Connexion - the Career Forum - 2013

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The Maison de la paix is the centrepiece of the Campus de la Paix. It will be inaugurated in automn 2013. Situated at the heart of the international organisations, it will bring together under one roof all the teaching, research and other activities focusing on contemporary global issues. Dedicated to the study of international affairs, it will also provide a forum for exchange among international public and private actors, and will play host to researchers and visitors from all over the world. Based on an original and carefully thought-out concept, the Maison de la paix with its calyx and six petals, is a pioneering design both in technological and architectural terms. It will be decorated with contemporary works of art, a testimony to its ambition as an international intellectual and cultural centre. At the heart of the building will be the Kathryn W. Davis Library, with a surface area of 4,500 m2 spread out over two levels, a 600-seat auditorium, 15 teaching rooms, 10 seminar rooms, a cafeteria with 170 places, and a further 80 places on the terrace. The spaces have been designed to facilitate individual and small-group study but also to enable interaction between students and faculty.

Welcome to Connexion 2013! We are both pleased and sad to announce to you, faithful participants and visitors and young and intrepid students, that this will be the final Career Forum held in the Villa Barton after ten successful years. As of September we will be housed in our new Maison de la paix just up the road and we will be happy to greet you there next year, in a splendid and modern setting, with curved walls, contemporary art work and a transparent environment. At the same time there is a certain sadness to leave the quaint setting of the Parc Barton, with ducks trotting down the alleys alongside our guests and the old-fashioned rooms bursting with students avid for advice for their future professional plans. 2013 is a pivotal year for the Graduate Institute. For those students who are leaving us in July they have witnessed throughout their studies the building of the Maison de la paix, future home of the Institute and sign of its health and dynamism. For those who are returning you will experience our new campus which we have carefully planned for you for the past half a decade. For our participants and visitors we remain committed to helping you find the student of your dreams, with the languages and skills that correspond to the profile you are



looking for. In the next four years our student body will grow by 30 to 50 percent. This is a commitment we have made to the Swiss government as part of our recently signed Convention d’objectifs. The increase in our student body will be done progressively and our selection criteria will remain as stringent as they are today. This means that our students will continue to be selected from among the best and the brightest in their more than 100 home countries. They are a fabulously diverse group concerned with tackling our world’s biggest issues. As in previous editions of Connexion we are welcoming our three communities in equal number: the public sector with the many Geneva-based international organisations and the Swiss federal administration, the private sector with its financial institutions, advisory companies, traders and the media, and the ever growing third sector with NGOs, think thanks and other non-profits. This is where our students find employment and we are fortunate in Geneva to benefit from so many partner organisations. To all of you, students and participants, I wish you three glorious days in our Villa Barton and hope to meet many of you during this 10 th edition of Connexion. Jacqueline CotÊ Head of Communications & Public Relations




The Graduate Institute will help you lay the foundations of your professional future throughout the course of your studies in Geneva. Through its Career Services it will offer you access to its important network of public and private sector employers in Switzerland and abroad. We can help you…

Get ready for your career

Market your knowledge and skills

The Career Services is committed to helping you identify career options and guiding you in your choices through personalised career counselling to:  Define your professional goals  Better understand your interests and skills  Explore career paths and opportunities  Prepare for job searches and applications  Practice employment interviews  Re-orient your career

In partnership with employers, Career Services holds different types of professional events in order to assist students prepare for their job searches and to smooth their transition from student to professional life such as:  Workshops on CV writing and interview techniques  Thematic presentations  Employer presentations on campus  Recruitment days  Networking events

Find jobs and internships

Make connexions

Once a week we send a summary of the latest internship and employment opportunities to all students and recent graduates. These offers are also posted on our website (secure pages) and separated into the following categories:  Internships  Part-time jobs allowing students to finance their studies while gaining a possible foothold in the organisation  Early career jobs after graduation  Jobs needing professional experience of three years or more

At our careers forum, Connexion, which takes place every year in March, we bring together some 100 prospective employers on campus over three days to meet students and recent graduates. This is a great opportunity for participants to:  Market themselves to companies, international and non-governmental organisations  Discover a wide range of career options  Meet recruiters and make valuable contacts

Dorina Dervishi Mathez | Career Advisor | T + 41 22 908 57 02 |



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Career Services and the Institute’s administration express their profound gratitude to the individuals, companies, international and non-governmental organisations that contribute to the success of the Careers Forum through their collaboration and support.

