Feb. 8 -Tainan 赤崁樓 Chih Kan Tower 西元一六五三年(明朝永曆七年),由 荷蘭人所建。當時荷蘭人竊據臺灣,壓制我 國人民,志士郭懷一領導反抗,不幸失敗。 荷人心有餘悸,於是在臺江沿岸的赤崁地方, 也就是現在的臺南市區,建立砲壘,作為防 備。此城原稱普羅民遮城(Provintia 荷文為永 恆之意),早期漢人稱荷蘭人為紅毛,所以 也把這座城樓叫做紅毛樓、番仔樓。
Begun in 1653, the Chihkan Tower was built by the Dutch to serve as their administrative center, and was originally known as Fort Provintia. The walls were once 453 feet around and 36 feet in height. The walls of this stronghold were made of bricks imported from Java, while the walls of buildings were made from rock-hard bricks of oyster shell lime mixed with sugar water and glutinous rice paste.
南方公園 South Park、北門商圈 North Gate Circle 這裡是台南青年逛街的好去處,有吃有逛還是 3C 產 品的匯集地,還有許多大大小小的補習班!
Here is the place that most teenagers will come to go shopping. You can eat here (Many different delicious foods!) and go shopping here because there is almost everything! Also there are many cram school get together here, so, you may see the high school students!
By Grace Hsu ©
Feb. 9 –Tainan 台南女中 National Tainan First Girls’ Senior High School 一所於台灣日治時期成立的中學,1917 年 以「臺灣總督府高等女學校分校」之名義創立, 簡稱為 TNGS,舊稱為「省南女」,是台灣少數歷史 將近百年的高級中學之一。 校花 為 桔梗,取「柔綠似水,淡紫成韻, 纖細優雅的線條,奇異地訴說,向上爭取陽光的 生命力」的意涵。
A high school established in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation, 1917 in the name of "Taiwan Governor High Girls' School." This school, referred to as TNGS, is a minority in Taiwan history. Nearly one hundred years of high school. The students here are good at volley ball! Grace HSU have studied here. Campus Belle(School flower) is bellflower, take the "soft watery green, purple into rhyme,Slim elegant lines, Specially tell, for sun-up Vitality "of meaning.
School Flower School Symbol
By Grace Hsu ©
延平郡王祠 西元 1661 年,鄭成功帶兵在鹿耳門登陸,趕走了荷蘭人,並積極建設 臺灣,以做為反清復明的根據地。鄭成功經略臺灣,除設立官署,清查戶籍 外,還下令屯田,允許官兵圈地成家,並招募大陸沿海居民來臺開墾。明隆 武帝曾賜姓朱,後人多以「國姓爺」稱呼,成為後世朝拜的民族英雄。 鄭成功去世後,後人為了感懷他的豐功偉績,特在此 地立廟奉祀,尊稱他為「開台聖王」和「開山王」 ,現在全 臺灣的「開台聖王廟」有 50 餘所之多。各地寺廟祠堂香火 不斷,也因此在臺灣留下了深厚的影響與眾多傳說。清同 治 13 年,欽差大臣沈葆禎奉命來臺辦理防務,深入瞭解民 意,發現鄭成功對建設臺灣的貢獻,建議建祠紀念。清廷 同意後撥款立祠,諡號忠烈,從福州載來工匠、材料,將 開山王廟擴建成「福州式」建築,並在正門石 匾提「明延平郡王祠」 。奉祀臺灣開山始祖鄭成 功及其部將,為臺灣的重要古蹟。 Both 開山王 and 延平郡王 refer to the one and only Koxinga 國姓爺, i.e., 鄭成功 [Cheng Chen-Gong], who recovered Taiwan from the Dutch in 1661-2.
Soon after Koxinga's death in 1662, a small shrine was built on this site to memorialize him. In 1683, the Qing defeated Ming-Cheng. To avoid anti-Qing popular uprising in the name of Koxinga, his tomb was relocated to Nan-An, his hometown in Hokkien. The worship of Koxinga nonetheless continued unabated, and this shrine and all other similar ones in Taiwan were named 開山王廟 to avoid trouble since Koxinga was still regarded as a historical archenemy of the Qing state. 開山, literally mountain-opening or trail-blazing, was a hidden reference to Koxinga as the first legitimate ruler of Taiwan. It was not until 1874 when Imperial Commissioner 沈葆楨 Shen Bao-Zen, recognizing the popular sentiment, petitioned the Qing Court to rehabilitate Koxinga instead as a national hero who drove the Dutch out of Taiwan. This was at a time when foreign powers came to invade China and the success of Koxinga was cited as an example to inspire the populace. Shen's request was granted, Koxinga was even promoted from 延平王 to 延平郡王 [some sources claim that this title was to conform to the Qing nobleman ranking system rather than a promotion], and enshrined in an officially-sanctioned temple built in 1875 on the same site in Tainan.
