"Charlotte's Web E-Book"

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This E-Book will essentially walk students through the entire process of reading and analyzing “Charlotte’s Web”, by E. B. White. There is a chapter in the E-Book that corresponds with every chapter in “Charlotte’s Web”. Each chapter will contain the following: embedded recordings of E. B. White reading aloud from his book, a short chapter summary, and a list of vocabulary terms introduced within the chapter. At the end of the E-Book there will be character webs and a final study guide. We created this E-Book as a source of supplemental material that will assist students in reading, analyzing and understanding this novel. We hope that each student will gain a better understanding of the novel and apply their knowledge to the final project- their book reports.

This E-Book was created by Grace Barlow and Sydney Sweitzer, two students in the School of Education at Indiana University Bloomington majoring in Elementary and Special Education.

As of 2013, Ms. Barlow was a Junior at IU, as well as a high school Track and Cross Country coach for a school in Indianapolis. She hopes to not only work with students in the elementary academic setting, but also through music. Ms. Barlow began playing the cello since age 9 and has been pursuing a minor in Music Education through the Jacobs School of Music during her time at Indiana University. As of 2013, Ms. Sweitzer was a Freshman at IU. She is very involved with her Church and loves volunteering and helping others in her free time through youth ministry and tutoring. She hopes to become a teacher in the future so she can inspire and create a positive learning environment for all students. In the future, she also hopes to make education fun and enjoyable for her students by integrating technology into the classroom. Both Ms. Barlow and Ms. Sweitzer hope that this E-Book will aid students in reading the novel Charlotte’s Web and give them a better understanding of the material covered in class. Happy reading! Ms. Barlow and Ms. Sweitzer i




Runt (noun) - an animal or plant that is much smaller than the others. Â The smallest of the litter; may have a hard time surviving.

Litter (noun) - All the puppies, kittens, etc. born at one time to a dog, cat, etc.

Injustice (noun) - Lack of fairness. A wrong thing to do. Â

Queer (adjective) - Different or unusual. Odd or strange.

Blissful (adjective) - Full of great joy or happiness.


Chapter 1


SUMMARY When Fern Arable finds out the her father is planning on killing the runt pig, she refuses to let it happen. She begs her father to let her keep the pig and he finally agrees. Fern is very excited to have a new pet and is ready to take on the responsibility of caring for it. She ends up naming the runt pig Wilbur.





Peered (verb) - To look closely or squint in order to see better.

Vanished (verb) - To disappear.

Waded (verb) - To walk through water, mud, or anything that slows one down.

Trough (noun) - A long, narrow, open container, especially one from which animals eat or drink from.

Manure (noun) - The waste matter of animals, used to fertilize soil.


Chapter 2


SUMMARY Fern loved Wilbur very much and likes taking care of him. She talked about him all the time and was still very excited about having a new pet of her own. Her father thought Wilbur was getting too big, so he made a small box house for him outside under an apple tree. When Wilbur was about 5 weeks old, Fern’s father wanted to sell him. They ended up selling Wilbur to their uncle, Homer Zuckerman, who had a farm close by.





Discarded (verb) - To get rid of something. Captivity (noun) - The condition of being held by force. Snout (noun) - The part, including the nose and jaws, that sticks out from the fact of pigs, dogs, and other animals with similar features.

Reconsider (verb) - To think about gain, especially with the idea of changing ones mind

Commotion (noun) - A noisy, rushing about; confusion.

Mending (verb) - To fix something.

Slops (noun) - Liquid waste or garbage, usually a mixture of leftover food that is mixed together and fed to animals.

Hullabaloo (noun) - A loud noise of many voices and sounds; uproar.


Chapter 3


SUMMARY Wilbur was moved to Uncle Homer’s farm where he was bored all day and had nothing to do. The goose nearby in the barn told Wilbur to push on the loose board and go outside. Wilbur was scared but ended up going outside and felt free! But pretty soon everyone saw that he was out and they began chasing after him. Finally they were able to get Wilbur back into his pen by giving him food.



1. Why did Mr. Arable want to kill the baby pig? 2. Why did Fern object to the killing? 3. How did Fern’s father bring her great happiness to a sudden end? Why did her father feel this way? 4. What was the first hint that the animals on the farm were communicating with each other? 5. Why did Wilbur run away from Zuckerman’s farm? Why did he return to the farm? 6. What problems could arise from raising a barnyard animal as a pet?





