OPS Behavioural Competency Dictionary

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OPS Behavioural Competency Dictionary 2009

May 2009

OPS BEHAVIORAL COMPETENCY DICTIONARY REVIEW AND ALIGNMENT 2009 Introduction Over the past few years the pace of change within OPS continues to be rapid as new challenges and opportunities arise. The ability of a modern OPS to continually respond to changing priorities and challenges depends on each of us having current and transferable knowledge, skills and attributes. In preparation for this learning journey, we have revised the OPS Behavioural Competency Dictionary. The dictionary is intended to help you understand current competencies that are needed by non-managerial employees in our dynamic public sector environment.

What are Competencies? Competencies are specific and observable knowledge, skills and attributes that are needed for effective performance. Where job descriptions specify the duties, responsibilities and qualifications, competencies enrich this information by describing the "how" of the work, giving a clearer picture of the ways you can apply your knowledge and skills to achieve results in the job. Think about your dentist A dentist is a highly-trained professional who must possess an array of technical competencies such as diagnosing conditions, cleaning teeth and filling cavities. To effectively meet patients' needs, a dentist must also demonstrate behavioural competencies such as Service Focus. The dentist is expected to maintain clear communication with customers, respond to their inquiries and be empathetic and compassionate. Competencies @ Work for You Know A changing work environment or new job responsibilities can affect your ability to demonstrate a competency. It starts by understanding what you have to do to get results at your work.


The revised OPS dictionary is aligned against the leader-manager competencies and will help you to focus on the critical competencies required to develop your potential, and obtain leader-manager roles. Grow Conduct a self-assessment using My Learning Wizard, an electronic selfassessment and learning tool. Discuss the results with your manager to determine which competencies you need to develop to meet current and future learning requirements. Draw on your self-assessment discussion to assist you in setting goals and exploring personal and professional opportunities in your career path. Show Competencies are developed through learning, focused practice and perseverance. While developing your competencies, identify opportunities to practise the knowledge, skills and behaviours associated with the competency level you are focusing on. Demonstrate what you are good at by showcasing your accomplishments. Competencies help you to describe your abilities and potential. Helpful Resources Below are some helpful resources to assist you in developing your competencies. Make sure you enter MyOPS site prior to clicking on the links. CFLL My Learning Wizard OPS Leader-Manager Competency Model - An Introductory Guide (review of the 4 leader-manager competencies) HR OpenWeb Guide to Branch-Level Learning Plans: Planning to Invest in Learning and Development (policy document)


TABLE OF CONTENTS DELIVERS Achieving Results--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Concern for Quality and Standards--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Problem Solving----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Situational Judgement--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Strategic Thinking------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

TRANSFORMS Commitment to Continuous Learning-----------------------------------------------------------------10 Enables & Supports Change----------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Flexibility------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Innovation----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

INSPIRES Coaching-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Concern for Image Impact-------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Impact & Influence-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 Integrity------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 Self Awareness-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Team Leadership------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20

CONNECTS Collaboration-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 Communicating Effectively----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Political Acuity--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Relationship Building-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 Self Control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 Service Focus----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26


Achieving Results


Achieving Results is a commitment and drive to attain and produce deliverables to reach successful outcomes both at an individual and team level. It includes proactively doing things, striving to continuously achieve higher levels of performance and standards of excellence. It involves the demonstration of enthusiasm and pride in accomplishing tasks and achieving goals. It also involves focusing attention to achieve effective outcomes and a tendency for taking action and being proactive, demonstrating an appropriate sense of urgency, showing initiative and consistently delivering against defined targets. Proficiency Level


1. Works to achieve goals set by others

• Accepts responsibility for and meeting agreed upon goals set by others • Prioritizes own work, addresses work and makes decisions that are aligned with established current objectives and consistently meets targets • Regularly reviews activities and plans against objectives, identifies opportunities and problems, modifies plans as necessary to ensure actions support the achievement of goals • Expresses enthusiasm about reaching goals

2. Strives to exceed objectives

• Takes personal responsibility to exceed the required deliverables • Uses established and defined methods to measure progress and outcomes against quality standards • Considers potential issues • May introduce evident changes to a process to improve outcomes (e.g. do something better, faster, at a lower cost, and more efficiently) • Identifies and/or acts on opportunities to introduce improvements

3. Sets and achieves challenging objectives

• Proactively sets and strives to deliver on objectives that are realistic, achievable and challenging • Monitors progress towards deliverables and may make specific changes in the system or own work processes to meet business objectives and/or improve performance • Scans internal and external environment and identifies opportunities with payoffs, which may result in significantly improved bottom-line performance • Thinks ahead and plans for contingencies and effectively prepares and organizes resources and activities to deal with concerns • Makes sure the work is completed to deliver on accountabilities, despite roadblocks and obstacles and may take multiple steps to overcome challenges or obstacles • Does not give up easily when things do not go smoothly

