AAUW Selected Professions - Gabrielian

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AAUW SELECTED PROFESSIONS FELLOWSHIPS AAUW: The AAUW’s mission is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. Considered as one of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, AAUW provides millions of dollars in fellowships, grants, and awards for outstanding women around the globe and for community action projects. SELECTED PROFESSIONS FELLOWSHIP: The Selected Professions Fellowships Program was created in 1970 to support women in professional degree programs in fields where female participation traditionally has been low. ELIGIBILITY: Selected Professions Fellowships are awarded to women who intend to pursue a full-time course of study at accredited US institutions during the fellowship year in one of the designated degree programs including Architecture (M.Arch, M.S.Arch), Computer/Information Sciences (M.S), Engineering (M.E., M.S), and Mathematics/Statistics (M.S). Additionally, women of color can apply for an SPF in underrepresented fields such as Business Administration (M.B.A), Law (J.D), and Medicine (M.D, D.O). All applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. FUNDING INFORMATION: Selected Professions Fellowship stipends range from $5,000 to $18,000. Requests that do not fall within this stipend range will be ineligible. These fellowships fund academic and living expenses including tuition, fees, books, supplies and local transportation for the degree candidate. Additionally, fellowship funds may be used for dependent care if essential in facilitating the candidate’s pursuit of her educational study or research. The fellowships do not fund: • Research equipment, research assistants and similar costs • Publication costs • Travel to professional meetings, conferences or seminars • Repayment of loans or other personal obligations • Institutional (overhead) costs • Tuition for dependent’s education 2010-2011 ACADEMIC YEAR INFO + DEADLINES: Master’s and First Professional Awards: $5,000-$18,000 Applications Available: Aug. 1, 2009-Jan.10, 2010 Application Deadline: Jan. 10, 2010 Notification Date: Apr. 15, 2010 Fellowship Year: Jul. 1, 2010-Jun. 30, 2011

APPLICATION PROCESS: The following items constitute a complete application. 1. Application Form (submitted electronically) • Proposed Fellowship Project • Academic/Professional Background • Career Plans and Professional Goals • Narrative Autobiography • Budget • Letters of Recommendation (3) 2. Supporting Material • Official Transcripts • For Architecture Students Only: A bound set of reproductions of a range of the applicant’s design projects; 10-12 samples may be submitted in the portfolio, no larger than 8” x 10” in size. (Send three sets.) • Filing Fee: $35 CRITERIA SELECTION: A panel of academic and practicing professionals who work in the respective selected professions fields review and evaluate all fellowship applications for recommendation to the AAUW Board. In selecting fellowship recipients, the Selected Professions Fellowships’ panel will use the following criteria, weighted in order of importance: • Professional promise and personal attributes, including: o Potential as a practicing professional and promise as a role model in new and innovative or nontraditional fields of study, research or practice o Intent to contribute (through chosen profession) to societal wellbeing and commitment to the advancement of women (50%) • Academic excellence and related academic success indicators (40%) • Financial need (10%) • Special consideration will be given to applicants who demonstrate their intent to enter professional practice in disciplines in which women are underrepresented, to serve underserved populations and communities or to pursue public interest areas, and to applicants who are nontraditional students. RESOURCES: AAUW Website: http://www.aauw.org/ Fellowships: http://www.aauw.org/education/fga/fellows_directory/index.cfm Selected Professions Fellowship Information: http://www.act.org/aauw/spf/ Application Instructions: http://www.act.org/aauw/pdf/SPF_Instructions.pdf Application Checklist: http://www.act.org/aauw/pdf/SPF_Checklist.pdf

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