In This Issue: ! ! Letter from the Editor.........................................................................1 ! Grace Girl Talk.....................................................................................2 ! Dear Genevieve....................................................................................3 ! Bible Study: Verses to Help Fight Fear..............................................5 ! Modest is Hottest: Costume Addition................................................6 ! Question of Faith: How do I Know it is Really God Talking?..........7 ! Tasty Treats.........................................................................................8 ! Contest................................................................................................12
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Follow Grace Girl Mag On Instagram! @gracegirlmag page 7
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! Dear Grace Girl, !
! First o let me just start of by saying that I am so happy that you are reading this! My passion in life is telling others about the grace and love of our Savior Jesus Christ, so I am so pleased to be able to share this little project of mine with you. Since this is the first issue there isn't much ! to this magazine yet, so I would love love love to hear your feedback. Send your comments to I value your feedback just as much as I value you! In this magazine you will find advice on everything from (modest) fashion to finding God's face throughout your ! busy day. You will also find fun quizzes, polls, and contests for you to participate in. Every issue of Grace Girl Magazine we hope to feature a beloved Grace Girl reader on the cover (details on page 10). We want to celebrate you and what makes you unique just as much as we want to celebrate the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. One last note, I am always ! praying for you and if you ever need anything please do not hesitate to shoot me an email (again the email is I hope that you love this magazine just as I much as I love creating it. !
God Bless,  
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Grace Girl
Fake Friends !
Do you have a friends who will be super sweet to you at school, but then will gossip about you behind your back after school at the mall? It hurts when you find out that the girl who you thought was your friend was actually the girl who made up the rumor that you still go trick or treating - with your parents. Suddenly, you realize that she has been wearing mask the whole time and what is underneath isn't at all the girl you thought. Not only did she trick you, but she made you feel like a fool for even believing them. Understand, that you have done nothing to deserve this. Fake friends are people who use others for their personal gain. An example of a fake friend in the Bible is Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, (that translates to about $750 in today's currency) by kissing him on the cheek. The result of this betrayal was Jesus was taken away to be handed over to death on a cross. When the guards came to seize Jesus, Simon Peter drew his swords trying to protect Jesus and cut o a guard's ear. Jesus could have tried to run away or fight back with Simon Peter but instead he commanded Simon Peter to put away his weapon and Jesus picked up the ear, placed it back on the guard and healed him. Jesus healed the person who was sent to capture him and bring him to be killed on a cross. If we put ourselves in Jesus' shoes we may not be able to imagine doing the same thing, but Jesus saw the bigger picture. He knew that he would be betrayed (he even foretold it to the other disciples at the start of the Last Supper) and he knew he would die on the cross (1 Corinthians 11:23-24). But he also knew that it had to be done; he had to be betrayed and he had to die on a cross in order for us to be saved. He knew he had to do it to save you. We may not understand the bigger picture of our fake friend situation but there is one whether it is as small as realizing that your life is better without them or as big as God using it to lead you to Him, showing you that he will never be fake. After all, God is our truest friend and he will never harm us.  
Do you have a topic that you want talked about? ! Let us know by emailing us at with the subject line ! Girl Talk Request: (Your topic here) Page 2
Dear Genevieve... I want to have a better relationship with God but am unsure where to start. Any advice? -Hannah Hannah, I am so happy that you asked this question! It is a universal question that pretty much every Christian asks, it doesn't matter if you just accepted Christ or if He has been apart of your life for as long as you can remember. First off I want to start off by saying that I am so glad that you have the desire to strengthen your relationship with God. He is glad too! God wants you to know him, and it says in the Bible that those who seek Him He will not hide from. Secondly, this is a relationship that you are developing, it is know different than a relationship you have with your best friend, (except that it is with the God of the Universe). You don't need to do anything different. A good place to start is prayer. Prayer is our way of talking to God, and just as how talking with friends and family strengthens our relationship with them it is the same way with God. He wants to hear from you, and the more you talk to Him the closer you
will feel to Him! Even though talking to God is good, make sure you give him time to respond. Don't let your relationship with Him become one sided. During your quiet time (which is a time you set aside to spend time with The Lord) try just sitting quietly, listening for his voice. God speaks to everyone differently, so don't be discouraged if you don't hear Him right away. Some of my Christian friends say that God talks to them not directly but through scripture. When it comes to reading The Bible it can be confusing on where to start. I suggest starting with the Gospels. They give us a detailed idea about what Jesus is like and it gives us an account of his teachings. My favorite Gospel is the book of Luke. Lastly, God is so excited that you want to know Him more, I wish you many blessings as you go through this spiritual journey!
