Personal Development
5 Prepare your meals the night before or bulk cook at the weekend so you can grab and go in the mornings. 5 Prepare your clothes for the day or week. This way you save time in the morning and can change and head out of the door straight away. 5 Focus on the tasks that you can achieve. It’s important not to pressure yourself to try and achieve everything all at once. 5 Move your body and exercise. Walking releases endorphins which are the ‘feel good’ factors in our bodies. 5 Acknowledge your feelings and act accordingly. If you feel stressed, stop for a second.
“Self care is giving the world the best of yourself, not what’s left of yourself.” Katie Reed.
ow are you? A simple three word question, which shows kindness, care and consideration. Plus a proven and essential way to bond with colleagues and release the happiness and wellbeing chemical called serotonin. Having the start of the academic year with some students in class and others distance learning, can allow us to feel uneasy, anxious or uncertain. All of which are perfectly valid emotions and natural responses, considering what’s going on in the world. Your self care is so important right now, as schools and particularly class teachers have faced a summer alone or were managing their own families and are now back in class, juggling split classrooms, distance learning, student wellbeing and parent queries all before 8am! Self care is something many of us
Term 1 Sep - Dec 2020
teachers, put last as we often focus on the children’s needs before our own. However, in times of difficulty, you owe it to yourself to take care of you as if you were a pupil in your class. Looking after your own wellbeing is as simple as making sure you’re drinking water throughout the day. Why? Because dehydration is a contributing factor to anxiety, we must ensure that we are looking after our bodies in order to function at our best during the school day.
Here are some tips to support your wellbeing during the school day: 5 Breathe- You are doing the best you can with the resources you have. 5 Sleep- ensuring you are getting quality sleep so you are focused and energised for the day. 5 Positive self-talk in the form of affirmations: I am________ E.g: I am trying my best. 5 Set a morning routine-making sure you have your bag packed the night before so you can get up and go. 5 Listen to music or a podcast that makes you smile before school. 5 Plan your meals so you know you’re nourishing yourself correctly, which will support your energy levels.
After the Bell
5 Laugh, laugh, and laugh some more! Allow yourself to laugh through the day with the children or during meetings. This will release positive feel good factors and will build stronger connections with colleagues and pupils alike. 5 Try meditation or yoga to enable your mind to remain calm and focused for the day. 5 Setting healthy boundaries- not going out after a certain time so you are mentally prepared for the next day. 5 Calling a person you care about, this can be a friend or a loved one. Hearing a loved one’s voice releases oxytocin, the love chemical which makes us feel good. 5 Treat yourself- even if it’s a coffee, a bath or a bunch of flowers. It’s good to acknowledge your feelings and do small acts of kindness towards yourself to boost your mood. 5 Weekly reflection: This can be done within your team, amongst friends or with your pupils. Ask one another how your week has been? What do you wish for next week? By acknowledging ourselves, we become more aware of our thoughts and feelings which we are in a position to act upon. Also acknowledging others releases the hormone serotonin, which is the happy chemical associated with wellbeing.