CASI Summer Research Travel Funds

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C e n te r f o r t h e Advanced Study of India (CASI)

Summer Researc h Tr a v e l Fu n d s

About CASI  CASI is the first research institution in the United States dedicated to the study of contemporary India.

 The Center’s key goals are to nurture a new generation of scholars across disciplines, and to provide a forum for dialogue among academic, business, and foreign policy committees.

 Current research ranges from the study of the Indian diaspora, caste system, voting behavior, to various studies helmed by graduate and undergraduate students across the Penn universe (SAS, Wharton, Vet, Design, Education).

S u m m e r Tr a v e l F u n d s f o r R e s e a r c h  CASI provides up to $3,000 to undergraduate winners and up to $3,500 to graduate student winner s to use towards international roundtrip economy fare and India in-countr y travel related expenses.

 Funding received from CASI is not contingent on other sources; feel free to apply to as many other fellowships to get the money you need!

 For graduate students, there is no specific NGO tie-up or framework – use the funds to explore disser tation fieldwork sites, conduct inter views, hole up in librar y archives – anything toward your disser tation.

The Fine Print  Eligibility  Current students enrolled in a degree program at the University of Pennsylvania  Students must spend at least 8 weeks in India during the summer months

 Requirements  Contribute to the CASI Student Programs Blog throughout the summer  Par ticipate in the CASI Summer Travel Funds Symposium

 T o A p p l y : C A S I S u m m e r T r a v e l F u n d s A p p l i c a t i o n + Tr a n s c r i p t , R e s u m e , 1 L e t t e r o f recommendation  Per sonal state me nt, previous experienc es in India, project title, abstract, propo sal, approximate budget, proje ct timeline, future plans

 Timeline  Application Deadline: M o n d a y , M a r c h 1 7 , 2 0 1 4 1 1 : 5 9 p m E S T .  Notification: Mid- April

Questions  General questions  Apoorva Jadhav (

 Ques tions ab out t he Research Fund  Aparna Wilder (

CA S I is l o c ate d at 3 60 0 M arket St , S u i te 5 00 , P h i la d e l p h ia , PA 19104

 Impor t ant link s:  

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