NWP Master Academic Plan

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Northwestern Polytechnic’s (NWP’s) Master Academic Plan is focused on increasing value for our learning community. We want to provide offerings that meet evolving individual, industry and community needs, while optimizing resources and our distinctive post-secondary features.

NWP is committed to growing our student population and reducing our cost per FLE (full load equivalent). With entrepreneurial alignment, right-time education, and polytechnic progress central to our approach, this Master Academic Plan outlines a series of goals and strategies that will guide our academic initiatives for the next 12 years.

Underpinning this plan are NWP’s academic priorities:

• Sustainable Enrolment Growth

• Polytechnic Programming

• Entrepreneurial Education

These priorities are aligned with NWP’s Strategic Plan and will support the institution’s aspirational goal to become the most entrepreneurial polytechnic in Canada by 2034.

This plan reflects advances in post-secondary delivery as well as shifting economic and workforce priorities. To that end, our priorities have been carefully considered and shaped by Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs, the 10-year strategic plan for postsecondary education; internal World Café style consultations; a comprehensive perception survey; regional labour market needs assessment; a program gap analysis; polytechnic best practices, and; external one-on-one consultations.

While delivering efficient, effective and responsive academic programming is paramount, an institution’s success is also dependant on attracting motivated students with the will

to succeed. NWP’s associated Strategic Enrolment Management Plan supports the achievement of a wide range of institutional tactics to grow our student population with a focus on successful student outcomes.

NWP remains committed to teaching and learning excellence that is innovative and responsive to the needs of our students. We are accountable to our:

Learners: empowering them with the confidence to turn risk into opportunity for their dream career;

Communities: fuelling progress as an entrepreneurial economic driver;

Entrepreneurial network: unlocking shared solutions with industry and communities.

We are equally committed to providing relevant, timely, and industry-driven programming across NWP’s polytechnic pillars of

Applied Science and Technology, Business, Health and Education, and Skilled Trades. These schools, along with our Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence and Centre for Teaching and Learning, will not only inspire and equip those who walk through the doors but they will also provide enduring connections beyond NWP campuses. With every interaction, our learning community continues to grow and at NWP we will always prioritize inclusion and an unmatched student experience. Thank you to the many members of our learning community who have contributed to this Master Academic Plan and supported our polytechnic transition. We are indeed fortunate to have such creative, knowlegable and dedicated people who care about NWP’s bright future.

Planning Potential

Northwestern Polytechnic has the privilege and responsibility of helping students acquire skills, knowledge and experience that will position them for success and set them apart from the competition. Our role in building individual capacity has an even broader application when program graduates enter the workforce and apply their critical thinking skills to pressing challenges. NWP’s Master Academic Plan clearly outlines institutional priorities and carefully considered actions that will enable our learning community to thrive.


To become the most entrepreneurial polytechnic in Canada by 2034.


To spark and empower success.

Core Values

INNOVATIVE: We are innovative, entrepreneurial, and market driven in our teaching, learning, and how we operate.

RESPONSIVE: We are responsive to our students, our market, and our community.

NWP Priorities

• Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence

• Entrepreneurial Education

• Enrolment Growth

• Funding Diversification

• Physical Infrastructure Utilization

• Top Employer


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Provide all NWP learners with an entrepreneurial education and experience that empowers them with the confidence to turn risk into opportunity.

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Prioriti es

The three strategic priorities addressed within the Master Academic Plan include:

1. Sustainable Enrolment Growth that attracts and retains learners.

2. Polytechnic Programming that supports timely skill and knowledge development and strengthens Alberta’s workforce.

3. Entrepreneurial Education that facilitates connections, enables discovery of solutions and enhances economic, community and industry advancement.

Sustainable Enrolment Growth is an indicator that our post-secondary offerings are innovative, responsive and market driven. Increased student recruitment, retention and progression are also essential for NWP to achieve the goals outlined in our Strategic Plan and to meet the workforce needs of the region and beyond.

This Master Academic Plan priority includes development of a Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Plan that provides a path to meet and exceed the targets for domestic and international student growth. The SEM Plan will detail strategies to attract new potential and retain learners through a variety of initiatives across the student life-cycle.

NWP must become a destination of choice. The learning environment we cultivate is just as important as the knowledge and skills we impart. We are committed to nurturing a culture of inclusion as we provide outstanding student support, beneficial services and enduring connections.


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Programming is synonymous with employability. As Alberta’s newest polyechnic, NWP is now able to offer select degrees, as well as diplomas, certificates, apprenticeships, continuing education courses and academic upgrading.

While we will hone our focus with even more opportunities for applied, industry-aligned learning, NWP will also build on the distinctive regional features and deep community roots that have been established with the benefit of more than 70 years of postsecondary education delivery. Our carefully considered offerings will support Alberta’s current and future workforce needs, while contributing to NWP’s sustainability and success. Along with a new polytechnic mandate, we have a responsibility to grow not only enrolment but also our reputation as an innovative and responsive institution with high standards and quality outcomes. This will be achieved through timely new program development, introducation of Northwestern Polytechnic degree programs, and ensuring our academic offerings serve the needs of our students and communities.

Entrepreneurial Education will be a key differentiator for NWP.

We are reimagining what it takes to be at the forefront of ever-changing industries, relationships and economic circumstances. NWP students, leaders and collaborators will set themselves apart with the confidence to turn risk into opportunity.