Occupation (noun) - A job or task to do.

Goslings (noun) - Baby geese.

Frolic (noun) - A lively game or party.

Frolic (verb) - To play or romp in a happy, carefree way.

Glutton (noun) - A person who eats too much in a greedy way.

Stealthily (adverb) - To move in a quiet, secret or sly way so as not to be seen or heard.

Cunning (adjective) - Skillful in cheating or tricking; crafty or sly. 13


Chapter 4


SUMMARY Wilbur was very sad because it was a rainy and gloomy day. He had a lot planned to do but couldn’t because of the bad weather. He began to get really lonely and sad and didn’t even eat his food. Lurvy, the farmhand, told Mr. Zuckerman that Wilbur was sick. They gave him medicine to make him feel better. Wilbur began to cry as he lay down, but then hear a small little mysterious voice.





Gnawing (verb) - To bite and wear away bit by bit with the teeth.

Inheritance (noun) - Something given to another when a person dies.

Objectionable (adjective) - Not pleasant or agreeable. Scheming (adjective) - Sly or tricky. Meekly (adverb) - To do something in a patient, mild, and humble way; not showing spirit.

Scheming (verb) - To make secret or dishonest plans.

Salutation (noun) - A greeting.

Dreadfully (adverb) - In an extremely fearful or unpleasant way.

Blundered (verb) - To make such a mistake. To move clumsily or carelessly; to stumble.



Chapter 5


SUMMARY Wilbur didn’t sleep well because he was wondering who the mysterious voice was. In the morning he asked “Who is that?”. A small spider named Charlotte responded to Wilbur. At first, Wilbur did not like Charlotte because she kills and drinks the blood from insects.





Desperately (adverb) - Doing something in a reckless way because one has lost hope; having great desire.

Gratified (verb) - To make pleased or satisfied.

Unremitting (adjective) - Not stopping or slowing down.

Appalled (verb) - to cause to feel shock or be greatly upset.



Chapter 6


SUMMARY Fern is now off of school for summer break and is loving her time around the farm, getting to visit Wilbur every day.  During this chapter, the eggs that the Goose has been sitting on for the past month finally hatch, and the farm gains seven baby goslings. Templeton is obsessed with the fact that the eighth egg never hatched, so he is allowed to take the egg with him to his secret hideaway, as long as he doesn’t bother the baby geese.





Untenable (adjective) - Not able to be occupied or lived in.

Lair (noun) - house

Pestering (verb) - Bothering or annoying someone.

Anesthetic (noun) - A drug or gas used to bring about a loss of sensation or consciousness such as before a surgery.

Envy (noun) - A feeling of jealousy and dislike toward someone who has some thing or quality that someone else would like to have.

Hysterics (noun) - A wild fit of laughing or crying that is out of control.



Chapter 7


SUMMARY Wilbur begins to like Charlotte and they become good friends. Wilbur is happy that he is finally getting big, but the sheep says that they are fattening up to kill him. Wilbur is horrified with the news from the sheep and gets very sad. However, Charlotte has good news and says that she is going to come up with a plan to save Wilbur.





Vaguely (adverb) - in a way that is uncertain or unclear

Gratified (verb) - give someone pleasure

Unremitting (adjective) - never relaxing



Chapter 8


SUMMARY Fern is eating with her parents and starts telling them about the animals at the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Arable are confused and concerned that Fern is talking to animals and even has names for them. Mrs. Arable is very worried but Mr. Arable thinks that maybe the animals can talk or that Fern has a good imagination.



1. Why did Wilbur become depressed at Mr. Zuckerman’s farm? 2. How did Charlotte explain her web-spinning and hunting behavior? 3. What did the goose mean when she said that Wilbur “is really a very innocent little pig”? 4. On the day when the gosling were born, how did Templeton’s presence remind the reader of nature’s ugly side? 5. How did Wilbur react to the bad news that the old sheep told him? How did Charlotte react to this news? 6. What was Charlotte’s first word to Wilbur on the day they met? Why do you think the author chose this word for her opening statement? Why didn’t she just say “hello”?





Oblige (verb) - To make feel as if one owes something because of a favor or kindness received.

Crouched (verb) - To stoop with the legs bent close to the ground.

Summoning (verb) - To call together, call or send for.

