3 minute read




Carmen Berry was a vibrant lady who literally lit up the room whenever she entered. Even when she was no longer able to move around, she was still full of joy and maintained her sense of humor.

June 3, 1941 was no ordinary day in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, as Aaron and Frances Berry welcomed their second child Carmen Amanda Berry, who joined her older sister Wilhel. Little did we know that she would make such an impact on the many lives that she would meet. In the years following, her siblings Shirley, Roy and Curtis were added to the family.

Growing up, life was difficult for her parents. To ease the burden, she went to live with her stepsister, (sister to Wilhel) in Highgate, St. Mary. During that time she gave birth to her first child, Beverly Scott who is now deceased. After, she went to live with her sister Wilhel in Marking Stone, St. Mary. She was very happy. It was there she met and fell in love with Neville Strachan. Marriage was in the air. On August 9, 1967, they tied the knot and a year later became parents to Sandra and step-mom to Audrey. Another year went by and she gave birth a second time to Alrick, then later on to Gosman, Oneil and Georgette.

Carmen was happy being a wife and mother but somehow she felt that something was still missing from her life. She started attending Glad Tidings Church of the First Born where she met Jesus and was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Growing up, her children were taught the basic foundation of loving the Lord and how to develop a high respect for the house of God. Attending Sunday school was a must, and participating in church activities was no plaything. They grew up knowing who God is and how they should live as children of God.

Miss Carmen was a businesswoman. As owners of a Pastry and Furniture Company, she would do the baking and the children would go to the local stores to make the deliveries. Not only was she in charge of the bakery, she also managed the furniture store and at the same time took care of her children. By then she was well known in the community and would answer to names like Ms. Carmen or Ma’ Strachan. Settling for mediocrity was never a part of her plan. Achieving


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