4. Seizes new challenges and opportunities

• Acts with a keen sense of urgency to understand, assess and capitalize on new opportunities • Makes decisions to undertake new opportunities to achieve a defined benefit and/or meet current and future business objectives • Organizes and commits significant resources and time despite uncertainty or potentially adverse consequences, to establish and deliver on initiatives that will achieve significant long-term benefits for the branch, ministry or the OPS

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Concern for Quality and Standards CQST Concern for Quality and Standards reflects an interest and personal commitment to reduce uncertainty and improve accuracy in our work. At higher levels, it involves the ability to check and/or monitor work quality, processes and progress, and make timely contributions to the team, branch and or ministry by creating the standards and providing the directions for meeting performance measures. Proficiency Level


1. Seeks clarity about

• Endeavours to have clear information that relates to role, performance expectations, tasks and accountabilities • Maintains current and thorough records

expectations 2. Concern for


3. Monitors work


4. Creates quality criteria

and standards

• Uses personal system to assess and check accuracy and quality of work against standards • Follows required internal control procedures and ensures own compliance with standards where they exist (e.g. Office Procedures Manual) • Monitors the progress/quality and/or standards of own or others’ work against key criteria • Adapts approach as needed and/or takes action to improve performance to ensure the success of the assignment or project • Recommends and implements changes to procedures in order to meet performance targets and expectations • Develops and uses initiative to define quality criteria/standards for own performance or the benefit of others’ work where none exist, or where there are a variety of inconsistent standards • Sets up new procedures/monitoring systems for measuring and routinely monitoring project compliance and progress of assignments • Communicates, directs and implements these standards within the branch, division or ministry

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Problem Solving PRS Problem Solving is recognizing, understanding, anticipating and resolving a problem based on knowledge and experience. It includes the ability to identify patterns, analyze and synthesize information, devise and implement workable and alternative solutions and strategies. Proficiency Level


1. Recognizes a problem

• Able to recognize and describe the characteristics of a problem by breaking it down into its component parts • Identifies the fundamental issues or concerns from analysis of the parts of the problem, discrepancies, trends, and cause and effect relationships • Notifies others of those issues/concerns

2. Offers

• Identifies the specific issues by breaking a problem into lists of tasks or activities • Uses common sense and past experiences to look for solutions to the problem or issue understanding pros and cons involved • Recognizes and acts upon opportunities to solve the problem with standard actions • Breaks down tasks into manageable parts in a systematic way • Takes action to overcome minor obstacles to address present problems

known/standard solutions

3. Provides multiple


4. Provides creative new


• Prioritizes concerns/issues in order of importance and can articulate them in plain language • Analyzes relationships among several parts of a problem or situation and makes multiple causal links • Recognizes likely causes of events or consequences of actions • Anticipates obstacles and thinks about next steps • Identifies potential alternative approaches or actions by using a variety of approaches, tools and techniques • Recommends the most appropriate course of action • Uses various techniques or tools to identify and break apart multidimensional problems or processes into components • Is able to analyze complex issues and problems and synthesize information to identify key issues for solutions • Brings new ways to explain a multi-dimensional problem, situation or opportunity • Considers long-term business implications or solutions • Understands broader operational context and looks for potential opportunities that provide high impact or cross functional solutions

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Situational Judgement SJ Situational Judgement is the ability to draw on one’s own experience, knowledge and expertise to react with the best response in a critical or urgent situation. It is the ability to form objective, sound opinions and make decisions that lead to workable recommendations and actions in matters that require action, good sense and discretion. It involves relating professional knowledge (technical, theoretical and/or experiential) to specific problems. It is based on critical thinking, assessment of implications, recognition of patterns, and connections of underlying issues and ownership of the outcome. Proficiency Level


1. Makes decisions in

• Uses professional knowledge to assess a particular situation by piecing together a single link • Can identify pros and cons and prioritize actions in order of importance • Is able to make a decision and take action when there is sufficient information to predict the consequences with relative certainty

predictable situations

2. Makes effective

decisions with limited information

3. Makes calculated

decisions where outcomes are uncertain

4. Reaches effective

decisions in ambiguous situations

• Uses more than one source of information/experience to determine possible interpretations and potential courses of action • Makes recommendations/decisions based on evaluation of risk and an understanding of the issues within a business context • Is able to make a decision and take decisive action in circumstances when there are gaps in the information or it is difficult to predict the consequences with certainty • Identifies multiple causal links - several potential causes of events, several consequences of actions or multiple part chains of events • Analyzes relationships among several parts of a problem or situation • Anticipates obstacles and thinks ahead about next steps when the next steps are not clear or logical • Determines best action to achieve desired outcome • Makes decisions in which there are multiple-part relationships between variables • Draws upon complex learned concepts when examining patterns or trends and recognizes underlying issues/implications for decision making and courses of action • Consistently makes the right decision when there are competing and ambiguous priorities • Regularly deals with situations that have not been seen before or have unique variables • Directs an appropriate course of action and provides the required focus for self and others in dynamic situations

