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Woman to Woman - ‘Position of Power’

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In celebration of Women’s History Month, I am honored to salute women of every nationality, ethnicity, culture, and season for being dynamic in who God called you to be. Thank you, Woman of God for maintaining your ‘Position of Power’ through your hurt, pain, and ‘midnight rain’ –COVID, grief, sickness, loneliness, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Woman of God, you are amazing! You unselfishly continue to press towards the mark of the higher calling in Christ Jesus, and not just for yourself but for other women. You understand that your ‘Position of Power’ is for our daughters, mothers, sisters, aunties, sister friends and all women. You press forward by receiving the baton of fatigue and stress from other women so that she can stand on your shoulders and not drown in her despair. You press forward because you believe you have the responsibility of enduring difficult times for the purpose of breaking the glass ceilings of discrimination and misogynistic thinking that attempt to keep women subservient. You press forward in your ‘Position of Power’ because, prophetically, you see women of every nation, ethnicity, culture, and season operating in her ‘Position of Power’ because your victory is her victory.


Woman of God, as we witness the last days upon us (2 Timothy 3:1), it is urgent and essential that I encourage you to continue to stand confident and strong in who God called you to be. Please operate fully in your gifts and callings. Whether you believe it or not, your ‘Position of Power’ ignites and activates the anointing in other women.

Woman of God:

I want you to do you! I want me to do me!

As I thrust into the vastness of me, I am affirmed by your contagiousness to do you.

When you do you, I am free to do me. When you do you, I’m energized by your position of power, I’m revolutionized by your pronounced passion.

When you do you,

You compliment me!

You inspire me!

You see me! You hear me! You feel me!

So, Please, Please!

Do you and I will do me!

Woman of God, we need ‘Allies in the Kingdom of God’ and not enemies. Satan is on the war path for our children and youth. Stay in your ‘Position of Power’ and prepare yourself for the battle of their souls.

You have been chosen by God to sit at His feet and sup at His table to receive spiritually, strategic ammunition for this battle.

God has anointed you for such a time as this. The enemy of our soul has waged a terrible plot against our children and youth. Not only do we see it, but we can spiritually feel it. This diabolical spirit is roaming through schools, university campuses, communities, and sad to say, some churches seeking whom he may recruit for his kingdom. Satan is an opportunist. He sets up his trap when he notices that there is religion but no one operating in their God Given ‘Position of Power’. Satan desires to kill, steal, and destroy the very fabric of our children and youth. Their divine destiny is at stake. He does not want them to have any desire of being ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’.

I admonish you to take the challenge. Embrace the good fight. Self-pity, shame, depression, abuse, sickness, slothfulness, calamity, and death, no longer rules or reigns in your body, soul, or spirit. Stand firm on God’s word. Tell your daughters and sons about God’s everlasting love, grace, and mercy. Continue to tell them how great they are so they won’t believe Satan’s lie – “Nobody loves you” and, “God is not real.”

Use your ‘Position of Power;’ in Jesus Christ to warn our children and youth of Satan’s devices of money, sex, drugs, social media, and electronic devices, to name a few, that he uses to drag them into everlasting darkness of mental and

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Continued from page 9 emotional pain, which results in suicide, homicide, low self-esteem, addiction, and anger. I submit to you that we must help prepare warriors for what has and is coming. We must prepare and train our children and youth to be ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’ and not enemies of the Kingdom of God.

The word of God commands us to, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) When we train them according to the word of God and not the ways of the world, they will fight the enemy for us as we grow older (Psalm 127:3-5).

Woman of God, we are losing our children and youth by the thousands every day. Whether through crime and violence or through some unforeseen national or world disaster, they are Dying - Dead! I contend that our ‘Position of Power ‘can resurrect a generation that claims to believe in God but have no relationship with Him.

Operating in our ‘Position of Power’ in God through His son Jesus Christ will help us train and prepare a mighty army of children and youth for the Kingdom of God that will stand confident and strong in helping to bring a halt to the diabolical attack on their generation and generations to come. Woman of God, we desperately need ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’!

I respectfully submit this poetic declaration on behalf of children and youth:

Running For God

I want to run for God, see what I can do, Not in a race chasing after you, Just run, run, run with the sky so blue.

I want to run for God, see what I can do, Not for a bus or the ice-cream truck, Just run, run, run as the rain fall through.

I want to run for God, see what I can do, Not for a gold medal or ribbon, or star, Just run, run, run till I feel brand new.

Just run, run, run, that’s what I want to do, I want to run for God to get His message to You!

How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring tidings of good things! Isaiah 52:7

In closing, Woman of God, I celebrate you during Women’s History Month and every month.

I salute and honor your ‘Position of Power’ in God through His son Jesus Christ. Your gifts and callings compliment and inspire me to be my best, gives hope to all women and train and prepare our children and youth for greatness. Woman of God, as we continue to fight the good fight of faith, I believe that we can and will pass the baton successfully to our children and youth so that they too will stand confident and strong in their ‘Position of Power’ in Jesus Christ to be ‘Allies of the Kingdom of God’ as opposed to enemies.

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