Connexion The Careers Forum 5–6 November 2009 25–26 March 2010
The future “Campus de la Paix”, Graduate Institute | Geneva
WELCOME TO CONNEXION 2010! For this 7th edition of our yearly careers forum we have chosen to give our students and partner organisations the chance to meet twice during the year, once in the autumn and again in the spring. Each of these two-day sessions is a unique opportunity to match would-be employers with highly motivated and skilled students and recent graduates, so that together they can use their multidisciplinary expertise and knowledge to tackle the challenges of an increasingly complex and interrelated world.
Our Career Services are now firmly entrenched into our new Communications & Public Relations division which also looks after our Alumni relations. Many of our partners have hired our students; now Alumni they return to Connexion to find the next generation of young employees. The synergies between our Career Services and the Alumni Office are tremendous and this year’s Connexion shows the fidelity and engagement of our alumni in helping students embark upon their careers.
Recent data has revealed the breadth of career outcomes of our recent graduates. An equal number join the public and private sector, with one quarter embracing non-profit organisations (see p. 24–25). This new equilibrium is indicative of the importance of international relations for all stakeholders in the evolving multilateral environment. It also reflects the unique networking opportunities of our students and recent graduates offered by International Geneva.
As new division head I welcome you to Connexion 2010 and look forward to personally meeting both students and employers intra muros. Jacqueline Coté Head of Communications & Public Relations
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In a world of growing complexity, you need a different perspective to see things clearly. • Corporate Services • Trustee & Fiduciary Services • Wealth Structuring
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Acknowledgements Career Services and the Institute’s administration express their profound gratitude to the individuals, companies, international and non-governmental organisations that contribute to the success of the Careers Forum through their collaboration and support.
We would like to express special appreciation to our partner organisations and companies AGEFI BILAN British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT) Cargill International Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) Crédit Agricole Suisse SA Credit Suisse CSS Assurance DELL SA
HSBC Private Bank IOMBA Lombard Odier McKinsey & Company Page Personnel Thomson Reuters Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA UBS AG
and our sponsors BNP Paribas Ernest & Young Lalive Attorneys-at-Law Nespresso
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Procter & Gamble Symbiotics SA (Microfinance) Vistra
Day one
is where you make the job your own Day one. It’s where you put the theory into practice and start to stretch yourself. Where you’re encouraged and supported to succeed. Where you can start to make your ambitions a reality. From the day you join us, we’re committed to helping you achieve your potential. So, whether your career lies in assurance, tax, transaction, advisory or core business services, shouldn’t your day one be at Ernst & Young?
Take charge of your career. Now.
© 2009 Ernst & Young Ltd. . All Rights Reserved.
Participants by sector Banking and Finance BNP Paribas Covalence SA (Ethical Quotation System) Crédit Agricole Suisse SA Credit Suisse HSBC Private Bank Lombard Odier Sustainable Finance Geneva Symbiotics SA (Microfinance) Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA UBS AG Vistra Commodity Trading, Advisory and Verification Cargill International Consulting Dalberg (Development) Ernst & Young KPMG (Public Sector and IOs) McKinsey & Company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Consumer Goods, Luxury and Pharmaceutical ALDI British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT) CSS Assurance DELL SA
|7 DuPont de Nemours Nespresso Procter & Gamble International Organisations Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) International Organisation for Migration (IOM) International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC-ILO) International Trade Centre (ITC) UN Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) UN Development Programme (UNDP) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) UN World Food Programme (WFP) World Bank World Health Organisation (WHO)
Forty years oF excellence in international law
Rue de la Mairie 35 – P. O. Box 6569 CH -1211 Geneva 6 – Switzerland Tel. + 41 22 319 87 00 – Fax + 41 22 319 87 60
Participants by Sector
International Organisations (continued) World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) World Trade Organisation (WTO) Law Firms Lalive Attorneys-at-Law White & Case International Law Firm Media AGEFI Bilan Thomson Reuters Non-governmental Organisations Café Africa Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL) Defence for Children International (DCI) Fédération internationale des droits de l’Homme (FIDH) Geneva Call Geneva for Human Rights (GHR) Human Rights Watch (HRW) International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) International Rescue Committee (IRC) International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)
Interpeace Mandat international Médecins du monde Médecins sans frontières (MSF) NGO Group Secretariat (Rights of the Child) Organisation mondiale contre la torture (OMCT) Oxfam International Swisspeace The Global Fund to fight Aids Tuberculosis & Malaria Track Impunity Always (TRIAL) Tropical Forest Trust Recruiting and Headhunting Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions in the International Cooperation sector (Cinfo) Heidrick & Struggles Multi Personnel Page Personnel Syni Swiss Public Administration Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) – Section présence de la Suisse dans les OI – Section carrières diplomatiques
Student Care. L’assurance collective pour les étudiants et stagiaires étrangers. CHF 80 par mois seulement
Collective health insurance for foreign students and trainees. Only CHF 80 per month
Agence Student Care, Av. Vinet 16, 1004 Lausanne, Téléphone 058 277 30 72,
Stand Schedule
stand Schedule Main Hall of Villa Barton (10:00 – 17:00) Thursday 5 November 2009
Friday 6 November 2009
Mandat international Thomson Reuters
Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) Section présence de la Suisse dans les OI
Thursday 25 March 2010
Friday 26 March 2010
Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) Credit Suisse DELL SA DuPont de Nemours Multi Personnel Syni Thomson Reuters UBS AG
British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT) Crédit Agricole Suisse SA Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) HSBC Private Bank Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) KPMG (Public Sector and IOs) Lombard Odier McKinsey & Company
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Quelle entreprise choisir comme tremplin professionnel? Manuela Lipp, PricewaterhouseCoopers St-Gall
Avez-vous une idée claire de l’employeur que vous recherchez? Préférez-vous le N°1 au N°2 ou au N°3? Dans ce cas, PricewaterhouseCoopers est le choix qui s’impose. En tant que leader de l’audit, du conseil juridique et fiscal et du conseil économique, nous accompagnons nos clients sur le chemin de la réussite et faisons de même avec nos collaborateurs. Nous accordons autant d’importance à l’engagement et à la motivation qu’à l’esprit d’équipe et à une excellente ambiance de travail. N’hésitez plus et faitesnous parvenir votre candidature. © 2010 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Schweiz AG or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the network, each of which is a separate legal entity.
