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Adult Formation gracestlukes.org/adult-formation
Lenten Wednesdays at GSL: Forgiveness & Wholeness
Dates: Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29
Experience Lent in Midtown Memphis. Enrich your Lenten spiritual formation journey by coming to GSL on Wednesday afternoons and evenings in March to explore the role of forgiveness in our lives and how practicing forgiveness can make us healthier and more whole. Each week, there will be easy ways and spaces for folks to engage as much or as little as they wish: coffee and informal conversation, a simple meal, an opportunity for reflection and evening prayers, and formation programming for all ages, including presentations by guest speakers offering helpful and inspiring weekly topics.
4–7 p.m. GSL Café (Peete Room) with refreshments & WiFi
5–6:15 p.m. Simple Supper (Trezevant Hall)
5:30–5:50 p.m. Evening Prayers with Candle-lighting & Taizé music (Chapel)
6:30–7:15 p.m. Programming for All Ages: Nursery, 0–3 (Blue Room), Children (Green Room), Youth (Red Room), Adults (Trezevant Hall)
Program Details: gracestlukes.org/lenten-wednesdays
March 1 Taking Account with the Rev. Rob Wood of Good Shepherd, Cashiers, NC
March 8 God Is Forgiveness with the GSL Clergy
March 15 Leaving Our Mark with Anthony Calzia and Fr. Jesse Abell
March 22 No Future without Forgiveness with Alex Kor, son of Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor
March 29
Beginning Anew with Fr. Ollie Rencher and Dr. Anne Ayres
Families and participants of all ages are invited to come! There is no cost for this program. To help us plan food, please register in advance at tinyurl.com/ExperienceLent. But, drop-ins are always welcome.
Eastertide Retreat
Date: Saturday, April 15
Registration requested by April 9
Time: 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Location: Barth House
Join the Barth House Episcopal Center, Grace-St. Luke’s Church, and Holy
Trinity, Memphis, for some quiet time, guided meditation, and contemplative music, as we celebrate the new and unending life found in the wake of Jesus’ Resurrection. Amid the fullness and noise of life, this offering provides sacred time to gather for opportunities to walk and explore sacred surroundings. Dress casually and comfortably and bring your favorite insulted drink bottle for coffee or tea. Online reservations required. Stay tuned for registration information.
Jewish Readings/Christians Readings: How Religious Communities
Understand the Prophets
Dates: Wednesdays, April 19 & 26 and May 3, 10, & 17
Time: 6–7 p.m.
Location: Peete Room
The New Testament is filled with references to the Hebrew Scriptures, but after centuries of Christian reading, it has become easy to forget what these prophetic passages meant to Jewish readers. Join our own Dr. Dan Pigg in an exploration of these sacred texts with new eyes and an early Jewish perspective. (Dan is presenting this series in conjunction with his continuing studies at Phillips Theological Seminary in Tulsa, OK.) For more information, contact Dan through Realm Connect at tinyurl.com/RealmDanPigg. -
30-Minute Midweek Eucharist, Wednesdays at Noon in the Chapel (September–May). On the first Wednesday of the month, the offering includes special prayers for God’s healing grace and optional anointing with oil. Enter via the “Chapel” door on Lemaster Street or Church Offices entrance
Thursday Men’s Fellowship, Thursdays, 7–7:45 a.m. in Trezevant Hall (September–May). This always-open community provides space for a conversation about spiritual growth, faith and doubt, current events and concerns, intellectual stimulation, and thoughtful living in a fast world. For more information, visit gracestlukes.org/mens-fellowship.
GSL Daytime Book Group hosted by Janie Morris and Carol Ann Mallory. The book group meets on the second Thursday of the month at GSL, September through May from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. in the Lounge. Bring your lunch if you like. No obligations or requirements, just show up if you read the book, are thinking of reading the book, or just want some nice company who loves books. For further information or to add your name to the mailing list, contact Janie Morris (tinyurl. com/RealmJanieMorris) or Carol Ann Mallory (tinyurl.com/ RealmCarolAnnMallory) via Realm. The reading list can be found at gracestlukes.org/gsl-daytime-book-group