Sedentary (adjective) - In the habit of sitting much of the time. Example: A bookkeeper has a sedentary job.

Delectable (adjective) - Very pleasing, especially to the taste; delicious.



Chapter 9


SUMMARY At the beginning of Chapter 9, Wilbur gets a lesson on the anatomy of a spider after asking Charlotte why she has such hairy legs. Following his lesson on how spiders weave webs, Wilbur decides that he would like to learn how to spin webs. He tries multiple times to spin a web by jumping high in the air, only to find out after a few failed attempts that he can’t spin webs because he doesn’t have spinnerets. The other farm animals begin to make fun of Wilbur and in the midst of being upset from this, Wilbur admits to Charlotte his fears of being killed by the humans. Charlotte tells him to worry and that she will think of a plan to keep him alive. 36





Gullible (adjective) - Easily cheated or tricked; a person that is too trusting.

Boasting (verb) - To talk about with too much pride and pleasure. To praise too highly; to brag.

Astride (adverb) - With one leg on each side. Example: People sit astride when riding on horseback.

Bestirred (verb) - To stir up and make busy.



Chapter 10


SUMMARY Fern and Avery are at the Zuckerman’s farm running around and playing. As they are playing outside, Avery sees Charlotte and wants to try to catch her. When he reached up to grab her, he tripped on the trough and smashed the egg that Templeton was keeping. The egg made the whole barn smell, but it kept Avery from catching Charlotte. When all the animals return to the barn, Wilbur tells them what had happened and said that the egg saved Charlotte. Later, Lurvy brings out Wilbur’s dinner and sees Templeton’s nest and buries it. As the night ends, all the animals go to sleep...but not Charlotte. She stays up all night thinking and working on something mysterious... 41


1. How did Wilbur's innocence lead him to try an impossible task? 2. What was Charlotte's opinion of human's web-spinning ability? 3. Why did Charlotte prefer her own kind of life to that of human society? 4. Compare and contrast the way Avery and Fern treated animals. 5. How did a rotten goose egg save Charlotte and her web? 6. In what ways did Charlotte seem like a mother to Wilbur as well as a friend?





Exertions (noun) - The use of power, strength, and effort.

Solemnly (adverb) - To do something in a serious, sad, or sincere way.



Chapter 11


SUMMARY As Lurvy walks to the barn in the morning he sees something amazing. In Charlottes spider web is written “Some Pig”. Lurvy cannot believe what he is seeing and runs to the house to get the Zuckermans. They are also very amazed by what they see. Charlotte and all the other animals are loving the attention and Wilbur feels very special. Mr. Zuckerman goes to tell the minister about what happened at his farm and the minister says that he should keep it a secret. But very soon, the whole county had heard of the miracle and people began coming from all around to see Charlotte’s Web.






Idiosyncrasy (noun) - An unusual or peculiar way of behaving.

Destiny (noun) - That which is likely to happen; fate.

Bewilderment (noun) - The condition of being confused and puzzled.

Baser Instincts (noun) - Things a rat does to survive.



Chapter 12


SUMMARY The chapter begins with Charlotte calling an important meeting with all the farm animals. The only animal who doesn’t show is Templeton, but Charlotte decides to begin her meeting anyway. Her main goal is to discuss new messages to weave into her web. The Goose suggests “Terrific”, but no one knows how to actually spell terrific. Templeton finally walks lazily into the barn and the animals are able to convince him to help by collecting magazine scraps to get more word ideas. In the meantime, Charlotte gets to work writing “terrific” into her newest web.






Orb lines (noun) - A ball or globe.

Monotonous (adjective) - Having little or no change. Boring or tiresome.

Radial (adjective) - Like a radius; branching out in all directions.

Descend (verb) - To move down to a lower place.

Rummaging (verb) - To search by looking through a place in a thorough way, moving things around.

Thrashing (verb) - To move about violently or in a jerky way.

Aeronaut (noun) - A balloonist.



Chapter 13


SUMMARY After seeing the success of her previous web, Charlotte begins brainstorming a new word for her web. She even has Templeton go to the dumpster to get some ideas from magazines and newspapers. In the morning, Lurvy returns to the barn and is again amazed. He calls out to the Zuckermans and they are astonished by what they see. This new miracle brings even more people to the farm to see Wilbur and the web. Wilbur begins getting more attention from the Zuckermans and is even going to be at the County Fair! At the end of the day Charlotte and Wilbur are exhausted and head to bed. As they are laying down, Wilbur a Charlotte for some bedtime stories and she tells him about her cousins and sings him a lullaby.






