Love Quotes for Her - a Selection

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Love Quotes for Her – a Selection

Brought to you by: Greatest Love

Below are a few quotes that are there to help you say to your lover what you want to say. Sometimes words can fail us, so use these quotes to give voice to what you want to say. Let these quotes enflame your love and be a well of contentment and joy for you.

Antoine de Saint-­‐Exupéry once said, "Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction." The happiness of love is to know in your heart that the other person loves you as well and that they want to walk through life -­‐ with you. You cannot perceive it primarily in you mind, but in your heart. And this love quote lets you know that when you know, in your heart, that you truly have a life partner, which is a feeling beyond compare. Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote, "Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts." Making you home a place of peace and love is crucial in having a happy life. We want a place where we return to every night to find people that love us and accept us in all our faults. To make a place like that is to make for us a retreat and safe haven that we can return to each and every day. These love quotes speak to the power of lifelong love. William Shakespeare once penned, "I love thee, I love but thee with a love that shall not die till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old." The power of love lies in the ability to renew it. Love can last a lifetime, and beyond, if we care for it. Our love can outlast the stars, if we are willing to accept each other, care for each other, and love during the good and the bad. These love quotes give testimony that love truly is enduring if we keep it fresh.

Our love has the gift of healing, the power to bridge differences, and give us insight into others. The key is to let go of the right to be right, and look for a common ground where both people can maintain their dignity, morals, and sense of self-­‐worth. Only then can the power of love instruct us on how two strong people can live in harmony. Let these love quotes inspire you to have the type of relationship you have always wanted.

Brought to you by: Greatest Love

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