2 minute read
Rest In Me
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29
guide us through life so that we are no longer carrying these burdens. I’m glad that we serve a Father who is diligently concerned about His children.
I remember when my oldest daughter was a baby and she wanted to reach something off of a shelf and she kept reaching without asking for any help. I remember her grabbing a chair and standing on that chair; she still couldn’t reach it. Now her dad is watching her the entire time as she struggles and wrestles with this problem. I was trying to get him to help her he saw that she was struggling. He told me that he was waiting for her to figure it out. He allowed her to try and when she hadn’t prevailed, he wanted her to ask for assistance so that he could help her. After a moment she did go to her dad and asked for assistance. Some of us fight with the same battle as my child did wrestling with a problem while our Father is waiting for you to ask for help so that he can take your burden and guide you. Asking for help doesn’t make you a quitter. It shows growth and maturity resting in God knowing that He has it under control.
Father help your children establish a relationship allowing them to know that God will aid them if they ask Him to. He is waiting to guide them just as He guides you.
While living life we carry burdens. As we are caring these said burdens, we are communicating with God asking questions like, when will things change or get better, why does it seem like everything happens to me, or how much longer God? I know that I’ve asked these question time and time again. I’m reminded about His word that’s stated above.
God is telling His children to find rest and peace in Him. He wants us to carry our burdens to Him so that we won’t be heavy ladened. As we rest in Him and lay down our burdens, in exchange we can pick up His yoke and allow Him to lead and
Pastor Rhoda Turner
Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ www.cffaz.org