By Grace Hsu ©
When Taiwan was ceded to Japan in 1895, this temple was preserved and re-named 開山神社 to Before
demonstrate the Japanese affinity toward Koxinga - because his mother was Japanese, and to placate the Taiwanese. In 1914, a worship pavilion and other accessory buildings were also added (with a traditional Japanese torii planted outside of the main gate):
National Museum of Taiwan Literature
國立台灣文學館最初是日治時期之「臺南州廳」,第二次世界大戰時州廳遭 美軍擊中,原法國馬薩式屋頂接近全毀。戰後稍經整修將屋頂改為兩坡式,一度 改為「空軍供應司令部」 ,最後成為臺南市政府所在地。臺南市政府於 1997 年遷 至安平區,原址配合「古蹟再利用」,於 1997 年 8 月正式成立文資中心籌備處, 同時負責國家台灣文學館與國立文化資產保存研究中心之籌設工作,最後擇定今 址。現在不同時候還有有不同的文物或文學展覽! 近幾年聖誕節,也會於廣場前 設立大聖誕樹,和點燈,有濃濃的聖誕節氣氛!
National Museum of Taiwanese Literature during the Japanese occupation was originally the "Tainan Prefectural Hall," the U.S. military during World War II was hit by the Office of the State, the former French Massa roof nearly completely destroyed. After the war was renovated slightly sloping roof to two, was changed to "Air Supply Command," eventually became the seat of government in Tainan City. In 1997 the government moved to Anping District, Tainan City, so the original site changed to the "monuments reuse". In August 1997 here is formally established the Cultural Heritage Center, also responsible for the work of the National Museum of Taiwanese Literature and National Cultural Heritage Preservation Research Center. Nowadays here will have different display of the literature, and during the Christmas there will set a big Christmas tree in front of the museum. By Grace Hsu ©
忠義國小 Jhongyi Elementary School A school which has special building structure and design is near to Confucius Temple(孔子廟).
By Grace Hsu ©
孔廟 Confucius Temple +炒泡麵 台南孔廟,是明鄭時期鄭經採用諮議參軍陳永華的建議,在明永曆十九 年(西元 1665 年)動工,不僅成為台灣地區創建最早的孔廟,同時也開啟 了台灣儒學的先聲,所以又稱「全臺首學」 。地點位於今台南市南門路 2 號, 廟門以「全臺首學」金字橫匾作為登堂之階。坐北朝南的建築,柱廊式的大 成門,又稱戢門,門的兩側分立名宦祠及鄉賢祠。獨立式殿堂帶露臺的大成 殿,是整座建築的主體,殿內主祀至聖先師孔子牌位。紅 瓦、紅牆、綠蔭是對孔廟的基本印象,兒童嬉戲、情侶散 步、老人下棋與悠閒的氣氛。民國 72 年被指定為國家第一 級古蹟。
By Grace Hsu ©
土魠魚羹 Mackerel Soup
Pork Rice Tamale 肉粽
當歸鴨 Angelica duck Soup
小卷湯 squid soup 楊桃湯 Star fruit juice
滷肉飯 Braised pork rice
春捲 Spring rolls
By Grace Hsu ©
永樂燒肉飯 Roasted pork with rice
[安平] Anping 夕遊出張所 日本根據金,木,水,火,土五行對於一年 366 個日子(含 2 月 29 日)研究出一套 能量色彩學,而夕遊出張所依據日本 366 日能量色彩學並結合鹽本身具有淨、 趨吉避凶與帶來好磁場的特徵,設計出為每一個人出生日子所專屬的生日彩鹽, 並延伸製作了生日彩鹽吊飾!。 When is your birthday? Each date is represented by its own color. There are 366 colors including February 29. Now, let's find your birth color! Salt has long been considered to be able to clean, purify, and banish evil in Taiwan and Japan as well as a number of other places. Folklore speaks of a wealth gathering magic performed by scattering salt around. Shop owners would scatter salt around the front of shops to attract more customers. People used to use salt to banish ill fortune when encountering bad luck or after funerals. In certain religions, salt is holy and represents balancing flavors, and therefore is a religious symbol for balance. 366-color salt not only continues with the tradition of banishing evil, but also incorporates character colors into the birth colors according to Japanese color principles. It will bring you the best of luck.
