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“Good News”
This month Christians all over the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will trace the steps and events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. We will remember the seven last utterances of Jesus from the cross. We will tell the story of how Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday; how he was buried in a borrowed tomb, and how on the third day, early Sunday morning, He rose from the dead with all power in His hands. We call this the “Good News” of Jesus Christ!
But the story does not stop there. We as believers have the responsibility to keep the story alive. As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ there may be some who will not be celebrating because they do not know or have not heard the “Good News.”
As believers, can you imagine a life without Jesus? What would life be like if Jesus had not gotten up from the grave? It would be a life without hope. We would be most miserable. In the times of trouble, we would not be able to go to the throne of God boldly with our petitions. And more important, we would not have Jesus sitting at the right hand of God as our intercessor. But, because He lives, we have hope and we have a peace that the world does not understand.
When was the last time you shared this “Good News” with anyone? There is a song that says, “Said I wasn’t gonna tell nobody, but I couldn’t keep it to myself.” When was the last time you had some news you could not keep to yourself, you could not wait to tell somebody? We do not seem to have a problem with talking about the latest headlines in the news, which most of the time is not good news. We also spend a good amount of time talking with friends, co-workers, and family members about our problems and hardships. Maybe the next time someone wants to tell you about their trials and tribulations take this opportunity to tell them, “I’ve got Good News!”
This is the perfect season to give those who are without hope a hope. It would be a shame if we as believers did not take this awesome opportunity to share the “Good News” with non-believers or those who have not heard the “Good News”. This is a perfect time to let those who walk in darkness know that Jesus is the light of the world. Someone needs to know that Jesus came so that we may have life and have that life more abundantly (John 10:10); and that we would be able to live a victorious life. Someone needs to know today that Jesus is our