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Strategic Thinking STT Strategic Thinking is the ability to link long-range visions and concepts to daily work, ranging from a simple understanding to a sophisticated awareness of the impact that plans, objectives, trends and changes have on strategies and choices. It is the ability to see the big picture, taking calculated risks based on an awareness of societal, economic and political issues that may impact the overall direction of the department and the organization. Proficiency Level


1. Understands and

• Understands organizational goals developed by others • Prioritizes own work in alignment with business goals and strategies

aligns actions to organizational goals 2. Links daily tasks to

longer-term strategies

3. Understands external

impact on internal strategy

4. Creates and

implements strategy

• Assesses and links short-term, day-to-day tasks to longer-term business strategies and perspectives; considers whether short-term goals will meet longer-term objectives • Continuously monitors own actions against the organization’s strategic plan when working on assignments or projects • Is aware of the projected directions of trends (e.g. social, technological, etc.) and how changes might impact the branch/division/ministry/OPS • Thinks long-term by determining longer-term issues, problems and opportunities and considering how present policies and processes might be affected by future developments and trends • Develops and establishes extensive long-term objectives, goals, strategies and a course of action to accomplish business requirements • Ensures contingency plans exist for problems and situations that might occur • Shares own view of the desirable future state of the business in the branch, division, ministry or organization

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Commitment to Continuous Learning COCL Commitment to Continuous Learning is a dedication to continuously expand individual knowledge, understanding or mastery of a subject matter for improved performance within the organization. It includes acquiring new knowledge, skills, abilities and/or creating a positive learning environment in order to improve personal and/or professional effectiveness. At higher levels, it includes the ability to consider how new and different solutions can be used to ensure success and move the business forward in light of evolving business needs. Proficiency Level


1. Values and builds on current knowledge

• Maintains knowledge required in areas that relate to current responsibilities. This includes knowledge of the organization’s approach as well as what is happening outside of the organization in one’s field • Has confidence in one’s knowledge and uses it to perform job responsibilities • Takes opportunity to learn from both positive and negative situations and experiences • Reflects on outcomes and process used. Asks self: “What happened? What worked/didn’t work? What can I do differently? What do I need to know?”

2. Seeks to acquire new knowledge and share it with others

• Shows curiosity and interest in new approaches, tools, methods in own areas of knowledge • Learns from others by carefully observing their behaviours and ways of doing things • Proactively asks others about new approaches, tools, methods in own areas of expertise by engaging in both traditional and non-traditional learning opportunities in response to new problems or situations (e.g. seeking out others, reading, researching or attending workshops) • Actively seeks out opportunities to add to others’ knowledge and share knowledge with others

3. Increases scope of • Takes steps to maintain an in-depth understanding of key business learning by focusing on issues and identifies potential solutions in areas of expertise that could future needs impact the business • Is motivated by business/public service objectives to continuously increase the scope and depth of knowledge acquired and shared • Continually monitors both external and internal sources • Links the current or emerging approaches, tools, methods and/or technologies to the future needs of the business • Demonstrates initiative by judiciously and generously sharing information or setting up processes across a wide network of peers, clients, and others for the benefit of the organization’s learning • Seeks out opportunities to address situations in which to apply current knowledge as a means of consistently updating and expanding expertise • Is perceived and sought out by others as an expert

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Commitment to Continuous Learning COCL 4. Applies new learning to expand boundaries

• Seeks opportunities to expand the boundaries of accepted practices and ways of doing business when presented with complex and/or ambiguous situations • Works towards acceptance of new approaches/knowledge that meet deliverables and/or benefit the business • Invests time, energy, and effort to learn and apply new ways of doing things when traditional methods don’t produce the desired outcome • Encourages and supports others to develop new knowledge, skills and abilities and may play a leadership role in establishing a learning climate • Is disciplined and goal-oriented when sharing knowledge with others and uses a variety of approaches to do so (e.g. shared electronic folders, meetings/conferences, coaching, etc.)

