Understanding the document management version control in a better way There are many steps in the process of records management. One of the steps is that of the document version control. Document management is a whole process involving the capturing of the data or the document by using the document imaging software and indexing and storing the same in a way which facilitates easy retrieval and control over the version of the same. Document version control refers to the control over the processing of documents and flow of documents from one person to another for the purpose of putting their noting, amending the same and then saving it before transferring the same to next level of processing. At every level a new version of the document is created and the old one is either replaced with the new one or is kept aside. This depends on the nature of use this is likely to be put to. This control system makes sure that the documents are shared between the people with due authorizations. Some of the key functions performed by the document management version control system are the following: Backup of the documents and their restoration. Where backup of documents is required (and this happens in almost all cases), the new files are created and saved whereas the old files are also retained. You can see the file as it existed on a particular date in the past. Synchronization: This is achieved by the records management software by facilitating the sharing of the docs among the different users. The document management server can also be used for this purpose of sharing across different braches while, within the organization, the same can be achieved by proper networking. Undo function: If you think that you have done something wrong to a document, then you can always go back to the previous version. Tracking the changes and as well the person who has done it: This is also an important feature of the document version control system to know what all changes were effected by all person so as to know the reasons behind the changes and to check whether that person had the due authority for working on that document. Sandboxing: If you have used the rough sheet during your school exams for first writing and checking the content in the rough area before putting the same in the main body of the answer sheet, you would have done the sandboxing. The same can be done with the document management version control system as well. So, this is a crucial part of the records management process that is used extensively for noting, commenting and for detailing the reasons behind the decisions. It facilitates the audit trail, manages the document authorizations and even safeguards the trash box. The different software that provide this facility of version control come with different set of features and therefore shall be selected carefully as per your need.