Tye, Lynnette

White, Dr. Daryl

Bombier, Lori

Hiebert, David

Leaf, Cara



Bader, Edward

Irwin, Dr. Sean

NWP Values Award

Values set the tone for our culture. In addition to being a guide to NWP’s approach on campus and in the broader learning community, our values have the potential to motivate and inspire.

This award recognizes staff and faculty who demonstrate excellence in the areas of Innovation and Responsiveness and who do their best to spark and empower success at Northwestern Polytechnic.

Outstanding Staff Award

Every year the Outstanding Staff Award provides an opportunity to recognize staff members at NWP who demonstrate excellence and dedication.



Mandy Ingraham Business

Academic Teaching and Research Awards


Dr. Denise Nowicki Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Denise Nowicki has demonstrated a commitment to impactful education throughout her career at NWP. One of her strong suits is the ability to be agile in her teaching approach, including exploring how to adapt classroom technology to be more accessible.

She is an extremely thoughtful and dedicated instructor who has spent a considerable amount of time ensuring that her courses are accessible and provide a supportive educational environment. Be it through Brightspace or other leading-edge student engagement tools,

Dr. Nowicki is focused on responsiveness and success. Innovation in her classroom is not just about what is new and trending; it’s about continuous adjustment to the unique circumstances and needs of her students.

Dr. Nowicki models classroom management and teaching styles that students can emulate when they go on to become teachers themselves. And her students appreciate it all, describing her as “one of the most supportive and understanding professors they have ever had."


Michelle Turick Nursing Education and Health Studies

Michelle Turick is a genuine innovator in the nursing education field. She is always exploring new teaching methods to create fun and engaging learning environments for her students. But it's not just aspiring health professionals who benefitMichelle also takes the time to mentor and guide new staff and instructors at NWP.

Michelle is a learnercentered educator who advocates for her students as well as the broader community. Caring and committed, she forges strong connections with local agencies and matches students to placement settings where they can have a memorable experience that makes a difference.

She's a proud ambassador for the nursing department and her fellow faculty members, with excellent communication skills and leadership qualities. Her commitment to quality care for her community and special affinity for improving First Nations, Metis, and Inuit health outcomes is admirable.

Whether she is training next-generation nurses or delivering care herself in a variety of healthcare settings, Michelle is leaving a positive imprint in northern Alberta and beyond.


Dr. Shawn Morton Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Shawn Morton believes that archaeology is a team sport. Through his Anthropology Instructor role at NWP, Adjunct Assistant Professor position at the University of Calgary, and Research Associate focus at Michigan State University, he collaborates with colleagues, students, and the public on exciting research initiatives.

His achievements over the last two decades have helped unearth history. His work on an ancestral Maya townsite in Belize is also continuing to garner attention. In fact, Dr. Morton and his team are now working with the National Geographic Society, and Belize Ministry of Education to develop curriculum materials based on the project. Closer to home, Dr. Morton’s exploration of a

settler-historic townsite in Alberta has also yielded impressive results.

Comfortable in a rainforest in Suriname, along the South American coast, or behind a lectern in a busy postsecondary, Dr. Morton’s meticulous, innovative, and community-engaging approach is truly impressive.

Libero Ficocelli

Dr. René Gadacz-Gould

Tom Kaip

Tina Martel


Dr. Deena Honan Doctor of Philosophy majoring in Nursing

Dr. Anna Lapointe Published 5th book " swim intothenorth’sblueeye"

Peter Sellers Journeyman Red Seal, Motorcycle Mechanic

Chelsea Antonio Master of Business Administration

Dawn Laviolette HR Essentials Certificate

Susan Moodie Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Micro-Credential

Instructor Emeritus

Honoured Retirees

Favourite Memory or Story of your time with NWP. My favourite memory would have to be the 2011 Employee Recognition Ceremony, where my entire family was in attendance to hear the President of the college say... "Welcome to this year's Employee Recognition Event as we honour staff milestones and retirees... but we all know you're here to see Paula's Video Tribute... so hit the lights and start the show!"

What year and position did you start with and end with at NWP?

I started in 1996 in the Library as Distance Education support …and I retire as the Technology Classroom Coordinator in IT. I’ve also filled various positions in other departments, served on several EA committees, and the EA Exec as Member-AtLarge. It has been an honour to provide video and technical support for Convocation, Orientation, and President’s Ball.