We would like to express special appreciation to our partner organisations  AGEFI  BNP Paribas  Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)

 Credit Suisse  CSS Assurance  Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE)

 Lombard Odier & Cie  Page Personnel  Union Bancaire Privée (UBP)

 Success & Career  Symbiotics

 UBS AG  Vistra SA

and our sponsors  Lalive  Nespresso



| Chapitre

PARTICIPANTS BY SECTOR Banking and Finance  BNP Paribas  Credit Suisse  Lombard Odier & Cie  Symbiotics (Microfinance)  UBS AG  Union Bancaire Privée (UBP)  Vistra SA Consulting  Codethic (Corporate Social Responsability)  Dalberg Global Development Advisors  FSG Social Impact Consultants  Philanthropy Advisors  WISE (Philanthropy Advisors) Other Companies  CSS Assurance  DuPont de Nemours International Sàrl  Expedia Lodging Partner Services Sàrl  Gunvor Group  Nespresso  Procter & Gamble (P&G)

12/30-31 26-27/38-39 64/65 16-17/80-81 82-83 84-85 94-95 35 42 51 76 96 40 46 47 22-23 77

International Organisations 55  International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)  International Labour Organization (ILO) 57  International Organization for Migration (IOM) 14-15/58  International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 59  International Trade Centre (ITC) 60  Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) 67  Overseas Development Institute (ODI) 69  UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 86  UN Development Programme (UNDP) 87  UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Geneva Environment Network (GEN) 88  UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 20-21/89  UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) 90  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 91  UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 92  UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 93  World Bank Group 97  World Food Programme (WFP) 99



PARTICIPANTS BY SECTOR Law Firms  Lalive  Sidley Austin LLP Media  AGEFI

13/62-63 79 28

Non-governmental Organisations  Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) 29  CARE International 32  Center for International Environmental Law, The (CIEL) 33  Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) 36-37  CUTS International 41  Fondation Terre des Hommes (TdH) 48  Forest Trust, The (TFT) 49  Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust, The (RET) 50  Global Footprint Network 52  Graines de Paix 53  HAP International 24-25  Human Rights Watch (HRW) 54  International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) 56  Interpeace 61

 Medair  Organisation mondiale contre la torture (OMCT)  Oxfam International  Peace Brigades International (PBI)  Peace Watch Switzerland (PWS)  World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA)  World Vision International  WWF International

66 68 71 74 75 98 18-19/100 101

Recruitment  Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions Relating to International Cooperation (CINFO)  Page Personnel  Success & Career Swiss Public Administration  Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) – Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) – Section présence de la Suisse dans les organisations internationales

34 72-73 78 44 43 45


| Chapitre

STAND SCHEDULE Main Hall of Villa Barton WEDNESDAY 6 MARCH 2012

| 10:00 – 13:00 |

 International Labour Organization (ILO)  Page Personnel

| 10:00 – 17:00 |

 Credit Suisse  Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE)

| 13:30 – 16:30 |

 Thee Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust (RET)  Medair  World Vision International


| 10:00 – 13:00 |

 Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)  Sidley Austin LLP  WWF International

| 10:00 – 17:00 |

 Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)

| 13:30 – 16:30 |

 Fondation Terre des Hommes (TdH)  UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) FRIDAY 8 MARCH 2012

| 10:00 – 13:00 |  Graines de Paix

| 10:00 – 17:00 |

 Peace Brigades International (PBI)  Peace Watch Switzerland (PWS)

| 13:30 – 16:30 |

 Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)  CUTS International

Employers’ Presentations


WEDNESDAY 6 MARCH 2013 Room Abi-Saab (1st floor)

Room S4 (2nd floor)

Room S1 (ground floor)


International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)

The Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust (RET)

International Labour Organization (ILO)


DFAE – Présence de la Suisse dans les organisations internationales

World Food Programme (WFP)



DFAE - Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC)



Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Page Personnel



UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Procter & Gamble (P&G)


The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

World Vision International

Dupont de Nemours International Sàrl


World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA)

CARE International

Expedia Lodging Partner Services Sàrl

Credit Suisse

Reminder Room S2 is available to employers for interviews at any time.


| Agenda

THURSDAY 7 MARCH 2013 Room Abi-Saab (1st floor)

10:15 11:15

Global Footprint Network


Room S4 (2nd floor)

Room S1 (ground floor)

Organisations internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

Sidley Austin LLP

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Lombard Odier & Cie Philanthropy

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Fondation Terre des Hommes (TdH)


Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions Relating to International Cooperation (CINFO)


Symbiotics (Microfinance)

UN Development Programme (UNDP)

World Bank Group


Philanthropy Advisors

UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Geneva Environment Network (GEN)

UN Population Fund (UNFPA)


Organisation mondiale contre la torture (OMCT)

Codethic (Corporate Social Responsibility)

UN Office at Geneva (UNOG)


THE FOREIGN WORKFORCE: WHAT ARE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR RECRUITMENT? by Philippe Ecuer, former Director of the Geneva Office of Foreign Labour, in Auditorium Jacques-Freymond

UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Reminder Room S2 is available to employers for interviews at any time.

