Happy New Year How to Get What You Want In Life and Business in 2011

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Happy New Year How to Get What You Want In Life and Business in 2011


A Note from Walethia How to Get What You Want In Life and Business in 2011 Whatever you left behind in 2010, the New Year holds the promise of better times ahead. Every year millions of people make New Years resolutions, hoping for a change. A fresh start requires a solid foundation and a plan if you intended to reach your destination. Have you ever heard the saying “It’s in the details?” Your plan for change this year does not have to be complicated; it really is simply going back to the basics. It is going back to the principles that our parents, their parents and our forefathers built and lived their lives by. With Grace and Charm,



This year resolve to: 1.

Invest in yourself. Don’t sell yourself and your abilities short. Add to the perception of your value by always dressing above the “average.”

2. Use exceptional manners and increase your charisma factor. 3. Showcase yourself in a positive light by being articulate. 4. Find something to be passionate about. Passion creates the enthusiasm that

delivers energy and will inspire others to believe in you. 5. Associate with people whom you wish to become like. If your goal is to become

wealthy, follow the money. Look for people who are already achieving success, not those "in the process of figuring things out." It is not hard to find these people. They are often highlighted in the media. 6. Think BIG!!Take whatever dream you have and make it 10 times bigger. One of

the reasons people struggle financially is that they don't think big enough. “Remember, if you have a million-dollar problem, you have to solve it with a million-dollar solution, not a $50,000 job.” (William R Patterson) 7. Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise, get enough sleep and take regular time

out. 8. Do something everyday that moves you toward your dream, even if it is only 5

minutes. 9. Expect things worth having not to come easily. There are very few overnight

successes. Most people who have obtained a certain level of success and are living their dreams will tell you, their success is the result of years of time, money and sacrifice. 10. Seek your higher power. Pray for guidance and expect an answer. Practice

gratitude, be thankful for what you have and where you are in your life. “And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant access to Achieving Success With Grace and Charm Business Etiquette e-course, when you visit http://www.graceandcharm.com You will learn the ins and outs of using proper etiquette, so that you can boost your confidence, transform your life and accelerate your success.” And to go deeper with how etiquette and a polished image can increase your net worth check out “The Grace and Charm Success System.” ©WA2010

What people are Saying… 4

with Grace and Charm is much needed today in business!

Understanding the psychology behind what makes a person buy from you is so important. It is a proven fact that people do business with people they like, and many of those decisions are based on personal appearance and how you connect with your prospects and clients. Learning how to do business with grace and charm is a MUST HAVE for anyone looking to get to the next level and nobody teaches it better than Walethia Aquil!� Vicki Irvin www.vickiirvin.com


Ask the Expert:

Question: What is a finger bowl used for? Bridget Answer: Here is a quick tip for when you are dining: A finger bowl comes with an under plate and doily. Once the finger bowl is used it is placed to the left. The server will remove the finger bowl, and then serve dessert. When coffee and chocolates are served after dessert, this is considered a separate course. At a formal dinner, coffee is often served after dessert, not with it. Have an etiquette or image question? E-mail me: asktheespert@graceandcharm.com


If you want a LIFT, You Must SHIFT - Darnyelle A. Jervey - Author, Speaker, Business Coach "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Lift Your Results By Shifting Your Reality." Personal Responsibility. That's exactly what it took for me one year ago to achieve the success that I know my business was created for. I had to take complete ownership over the daily operations, the plan, the systems and the strategies that would bring me more joy, more clients, more income and more time for what I deem important. Dare I say it, I had to commit to implementation. After all that is the one thing that separates money makers from those who talk about wanting to make money. read more about Darnyelle and her Incridible Factor. Like many new entrepreneurs, I started my business out of love, because I love the empowerment of others, BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE WOMEN IN BUSINESS SUCCEED AND BUILD A LEGACY - but the reality was that I wasn't making any money when I opened its doors. So out of fear, I took a job. Can I really be real with you? I figured, "the mortgage and car payment must be made somehow, and since I've not yet figured out how to make that happen, I'll go back to work." It was hard after the income and success of Mary Kay to get a job. BUT LACK OF FOCUS AND CLARITY CREATES A SCARCITY MINDSET. Now, I believe that there is nothing wrong with launching a business while you still work a fulltime job. But I do believe that your job must become your fundraising opportunity and your mindset must be fixed on getting to your purpose - your reason why.