Versatile (adjective) - Able to be used in a number of ways or do many things well.

Anxiety (noun) - The condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen.

Midsection (noun) - In the middle of a section.

Incessant (adjective) - Going on without stopping or in a way that seems endless; constant.

Humble (Adjective) - Knowing ones own weakness and faults; not proud or bold. Modest of meek.



Chapter 14


SUMMARY While washing dishes after breakfast, Fern decides to tell her mother a few of the stories Charlotte has told her. Mrs. Arable becomes very angry, telling Fern that animals can’t talk and she should stop lying. After Fern leaves home to go to the Zuckerman’s farm, Mrs. Arable decides to ask Dr. Dorian for his opinions on the words appearing in the spider web. To her surprise, Dr. Dorian sides with Fern. He not only agrees that animals can talk, but he says that he is not worried about where the words are coming from.




1. Why did Charlotte write "Some Pig" in her web? What effect did this message have upon Mr. Zuckerman, Lurvy, and the Minister? 2. How did the animals convince Templeton to cooperate with them in order to save Wilbur's life? 3. How did Charlotte's messages change the Zuckermans' attitude toward their pig and Wilbur's own attitude about himself? 4. How did Dr. Dorian convice Mrs. Arable not to worry about Fern? 5. How did the power of suggestion influence the Zuckermans' feelings about their pig?





Monotonous (adjective) - lacking in variety and interest

Reputation (noun) - beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something

Audience (noun) - people who watch or listen to a particular event

Distinguish (verb) - recognize or treat as being different

Inconvenient (adjective) - causing trouble, difficulties, or discomfort

Versatile (adjective) - able to adapt to different functions or activities



Chapter 15


SUMMARY Unfortunately, we can tell that the summer is coming to an end because of the crickets chirping. Despite this, Wilbur is still completely surrounded in fame for his performances with the words in the web. Charlotte’s newest word is “radiant”, which Wilbur showcases while doing back flips. Although he is surrounded by attention, Wilbur still has worries of Mr. Zuckerman killing him in the future. Charlotte reminds him that if he has success at the State Fair, there is no way that Mr. Zuckerman can kill him. The only bad news is that Charlotte may not be able to come with Wilbur to the Fair. She had to lay her eggs on the Zuckerman’s farm and needs to stay with them; however, she promises to try and make it to Fair, if she can.





Aloft (adverb) - High up; far above the ground.

Genuine (adjective) - Really being what it seems to be; not false. True; sincere or honest.

Buttermilk (noun) - The sour liquid left after churning butter from milk.

Stowaway (noun) - A person who hides aboard a shop, plane, etc. for a free or secret ride.

Pummeled (verb)- To beat or hit again and again, especially with the fists.

Dragline (noun) - A rope dragging from something.

Midway (noun) - The part of a fair, circus, or amusement park where sideshows, rides, etc. are located.

Knothole (noun) - A hole in a board or tree trunk where a knot has fallen through. 69

Chapter 16


SUMMARY In Chapter 16, everyone gets ready and heads off the Fair! Wilbur gets a buttermilk bath from Mr. Zuckerman before leaving the farm. Although he wasn’t dirty to begin with, the buttermilk bath made him sparkle and shine. Before leaving, Charlotte officially announces that she will be able to come to the Fair with Wilbur after all! She suggests to Templeton that he should come along, too, but he responds with a grumpy “no”. The other animals convince him to go with tales of food scraps left over every night at the Fairgrounds. Before they can be on the road to the Fair, Mr. Arable makes a comment about the ham and bacon that will be coming from “THAT pig” (referring to Wilbur) that causes him to faint. The farmers revive him with a bucket of water and they head off to the Fair as though nothing happened.






Blatting (verb) - Sound of a sheep.



Chapter 17


SUMMARY It’s the day of the fair and everyone is very excited. The fair is already crowded and Fern and Avery head off to the rides and play games. The adults load Wilbur into his pen and head off to enjoy the fair. Charlotte found a perch in Wilbur’s pen where she can see into other pens next to Wilbur. Charlotte notices a very big pig next to Wilbur and goes over to meet him. His name is Uncle and Charlotte thinks he is very noisy and likes Wilbur better. After meeting Uncle, Charlotte is exhausted and heads back to her perch to take a nap. Wilbur is very worried about Charlotte.