By Grace Hsu ©
德記洋行是在十九世紀時英國與中國通商時所成立的洋行之一,目前是台灣 的貿易公司,總部設於台北市大安區,工廠設於台南市麻豆區,並在中華民國證 券櫃檯買賣中心股票上。 Tait is one of Matheson in the 19th century when the British established trade with China , and it is currently trading company headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan , factory located in Tainan City, Madou area, and the ROC Securities Gre stocks. 1845 年,荷蘭人 James Tait 在福建廈門成立德記洋行,屬於英屬東印度公司。 於台南安平港開港時,在 1867 年成立安平的據點並興建營業廳舍,1878 年在台 北淡水(今新北市淡水區)成立營業據點,1887 年在台北大稻埕(今台北市大 同區)。當時台灣有五大洋行,分別是英國德記洋行、英國怡記洋行、英國和記 洋行、德國東興洋行及美國唻記洋行;這五大洋行主要經營海外貿易,包括糖和 樟腦。 In 1845 , the Dutch established in Xiamen, Fujian James Tait Tait , which are the British East India Company . Tainan Anping Harbor opened when established in 1867, Anping strongholds and build the operating room homes, 1878 in Taipei freshwater ( now New Taipei City freshwater areas ) established business base , 1887 in Taipei Dadaocheng ( now Datong District, Taipei ) . At that time Taiwan has 5 : 1.Matheson , namely Britain Tait , 2. UK Yee Kee Matheson , 3. Hutchison Matheson Britain , 4. Germany , 5. the United States Lai Kee Dongxing Matheson Matheson ; these five major Western companies operating overseas trade, including sugar and camphor . 在台灣被清廷割讓大日本帝國後,台灣總督府與日商透過專賣制度聯手排擠 其他外商,使洋行紛紛關閉。1911 年,德記洋行安平營業據點結束營業,德記 洋行在安平的建物由大日本製鹽接收使用。1945 年太平洋戰爭後,德記洋行在 安平的建物成為台南鹽場的廳舍及宿舍;1979 年由台南市政府收回並整修,於 1981 年整修完成、對外開放參觀,是為台灣開拓史料蠟像館,目前為台南市市 定三級古蹟。 Taiwan was ceded after the Qing Empire of Japan, Taiwan Governor teamed up with Japanese companies through crowding out other foreign monopoly system, so Matheson have closed. In 1911, Tait Anping business locations close of business, Tait in Anping building by the great Japanese salt reception. After the 1945 war in the Pacific, Tait became the building in Anping, Tainan salt, the office buildings and dormitories; 1979 recovered by the Tainan City Government and refurbishment, renovation completed in 1981, opening up visit is to explore the Historical Wax Museum in Taiwan, currently given three monuments, Tainan City. By Grace Hsu ©
安平樹屋 Anping Tree House 台南市政府在樹屋另外裡設置「安平灘的故事」 及「榕樹生態展」兩個常態性展出。兩個的展出內容, 都和安平在地的歷史人文有關,其中,「安平灘的故 事」展,以圖文訴說安平從荷蘭人據台時期的經貿人 文變遷、地方發展過程;而「榕樹生態展」則以彩色 圖片搭配文字解說,安平樹屋的形成過程,以及台灣 現有榕樹樹種和分布狀態等自然生態介紹。 Tainan City Government set up "Anping Beach Story" and "banyan ecological Exhibition" on display at two normality tree house. This two exhibitions are related to local human and history. The former one, "Anping Beach Story", use picture to say about the history and local development process since the Dutch occupied here, and the other one, “banyan ecological Exhibition”, use not only the written explanation but also the colorful picture to tell the forming processing of the Anping Tree House and their types, distribution and the nature ecology.