For the first year of my business, I was complacent - a client here, a speaking engagement there - it was all good. But then I looked at my paycheck and realized that it wasn't going to give me the personal fulfillment of serving people in a big way or the income to enjoy my service. I'm being real with you - money is necessary and if you've duped yourself into believing that all you need is enough to pay your bills, you need to SHIFT. So in September 2009, I went to work in my business. I hired a high level business coach and joined several high level PAID mastermind groups. I hired a team so that I wasn't the only employee in my company. I shifted my mindset to say, I will give my business the same respect I was giving my employer. Now it was a job I loved, Running the Women's Business Center for the State of Delaware [The Center for Women's Entrepreneurship]- working with aspiring and new entrepreneurs every day to set up their businesses the right way - sound familiar - but it wasn't business on my own terms. I realized that all that I need was within me and I could create the business that I longed for by creating a system. And I did. I created the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System by looking at what was working for me and using my marketing abilities to solidify a process to get and keep clients asking to work with me. I began sharing it with my clients while I also performed the steps and what happened? All of our businesses grew exponentially. I diversified my business model - Do you know that I booked 40 paid speaking at at least $3500? Do the math. Did you know that I clearly defined my business coaching program, increased my rates based on the value and results I was offering, immediately enrolled 10 private high level, high dollar coaching clients, started group coaching programs at varying income thresholds, began to write a new book guaranteed to be a best seller, created ancillary products and I saw my business model and business plan more than quadruple.... And here we are today, December 1, 2010 where I am on the verge of helping you do the same. Why am I sharing this with you? Well, I put in my notice at my job (Just over Broke) and effective in 2 weeks I'm going to run my already 6 figure business that I built in 11 months full time. I'm going to unveil everything that I did to everyone who will invest in me and themselves over the next few months with intensive workshops giving you the best that I've got. And this is happening all because of my shift in order to lift. Trust me, I'm not bragging. I'm sharing honestly so that you can get the lift you deserve by shifting. YOU CANNOT DO IT ALONE. TRUST ME, I'VE TRIED. MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER FOR MY FREE PREVIEW CALL AND I WILL SHARE THE REST OF THE STORY AS WELL AS THE PRINCIPLES YOU MUST ENGAGE IN YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS TO DO THE SAME. Join me on December 15th for a FREE Tele-Class - "How 6 & 7 Figure Entrepreneurs Use Mindset, Marketing & Money-Making Systems and Strategies DIFFERENTLY to Grow Their Businesses" Register Today http://bit.ly/hQWn2t


©2010 by Darnyelle A. Jervey. All Rights Reserved. Darnyelle A. Jervey, The Incredible Factor Business Mentor and Coach, is the founder of Incredible One Enterprises.comand the Leverage Your Incredible Factor System® a proven step by step program for turning your passion into profit. For more information and a FREE audio CD "How to Use Your Incredible Factor to Attract MORE Ideal Clients" visit http://www.incredibleoneenterprises.com. Put Your Best Forward

WHAT IS STYLE What is Style? I will start with what style is not. Style is not about beauty, size, age, wealth, or even fashion. What is Style? • Style is knowing and respecting yourself for who you are-that is Style! • Knowing and respecting yourself with no strings attached. • Giving yourself the freedom to be who you are, not waiting or looking for others to validate you. That is Style. Constant change is life, and change is what propels you toward new discovers and beginnings, i.e. social networking. With every change come the opportunity to grow. When you learn to accept and work with all the changes that come your way, you can better focus all your attention toward creating a fantastic look and life. By learning to dress in a way that will make you and others smile, your confidence and self-esteem will soar, your future outlook will improve and others will notice you for who you are and what you can achieve. Your Style is a reflection of who you are. Get your personalized image profile now. Click here


Let me Introduce You To: Darnyelle A. Jervey

At Incredible One Enterprises, LLC our ultimate goal is to help you unleash the INCREDIBLE FACTOR in Your Business. Founder, Darnyelle A. Jervey has developed and uses powerful coaching, mentoring and consulting tools to unleash the Incredible Factor in business. While in her presence, you will learn the mindsets shifts, marketing, systems and empowerment strategy to develop your passion, believe and achieve in abundance, listen to your spirit confidently, and unleash your gifts, talents and levels of expectation. The result is that you will discover your own, unique path in life....the path that leads to the greatest personal and spiritual success - Your Incredible Factor. In our community, we are dedicated to strengthening the family structure, educating our children, with emphasis on girls and young adults, promoting higher education, increasing self-esteem and building Incredible Women.

