The Journey Magazine | 2021

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From our President WELCOME TO THIS YEAR’S

Students returned back to campus

committed to being “Bible-centered” in


under these health precautions and

our curriculum, and in our actions and


screening processes which continue

processes. The need to prepare a new

to be practiced daily. Last fall, we held

generation to be effectively serving in

Does it seem to you like it has been a

chapel outside in the Quad for the first

an anxious world has never been more

journey of more than one year since you

three months of the semester until it

important! Also, the need to reach

received the last edition? It sure does to

became too cold to do so. We moved

adults with our online classes who desire

most of us! The last twelve months have

into the Aldrich Athletic Center for

to be equipped to serve more effectively

aged us by about five years instead of

chapel, and then on to Baker Chapel

where they are is clearly also fulfilling

one year (it’s like we are living in “dog

with only a limited number allowed in

our mission.

years”) due to all the unrest, uncertainty,

person and most others viewing online!

and having to navigate extenuating

Students were restricted from in-person

Please take some time to read a few

circumstances. Last spring, Grace had

attendance the last three weeks of the

articles and thank God for how He

to send students home due to state

fall 2020 semester. As you read the

continues to sustain Grace Christian

mandated shutdowns and complete

good athletics article, you will see the

University (your institution) through

the semester by teaching exclusively

sudden cancellation of the basketball

the storms of time. This generation

online. We had to send almost all our

season last year, and that COVID testing

must take the challenge to educate and

employees home, and ask them to work

prevented the women’s volleyball from

prepare the next generation to serve

from home.

competing at nationals this year.

Christ! Please engage in this with us and be part of God’s force for good and His

We have updated and sterilized our

In the midst of all of this crazy upheaval,

saving voice to the lost (2 Corinthians

campus thanks to Nate Johnson and his

we continue with the same mission –

5:17-21) and needy.

wonderful team as well as the excellent

Graduating Godly Individuals Prepared

housekeeping staff. Faculty and staff

To Serve Christ In Church And Society.

have been welcomed back, and daily

Our mission did not change and it

screening procedures have been put into

will not change, as it remains relevant

place for our employees and students.

and impactful throughout all these challenges. Grace Christian University is


Ken Bruce Kemper, PhD

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