安平老街(Anping old Street) Tourist Attractions avenue! You can find the traditional Chinese’s childhood play and the mini delicacy here. Succades, which is sweet and made by the fruit, here are also famous.
蜜餞 Succades
棺材板 Coffin
蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet
By Grace Hsu ©
蝦片 Prawn cracker
安平古堡 Anping Castle
台灣城又稱王城、赤崁城、安平城。原為荷蘭人於 1624 年所建, 1634 年(明崇禎七年)完成,初名奧倫治城,後改名熱蘭遮城,早期 漢人稱荷蘭人為紅毛,所以把這座巍峨的城稱為「紅毛城」。台灣光 復後,稱為「安平古堡」,沿用至今。 荷蘭時期,台灣城是統治台灣的政治及經濟中心,安平古堡,是 鄭成功最後的戰場,也是荷蘭人在台灣最後的戰場。當我們歌頌鄭成 功的故事時,荷蘭人的故事,有沒有人會去在意呢?鄭成功圍城之際,曾令荷蘭 牧師范無如邱(Hambrock)招降城內守軍,然而他入城之後,卻力勸守軍堅持信念, 抗戰到底。當時他的妻兒都在鄭成功手中,這樣做無疑地會害死他自己和全家。 但是,為了國家尊嚴、民族榮耀,以及他所持守的信念,他最後成了民族英雄! 明鄭至清朝時期,鑑於台灣城已失去軍事價值,大量拆除城磚加以運用。 日據時期,為了建造安平海關宿舍,台灣城殘蹟被夷為平地,並在其上重建 方形臺階式的磚砌高臺。臺的中央蓋起拱劵式的洋樓建築,這便是後人熟知的安 平古堡。經過三百多年的變遷,這座台灣地區最古老的城堡,今天呈現在世人面 前的有:城壁遺跡、磚砌平台、陳列館、瞭望台和古壁史蹟公園。 When the Dutch occupied Taiwan, they had built a stockade in the Anping area. In the following year, they built a castle called Orlande in the same place. In 1627, they changed the name of the castle into Provintia. In later years, the Dutch continued to expand the scale of the castle, and it was the CBD of Taiwan during the Dutch colonization. Here is also the place that 鄭成功 compete with Dutch(荷蘭人). During that time, his children and wife are all in Dutch’s hand, so he make up his mind to recover his family and this place. When (鄭成功)Jheng, Cheng-gong defeated the Dutch and recovered Taiwan in 1662, he lived in Provintia and changed Taiwan into Pinganchen and the place of Chihkan into Chengtian Prefecture. The name of Taiwan City has since appeared in history. When the Ching Government took over Taiwan during the Kangsi Reign, they moved the political center of Taiwan to Fucheng, and Taiwan City gradually lost its military value. When Shen, Bao-jhen built Eternal Golden Castle, he had demolished part of the wall of Taiwan City as materials for the former. During the Japanese Colonization, all Dutch architectures inside the fort were damaged, and the remains we see today at the museum have been restored for many times. After the restoration of Taiwan, the city renamed as the Anping Fort. N ow, we can only see the remains of the city telling us the story of Provintia some three hundred years ago. On the walls of Anping Fort, we can still find trace of wall locks in the past like a pair of scissors facing toward the ground. Wall locks of Provintia. By Grace Hsu ©
海山館 Hai-shan Hostel
海山館位於臺南市安平區,是三級古蹟,確 切建成年代不明。海山館是清朝來臺駐守的海壇鎮標水師班兵所建之會館(廟館), 而海山館之名則是因為該營原駐守地海壇島上有一座山名為「海山」。在安平這 樣的會館原本共有五座,但今天只剩下海山館而己。 Haishan Hostel located in Tainan City Hall is the third level monuments; the exact age of completion is unknown. This place is stationed in Tainan 安平 town built by soldiers, and the name of 海山 is because the battalion stationed in the former Haitan Island has a mountain named "seamount." In this hall there were originally five hall, but today only this Haishan Hostel has existed.
運河博物館(Canal Museum) This Canal Museum is built in Japanese occupied period. Inside, there is also have 366 colors’ product which is made as a seal(印章) by the same company of the 夕遊出張所! And there is a cute coffee car near this museum, you can see from the picture: it’s Totoro style(となりのトトロ)! It sell the ice cream, if we are lucky to see it. We can take a good picture with it
By Grace Hsu ©
花園夜市 In Taiwan, night market culture here is famous. In Tainan, everyday
has night market and we have a slogan “大大武花大武花” that says on different day where you should go ! ( 大:大東夜市,武: 武聖夜市,花: 花園夜市)
And today we will go to Tainan Flowers Night Market together 花園夜市 to eat many things !!!