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THURSDAY 5 November 2009 Employers’ Presentations Room Abi-Saab (1st floor) 10:15
Room S4 (2nd floor)
Room S1 (ground floor)
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
UN World Food Programme (WFP)
HSBC Private Bank
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
Lombard Odier
Mandat international
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Thomson Reuters
Fédération internationale des droits de l’Homme (FIDH)
Oxfam International
White & Case International Law Firm
Track Impunity Always (TRIAL)
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC-ILO)
Geneva Call
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Reminder: Room S2 is available to employers as an interview area after their presentations.
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FRIDAY 6 November 2009 Employers’ Presentations Room Abi-Saab (1st floor)
Room S4 (2nd floor)
Room S1 (ground floor)
UN Development Programme (UNDP)
Covalence SA (Ethical Quotation System)
Médecins sans frontières (MSF)
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Procter & Gamble
Defence for Children International (DCI)
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Geneva for Human Rights (GHR)
International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)
UN Environmental Programme (UNEP)
DFAE –Section présence de la Suisse dans les OI
Reminder: Room S2 is available to employers as an interview area after their presentations.
REAL-WORLD PROJECTS Even When You’re “Brand” New Do you want to work in a multinational environment and want to know more on the role you can play? Here is the opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of a Procter&Gamble employee! Take on the Challenge and join us on our multi functional Case Study and learn more about P&G and what we do every day. THURSDAY 25TH MARCH - ROOM S1: 16h15 – 16h45: Company presentation 16h45 – 18h15: Case Studies
THURSDAY 25 MARCH 2010 Employers’ Presentations Room Abi-Saab (1st floor)
Room S4 (2nd floor)
Room S1 (ground floor)
Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions in the International Cooperation sector (Cinfo)
The Global Fund to fight Aids Tuberculosis & Malaria
International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Crédit Agricole Suisse SA
Médecins du monde
White & Case International Law firm
Credit Suisse
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
NGO Group Secretariat (Rights of the Child)
World Bank
Thomson Reuters
Organisation mondiale contre la torture (OMCT)
Cargill International
DuPont de Nemours
Page Personnel
Sustainable Finance Geneva
Procter & Gamble
Reminder: Room S2 is available to employers as an interview area after their presentations.
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BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA à Genève, Bâle, Zurich, Lugano
«La banque d’un monde qui change»
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FRIDAY 26 MARCH 2010 Employers’ Presentations Room Abi-Saab (1st floor)
Room S4 (2nd floor)
Room S1 (ground floor)
DFAE – Section présence de la Suisse dans les OI
UN Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
KPMG (Public Sector and IOs)
DFAE – Section carrières diplomatiques
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
McKinsey & Company
Café Africa
Symbiotics SA (Microfinance)
HSBC Private Bank
Heidricks & Struggles
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
Dalberg (Development)
Tropical Forest Trust
World Health Organisation (WHO)
BNP Paribas
Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)
Lombard Odier
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
International Organisation for Migration (IOM)
British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT)
Reminder: Room S2 is available to employers as an interview area after their presentations.
employers’ testimonials
Helen King Patricot Consultant IMF Recruitement Paris Office International Monetary Fund (IMF/FMI)
You have been recruiting at the Institute for several years. How does this collaboration benefit you? The IMF has historically maintained a dynamic relationship with the Institute. Not only over the years have a significant number of your alumni worked in the Fund, but the two institutions continue to cooperate on research projects and matters pertaining to global macroeconomic policy. Regarding recruitment, the Institute, being one of the top ranking academic institutions in Europe for PhD studies in economics, is a valuable benchmark for identification of Economist Programme candidates. Further, the Institute acts as a conduit, disseminating information regarding the Fund’s recruitment objectives to French speaking universities in the Swiss market and allowing the Fund to use its premises to give
recruitment presentations and interview candidates. The IMF greatly appreciates the professional quality of the support provided to it with respect to its recruitment missions in Switzerland. What qualities do our students have that particularly interest you? The students we meet at the Institute typically have a strong macroeconomic base and applied policy capacity. Those who have participated in the Swiss Progamme also have a good understanding of financial markets which is of considerable interest to the IMF. In addition, many of the students at the Institute have a global perspective in terms of their capacity to opine on policy matters, partially a reflection of their
Employers’ Testimonials
international diversity and multi-lingual language skills. We are delighted that two PhD students from the Institute have been selected to join the IMF’s 2010 Economist Programme. What types of profiles are you most particularly interested in? The Fund is a more homogenous multilateral organisation than others. Thus, its needs are focused on identifying those who have strong macroeconomic capacity. Those candidates who succeed in the recruitment process typically can provide a good analysis of monetary, fiscal, balance of payments and exchange rate policy issues and thus would be perceived to be versatile in the IMF. Fungibility between departments is critical in the Fund as our staff do not remain in one department for more than several years. In addition, we are interested in candidates
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with strong financial sector expertise, although such candidates must also be able to analyse macroeconomic policy issues. Further, strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in teams are critical. Is your recruitment carried out based on nationality quotas? In view of the international character of the IMF, the Fund does not hire on the basis of nationality quotas. It strives to maintain a balanced representation among all its member countries.