Humble (adjective) - having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance

Humble (verb) - lower someone in dignity or importance

Masterpiece (noun) - a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship



Chapter 18


SUMMARY Since it is a cooler day than usual, Charlotte decides to spin a web and tells Templeton to get some inspiration. Templeton heads out of the pen to get some newspaper for Charlotte, but first grabs some food. When Templeton gets back to the pen, they read the word out loud... “humble.” Charlotte weaves the word into her web, but it was dark, so no one would see it until the morning. When she is finished with her web, Charlotte begins working on something else and Wilbur is very curious as to what she is doing. Charlotte tells Wilbur that she is “making something” and that he will have to wait to see it.



1. What was the importance of the cricket's end-of-summer song to Avery and Fern, the young geese, Charlotte, Lurvy, and the maple trees? Do you have similar feelings at the end of summer, or do you look forward to winter?

2. How did Wilbur try to live up to his reputation?

3. Why did Charlotte decide to accompany Wilbur to the Fair? How did she and the sheep convince Templeton to go along, too?

4. How did Charlotte size up Wilbur's competition?

5. A bittersweet moment is one in which pleasure is mingled with pain. Why might the night at the county fair be considered a bittersweet time?





Languishing (verb) - To become weak; lose energy or spirit; droop.

Gorge (verb) - To stuff with food in a greedy way.

Indigestion (noun) - The discomfort of not being able to digest food; usually a stomach ache.

Carousing (verb) - To join others in a noisy, merry time.



Chapter 19


SUMMARY Wilbur finally gets to see the product of all Charlotte’s hard work her egg sac. Charlotte told Wilbur that this was her greatest work, containing 514 eggs. Unfortunately, her children won’t hatch until Spring and Charlotte tells Wilbur that she may not make it that long. Amidst all the sadness, Templeton shows up announcing that Wilbur most likely hasn’t won first place and that the Mr. Zuckerman will be killing him soon. Wilbur tries to change the subject, pointing out how beautiful Charlotte’s egg sac is and even Templeton agrees. When morning comes, the Arables and Zuckermans arrive and announce how much they love Charlotte’s new web. The prizes are announced and we learn that Wilbur has unfortunately not won first place. Mr. Zuckerman decides that it is no worry, and proceeds with giving Wilbur another buttermilk bath. The bath pays off, because it is then announced that Wilbur has won a “special prize”! The chapter ends with everyone packing up and heading back to the farm. 85





Pompous (adjective) - affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important

Appreciation (noun) - the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something

Extraordinary (adjective) - very unusual or remarkable

Courage (noun) - the ability to do something that frightens one

Distinguished (adjective) - successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect

Unique (adjective) - being the only one of it’s kind; unlike anything else

Valuable (adjective) - worth a great deal of money

Magnificent (adjective) - impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant

Analysis (noun) - detailed examination of the elements of something

Complimentary (adjective) - expressing a compliment; praising or approving

Revived (verb) - restore to life or consciousness



Chapter 20


SUMMARY As the truck is taking Wilbur to the grandstand, Charlotte holds on to her egg sac while sitting in the pigpen and listening to the announcements over the loud speaker. At the grandstand, the announcer reminds everyone of how Wilbur reached his fame and the miracle spider web. Everyone is still confused on how the web appeared. The announcer says that is it “Supernatural forces” and that there is no way a spider could write it. Charlotte laughs to herself when she hears this and feels very proud of what she has done. Wilbur ends up winning a special prize of $25 and a medal. Then all of the sudden Wilbur faints from all the attention, Templeton scurries out from the crate and bites his tale in attempt to wake him up. Wilbur jumps back up and the crowd goes wild! But Lurvy didn’t see Wilbur was already up and ended up throwing a pail of water that landed all over Mr. Zuckerman and Avery. Now the crowd is going crazy with applause and attention.






Trifle (noun) - Something that has little value or importance; a small amount.