陳記-麻辣鴨血,港式魚蛋 Spicy duck blood, Fish ball 紅妃-大腸,香腸
Large intestine ,Sausage
二師兄滷味-米血,雞心 Braised Food
阿美芭樂 Fruit Stand
Almond Tea Fried 油條 Fritters
By Grace Hsu ©
傑 旗魚黑輪 Fish wheels 小上海 鹽酥雞 Salty Fried chicken
Super Fried
Fried Squid
Fried Sweet By Grace Hsu ©
Potato Balls
Feb.12 尻䨢 Maokong Maokong, located in the southeast corner of Taipei City, is one of the most popular tea-plantation areas in Taiwan. The name Maokong, which means “cat’s hollows,” has nothing to do with an actual cat. The boulders and stones in the stream bed here are made of rock of varying hardness, and over time the stream’s waters have carved potholes in them. The original name given to this place by local inhabitants was pronounced “niao kang” in their native Taiwanese dialect, and over time this became the Mandarin “maokong ” used today, reference to the “cat’s hollows” in the stream’s rocks. 尻䨢ỵ㕤⎘⊿ⶪ㜙⋿昭,㗗⎘䀋㚨㚱⎵䘬勞 叱䓇䓊⛘ᷳᶨˤ侴尻䨢塓╂ἄ “尻䨢”炻㗗
⚈䁢䔞⛘ᶨ㡅⣏⛹㹒䘬㱛⸲⛘⼊侴Ἦ炻尻 䨢ᶨ溆斄Ὢḇ㰺㚱ˤ忁墉䘬㹒⸲ⱑ䞛岒⛘庇 䠔ᶵ⎴炻塓㹒㯜㰾⇟䘬↡↠ᶵ⸛炻䓊䓇姙⣂ 䙢壞⫼䨜炻⌛䁢⢢䨜炻㖑㛇䘬䔞⛘⯭㮹ẍ救 ⋿婆 “ιᶨώ μϒ”䧙忁ᶨ⛘⋨ˤᷭ侴ᷭ ᷳ炻⯭㮹ㄊㄊẍ役Ụ䘬媏枛 “尻䨢”⍾ẋˤ
Camphor Tree Trail
Maokong Station
⚳䩳㓧㱣⣏⬠ National Chengchi University National Chengchi University (NCCU) ,a public university at Muzha, Wenshan District, Taipei, Taiwan, is one of the most prestigious universities in Taiwan. The university commands a beautiful view, in a peaceful setting, at the foot of Mt. Zhi-nan and is close to many tourist spots including the Zhi-nan Temple, Maokong, and the Taipei Zoo. It’s also the school for Daisy, Lisa and Mitus. ỵ㕤⊿ⶪ㔯Ⱉ⋨䘬㓧⣏㗗⎘䀋㚨⃒䥨䘬⣏ ⬠ᷳᶨˤ㓧⣏⛸句㕤㊯⋿Ⱉᶳ炻㚱叿伶渿䘬 㘗䶣炻᷎ᶼḇ月役姙⣂䞍⎵㘗溆⤪㊯⋿⭖炻 尻䨢冯≽䈑⚺ˤ忁ḇ㗗 Daisy 炻Lisa炻Mitus 䘬⬠㟉┼ˤ
Daisy Chiu in NCCU
Welcome to Taiwan!
㯠埿 Yong Kang Street Located on Section 2 of Xinyi Road in Taipei Daan District, Yong Kang business area is notable for its numerous local refined cuisines and exotic restaurants. One of the most popular restaurants that visitors shall not miss is the internationally well-known legendary restaurant, Din Tai Fung. Gourmands and tourists from all over the world wait in lines for the juicy, mouthwatering “xiao long bao” and other Chinese dishes. ỵ㕤⣏⬱⋨ᾉ佑嶗Ḵ㭝炻㯠⓮⚰ẍ℞㔠ᶵ 㶭䘬Ἓ棂冯䔘⚳梸⺛倆⎵ˤ℞ᷕ㚨叿⎵䘬梸 ⺛卓忶㕤溶㲘寸ḮˤἮ冒ᶾ䓴⎬⛘䘬侩棽冯 忲⭊䷥㗗䁢Ḯ恋歖⪑⣂㯩䘬⮷䰈⊭侴⣏㌺ 攟漵ˤ
Mango ice 児㙚
xiao long bao λ᠈х!