Nathalie Perez Young Talent Development Specialist HSBC Private Bank
Vous participez depuis plusieurs années à Connexion en tant que partenaire de l’événement. Que vous apporte cette collaboration ? Nous sommes une banque internationale, présente partout dans le monde. C’est donc tout naturellement que nous recherchons des collaborateurs partageant cette interculturalité. Participer à Connexion est le meilleur moyen de prendre contact avec les étudiants, d’évaluer leurs attentes et de les confronter aux nôtres. Quelles sont les qualités qui vous intéressent particulièrement chez nos étudiants ? Une grande ouverture d’esprit, les respect des autres, être passioné, privilégier le travail d’équipe et avoir une vision tournée vers l’avenir. A cela s’ajoute un esprit multiculturel et une « can do » attitude.
Avez-vous recruté des étudiants de l’Institut lors du Forum ? Oui et nous espérons bien continuer à en recruter ! Quels types de postes proposez-vous ? Nous proposons un Swiss Graduate Programme de 18 mois permettant de se familiariser avec l’ensemble des activités de la banque. Nous proposons également un Programme International géré depuis Londres. Les entrées directes dans des postes juniors sont également envisageables pour autant que la personne possède déjà des connaissances professionnelles dans le domaine souhaité.
Employers’ Testimonials
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Véronique Schutzlé Recruiter Switzerland Thomson Reuters
Vous participez depuis plusieurs années à Connexion en tant que partenaire de l’événement. Que vous apporte cette collaboration ? Ce Forum nous permet de recruter de jeunes diplômés de l’Institut pour nos postes juniors. D’autre part, le fait de pouvoir participer à ce Forum nous permet de promouvoir notre société en tant qu’employeur actif sur la place de Genève et présenter l’ensemble de nos fonctions ici présentes. Quelles sont les qualités qui vous intéressent particulièrement chez nos étudiants ? Les étudiants de l’Institut ont une formation généraliste ainsi qu’une ouverture sur l’international et parlent bien souvent plusieurs langues, ce qui est un réel atout pour Thomson Reuters.
Avez-vous recruté des étudiants de l’Institut lors du Forum ? Oui, nous avons aujourd’hui quinze anciens étudiants de l’Institut employés chez Thomson Reuters. Quels types de postes proposez-vous ? Financial Market Executives – ce sont des postes junior de support à la clientèle pour lesquels nous formons de jeunes diplômés à nos produits et sur les marchés financiers. Ce sont des postes d’entrée ; généralement et au bout de deux ans passés dans cette fonction, la majeure partie des employés évolue vers d’autre postes soit dans notre section des ventes, soit dans des spécialisations financières.
2008 Masters Graduating Class Upon graduation in September 2008, almost all students (98 %) had prior professional or internship experience, with the vast majority of an international nature. Average time to find a position after graduation was less than 4 months.
Employment by location
Switzerland 58 % Middle East and Africa 11 % Europe 11 % North America 9 % South America 6 % Asia 5 %
Employment by sector
Private 26% Non-profit 25% Multilateral 23% Public 15% Research and think tanks 11%
2008 Masters Graduating Class
More information on the employer types for each category can be found in the following charts:
Private sector employer types
Banking and finance 24 % Consumer goods, luxury and pharmaceutical 21 % Consulting 15 % Media and communication 11 % Commodity trading, advisory and evaluation 10 % Recruiting and headhunting 6 % Assurance 6 % Training and education 4 % Law practice 3 %
Research and think tank sector employer types
Non-profit sector employer types
Public sector employer types
Foreign government 47 % Swiss Federal Government 41% Local government 12 %
Human and children rights 22 % Advocacy 17 % Humanitarian action 15 % International Development 15 % Conflict and post-conflict management 12 % Environment 9 % Health and sanitation 8 % Law 2 %
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Multilateral sector employer types
United Nations 66 % Trade and economics 9 % Law and social issues 9 % Banking and finance 7 % Defense and intelligence 7 % Health and sanitation 2 %
Think tanks, research and public policy institutes 50% University and education 38% Foundations 7% Further studies 5%
Connexion THE CAREERs FORUM Autumn Forum 4 – 5 November 2010 | Spring Forum 24– 25 March 2011 Employers, be among the 100 leading companies and organisations which participate in this exclusive event each year! Connexion is a unique occasion to Meet highly skilled, multilingual cosmopolitan candidates with international work experience Promote your organisation and advertise employment opportunities to well trained job seekers Match your needs with our students and graduates’ expertise and education Learn more about what the Graduate Institute has to offer: Master and PhD degrees in International and Development Studies, Executive Education, high-level research, multi-stakeholder dialogue and more Our Partners AGEFI – BILAN – British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT) – Cargill International – Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) – Crédit Agricole Suisse SA – Credit Suisse – CSS Assurance – DELL SA – HSBC Private Bank – IOMBA – Lombard Odier – McKinsey & Company – Page Personnel – Thomson Reuters – Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA – UBS AG For more information contact: Carine Leu-Bonvin – Tel. +41 22 908 57 55
témoignages d’étudiants
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Nadia Boehlen Doctorat HPI Communications Manager Greenpeace
Quel à été votre parcours ? J’ai toujours choisi mes études ainsi que mes emplois en fonction de mes intérêts du moment et des opportunités qui se présentaient à moi. Je n’ai jamais eu de plan de carrière précis. Après avoir obtenu mon doctorat en Histoire et politique internationales (HPI) à l’Institut, j’ai enseigné le français à l’Université de Salvador de Bahia. A mon retour en Suisse, j’ai notamment travaillé comme collaboratrice scientifique au Bureau cantonal pour l’intégration des étrangers de Zurich avant d’être engagée chez Greenpeace. Avez-vous travaillé en parallèle à vos études à l’Institut ? Oui, comme documentaliste à la Télévision suisse romande et comme animatrice pour une radio locale. J’ai obtenu
ensuite une bourse du Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS), et des postes d’assistante d’enseignement à l’Institut et à la Faculté des lettres de Genève. Pour quelle raison avez-vous choisi une carrière dans une organisation environnementale internationale ? La rédaction d’une thèse de doctorat est très stimulante intellectuellement, mais requiert une énorme quantité de travail en solitaire. J’ai donc cherché ensuite un emploi qui me permette de travailler en équipe, tout en faisant appel aux outils intellectuels acquis lors de mes études.