Chapter 21


SUMMARY After a long day at the fair, Wilbur and Charlotte finally have some quiet time alone in the pig pen. Charlotte tells Wilbur how happy she is that his life is saved and that she was happy that they are such great friends. Charlotte also tells Wilbur that she is going to die soon and won’t be able to make it back to the farm with him. Wilbur is so upset that he begins throwing a tantrum. He doesn’t want Charlotte to die alone, so he says that he will stay there with her, but Charlotte says he has to go back to the farm. All of the sudden Wilbur comes up with a great idea...he will bring Charlotte’s egg sac back to the farm with him! There is only one problem, Wilbur can’t reach the egg sac, so he asks Templeton for 95

help. Templeton refuses oto get the egg sac because he thinks everyone just uses him for favors and odd jobs. But Wilbur ends up making a deal with him...he will let Templeton eat from his slop first. Templeton agrees to the deal and helps get the egg sac from the corner of the pigpen into Wilbur’s mouth to make sure it stays safe. Charlotte and Wilbur say their goodbyes, and the next day Charlotte passed away.





Gigantic (adjective) - Huge, big, enormous

Phenomenon (noun) - An unusual or remarkable event or thing.

Retorted (verb) - To answer back in a sharp or clever way.

Garrulous (adjective) - Very talkative.

Triumph (noun) - A victory or success.



Chapter 22


SUMMARY Wilbur is back at the farm and all the other animals are very to see him. Everything at the farm is the same except Charlotte is gone. When Wilbur sees where Charlotte used to hang in her web he became very sad. As the days go by, Wilbur continues to watch and wait for Charlottes egg sac to hatch. He begins to get very anxious when winter comes because he knows they will hatch soon. Finally, the spiders start coming out of the sac oneby-one! Unfortunately, one day a warm wind starts to blow and some of the spiders start to float away. Wilbur is very upset because he had lost all of his new friends and Charlotte’s babies. But the next day Wilbur got a pleasant surprise...three of the spiders were still at the barn! Wilbur now had three new friends who were very sweet. Wilbur loved his life in the barn but will never forget his first friend...Charlotte!




1. How did Templeton show his insensitivity to Wilbur? 2. What evidence showed that Fern was growing up and losing her interest in the barnyard animals? 3. Why was Wilbur awarded a special prize at the Fair? 4. How did Charlotte explain why she did so much for Wilbur? 5. Describe some of the ways Templeton "come to the rescue" in this story despite his ill-humor? 6. How was Wilbur's homecoming both happy and sad? 7. Even though Charlotte died, why was Wilbur never again friendless and lonely? 8. What might you conclude about the young spider who says "salutations" upon meeting Wilbur? 9. Why was the word "humble" a perfect description of Wilbur?



CHARACTER WEBS These are character webs for each of the main characters in Charlotte’s Web. They describe their main personality traits and will help you understand them better.






STUDY GUIDE These are a list of study questions to help you prepare for your test. These questions should be completed and turned in before the test. Feel free to use your book and EBook to help answer the questions.


1) Where does the story take place? (Provide three different settings)

2) What are some words that describe the personalities of the main characters? Make sure you can support these words with examples of from the story.

3) Know three main problems that needed to be solved in the book. What were the solutions?

6) Why do you think the author wrote this book? What did E. B. White want you to learn about friendship, cooperation, and problem solving?

7) There are many examples of change in this book. Many characters go through changes themselves in the book. Please write about how Charlotte, Wilbur, Fern, and Templeton have changed throughout the story.

4) Make sure that you know the order of the main events that occurred in the book, especially the words that Charlotte wrote in her web.

5) Be able to compare and contrast Wilbur and Templeton. How were they alike and how were they different?



CITATIONS A compilation of all the resources used to create the EBook.


"Charlotte's Web." , By E. B. White, Kate DiCamillo , Illustrated by Garth Williams: HarperCollins Children's Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. <http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/books/Charlottes-Web/>.

White, E. B., Garth Williams, and Edith Goodkind Rosenwald. Charlotte's Web. New York: Harper, 1952. Print.

"CHARLOTTE'S WEB." Montalvo Arts Center. N.p., 15 Nov. 2009. Web. 02 Dec. 2013. <http://montalvoarts.org/events/charlottes_web/>.

Paramount Pictures. Charlotte's Web. 2005. Photograph. Internet Movie Database. IMDb. Internet Movie Database, 22 Mar. 2010. Web. 9 Dec. 2013.

Spudy, D. "Charlotte's Web Chapter Readings" YouTube. YouTube, 07 Apr. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.


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