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Enables and Supports Change ESC Enables and Supports Change is the ability to support a change initiative that has been mandated within the organization. It involves helping the organization’s members to understand what the change means to them, and providing the ongoing guidance and support that will maintain enthusiasm and commitment to the change process. People with this competency willingly embrace change. At higher levels, people manage change by energizing and alerting groups to the need for specific changes and taking advantage of every opportunity to explain their vision of the future to others and gain their buy in. Proficiency Level


1. Supports change

• Understands the rationale for and direction of organizational change initiatives • Discusses and supports a mandated change initiative message. May repeat this message on a number of occasions to ensure that he/she is clear on the purpose and direction of the change. • Defines a specific area where change is needed and may define activities to support the change required • Explains how change will affect work processes or structures in general. Draws connections, speaks about the change and desired outcomes in broad terms • Makes choices and sets priorities that support the new direction and meet business needs • Reinforces the change initiatives message with own actions and attitudes. Integrates the change very clearly with existing work/projects

2. Links change to work processes

3. Makes change real for individuals

• On an individual level, helps to define and clarify an explicit organizational vision for change; may simplify, modify or redefine the vision in terms that are specific to the individual • Integrates changes with existing work processes • Explains to individuals specifically how the change will affect their roles and positions, addressing any implications or concerns • Publicly speaks up in support of the change and asks others for input to build on change initiatives to increase enthusiasm and commitment to the process

4. Manages implementation of change initiative

• Ensures change message is heard and makes every effort to deliver the message or vision for change to everyone affected (e.g. repeats the message whenever possible) • Takes specific and sustained action to direct and ensure the successful implementation of the change even when unpopular or controversial • Monitors and gives feedback on the progress of the change initiative • Seeks opportunities at each stage of the process to monitor status, review impact on structures and relationships, and provide feedback on the progress and implications of the change to others

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Flexibility FLEX Flexibility is the willingness and ability to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of situations, and with various individuals or groups to achieve results. Flexibility means understanding and appreciating different and/or opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting one’s approach to changing requirements or priorities, and accepting changes at a job or organizational level. Proficiency Level


1. Values need for flexibility

• Accepts that other people’s points of view are valid and reasonable • Acknowledges that people are entitled to their opinions, and accepts that they may be different from mine. • Sees value in new ways of doing things

2. Demonstrates flexibility in specific situations

• Adapts approach within standard procedures to fit a specific situation • Understands changing processes and policies and can work with them to meet the branch, work group, team or individual goals • Steps in to perform co-workers’ tasks when needed or required

3. Exhibits adaptability in ambiguous situations

• Changes approach as required to achieve intended outcomes, exhibiting adaptability when faced with ambiguity or changing priorities • Modifies and prioritizes actions effectively, in order to respond to numerous and diverse challenges and demands • Helps others adapt to changing environments and evolving situations

4. Adapts strategy and shifts focus

• Is responsive to the need for fundamental change, or when an external/internal event indicates that a change in existing direction is necessary and/or desirable • Works to implement new practices when original approach and assumptions are no longer valid • Sets the climate to support an environment that promotes flexibility among team members • Acts quickly to define new approaches and shift strategic focus/activities in response to changing organizational priorities

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Innovation is the interest, ability and receptivity to think outside the box, go beyond the conventional and take new approaches in order to find better ways of managing business processes and service delivery. Innovation involves a deliberate intention to seek creative ideas and approaches and then develop and implement them so that they provide maximum value. At higher levels, it is the ability to encourage new ideas and promote innovation. Proficiency Level


1. Open minded

• Receptive when presented with new ideas or different perspectives for accomplishing a task • Looks for creative solutions when conventional methods do not work

2. Actively explores new possibilities

• Questions and challenges conventional work methods, including one’s own assumptions • Observes, identifies and applies creative approaches used by others (e.g. own or other ministries, agencies and organizations) to one’s own work • Looks for and explores new ideas and is prepared to take an unorthodox approach to accomplish tasks and find solutions

3. Takes action on innovative ideas

• • • • •

4. Embeds new ideas

• Responds to change by seizing opportunity for achieving same goals differently • Takes appropriate action (including writing business case) to implement the proposed innovation, considering all options and risks • Consistently monitors during implementation; reviews and evaluates outcomes for future reference • Actively builds and promotes an environment that solicits innovative ideas • Understands potential strategic implications and manages operational risks associated with new ideas and approaches • Ensures new ideas are embraced by addressing concerns and fostering/supporting an environment where people’s new ideas and approaches are heard and supported

Generates varied solutions to the situation at hand Is prepared to implement new solutions Looks to the future to explore evolving needs and new technology Seeks out new ideas and adapts methodology and ideas quickly Improves performance by using leading edge ideas to create something new and different • Supports the creation and implementation of innovative ideas in team