Matija Kovac Master in International Affairs (MIA) Consultant Weber Shandwick
What has been your career path to date? I started as a radio speaker, then worked for local human rights NGOs and international student organisations. After coming to the Graduate Institute I focused on humanitarian affairs (internships, consultancies and assistant positions), but then somehow surprisingly finished up as a Public relations (PR) and communications consultant in the global PR agency Weber Shandwick. I would eventually like to focus once again on humanitarian affairs. Why did you choose to study at the Institute? It was recommended to me as an institution that offered high quality postgraduate education, where I could find a proper balance between disciplinary expertise and interdisciplinarity.
Did you work during your studies? Yes. At the end of my first year I completed an internship for OCHA, which was followed by a short term UNICEF consultancy. In the second year I worked full-time as an assistant for humanitarian affairs and disarmament for the EU Presidency. Why did you choose a career in PR and communications? This was pure coincidence, although I wanted to try out the private sector, and I assumed that a real-time global PR agency experience would be beneficial for everything I wish to do in the future. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career in PR and communications?
Témoignages d’étudiants
There are consultants and good consultants. Both of them need to know how to improvise; but the good consultant needs “the guts” to challenge the client and deliver the truth, even if it hurts sometimes. And being solution-oriented and active is crucial. Did the Institute prepare you well? Yes. The Institute played a crucial – positive – role in my professional development. What advantages did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? An interdisciplinary approach and an incentive to challenge the world around me; small classes and engaging professors who are at the top of their fields.
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What is your current position at Weber Shandwick and what are your responsibilities? As a junior PR consultant my tasks and responsibilities vary from client to client. I take part in PR strategy developments (developing communications strategies and activities with and for clients), operational tasks (day-to-day media relations, i.e. pitching and responding to journalists’ requests, topic research and media monitoring) and on-site support. A diverse clientele means diverse tasks. What skills have you retained from your time at the Institute? Writing and analytical skills, widely applicable research methods and, of course, substantial knowledge.
Thierry Kellner Doctorat HPI Chercheur associé Institut de sociologie de l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) et chercheur au Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS)
Quel a été votre parcours ? Depuis la réalisation de ma thèse de doctorat à l’Institut, je travaille dans la recherche et l’enseignement au niveau académique en collaboration avec des universités et des centres de recherche, tant en Belgique qu’en France et en Suisse. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d’étudier à l’Institut ? J’avais repéré l’Institut depuis longtemps en raison de sa réputation internationale, du caractère bilingue et multidisciplinaire de son enseignement et surtout de l’excellence de son corps professoral. J’avais eu la chance d’assister à une impressionnante conférence du professeur Ph. Burrin à l’ULB, de lire des publications de M.-R. Djalili et de fréquenter les publications des excellents juristes de l’Institut dans le cadre de mes études de droit international. Quel est votre souvenir le plus marquant de vos études à l’Institut ? Il y aurait beaucoup de choses à dire, certaines très sérieuses, d’autres pas du tout car liées à la vie estudiantine de l’époque,
dont les arcanes doivent être préservés… Le cadre de l’Institut m’a beaucoup frappé la première fois que je m’y suis rendu, pour sa beauté. La bibliothèque aussi, pour sa richesse. Mais je dois surtout parler de l’enseignement qui a marqué mon orientation professionnelle. D’abord, le séminaire du professeur G. Etienne et les discussions épiques que nous avons eues. Des discussions parfois très éloignées du sujet du jour, mais toujours extrêmement enrichissantes car liées à l’histoire, à la géographie, à la littérature ou à la culture de l’Asie et de l’Europe quand ce n’étaient pas des références africaines ou américaines… Je dois ensuite évoquer la découverte extraordinaire pour moi de la richesse du monde turco-iranien et des espaces asiatiques de la Méditerranée à la muraille de Chine, grâce à l’enseignement raffiné de M.-R. Djalili. Et enfin, le souvenir impressionnant du séminaire d’histoire des relations internationales donné par le professeur A. Liebich. Un cours donné à une classe des plus cosmopolites, très attentive et impressionnée par l’étendue des connaissances de notre
Témoignages d’étudiants
nouveau professeur. Un souvenir qui fait encore frissonner mes anciens camarades de classe lorsque nous l’évoquons… Pour quelle raison avez-vous choisi une carrière dans la recherche ? Le principal élément est le plaisir. J’ai le goût de la lecture, de l’étude, de la découverte. Quoi de mieux alors que la recherche académique ? Le corollaire de cela est naturellement l’enseignement, car ce qu’on a pris plaisir à apprendre, on a tout autant de plaisir à le transmettre… Selon vous, quelles sont les qualités nécessaires pour une brillante carrière dans la recherche ? Comme dans tous les domaines : la volonté, la persévérance, la discipline et le travail. Si vous ajoutez le plaisir et une touche d’humour et d’autodérision cela devrait aider. L’Institut vous y a-t-il bien préparé ? Sans aucun doute. Il suffit que je remémore mes années de DES et les exigences du diplôme, puis celles du doctorat à l’Institut pour voir que ces qualités étaient indispensables…
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Quels sont les avantages que l’Institut vous a donnés d’un point de vue intellectuel ? L’Institut m’a offert une occasion extraordinaire d’ouvrir mes horizons intellectuels grâce aux enseignements multidisciplinaires prodigués, à la richesse de la bibliothèque, à la rencontre avec des étudiants et des enseignants provenant d’autres espaces géographiques et d’autres cultures, mais aussi grâce aux conférences et rencontres offertes dans le cadre de l’Institut ou à l’Université de Genève. Quelles sont les compétences que vous avez acquises lors de vos années à l’Institut ? La capacité de travail, le goût du travail bien fait et du détail, la discipline, mais aussi l’esprit de synthèse et la curiosité intellectuelle.