ᷕ㬋䲨⾝➪ Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a famous monument, landmark and tourist attraction erected in memory of Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China. The monument, surrounded by a park, stands at the east end of Memorial Hall Square. The structure is framed on the north and south by the National Theater and National Concert Hall. ᷕ㬋䲨⾝➪㗗ᷕ厗㮹⚳⎘䀋⎘⊿ⶪᷕ㬋⋨ ᶨ⹏䁢䲨⾝⇵ᷕ厗㮹⚳䷥䴙哋ᷕ㬋侴冰⺢ 䘬⺢䭱炻ḇ㗗䛦⣂䲨⾝哋ᷕ㬋䘬⺢䭱ᷕ夷㧉 㚨⣏侭ˤℐ⋨ 250,000 ⸛㕡℔⯢炻ᷣ㦻檀 76 ℔⯢炻䭉䎮㨇斄䁢ˬ⚳䩳ᷕ㬋䲨⾝➪䭉 䎮嗽˭烊侴⚺⋨⺋⟜䘬⋿⊿“炻⎎⺢㚱⚳䩳 ᷕ㬋㔯⊾ᷕ⽫䭉䎮䘬⚳⭞㇚∯昊⚳⭞枛 㦪⺛炻句ㆸẍἮ⌛䁢⎘⊿ⶪ㚨叿⎵⛘㧁ᷳ ᶨˤ
⚳䩳冢䀋⣏⬠ġ National Taiwan University National Taiwan University is considered to be among the most prestigious universities in Taiwan. It was founded in 1928 by the Japanese administration during the Japanese colonial era and was then known as the Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University. After World War II, the government of the Republic of China resumed the administration of Taihoku University and reorganized and renamed it National Taiwan University on November 15, 1945.Grace, Steven, Powei,Annie,Hugo,Albert,Ada…study in NTU ⚳䩳冢䀋⣏⬠㗗ℐ⎘䀋㚨⤥䘬⣏⬠炻℞ㆸ䩳 㕤㖍㱣㗪㛇炻䔞㗪塓䧙䁢⎘⊿ⷅ⚳⣏⬠炻 1945 ⸜ẍ⼴炻⎘䀋㓧⹄ㇵ㈲℞㓡⎵䁢⚳䩳⎘ 䀋⣏⬠ˤ
The most popular place among young generations. 大攨䓢 Ximending The name of Ximending came from the period of Japanese colonization. At that time most local residents live within Taipei City. Ximending is the center for recreation. In 1896, the first theater "Tokyo Stand" was set up. In 1922, the place was officially called Ximending. Today, Ximending is one of the most popular places among young generations. 大攨䓢忁ᾳ⎵⫸Ἦ冒㕤㖍㛔㬾㮹㗪㛇ˤ⛐䔞 㗪炻大攨䓢㗗⎘⊿ⶪ⧃㦪䘬ᷕ⽫ˤ1896 ⸜炻 䫔ᶨᾳ㇚昊㜙Ṕ⹏⺢䩳㕤㬌ˤ⇘Ḯ 1922 ⸜炻 忁墉⯙塓㬋⺷䧙䁢大攨䓢ˤṲ㖍䘬大攨䓢㗗 㚨⍿⸜庽ᶨ廑㬉彶䘬⛘溆ᷳᶨˤ
⮏⢷嶗⣄ⶪ Ninxia Road Nightmarket 㺟倱梗 Braised pork rice
冕寮僸 Stinky tofu 噝Ṽ䃶 Oyster omelet 炽炽炽 ㌟忳ᷕⰙ䪁ġ MRT Zhongshan Station The area around Zhongshan MRT Station in Taipei is one of the most popular areas in the city. You have shopping malls and restaurants, as well as cute little cafés making the area one of the top destinations for Taipeiers. ps. It’s Daisy’s favorite place to go shopping and to have a cup of tea.