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Coaching COAC Coaching involves the genuine intent to foster the learning and development of others. It is based on the belief that individuals have the motivation to learn and grow. The goal of coaching is to develop and enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of others. A coach shares knowledge, motivates, encourages, supports and reinforces appropriate behaviours to empower people to continue to learn and develop. Coaching can be done by an employee or manager and can be directed to peers, internal or external clients or stakeholders. Proficiency Level


1. Shares knowledge to increase others’ effectiveness

• • • •

2. Listens and provides feedback

• Asks specific questions of the individual being coached to confirm their understanding, learning and effectiveness. (“What did they do that works? What would they do differently? How would they do things next time?”) • Listens for appropriate responses and provides feedback, encouragement and support for action implementing activities • Reinforces behaviours that produce positive outputs • Shares own experiences with examples

3. Creates opportunities for individual development

• Is clear about intent and views coaching as a regular and important part of the job • Seeks out or creates appropriate and challenging assignments, formal training or other experiences for the purpose of fostering a person’s learning and development • Helps individuals find their own solutions that give them insight to their situation and needs • Responds to requests from individuals specifically related to learning (e.g. Sharing perspectives and ideas, providing direction on next steps and encouraging an individual to put together their own development plans)

4. Encourages independence

• Through increasingly complex assignments and reflective discussions, fosters the internalization of knowledge, skills and abilities needed by the person being coached (all that the individual needs to know) in order to be able to operate independently • Analyzes the potential of the individual being coached to begin to “self coach” (e.g. increase their own ability to consistently ask themselves what has gone well and what they could do differently) • Seeks to develop expertise, skills or knowledge in the individual being coached, to the point that the coach is no longer needed as a resource

Shares knowledge with others to help them carry out assignments Ensures the task or job information is clear Gives instructions and/or on-the-job demonstration Explains how to carry out the task, and makes helpful suggestions

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Concern for Image Impact COII Concern for Image Impact is an awareness of how others view the organization due to ones actions and behaviours. Concern for Image Impact is particularly appropriate for public servants who are seen as the face of government. The highest level of this competency involves an awareness of the image, impact, credibility and respect the organization has on the public. Proficiency Level


1. Expresses concern about image

• Is concerned about how one is perceived within own role and acts to clarify and define the role • Identifies behaviours that are appropriate and inappropriate for that role and acts accordingly • Acts to clarify own role, duties, accountabilities and importance of role when role is misunderstood or discounted

2. Recognizes impact of own role

• Demonstrates understanding of the way in which acting in own role has an affect on a broad audience • Considers implications on public image of role before acting • Sees self as a representative of the organization and acts in a manner that maintains a positive public image • Recognizes the impact of internal and external events on the perception of the role

3. Considers impact on the public

• Recognizes and articulates the role of the organization and its impact on the public in general • Considers the image and credibility of the organization when deciding on a course of action • Sees self as a representative of the organization and acts in a manner that maintains a positive public image for the organization

4. Promotes positive organizational image

• Acts to create a positive image for the organization or a positive impact on the community (e.g. selects well-known high-profile individuals for publicly visible positions to improve image, credibility, and/or prestige of the organization) • Ensures public processes are transparent and accountability is clear when dealing with controversial issues

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Impact and Influence IMPI Impact and Influence is the ability to influence, persuade or convince others to adopt a specific course of action. It involves the use of persuasive techniques, presentations or negotiation skills to gain others’ support, agreement and commitment to achieve desired results and advance the organization’s objectives. Proficiency Level


1. Presents the required information

• Uses basic facts and available information in discussion or presentation • Acts to ensure that others will understand by using concrete examples or visual aids • Carefully prepares data for presentation and uses a single method of persuasion

2. Uses direct persuasion

• Presents the required information, discussions or presentations using a variety of different methods (e.g. appeals to reason, data, other’s self interests) • Takes initial steps to customize a presentation to the audience • Represents data systematically to strengthen presentation and uses direct persuasion tools and techniques

3. Adapts presentation & assesses impact

• Adapts and adjusts presentation delivery or discussion to appeal to the interest and level of the audience as required • Makes two or more different arguments to persuade • May take a well thought out unexpected or unusual action in order to have a specific impact • Anticipates the effect of an action and prepares for others’ reactions

4. Uses indirect influence strategies

• Uses chains of indirect influence prior to discussion, presentation or implementation of an initiative • Takes multiple steps or approaches and may use experts or other third parties to influence • Identifies potential champions and takes action to secure support • Anticipates and identifies the different points of view and uses indirect and direct strategies to build support and agreement with a course of action • Selects information to have specific effects and uses expert facilitation and knowledge of group process/individual preferences to lead discussions and overall processes