We will unlock entrepreneurial potential in our classrooms and laboratories on campus, and accelerate progress as we collaborate with industry to provide immersive learning opportunities and powerful teaching and research spaces.

The Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence (CEE) is at the heart of NWP’s Strategic Plan. As such, this priority focuses on establishing and positioning the CEE for long-term success and capturing our region’s distinctive entrepreneurial spirit in everything we do. This includes providing incubative spaces for innovation and creativity, as well as encouragement to anticipate needs and bring new ideas to life.


Sustainable Enrolment Growth


Increase domestic enrolment: 100% by 2034 50% by 2029 35% by 2027 18% by 2024

Increase international enrolment to a minimum of: 600 students by 2034 550 by 2029 450 by 2027 150 by 2024

DEVELOP and implement a Strategic Enrolment Management Plan by Spring 2023.

IDENTIFY program growth opportunities.

COMMIT to targeted enrolment expansion for domestic learners in programs where there is documented student and workforce demand.

EXPAND asynchronous course offerings, alternative course start dates and times, and offer courses in different locations.

DEVELOP and implement the offerings and processes to enable students to stack their selected courses/micro-credentials/certificates to build their own credential.

RE-INVENT application processes to accept all students who apply to NWP and strive for 100 per cent customer satisfaction.

DEVELOP and implement a user satisfaction evaluation tool by Spring 2024.

COMMIT to reviewing existing student experience platforms and student services by Spring 2024.

ESTABLISH same-day student responses and execute fast-seamless service.

SUPPORT and invest in improved processes with automation where possible.

IMPLEMENT centralized student services.

COMMIT to organic international recruitment and invest in NWP international student recruitment staff.

WORK with a small group of experienced international student recruitment companies to increase diversity of the student body.

DEVELOP program capacities to maximize international student numbers in each NWP program.

STACK NWP’s short programs to make them more appealing to international students.

INVEST in student and faculty supports to accommodate an increasingly diverse student body.

PARTNER with local international and cultural societies/community organizations in the region for holistic support and student retention.

INTRODUCE student events and celebrations of diversity.


To provide an enhanced student experience for all students, regardless of campus, program, or duration.

COMMIT to strategic partnerships that improve the student experience and demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit.

PROTECT and enhance front-line services for all students.

COMMIT to Indigenization and develop stronger connections to regional Indigenous communities.

CONTINUE to support student mental health and wellness services.

PROVIDE career planning and employment support for students.

ACTIVELY partner with K-12 school boards to increase access and supports for students entering post-secondary.

INVEST in student recruitment activities and events prioritizing face-to-face connections with potential students.

INVEST in customer satisfaction training for all staff.



Polytechnic Programming


To realign NWP’s programming in Applied Science and Technology, Business, Health and Education, and Skilled Trades by 2029.

DEVELOP and implement a systematic approach to identify new, in-demand programming.

EXPAND NWP’s overall programming to ensure alignment with regional needs and demand.

CONTINUE to invest in new program development to emphasize polytechnic education.

COMMIT to curriculum development with industry and community partners that enhances student experiences through work-integrated learning and employment opportunities.

PRIORITIZE credentialed programs and implement tactics to change non-credentialed programs into credentialed programs.


To increase NWP’s academic quality to enhance graduate employability by 2029.

COMMIT to external evaluation and accreditation of academic programs.

ALIGN academic program review with the requirements of Campus Alberta Quality Council (CAQC).

ESTABLISH program advisory committees for all NWP programs.

IMPLEMENT industry-related advisory committees to increase opportunities for learners in the School of Skilled Trades.


To secure $10 million dollars in applied research funding by 2034 for the mobilization of state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and expertise that advance collaborative solutions across Health Care, Energy, Forestry, and Agriculture sectors.

INVEST in grant seekers to integrate NWP’s activities into regional, provincial, and federal research opportunities.

DEVELOP interdisciplinary student applied research course for increased student engagement in research.

ACTIVELY partner with industry to design, implement, evaluate and disseminate results from applied research initiatives geared towards real-world problems.

PRIORITY THREE Entrepreneurial Education


To create a culture that supports entrepreneurial mindsets in our region and amongst our staff, faculty, and students by 2034.

DEFINE entrepreneurial education at NWP and align educational offerings with the Centre of Entrepreneurial Excellence (CEE) to maximize student success and the Centre’s impact.

COMMIT to development of entrepreneurial education courses, programs, and micro-credentials.

ESTABLISH partnerships with industry, community organizations, and other post-secondary institutions to support entrepreneurial innovation.


To offer every student the opportunity to enrol in entrepreneurial education at NWP by 2034.

CREATE an entrepreneurial education summary document by Spring 2023.

DEVELOP and offer a flexible, elective-based entrepreneurial course.

COMMIT to entrepreneurial education professional development for all faculty and staff.

INVEST in the enhancement of student clubs, activities, and experiences.



Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic Northwestern Polytechnic 10726-106 Ave, Grande Prairie Alberta, Canada T8V 4C4 vpar@nwpolytech.ca | NWPolytech.ca

Northwestern Polytechnic acknowledges that our campuses are located on Treaty 8 territory, the ancestral and present-day home to many diverse First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. We are grateful to work, live and learn on the traditional territory of Duncan’s First Nation, Horse Lake First Nation and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, who are the original caretakers of this land.

We acknowledge the history of this land and we are thankful for the opportunity to walk together in friendship, where we will encourage and promote positive change for present and future generations.

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