Deia Nguyen Diplôme d’études supérieures (DES) HPI Associé Heidrick & Struggles
Quel a été votre parcours ? J’ai obtenu une Maîtrise d’histoire à la Sorbonne, un diplôme en relations internationales à l’Institut et un Master en études européennes à la University College London et à l’Université de Berne. J’ai ensuite effectué un stage de six mois à l’ambassade de Suisse à Jakarta puis un mandat de cinq mois à Bruxelles auprès d’economiesuisse. Depuis juillet 2006, je travaille à Zurich comme associé chez Heidrick & Struggles, l’un des leaders mondiaux du recrutement de dirigeants et de cadres dirigeants. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d’étudier à l’Institut ? J’ai été séduit par l’approche multidisciplinaire et par les possibilités d’une carrière internationale. Sur ce dernier point, je dois admettre que le diplôme de l’Institut m’a ouvert de nombreuses portes. Quel est votre souvenir le plus marquant de vos études à l’Institut ? Je me souviens en particulier de la richesse des interactions humaines, culturelles et intellectuelles. Le fait que plus d’une
centaine de nationalités soient représentées est quelque chose d’unique. L’institut est en quelque sorte un « village global » ! Avez-vous travaillé en parallèle à vos études ? J’ai effectué plusieurs stages dans la communication et les médias, notamment auprès des chaînes de télévision France 3 et TV5 avant d’être engagé comme rédacteur à l’ATS, l’équivalent suisse de l’Agence France Presse (AFP). Pour quelle raison avez-vous choisi une carrière dans le recrutement de cadres ? Après avoir un temps songé à embrasser une carrière de diplomate, mon attirance pour le monde de l’entreprise l’a emporté. Un consultant chez Heidrick & Struggles est un interlocuteur privilégié des décideurs internationaux. J’aime ces interactions au plus haut niveau ainsi que le large éventail de compétences et de connaissances que je peux développer : leadership, management de projet, expertise fonctionnelle et sectorielle, réseautage, sans oublier les langues. Je trouve mon travail très gratifiant car il s’agit ici d’aider des personnes à réaliser leur potentiel tout en contribuant au succès des entreprises.
Témoignages d’étudiants
Selon vous, quelles sont les qualités nécessaires pour faire carrière dans le recrutement ? Ce métier requiert leadership, esprit d’analyse et de synthèse, créativité, bon jugement, aisance relationnelle, curiosité intellectuelle ainsi que la faculté de construire un vaste réseau de relations. Ensuite, il faut des compétences interculturelles, une solide résistance au stress et le goût pour le travail en équipe. Enfin, les valeurs de respect, d’éthique et d’intégrité sont indispensables. Il s’agit d’une véritable école des relations humaines. L’Institut vous y a-t-il bien préparé ? Oui, il y a de nombreux parallèles, notamment à travers l’approche pluridisciplinaire et les interactions avec des personnes aux profils académiques, professionnels et culturels très différents.
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Quelle position occupez-vous au sein de Heidrick & Struggles et quelles sont vos responsabilités ? En tant qu’associé de la Global Consumer & Luxury practice, je gère des projets de recrutement dans les secteurs des biens de consommation et du luxe. Du point de vue fonctionnel, je suis spécialisé dans des fonctions de corporate strategy, direction générale, marketing, vente, production et innovation. Je travaille essentiellement sur des projets internationaux, ce qui implique des interactions quotidiennes avec des clients, candidats et collègues du monde entier. Quelles sont les compétences que vous avez acquises lors de vos années à l’Institut ? Rigueur analytique, approche globale, compétences relationnelles et interculturelles, réseautage, pensée « out of the box » et surtout, la capacité de remettre en question les idées reçues.
Présentation : vendredi 26 mars à 13h15, salle Georges Abi-Saab
partenaires médias
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International Governance Minorités Executive Education Inégalités Climate Change Politique agricole Conflicts and Peacebuilding Droits de l’homme Environmental Policies Organisations internationales Natural Resources Terrorisme Poverty Minorités Executive Education Géopolitique Executive Education Microfinance Migrations Banques centrales Global Health Terrorisme International Governance Géopolitique Règlement des différends Pays émergents Diplomatie multilatérale Union européenne Conflicts and Peacebuilding Banques centrales Global Health Relations transatlantiques Environmental Policies Action humanitaire Executive Education Trade and Economic International Affairs Intégration régionale International Governance Politique agricole Climate Change Politique de coopération Poverty Politique agricole Environmental Policies Pays émergents Humanitarian Law Microfinance Global Health Relations transatlantiques Environmental Policies Action humanitaire Trade and Economic Integration Minorités Natural Resources Banques centrales Executive Education Conflicts and Peacebuilding Droits de l’homme
Executive Master in Geneva
Apply soon
A programme for working professionals (9 months, part-time) Develop your skills and knowledge to shape tomorrow’s world.