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Integrity INTE Integrity involves the possession of high morals and ethical principles. It is a willingness and commitment to adhere to them both privately and publicly through personal accountability, and to act in ways that are consistent with stated OPS values, principles and/or professional standards. People with integrity develop personal and/or professional credibility to the degree that their values and standards are recognized and modeled by others. They “walk the talk” even when it is not easy to do so. Proficiency Level


1. Acts consistently with stated values and beliefs

• Operates consistently by drawing on my values to make decisions, for example; takes pride in being trustworthy • Monitors own behaviour for consistency with stated values/codes of conduct • Voluntarily modifies behaviour in order to hold to standards

2. Communicates values/principles to others

• Has a defined set of personal/professional codes of conduct and evaluates the ethical component in decision making • Is open and honest about situations • Recognizes that others may not share the same standards/values • Values the ability to communicate and act with honesty and openness in relations with others

3. Holds to standards and values when it is not easy to do so

• Holds to high standards even when others are not adhering to them, including superiors • Willingly admits to mistakes and works toward restoring confidence and/or standard of behaviour • Is prepared to take a stand on issues based on values or belief of what is good for the public, business or organization, even if it is not an accepted or appreciated stand

4. Promotes integrity

• Willingly promotes standards and takes action based on values even when cost or risk is associated with doing so • Challenges those in a position of power to act on espoused values • Provides advice/feedback that is consistent with stated values/codes, even when it might be easier to refrain from being honest and/or open in the situation

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Self Awareness SA Self Awareness is the understanding and recognition of how our own emotions, feelings, beliefs and values affect our behaviour and impact others. It includes the ability to select and respond in the most effective approach to a situation, problem or individual. Proficiency Level


1. Aware of own feelings, values and beliefs

• Has an awareness of own feelings, values and beliefs • Understands that these feelings, values and beliefs impact how one approaches different work situations and how one acts

2. Understands impact of feelings, values and beliefs

• Identifies or recognizes situations that create strong emotions (both positive and negative) and anticipates own emotional responses based on past experience with similar situations • Brings the awareness of feelings, values and beliefs into any decision making process or actions

3. Recognizes impact of emotions on team members and peers

• If challenged, will stand up and defend decisions/actions based on values, beliefs and feelings • Recognizes the impact that one’s emotions have on team performance • Remains grounded and doesn't allow others' emotions or opinions to derail self

4. Recognizes impact of emotions on larger audience

• Can determine how emotions will impact internal and external partners and stakeholders • Deals with and maintains positive self-image and confidence in stressful, difficult and potentially threatening situations • Consistently draws from personal beliefs and values to persevere to complete a task, despite resistance and setbacks

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Team Leadership TL Team Leadership is the ability and desire to build teams, motivate people and create opportunities for success. It involves the intention to assume a role as a leader in a team or other group. Typically team leadership is demonstrated through collaboration, openness and encouragement and is accomplished by facilitating team processes and working with team members to ensure the task is completed effectively and efficiently. Setting high standards of performance and holding self and others accountable for results and actions is one of the qualities expected to be demonstrated by OPS leaders. At higher levels, it includes the courage to take a stand on critical issues, openly acknowledging the dedication and achievements of team members and taking the required actions to ensure that each team member accepts and supports the OPS/Ministry vision to accomplish team goals. Proficiency Level


1. Keeps people informed

• Manages meetings well • Shares expectations regarding team goals • Ensures that team members have the required information to accomplish tasks and achieve team goals, and that those affected by a decision are kept informed • Ensures the practical needs of the group are met • Is willing to learn from others

2. Models and encourages personal accountability

• Demonstrates openness with team, sharing own values and beliefs in an effort to guide them • Values others’ input and expertise • Treats all group members fairly, respectfully and equally • Provides constructive and supportive feedback, providing coaching and giving praise when appropriate • Demonstrates behaviours that are consistent with expressed expectations • Acts as an effective role model for others – exhibiting a positive attitude, energy, resilience and stamina

3. Creates an environment for team effectiveness

• Identifies and uses individual and team strengths to improve results • Empowers others and encourages them to express their point of view • Provides adequate support and resources to team members and removes obstacles to success by repositioning them as possible opportunities • Takes a stand on critical issues and acts with honesty and integrity on the team’s behalf • Works immediately to resolve team conflicts and creates an environment that encourages collaboration towards achievement of results • Plans and builds consensus

4. Promotes strong teams

• Looks for opportunities to build on individual and team strengths and improve results • Recognizes and acknowledges others who have performed well and makes a point of acknowledging their dedication and achievements to internal and external audiences • Makes and stands by and promotes decisions that benefit the branch/ministry/OPS • Understands group dynamics and is able to solicit varying points of view, ideas and opinions from members of the team to form specific decisions

