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James, the first son of Bishop Dafton and Lady Pauline James, was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica. At the age of nine, Odane was baptized in the name of Jesus and filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. He immediately began utilizing his musical gifts and talents as a keyboardist, a drummer, and a singer. He preached his first sermon at the age of 13 and at 19, was licensed as a Minister within the Bethel United Church Organization. At the age of 25, he was ordained an Elder in the Lord’s church.


In 2012, God called Elder Odane James to the office of Pastor, and with the support, guidance, and leadership of his father, Elder James launched The Transformation Center in Tampa, Florida. Today, Pastor James is an international preacher, ministering throughout the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, Africa, and the USA, declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ. He was elevated to the Bishopric in May of 2022 in the United Born Again Organization.

Bishop James is a graduate of Johnson & Wales University in North Miami, Florida. He holds a bachelor’s degree in management, a bachelor’s degree in theology, and a master’s degree in theology. Bishop James has also been conferred an Honorary Doctoral degree in Divinity from St. Thomas Christian University in Jacksonville, Florida.

Bishop James is the husband of Lady Tiffany James, and a father of three beautiful children, one of whom has gone home to be with the Lord. Her departure was a great turning point in the life and ministry of the James family and serves as a testament that God can take broken pieces of a shattered life and use it for His glory.

Bishop James lives a committed life of continual, effectual, fervent prayer, fasting, and dedication to the ministry to which God has called him. He counts himself a prisoner for Christ and an ambassador of the unadulterated, invincible, and infallible gospel of the Lord Jesus. His life’s passion and true purpose is found in 1 Cor. 9: 16, “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!”

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