Partenaires médias
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Combining our unique individual talents to do amazing things
At British American Tobacco, you’ll work with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, who bring new ideas and experiences everyday. Colleagues and leaders who know that from difference comes strength; who inspire you to think in new ways; who value discussion because we know it helps us grow and shape our business for the future. We create opportunities for individuality to shine, empowering people to do better than their best. When we combine our unique individual talents, we do amazing things. We’ve created a company where you’ll always feel appreciated for the difference you bring. And that’s why we continue to be the innovative, resilient and globally successful organisation that you see today. British American Tobacco encourage you to be all you can be. It’s what makes us who we are. Please visit us on and BRING YOUR DIFFERENCE
British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT)
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British American Tobacco Switzerland (BAT) Contact Véronique Soucachet Av. de Rhodanie 48 CH – 1000 Lausanne 3 Cour Locations Lausanne, Zug and all around the world Sector Consumer Goods (FMCG) Number of employees Switzerland: 800 employees Worldwide: 50,000 employees Internship possibilities We offer internship positions in all our departments throughout the year for a minimum of three months Recruitment period All year round Required skills and competences Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with links to the Global Management Trainee Programme which we offer mainly in
finance, marketing, corporate and regulatory affairs (CORA) and human resources. You need to speak German or French, while Swiss German would be a considerable advantage Internal training The goal is to offer successful candidates the opportunity to be part of a challenging business that is fun and friendly to work in. We offer in-depth career plans and opportunities for all employees. Depending on individual development needs we would offer: international training, individual or group language courses, CIMA accreditation courses (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting) for finance management trainees Remarks Our International Management Trainee Programme is a two year programme designed to help you embark on your journey from graduate to one of our leaders of the future. It gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons with an international assignment and the chance to work across several functions and with colleagues from a wide diversity of cultures and backgrounds. It will prepare you for your first management position and allow you to make an early impact in your career. Please apply on
ichooseCargill Cargill is an international producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services. Founded in 1865, our privately held company employs 159,000 people in 68 countries. We help customers succeed through collaboration and innovation, and are committed to sharing our global knowledge and experience to help meet economic, environmental and social challenges.
Our heritage
Cargill International SA in Geneva is the company’s global commodity trading hub for grain, oilseeds, sugar, energy, ocean freight and trade finance. Cargill has been in Geneva since 1956.
Our Ethics
We are committed to ethical buisness, integrity, teamwork and innovation, recognized and trusted as a business partner of choice across the globe.
Our competencies
We have developed a truly world class set of competencies enabling us to be a global leader in the commodities business.
Our people
Our business is driven by the excellence of our people. We aim to recruit and develop the best talent. Engaged employees are the starting point for Cargill’s success.
Our offer
We offer a wide range of careers in our energy, sugar, freight, trade finance and grain businesses, in a variety of roles from trading, finance, logistics, marketing and human resources.
Interested? Cargill is a company where you can make an impact. Apply online at We are continuously looking for experienced and graduate talent. In fact, whatever job you are looking for you can probably find it at Cargill. Our partnerships across a variety of industries mean countless career opportunities in the most diverse fields. It’s your choice; it’s your future. You can make it happen in Cargill.
Cargill International
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Cargill international Diffusion Switzerland: Geneva Worldwide: 68 countries Sector International provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and services. The company’s global commodity trading centre (grain, oilseeds, sugar, energy, ocean freight and trade finance) is located in Geneva Manpower Worldwide: 159,000 employees
Remarks Cargill has a wide range of career opportunities for those wishing to work in the global commodity trading business If you are ready to take up the challenge and to work in a fastpaced global company, we invite you to consult our current job opportunities. You can easily apply online for one of the positions through our corporate website opportunities.htm
Internship possibilities No
If you do not see any available jobs that match your qualifications, you may still submit your profile. Your information will then be available for future searches by our Recruiting Service
Recruitment period All year round
Please apply exclusively online
Internal training Yes
Boris Heger/ICRC
• Visiting prisoners of war and civilian detainees • Searching for missing persons • Passing messages between family members separated by conflict • Reuniting dispersed families • Providing food, water and medical assistance to civilians in need • Spreading knowledge of international humanitarian law • Monitoring compliance with humanitarian law • Drawing attention to violations and contributing to the development of humanitarian law
The ICRC recruits delegates, administrators, assistants, database administrators, logistics specialists, medical doctors, nurses, orthotists/prosthetists, engineers and technicians (water & habitat, construction, information systems), agronomists and interpreters.
Guntar Primagotama/ICRC
Boris Heger/ICRC
Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)
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Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) Contact Secrétariat, Unité du recrutement Av. de la Paix 19 CH – 1202 Genève +41 22 730 25 17/18
Qualifications souhaitées Master pour tous les métiers CICR, très bonne connaissance de l’anglais et du français, minimum deux ans d’expérience professionnelle post-études Formation interne Oui, cours de formation de 3 à 6 semaines avant le départ sur le terrain
Diffusion Internationale Secteur Humanitaire Effectif 12 600 collaborateurs (en Suisse et sur le terrain, expatriés et employés nationaux) Possibilités de stages Oui, offre limitée de stages au siège uniquement pour diplômé-e-s en droit international humanitaire, relations internationales, communication Période de recrutement Toute l’année
Remarques Le CICR recrute seulement pour des missions d’un an à l’étranger sur le terrain avec un engagement minimum de deux ans, voire deux missions
Crédit Agricole Suisse SA
CRéDIT AGRICOLE SUISSE SA Rubrique « Votre Carrière »
Possibilités de stages En fonction du projet proposé
Contact Jacqueline Peker Responsable des ressources humaines +41 58 321 91 16
Qualifications souhaitées Polyvalence, ouverture d’esprit, motivation
Diffusion Siège social Filiales à Bâle, Zurich, Lausanne Bureaux extérieurs Secteur Banque, sociétés financières Effectif Environ 1500 personnes en Suisse et à l’étranger
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1000 souhaits de parcours professionnel 100 possibilités de les réaliser Une banque, qui investit dans votre avenir. Le Credit Suisse est un formidable tremplin pour réussir votre entrée dans la vie active. Vous y trouverez des défis intéressants et beaucoup de possibilités de développement. Sa culture du travail permet en outre aux talents de se réaliser. Vous aimez innover au sein d‘une équipe et avez envie de contribuer au succès de nos clients? Dans ce cas, l‘une des premières banques du monde se réjouit de recevoir votre candidature. Votre premier pas vers un avenir prometteur.