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Collaboration COLL Collaboration is the desire to work cooperatively with team members, stakeholders, colleagues and partners (internal and external) to achieve group and organizational goals. It involves fully and actively contributing to team activities, projects and partnerships, sharing knowledge and ensuring that mutual goals are met. At higher levels, it includes an awareness that decisions and changes are more effectively accomplished together. Proficiency Level


1. Works co-operatively

• Accepts personal accountability and is willing to take on responsibilities that may not be typical of one’s job/role within own team/branch • Expresses positive expectations and has an optimistic view about the team and its predicted accomplishments • Supports team decisions even when different from own view

2. Supports and promotes team effort

• Promotes friendly and mutually cooperative relationships and values others input and expertise • Maintains contact and establishes credibility with team members to encourage and support productivity • Seeks to understand team needs by seeking information, ideas and opinions • Anticipates and addresses potential obstacles and/or conflicts, plans and builds consensus • Supports team successes and works to resolve issues or concerns by facilitating the expression of diverse points of view • Meets regularly with team members and partners to keep them informed of progress

3. Initiates partnership arrangements

• Works to uncover the underlying needs or concerns of partners’ groups and individual members • Looks for ongoing and/or additional areas in which collaboration can occur; working horizontally within ministry and across the OPS • Initiates or responds to proposals to establish formal collaboration and/or co-operation in initiatives • Makes modifications to existing work plan or services to accommodate newly surfaced requirements

4. Maintains and enhances partnerships

• Maximizes cooperation over time and is perceived by clients and stakeholders as a business partner • Stays informed on developments in client/stakeholder environment • Works with a long-term perspective and may trade off immediate costs and/or benefits for the sake of the partnership • Seeks sustained win/win results for all partners

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Communicating Effectively COEF Communicating Effectively is the ability to send and receive information effectively. As the sender, it means speaking, writing and expressing yourself clearly and accurately in groups and in one-on-one conversations so that information is understood by the receiver(s) the way it was intended. As the receiver, effective communicators demonstrate a respectful understanding of the other person’s position, listening actively and asking questions to seek comprehensive understanding. Proficiency Level


1. Actively listens and speaks using appropriate language

• Listens in order to understand and responds to information that is important to others • Is receptive and pays attention to body language, facial expression and tone of voice • Shows respect by giving attention to the speaker and using a respectful tone when speaking to others

2. Seeks to better understand and provide relevant information

• Asks open ended questions and/or paraphrases to draw out the thoughts of others in an effort to better understand them • Responds to questions by providing clear, concise and accurate information • Volunteers information that may not have been requested in order to provide listener with relevant information related to the topic/issue

3. Understands the impact of message on others

• Carefully crafts his/her message by taking the listener’s perspective into consideration • Responds to the speaker’s ideas and concerns rather than communication style • May pause briefly in order to plan an appropriate and effective response and responds calmly even when strong emotions are felt • Uses language as a tool for communication rather than a vehicle to display education, insider knowledge or status

4. Communicates complex ideas and promotes open communication

• Consistently communicates difficult and complex ideas clearly and effectively • Understands that clear communication is the responsibility of the speaker • Is aware of how poor choice of time, place, environment or lack of privacy can inhibit communication • Seeks confirmation that agreements are based on shared understanding of the points of views and clarity on what decisions are being made • Recognizes that achieving understanding is not the same as agreement • When required, uses a broad range of communication styles to manage difficult situations and relate effectively to audience • Controls own emotions and, if required, acts to defuse the situation and calm others

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Political Acuity POAC Political Acuity is the ability to appreciate, understand and utilize the power of relationships, both formal and informal, within the organization. This includes the ability to identify the real decision-makers and the individuals who can influence them, and to predict how new events or situations will affect individuals and groups. Uses an understanding of the organization to act appropriately in relationships to formal power and authority (the government, hierarchy) and informal power and authority (“How things really get done around here.”). Proficiency Level


1. Understands formal Structure

• Recognizes and/or uses the formal structure or hierarchy of an organization, “chain of command,” positional power, rules and regulations, standard operating procedures, etc. • Understands the stated political objectives of the government and other leadership sources

2. Understands informal structures

• Understands and uses informal structures (identifies key members, decision-influencers, etc.) • Applies this knowledge when formal structure does not work effectively

3. Understands climate and culture

• Recognizes unspoken organizational constraints and practices - what is and is not possible at certain times or in certain situations • Scans the environment to be aware of and utilize forces which are acting on the government/minister, senior leaders, partners and clients, and anticipates which forces need to be explicitly addressed in planning and implementation • Recognizes and uses the power of corporate relationships and culture to produce needed results •