God Bless! Genevieve Page 3
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Bible Study: Verses to Help Fight Fear We all are scared sometimes, we all have fears. Some of those fears are small, like spiders or the dark but others are big such as not being good enough or not living a meaningful life. Fear can get in the way of a lot of things, but it Psalm 23:4! can stop you from living the life that God has Even though I walk through the I death, of shadow valley of the planned for you. The Bible has many verses, will fear no evil, for you are with especially in the book of Psalms about fear me; your rod and your staff, they and how God can be a comforting force comfort me. when you are scared. !
Genevieve's  Notes:  I  like  this  verse  because  it  shows  us  how  even  though  fear  is  constantly  around  us,  God  is  always  with  us  and  He  is  greater  that  the  fear!  Isaiah 41:13! For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Genevieve's  Notes:  God  is  declaring  in  this  verse  that  he  IS  your  God  and  He  WILL  help  you.  So  do  not  be  afraid! Â
Psalm 27:1! The LORD is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my lifeof whom shall I be afraid?
Genevieve's  Notes:  This  is  a  great  verses  because  it  is  our  saying  that  because  God  is  our  light  and  our  salvation  and  the  stronghold  of  our  lives  there  is  no  reason  for  us  to  be  afraid!  God  is  in  charge! Â
2 Timothy 1:7! For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
Genevieve's  Notes:  God  gave  us  a  spirit  designed  to  rise  up  against  fear.  We  weren't  made  to  be  fearful,  we  were  made  to  be  fearless!  Page 5
Modest is Hottest: Costume Edition
DO: ! -have your skirt two inches above the knee or longer! -cover your chest area fully! -wear fully length tops!
! !
DON'T: !
It is hard to live in a society where teenage and young adult girls use Halloween as an excuse to dress up in racy and inappropriate outfits. It is hard to go to your friend's Halloween party in modest clothes when everyone around you is wearing next to nothing. Sometimes it is hard to know what is a modest costume and what isn't. Is my dress too short? Should I wear le"ings? Is this shirt too low cut? Is it okay to show a little midri ? Well your in luck! The Grace Girl's guide to modest Halloween costumes is here to help answer all our modest costume questions! !
-wear short skirts (no shorter than 2 inches above the knee) ! -have plunging necklines (if you can see cleavage it isn't modest)! -show your belly button/ midriff!
MUST HAVES: ! -leggings or tights (for short skirts) ! -sweaters, shawls, or cloaks (for strapless or spaghetti straps) ! -modest dress and skirts
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Question of Faith:
How do I know it is
really God Talking? Sometimes when we are praying, reading the Bible, or just sitting quietly in God's presence we feel as if God is trying to tell us something. Maybe you hear Him as a voice in your head or you come across a scripture that is exactly what you needed. God speaks and works in peoples lives in different ways, so don't be discouraged if you can't completely feel like He is talking to you. But you may be asking "How do I even know if it is God or just my brain making stuff up?" There are 5 ways you can tell that it is God Speaking to you. One, it agrees with scripture. If a thought comes to you and you wonder if it is from God, check to see if it agrees with the things God has already said. For example, if God comforts you by telling you that he loves you unconditionally than you can bet that is a thought from God because this truth is repeated hundreds of times in The Bible. Two, God usually repeats it. If God wants you to know something He is going to keep telling you. Let's say you have been being disrespectful to your parents lately and you keep hearing this voice during your devotion time telling you to obey and respect your parents more. This is most likely a word from God because He is repeating it and it agrees with scripture (one of the 10 commandments in the Bible is obeying your father and mother). Three, the thought comes to us while praying. The reason why devotions are so important is because this is God's time to really get your attention because you are already focussed on Him. When we are focusing on God it is easier to hear the things He is trying to tell you. Don't underestimate the things that come to you while praying or spending time in the Lord's presence! Four, the desire within us grows. This is a tricky one, you may be thinking "What desire"? The answer is the desire may be a lot of different things. It could be the desire to do whatever God is telling you to do or just a desire to know God more. But when the desire starts growing, you will feel it. Five, it usually involves an element of risk or faith. Sometimes we will feel like God is calling us to do something, but we are scared to do it. There are countless examples of this in the. For you it may be telling your non-believing friend about Jesus or sitting with the girl at lunch who normally sits alone. Following God and listening to Him is a hard thing, that involves a lot of risk and faith, but when we do our lives can be transformed and changed for the better. So next time you think God is talking to you, go through this checklist and you will probably discover that God talks to you more than you ever realized!
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Spookilicious Halloween Treats
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Have you ever wanted to be on the cover of a magazine?
Now is your chance! Send in your best cover girl photo and we might use it on the cover of an upcoming Grace Girl Issue! Send the photo to for a chance to win! Note: You may only send it two photos per month and if you are selected you may not enter for the following month. Grace Girl Magazine reserves the right to not choose any winner for a certain month. We think you are all beautiful and don't want this to turn into a beauty contest. Photos are picked based on how well it ďŹ ďžžts a magazine cover format, not looks. Page 12