Credit Suisse SA
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Credit Suisse SA Contact Salomé Amsler Campus Recruiting Romandie GHDS 42 Rue de Lausanne 11-19 CH – 1201 Genève +41 44 333 66 77 Locations Worldwide Sector Financial Industry. Global bank with headquarters in Zurich, serving clients in private banking, investment banking and asset management Number of employees 47,600 Recruitment period All year round
Required skills and competences A strong personality, willingness to perform, highly developed social skills and high interest in banking are the key factors Internal training Interdisciplinary Career Start Training and function specific off and on the job training Internship possibilities Internships for candidates pursuing undergraduate or advanced degrees. They last at least three months and offer the opportunity to acquire hands-on experience in individual areas of the world of finance Career Start Programme for candidates pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at university level. It lasts 12 –18 months and combines practical experience with a structured development concept, to help you enter directly into your desired work function
Dell SA
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dell SA Emilio Laterza Talent Acquisition Manager Switzerland Locations Worldwide Sector Sales & Information Technology Number of employees Switzerland : 185 employees Worldwide : 80,000 employees Internship possibilities Yes, 6 – 9 months internship only for students in their last cycle of studies Recruitment period All year round
Required skills and competences University degree or equivalent experience Be able to communicate in German, French & English, with fluency in two Preferably with first working experience or internships during studies Be a good negotiator and feel comfortable selling Proactive attitude and capacity to drive and convince people Be able to work effectively with others in a challenging environment Age: 23 – 30 Internal training 1 month induction for new starter & ongoing training during all the year Remarks Dell offers you excellent working conditions, the opportunity for continuous training and development, and the possibility of an exciting international career
WE CONNECT YOUR CAREER TO THE WORLD Our business is part of the global HSBC network, which offers you the valuable opportunity of building a career in Swiss private banking while enjoying the benefits of being part of a global organisation.
We look forward to meeting you on Friday 26 March 2010 For more information, visit our internet site on or contact Nathalie Perez, T: +41 (0) 58 705 40 66
HSBC Private Bank
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HSBC Private Bank Contact Nathalie Perez +41 58 705 40 66 Diffusion Partout dans le monde
Qualifications souhaitées Bachelor ou Master, bonnes connaissances en finance, anglais, français et/ou allemand courants. Ouverture d’esprit et interculturalité, respect, passion, progrès, esprit d’équipe Formation interne Programmes Swiss ou International Graduate avec formation interne et CFA.
Secteur Banque & finance Effectif Environ 2000 en Suisse Possibilités de stages Pas pour l’instant Période de recrutement Février à juillet pour les graduate programmes, toute l’année pour les entrées directes
Remarques Nous n’acceptons que les candidatures via internet http://
Today our Bank employs representatives of more than 50 professions, drawn from a variety of academic backgrounds. This is why our integration and training capability is central to developing our Firm’s most precious resource : our staff. The next 200 years
w w w. l o m b a r d o d i e r. c o m
Lombard Odier
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Lombard Odier
Contact Liza Friart Development & Training Specialist +41 22 709 16 49
Required skills and competences High level of motivation to work in the banking industry, entrepreneurial skills, strong analytical skills, leadership, problem solving ability and focus on results, team spirit, strong ethical standards
Locations Headquarters: Geneva Offices worldwide: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bermuda, Brussels, Dubai, Düsseldorf, Fribourg, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Jersey, Lausanne, London, Lugano, Madrid, Montreal, Nassau, Paris, Prague, Singapore, Tokyo, Vevey, Zurich
Internal training We offer tailor-made training programmes to all newcomers who join the graduate programme covering various areas (financial products, negotiation skills, interpersonal development). During this period we also offer the opportunity to complete professional financial qualifications such as CFA, CAIA, CIWM, etc.
Sector Wealth management
Remarks Founded in 1796, Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie is the oldest firm of private bankers in Geneva and one of the largest in Switzerland and Europe. With a network of over twenty officies worldwide, the Lombard Odier Group offers its private and institutional clients a wide range of advisory services in wealth management, financial products, and specialised areas. An independent family business for seven generations, the Firm is run by eight Partners, who are as much involved in strategy and management as in serving its clients
Number of employees 1,876 Internship possibilities Six-month internship according to business needs Lombard Odier Graduate Programme, which is a 2-year intensive training programme Recruitment period Throughout the year
McKinsey & Company
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McKinsey & Company Contact Avenue Louis-Casaï 18 CH – 1209 Genève Locations International Sector Management Consulting Number of employees Switzerland: over 200 consultants World: over 9,000 consultants Recruitment period All year round Internship possibilities Yes Internal training Basic Consulting Readiness (BCR): 1 week Mini-MBA: 3 weeks Regular training courses throughout career
Required skills and competences Bachelors, Masters and PhDs from all backgrounds Remarks McKinsey & Company is a leading international management consulting firm with around 90 offices in some 50 countries. The Swiss offices (Zurich and Geneva) comprise over 200 consultants. We serve major, mostly internationally-active companies, from all important industries, but also non-profit organisations and other institutions Together with our clients’ top management, McKinsey consultants develop innovative solutions to strategic, operational and organisational problems. Specialist consultants from our Business Technology Office (BTO) work on strategic IT projects and other specialists are engaged in projects in the area of Corporate Finance. Worldwide, McKinsey follows the same objective: “To help our clients make distinctive, lasting and substantial improvements in their performance, and to build a great firm that is able to attract, develop, excite and retain exceptional people”
Don’t get a job, Get a career. On behalf of our clients we recruit candidates for positions in Finance & Accounting, Office & Management Support, Sales Administration & Supply Chain, Engineers & Technicians and Banking & Financial Services. Join Page Personnel as a Recruitment Consultant and we’ll take you to the top of our business.