4. Understands complex organizational issues and behaviours

• Understands the reasons for organizational behaviour and/or the underlying problems, opportunities or political forces affecting the organization • Works towards achieving established goals through aligning actions and resources in a way that achieves the optimum set of alliances • Uses understanding of the organization in building relationships that support current and future objectives

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Relationship Building RB Relationship Building is the ability to develop and maintain respectful, ethical and trusting relationships with people at all levels. It involves effectively interacting with contacts in internal and external networks who are, or may potentially be helpful in achieving work-related goals. Proficiency Level


1. Builds rapport

• Establishes and builds rapport with clients/colleagues • Makes a conscious effort to understand differences and build effective relationships by identifying and drawing inferences from common interests

2. Develops longer-term relationships

• Meets regularly with clients/colleagues to build friendly and mutually cooperative relationship • Maintains contact and establishes mutual trust and credibility by supporting colleagues and team members • May initiate business gatherings designed to discuss needs and build the longer-term working relationship with the client/colleague

3. Manages relationships

• Makes use of established relationships to gain entry to higher levels/decision-makers or to achieve important goals • Manages relationships on an ongoing basis to ensure alignment and efficiency of effort and approaches • Takes advantage of internal meetings and events to maintain or enhance relationships

4. Manages external & broader relationships

• Builds and maintains relationships across the OPS and broader public sector using the network to identify opportunities to drive/support business objectives • Stays informed on developments in client/stakeholder environment • Takes advantage of memberships in business/professional associations to enhance or establish new relationships • Identifies key contacts in target organizations and finds ways to make personal connections

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Self Control SECO Self Control is the ability to manage personal reactions and emotions and avoid negative responses when working under stress, facing opposition or provoked. It also includes the ability to maintain stamina under continuing stress and the ability to put others at ease. Proficiency Level


1. Restrains emotions

• Considers the consequences of reacting without discretion and resists the temptation to act inappropriately or immediately • Removes self from the source of the emotions if necessary

2. Responds calmly

• When feels strong emotions (such as anger, extreme frustration, or high stress) in the course of a conversation or other task, holds these emotions back and continues to talk or act calmly • Ignores angering or frustrating remarks and/or actions and continues a conversation or task calmly and professionally • May leave temporarily to withhold emotions, then return immediately to continue

3. Calms others

• Successfully controls sensitive and/or stressful situations, and acts to defuse them • Calms and reassures others in stressful situations • May remove others from a stressful situation to allow them to regain their composure

4. Manages stress effectively

• Manages effects of strong emotions or ongoing stress and continues to respond constructively over time • Applies special techniques or proactively plans activities to manage emotions or stress • Responds calmly in on-going or complex situations where multiple quick responses are required in individual or group situations

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Service Focus SEFO Service Focus involves the commitment to discover internal and external customers short and long term requirements and to deliver excellent services to them. It is a desire to anticipate and identify the needs of the customer to provide better or more convenient services, while supporting the organization’s goals and objectives. Customers/clients may include the public, co-workers, other branches, divisions or ministries. It means focusing ones efforts to discover and meet the needs of that customer or client. Proficiency Level


1. Takes personal

• Responds to inquiries, requests and complaints, with the ability to see things from the customer’s perspective • Maintains established service delivery guidelines which may include providing information and skill development to clients such as detailed instruction and/or on-the-job demonstrations on what to do and how to do it • Provides prompt, courteous, timely and accurate service • Maintains clear communication with client regarding their expectations and monitors customer satisfaction


2. Develops solutions

for the client/ customer

3. Monitors ongoing

needs of client/customer

4. Takes a long-term


• Recognizes that there are times when changes to the established customer service delivery processes are required • Develops customized solutions for client/customer when standard solutions do not apply/exist • Makes concrete attempts to add value for the customer through the ongoing customer relationship • Seeks ongoing feedback and information about the real underlying needs of the customer, beyond those expressed initially and matches these needs to available or customized programs or services • Identifies and communicates trends and patterns in client/customer expectations and needs • Maintains regular communication with client/customer on service delivery and satisfaction • Acts as a resource to client/customer with regards to service level agreements and deliverables • Works with client/customer to identify strategies and implement solutions to recurring issues or problems – adding value to client/customer by building selfsufficiency and capacity where appropriate • Becomes an integral part of the client/customer’s business planning • Develops and maintains relationships with client/customer based on an indepth knowledge and understanding of their business and objectives • Plays a leading role in defining service requirements and expectations • Works with a long-term perspective in addressing a customer’s need or problem • May trade-off immediate costs for the sake of the long-term relationships • Identifies and establishes changes to customer service programs and offerings to enhance service provision for both the client and the service providers • Regularly looks for opportunities to develop tools and resources that increase client self-reliance, and sees this as a regular and important part of the job • Makes oneself available to client, especially during critical times the client may be experiencing

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