What are your plans for retirement?

My first priority is not to work so hard anymore! My transition into retirement includes; travelling to Eastern Canada by train, enjoying my first grandchild born May 2023, leading dance fitness, acreage life, gardening, and amateur photography. I will continue to seize any opportunity to perform a tune on the piano -perhaps even in these beautiful halls again someday, as I will miss this place!

What year and position did you start with and end with at NWP?

I started work as a Sabbatical Replacement in August 1998 and ended my career as a Tenured Instructor teaching Art History and Drawing.

Favourite Memory or Story of your time with NWP.

My favourite memory of NWP is that of facilitating student's growth and development to realize their creative potential.

What are your plans for retirement?

My plans for retirement are to continue my career as an artist. For artists, there is no such thing as retirement. In addition, I plan to travel and enter a few bodybuilding competitions.

What year and position did you start with and then end with at NWP?

I completed a Master of Music, piano performance degree at the University of Victoria with acclaimed pedagogue and concert pianist Dr. Robin Wood. Following graduate work, I taught in the GPRC Conservatory for 4 years, and in 1997 assumed the role of Conservatory Coordinator and was a

sessional instructor of applied piano and theory. I received tenure in 2011, was the first female Chair of the Fine Arts Department in GPRC/ NWP’s 50+ year history from 2017-21, and have held every position that the Fine Arts Department had to offer during my career that spanned more than 25 years.

Favourite Memory or Story of your time with NWP.

I have many wonderful memories as an instructor, however, the most meaningful are the times spent working with our NWP music students, many of whom won provincial and national awards prior to beginning their careers as professional musicians in North America. I was passionate about researching/performing music by women composers and developed

Carmen Gorgichuk

Women in Music (MU2620) in 1997, as well as Music Business (MU2120) following sabbatical studies at Berklee College, Boston. In 2018, I was published in The Composer on Screen Essays on Classical Music Biopics, McFarland Publishers. Career highlights included bringing the Steinway concert grand piano to the Collins Recital Hall, and while as Chair, overseeing the GPRC Concert Choir’s trip to perform Handel’s Messiah with 500 singers from around the world at Carnegie Hall, New York City.

What are your plans for retirement?

As I transition towards semi-retirement, I will be a guest artist at the University of Alberta, Augustana campus, critiquing a piano master

class, as well as presenting a lecture on music businessand a recital in 2024. I planto stay active as a musician performing in concert and adjudicating music festivals. I love going for walks by the ocean, bicycling and paddle boarding, and look forward to spending more time on the west coast in Victoria, BC, with my family and numerous friends.

Susan completed her pre-veterinary requirements at GPRC and UofA. She was accepted into the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon. She graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1990 and then worked in several different mixed animal practices in the Peace Country for seven years. At that time, Dr. Klassen felt a change was needed, and she applied to teach at the

AHT Program in what was then Fairview College in 1997. To her surprise, she was awarded the position. She taught in that Program for 26 years, during which time she also helped her parents with their cowcalf production and lived on their farm in the Wanham area (where she still lives with her two beloved dogs and three indoor cats). She is known for a number of different things, including providing the AHT program and anyone else who would take them with felines from her completely unintentional and frequently large collection of stray and feral cats (after they were caught and tamed). What the future holds for her is still unknown, but change is a certainty and Dr. Klassen looks forward to new challenges.

Dr. Susan Klassen

What year and position did you start with and end with at NWP?

I started in 1997 in the science department as a math instructor. I was in that job for 26 years.

Favourite Memory or Story of your time with NWP.

Teaching students from many different disciplines was one of the great things about teaching math. I was also lucky to be in a department where the instructors respected and liked one another. We had a lot of fun together

What are your plans for retirement?

I currently have no plans for retirement! I will take it as it comes.

Favourite Memory or Story of your time with NWP.

Technology is a rapidly evolving industry that continues to keep humans immersed in constant change and challenges.

What are your plans for retirement?

What year and position did you start with and then end with at NWP?

I have held two positions within the Information Technology department. In 1997 I started as the Computer Lab Coordinator and moved into the Voice Systems Administrator role in 2007.

During my retirement, I will be focusing on home, health, hobbies, and happiness.

Thank you for joining us!

Your future is here.

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