Page Personnel
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page personnel Contact Xavier Chauville – Director Suisse Romande Luca Semeraro – Director Switzerland Locations Quai de la Poste 12 CH – 1204 Genève +41 22 594 31 31
Rue Pichard 20 CH – 1003 Lausanne +41 21 561 31 00
Sector Page Personnel is a leading recruitment agency specialised in permanent and temporary recruitment Number of employees 50 in Switzerland Internship possibilities Yes Recruitment period All year round Internal training Yes
Required skills and competences Business acumen, client and service oriented, sales, entrepreneurial, consulting or HR experience, pro-active and excellent mindset. There are 5 values at the core of what we do: pride, passion, resilience, teamwork and fun. If these resonate with you… you’re a Page Personnel person Remarks Page Personnel Switzerland has initiated a privileged partnership with The Graduate Institute to provide career advice to its students
Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, scientific, healthcare and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization. Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: TRI); Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: TRI); London Stock Exchange (LSE: TRIL); and Nasdaq (NASDAQ: TRIN).
For more information please visit us at Thomson Reuters, 3 Times Square, New York, NY10036 Tel: +1 646 223 4000
SALES & TRADING Information, trading and post-trade connectivity for buy-side and sell-side customers in foreign exchange, fixed income, equities, and commodities. Major brands include: Reuters 3000 Xtra, TradeWeb, Reuters Trader, Thomson ONE, AutEx.
LEGAL Information, decision support tools and services for legal, intellectual property, compliance, business and government professionals throughout the world. Major brands include: Westlaw, Aranzadi, BAR/BRI, Carswell, CompuMark, Elite, FindLaw, Sweet & Maxwell.
ENTERPRISE Information and software for business automation within the capital market. Major brands include: Kondor+, Reuters Market Data System, DataScope, PORTIA, Omgeo.
TAX & ACCOUNTING Information, decision support tools an software applications for tax and accounting professionals. Major brands include: Checkpoint, CS Professional Suite, PPC.
INVESTMENT & ADVISORY Information and decision support tools and integration services for portfolio managers, investment bankers, research analysts and executives. Major brands include: Lipper, First Call, Reuters Knowledge, Thomson ONE.
SCIENTIFIC Information and decision support tools for researchers, scientists and information professionals. Major brands include: Thomson Pharma, Web of Science, ISI Web of Knowledge, Dialog, Thomson Innovation.
MEDIA Global information and news services to the world's newspapers, websites, television networks, radio stations, as well as direct to business professionals. Media solutions include: Reuters-branded digital services online,, mobile, and IPTV.
HEALTHCARE Information and decision support tools to help professionals across the healthcare industry improve clinical and business performance. Healthcare solutions include: clinicians, employers, federal / state government, health plans, hospitals/healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and researchers.
AT A GLANCE • 2007 pro forma revenues from continuing operations: US $12.4 billion. • Approximately 88% of total revenues derived from electronic products, software and services. • Approximately 86% of total revenues derived from products and services that are recurring or subscription based in nature. • Approximately 50,000 employees in 93 countries.
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA
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Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA Contact Natacha Piccirillo-Penessis Rue du Rhône 96-98 – case postale 1320 CH – 1211 Genève 1 Secteur Banque L’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) allie dynamisme, efficacité et performance. Notre réputation repose sur notre volonté permanente d’innovation. Fondée en 1969 par Edgar de Picciotto, l’UBP est une des plus importantes banques privées suisses. En tant que banque de gestion de fortune globale orientée vers la performance et l’innovation, l’UBP développe une gamme de produits de premier ordre et gère CHF 75 milliards pour le compte de clients privés et institutionnels, dans la gestion traditionnelle et la gestion alternative. Son siège est à Genève et la banque emploie 1200 collaborateurs dans une vingtaine d’implantations à travers le monde
Période de recrutement Toute l’année Qualifications souhaitées L’UBP figure parmi les banques les mieux capitalisées de Suisse. La solidité de son assise financière est un gage de sécurité. En tant qu’employeur attractif, l’UBP offre les meilleures opportunités aux employés démontrant un esprit entrepreneurial et des aptitudes de haut niveau. Notre unité d’Asset Management est en forte croissance et, à ce titre, recherche de nouveaux talents Formation Aujourd’hui, la nouvelle génération de la famille fondatrice, avec Guy de Picciotto (CEO) à sa tête, poursuit l’œuvre pionnière qui a fait la réussite de l’UBP en perpétuant la conjugaison de qualités humaines, de savoir-faire et de méthodes financières de pointe, pour construire les succès de demain. L’UBP prend à cœur son rôle dans la société et s’engage dans la formation, comme l’atteste sa collaboration avec l’Institut HEID à Genève et l’INSEAD à Paris qui lui permet de contribuer activement à l’éclosion de nouveaux talents dans le domaine de la finance et des affaires internationales
What makes us a leading financial firm? People with ideas, skills and a commitment to excellence – like you. Working for UBS exposes you to a global
Together we...
network of diverse talent that handles situations across all aspects of finance. You will have access to world-class training and challenge yourself on demanding projects from day one. A culture built over 140 years encourages respect, mutual support and a belief that our clients benefit most when you are given the opportunity to shine. It starts with you: Š UBS 2010. All rights reserved.
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ubs AG Contact UBS AG HR Campus Recruiting P.O. Box CH – 8098 Zurich
Entry possibilities after graduation Graduate Training Programme (GTP): 18–24 months The GTP offers qualified university and college graduates a firstclass entry into UBS and a course of training of 18–24 months geared towards a specific career objective. Specific off-the-jobtraining provides professional and personal skills and prepares you for your subsequent career Direct Entry
Locations More than 50 countries worldwide Sector Financial services Number of employees Worldwide: 65,000 Switzerland: 24,000 Recruitment period All year round Internship possibilities Yes, 3–6 months Our internships offer an insight into our corporate culture and working environment as well as the chance for you to work along with some of the best people in the industry
Required skills and competences Internship experience, good German and English skills, other languages are advantageous, strong academic performance (BA or MA degree), international experience, strong interpersonal skills, team player, highly motivated, good analytical skills
Connexion The Careers Forum Next forums 4–5 November 2010 24–25 March 2011
Contact Carine Leu-Bonvin, + 41 22 908 57 55 Email
CP 136 – CH-1211 GENÈVE 21 – TéL + 41 22 908 57 00