My Life of Drawing
By Hyunmin Lee-
Drawing by Hyunmin Lee
Drawing is a big part of myself. I can’t live without drawing. Like, seriously. Since when I was in kindergarten, I loved drawing and every single day, I drew at least one picture. When I am angry, if I draw and relax, I became happy again just because I drew some pictures! So that’s the power of drawing! My drawing got a lot more better from kindergarten to grade 4. I got so many prices from the competitions and everybody were saying to me - ‘You’re the best’, ‘How can you draw like that?’ or ‘Can you teach me’ or even ‘Can I have your drawings?’ Just to tell everyone saying like that, ‘Thank you that you said I’m the best. ‘I didn’t learn anything about drawing.’ and ‘I can give you if you’re being nice and kind to me.’ Actually, my families are super good at drawing (more than me). My big brother Hyun Seong taught me how to use a tablet. (Not a computer tablet, it is a stuff that we can draw on the computer. Like a professional (in Korea)) He also bought me some books that teaches me how to draw an anime girl. My aunt is an art teacher in Korea, my grandpa and my dad are also good at drawing real-humans. Also my uncle is an artist! Last week, I had a super-big-problem! My drawing did not work at all! How can this happen to me?! My heart was burning hot with my tears. I couldn’t draw what I wanted to draw. That time, I was almost crying. (Just to say to everybody that thought my drawing is perfect, I finally made a mistake! Nobody’s perfect!) Ahem. So, I went to my dad and said “I cannot draw what I really want to draw. Something is wrong with my drawing. Do you know why?” and my dad said “The body parts are not balanced my Sweetheart.” “Then what can I do to make it more balanced?” (That was my weakness for drawing.) then my dad drew some circles. “The top circle is a head.” “Then what about the body?” I asked “So, two circles equals the body and beside, there are the arms.” I quite understood that. That was the thing that had written on the book that my brother bought for me! But I didn’t look at it closer. I did not know that part was super important! And now I understand clearly. But, trying to follow dad’s instructions were pretty hard. Anyways I’ll try my best :) I will never forget the way to make my drawing balanced. I hope that I will be more better at my drawing and you can be sure that I will practice a lot.
See ya!!! My friends! (With a big big SMILE) :)
Bye again! Don’t forget the SMILE! :) Up there is not me :) -Hyunmin Lee4MS