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Tributes CONTINUED...
Nana was one of a kind. You can tell she cared a lot about her family no matter where they were. The fact that she would try calling us while she used to live in Miami as often as she could. And so it’s the reason it made me sad that for some time, after a certain age, it became a little difficult for us to visit each other. No matter if it was Miami or here and so I kinda felt like i didn’t get that real chance like a lot of people can to spend quality time with their grandparent or grandparents.
The good thing was being able to later have nana and uncle Mark come up here to live. We got to see her more often, even talk to her more often. Just that, only a little later she was moved to nursing homes so it became a little hard again and then to make matters worse, I started college making it twice as difficult. And so, I felt like I was missing out on those chances to talk and to at least be near her, but, I could tell, I always could, that it made her happy when we were able to visit or call because we’re her family. And like I mentioned earlier, it didn’t matter where we were, she would always care, pray, and love her family. I even have a card from her for my birthday saying that she was glad that the Lord allowed her to live to see my birthday and she was thanking God over and over because it was important to her.
Family really was. And so, I’d like to finish with, nana, I love you so much and will miss you and the funny conversations we’d have sometimes. May you rest in peace knowing that we all will miss you and we are happy that you were able to live to see so many beautiful, precious years.
Annelise (Younger Granddaughter)