3D powerpoint

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Unit 3

3D visual communica0on in Art and Design Grace Duggan-­‐Long

Papier Mache models

Shredded paper and PVA models

Wire Models

Wire and plaster models

Imprints of items from the river Thames

1 Detailed evalua0on of most successful model.

Anthony Gormley: analysis of work

Anthony Gormley: analysis of work The sculpture is made out of wire. The story being told, I feel, is a lonely man, in a spacious environment with nothing next to him or with him. The meaning behind the sculpture is loneliness and how it looks from an outsiders perspec0ve when someone’s on their own. The purpose of the piece is to get the audience asking ques0ons. Because there’s no real purpose it gives the people a chance to make up their own idea on what it means. The ar0st, I think, has worked from real life. Maybe he’s trying to tell the audience how he feels so society has a clearer understanding. The work has been set out so the sculpture is standing upright, to represent the characteris0cs of a human. There isn’t any obvious design in the sculpture and the piece isn’t equally balanced. There’s different shapes and movements of wire either side which maybe represents the imbalance of human emo0on. The piece is made up of lines. This gives it a simplis0c feel which is maybe how he’s feeling. It also shows that a lot of concentra0on has gone into it, having to get the right lines to create a human wire sculpture.

Peter Callesen analysis.

Peter callesen: analysis of work This peter callesen sculptor is A4 size. It’s a sculpture made en0rely of paper. The story being told about this sculpture is a group of people, maybe in a town or village running away from the fire which is close behind them. The meaning behind the sculpture is the fragility of the paper compared with the fragility of life, and how similar they are both being presented in this situa0on. The purpose of the piece is to make the audience feel fear or anxiety, to try and make the audience empathize with the piece so they can grasp the emo0on from it. The ar0st has worked from memory as there isn’t a lot of detail and it’s been hugely simplified. The work has been set out as a straight piece of A4 paper, with the end curled up to seem like fire and people cut out from the paper. There isn’t any specific design in the piece although the piece is quite balanced. As you can see there’s a similar amount of people and an even amount of flames. This show’s that the piece has been thought about thoroughly. The way the lines of the shapes have been cut show that it’s very pris0ne and finished. There’s nothing jerky about them which show’s the amount of concentra0on which has gone into it.

Projec0on photos

Final 3D sculpture Elvis Presley Icon

Obsession and collec0on


Plaster sculpture


Final 3D design

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