We have an inherent right to an Incredible life! So Live Incredibly, Incredible One!


Achieving Success with Grace and Charm December is the month of DECISIONS, decisions concerning your business, your personal relationships and your home environment‌. all aspects of your life. Now is the time to make the DECISION that you will give you the lifestyle you deserve. Yes, you can have it all! Why not YOU? Why not NOW? All shows are at 1:00 PM EST Get the complete line up here


Calling all the single ladies and those who just want to renew their relationship Thought You'd Be Married By Now?

December 2, 2010 1:00 PM EST Call in number (347) 637-2870 or join us in the chat room. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/graceandcharm/2010/12/02/thought-youd-be-married-bynow Are you tired of meeting men you think are really interested only to find out you’ve wasted your time and emotions? Have you given up on dating because the relationships never amount to anything longterm? Do you feel misunderstood by your family and friends when it comes to your desire to be married? Are you tired of people telling you how great you are when men seldom approach you? Do you wish you could get this “dating thing” over with, go to a certain location on a Tuesday evening and meet your future husband? Then join me on December 2, 2010 1:00 PM EST as I talk with Christine Pembleton, Championship Coach and author of the international best selling book, Lord, I’m Ready to Be a Wife. So if you thought you would be married by now this show is for you. Call in and have all your questions answered. Make 2011 the year of growth and change you deserve.


Design Your Best Life

December 9, 2010 1:00 PM EST Call in number (347) 637-2870 or join us in the chat room. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/graceandcharm/2010/12/09/peaceful-living-removing-thechaos Are you ready for a 360 degree transformation? Are you ready to clear the chaos? Are you ready to design your best LIFE? What is your home’s brand? Do you know how others think and feel about your home environment when they’re there? Design can be felt and your home environment has a loud voice. Deana Murphy award winning author of Designing for the King, says "I want people to understand that home design must extend beyond beauty and aesthetics. What I mean is as you walk through your home, so does your mind…your thoughts, words, and actions."


Love, Believe, and Dream Again! Never Be Hit Again

December 16, 2010 Call in number (347) 637-2870 or join us in the chat room. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/graceandcharm/2010/12/16/love-believe-and-dream-again Amanda Graybill is a Speaker, Author, and Founder of The Little Black Dress Society®, a service organization she founded in 2009 that is committed to ending the abuse of women. It is a classy organization representing a classic dress. Wearing little black dresses, women work and play together to build awareness, raise funds, and impact the lives of women touched by abuse. Amanda is personally committed to ending the abuse of women while encouraging other women to join her in this worthy cause. For over 20 years, Amanda has touched the hearts of women through her passion of empowering them to live their life to the fullest. She is a contributing author of two books and in 2007 her inspirational novel, The Little Black Dress, was released exploring the power of forgiveness and bringing hope to its readers. Her driving force in creating the Little Black Dress Society is to give women of all walks of life the ability to join hearts and hands in order to make a difference in their community. The magic is women in little black dresses with willing hearts, compassion and hands that reach beyond pettiness and competition. Amanda believes the vision is global. Through the combined efforts of women forming “societies”, the innate beauty of a woman’s heart can be changed. The blindfold women wear to hide their shame can be removed returning their hope to… LOVE, BELIEVE, AND DREAM, again!


If you are ready to make a significant improvement in both your personal and business life. If you are tired of those awkward moments and the feeling of not fitting in...then send me an e-mail right away! Put I’m ready in the subject line. Send to: walethia@graceandcharm.com

Grace and Charm Insight:

Success in any industry relies on relationships , whether with co-workers, clients, suppliers or investors. When you’re well mannered and considerate in dealing with others you create engaging, productive and long term business relationships. ©2010 by Walethia Aquil Grace and Charm


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