Feb.13 ḅẼ Jiufen During the first years of the Qing Dynasty, the village here housed nine families, thus the village would request "nine portions" every time shipments arrived from town. Later Jiufen ("nine portions" in Chinese) would become the name of the village. Jiufen was only an isolated village until 1893, when gold was discovered in the area. The resulting gold rush hastened the village's development into a town, and reached its peak during the Japanese rule. Gold mining activities declined after World War II, and the mine was shut off in 1971. Jiufen quickly went
into decline, and for a while the town was mostly forgotten. Jiufen became popular again in 2001, when its downtown was used as a model in the anime movie Spirited Away. ⛐㶭㛅㗪㛇炻忁墉ỷ叿ḅ㇞Ṣ⭞炻⚈䁢⢾↢ ⼰ᶵ㕡ὧ炻⎒天㚱Ṣ↢⍣屟㜙大ᶨ⭂悥㚫屟 ḅấ炻㕤㗗ḅấ⯙ㆸḮ忁墉䘬⛘⎵ˤ1893 ⸜ẍ⇵炻ḅấᶨ䚜悥㗗ᶨᾳ冯ᶾ昼䳽䘬⮷捖炻 Ữ䘤䎦慹䣎⼴炻忁墉⼰⾓⛘⯙䘤⯽崟Ἦ炻᷎ ⛐㖍㱣㗪㛇忼⇘℞檀ⲘˤỮ⛐Ḵ㇘⼴炻㍉䣎 䘬㳣≽㻠㻠㰺句炻㚨⼴㕤 1971 ⸜斄攱Ḯ䣎 ⛹ˤḅấ⯙忁㧋㰱⭪Ḯ姙ᷭ炻ᶨ䚜⇘ 2001 ⸜ḅấ⍰ℵ㫉⍿⇘ᶾ䓴䘬䞂䚖炻⚈䁢ᶨ悐㖍 㛔䘬≽䔓ˬ䤆⼙⮹⤛˭ˤ
ⴱ㵨 Pingxi Here, you will find yourself much closer to the sky. In this town, you experience simplicity, ancient railways, traditional delicacies, classic old streets, and the sky lanterns that cast a ray from the heavens above… 㰺㚱悥ⶪ䘬㽫⥅导㉡炻 ⎒㚱㹒察⮷捖䘬岒㧠䌯䛇炻 怬冲揝嶗䘬囧嚺炻 旧⫌␛忻䘬㬟⎚侩埿炻 冯ℱℱᶲ⋯䘬䘬⣑䅰炻 㗈䄏叿ᶨấἮ冒⣑➪䘬䃉旸⸠䤷炻 ⇿嶈䦗 忁墉㗗暊⣑䨢㚨役䘬⛘㕡ˤ 6KLIHQ 6WDWLRQ
⋩↮㾹ⶫ t rfall f ll Shifen Waterfall
Feb.14 㓭⭖ National Palace Museum The collection of cultural artifacts held inside the National Palace Museum consists an enormous treasure trove of objects from the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Development of the Museum is closely connected to the social changes of modern China. Thirteen years after the founding of the Republic of China, the last Qing Emperor Puyi was exiled from the Forbidden City. The cultural artifacts left within the palaces were collectively itemized, and a National Palace Museum was born. ⚳䩳㓭⭖⌂䈑昊䘬㓞啷炻㈧多冒⬳ˣ⃫ˣ㖶ˣ㶭 ⚃㛅⭖ᷕ㓞啷炻岒慷ℤ⁁烊侴⬫䘬䘤⯽⇯冯役ẋ ᷕ⚳䣦㚫嬲怟䵲⭮䚠专ˤᷕ厗㮹⚳⺢䩳 13 ⸜⼴炻 ⮯㶭㛅徨ỵ䘬䘯ⷅ㹍₨徸↢䳓䤩❶炻攳⥳㶭溆⭖ ᷕ㔯䈑炻᷎姕䩳㓭⭖⌂䈑昊ˤ 侈䌱䘥厄 Jadeite Cabbage with Insects
㶉㯜 Tanshui Tamsui District is a sea-side district in New Taipei City in northern Taiwan. It is named after the Tamsui River; the name means "fresh water". The town is popular as a site for viewing the sun setting into the Taiwan Strait. Though modest in size (population 130,105), the district is home to three universities (Aletheia University,Tamkang University, and St. John's University) and has a large role in Taiwanese culture. 㶉㯜⋨ỵ㕤⎘䀋㕘⊿ⶪ大⊿㱧㴟炻㶉㯜㱛䘬↢ 㴟⎋⊿“炻⊿惘ᶱ剅⋨炻⋿惘⎘⊿ⶪ⊿㈽⋨炻 大㾙⎘䀋㴟ⲥ炻大⋿冯ℓ慴⋨ẍ㶉㯜㱛ᶨ㯜ᷳ 昼ˤ㱛Ⱉ㯜ˣ桐㘗䥨渿炻冒⎌䁢⎘䀋ℓ㘗ᷳ ᶨ炻㖼㖍᷎㚱ˬ㜙㕡⦩⯤㕗˭ᷳ䧙ˤ⛐㬟⎚ᶲ 㚦䴻㗗⎘䀋䫔ᶨ⣏㷗炻ḇ㗗大㕡㔯㖶⛐⎘䀋⊿ 悐㔋㑕䘬崟溆ˤ
漵Ⱉ⮢ Longshan Temple Built in 1738 during the reign of Emperor Qianong, Longshan Temple, where Guanyin Buddha is worshipped, is the center of the local residents’ religious beliefs and commercial activities in Wanhua. 漵Ⱉ⮢⺢㕤㶭㛅Ḧ昮⸜攻炻墉朊ὃ⣱Ḯ奨ᶾ枛 厑啑炻㗗䔞⛘叔厗⯭㮹䘬ᾉẘ冯⓮㤕㳣㜙䘬ᷕ ⽫ˤ 厗大埿⣄ⶪ Snake Alley It is noted to provide various local snacks, seafood restaurants that serve traditional Taiwanese dishes and many delicacies including snake blood and meat, turtle blood and meat and deer penis wine, which can't normally be found anywhere else. But, what stands out the most from the crowd are the various snake delicacies and drinks that the market has to offer; hence the emergence of the nickname "Snake Alley"
Feb.15 冢⊿ 101 Taipei 101 Taipei 101 comprises 101 floors above ground and 5 floors underground. The building was architecturally created as a symbol of the evolution of technology and Asian tradition. Its postmodernist approach to style incorporates traditional design elements and gives them modern treatments. The tower is designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. A multi-level shopping mall adjoining the tower houses hundreds of fashionable stores, restaurants and clubs. ℞㚨⇅⎵䧙䁢⎘⊿⚳晃慹圵ᷕ⽫炷Taipei World Financial Center炸 炻2003 ⸜㓡䁢䎦⎵炻 Ṏ䧙䁢 101 ⣏㦻ˤ㚦㕤 2004 ⸜ 12 㚰 31 㖍军 2010 ⸜ 1 㚰 4 㖍攻㑩㚱ˬᶾ䓴䫔ᶨ檀㦻˭ 䘬䲨抬ˤẍ伶⚳㪲⦩⺢䭱㨇㥳ᶾ䓴檀㦻⋼㚫
炷CTBUH炸妪⭂䘬檀⹎㧁㸾妰䬿烊⎘⊿ 101 䚖⇵㗗ᶾ䓴䫔⚃檀㦻炷ὅ⮾枪檀⹎炸 ˣℐ䎫㚨 檀䵈⺢䭱ˣ䑘⛘暯ⷞ㚨檀⺢䭱炻⎴㗪ḇ㗗冢䀋ˣ 㜙Ṇ⍲䑘⣒⸛㲳⛘⋨㚨檀䘬⺢䭱䈑烊⣏㦻ℏ⇯ 㑩㚱ℐ䎫㚨⣏䘬旣⯤☐ˣ冯ℐ䎫崟旵忇⹎㫉⾓ 䘬暣㡗ˤ
婈⑩㚠⸿ Eslite Bookstore Eslite was established in 1989. The first shop was located in Dunhua South Road, Daan District, Taipei, with a focus and emphasis on artand humanities-related books
Emergency Numbers Annie Cellphone: 0928765842
Bill Cellphone: 0987876394
Daisy Cellphone: 0910385885 Home: (02)25555410 Adress: 台北市長安西路 272 號 10 樓
Grace Wu Cellphone: 0923107521 Home: (04)27052015
Grace Tsu Cellphone: 0915666730
Powei Cellphone: 0928511813
Police 110
Emergency Service 119