Employers’ Presentations

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FRIDAY 8 MARCH 2013 Room Abi-Saab (1st floor) 10:15

Room S4 (2nd floor)

Room S1 (ground floor)

Oxfam International


Graines de Paix

WISE (Philanthropy Advisors)

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)


CUTS International

FSG Social Impact Consultants

Dalberg Global Development Advisors


The Forest Trust (TFT)

International Trade Centre (ITC)

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)


International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

BNP Paribas

Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellowship Scheme


Reminder Room S2 is available to employers for interviews at any time.


| Chapitre


Michèle C. Rey

Head of Young Graduates BNP Paribas* You have been recruiting at the Institute for several years. How does this collaboration benefit you? The long-lasting partnership with the Graduate Institute has produced, for BNP Paribas, fruitful results. We have found that students graduating from the Institute possess significant knowledge and skills related to global political, economic and social challenges. Their ability to address issues by taking into account multiple perspectives is an outstanding value for our bank.

What types of positions are available?  Internships for a minimum period of 6 months Internships give students the opportunity to explore the diversity of the banking sector and benefit from the expertise of BNP Paribas’ professional teams

What qualities do our students have that particularly interest you? We appreciate their ability to explore issues from various perspectives as well as their analytical and synthetical skills. Moreover, their keen interest in global policy issues, ability to speak several

 Graduate Programmes for a period of 18 months Graduate Programmes are aimed at students who already possess professional experience within the financial sector. The programmes are available in different functions of the bank

* Presentation by BNP Paribas: Friday 8 March at 14:15, room S1

languages and motivation to pursue intercultural experiences represent an important strength.

Employers’ testimonials

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Françoise Simonin Administrator Lalive

You have been recruiting at the Institute for several years. How does this collaboration benefit you? Collaboration with the Graduate Institute allows us to recruit young associates from various cultural backgrounds who, regardless of their previous legal education, come to us with a solid knowledge of the key legal issues arising in international dispute resolution. What qualities do our students have that particularly interest you? Good understanding of the framework of international commercial and investment arbitration; good research skills and a strong level of written English.

What types of positions are available?  Internships and junior positions  Mid-level associates What prior experience do you look for when selecting candidates? Any experience is an advantage, but we do take on students with no practical experience if they have a strong academic background, especially for internships. What skills are essential for candidates?  Research using IT tools: lexisnexis, westlaw, etc.  Very strong level of written English  Basic knowledge of French

What types of profiles are you most particularly interested in? Students who are native or near native English speakers. This does not mean uniformity; we are interested in people with diverse backgrounds. More employers’ testimonials on


| Chapitre Sherree ATKINSON

Staff Planning and Mobility Specialist International Organization for Migration (IOM)*

You have been recruiting at the Institute for several years. How does this collaboration benefit you? The profiles of the Graduate Institute students are particularly suited for IOM work in the headquarters and for assignment in our field missions. Considering the wide range of IOM programmes and its global presence, there are numerous opportunities for internships and consultancies for the background of Graduate Institute students. What qualities do our students have that particularly interest you? An international background and a passion for humanitarian work are essential qualities for work-

* Presentation by IOM: Friday 8 March at 14:15, room S4

ing at IOM. In addition, we value critical and analytical skills and the ability to find solutions in the intricate maze of challenges of project management. What types of profiles are you most particularly interested in? We generally look for candidates with an academic background in social and political sciences, economics, anthropology, history and geography. We search for people who demonstrate flexibility and the ability to work independently while fully integrating in diverse and sometimes disperse teams. We additionally value candidates who are mobile and ready for short-term assignments, often in the challenging settings of humanitarian emergencies.

Employers’ testimonials

What types of positions are available? Graduate Institute students can access entry-level positions as interns or short-term consultants in a considerable number of fields related to migration, such as economics and development, legal, policymaking, research, operations and direct migrant counselling and assistance. What prior experience do you look for when selecting candidates? The ideal candidates possess prior exposure to work in international humanitarian and/or development settings in governmental, intergovernmental or nongovernmental environments. They have excellent communication skills as well as a drive for tangible results.

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What skills are essential for candidates? We look for candidates who are fluent in at least one of the official IOM languages (English, French and Spanish). Those who master two or all three languages have a distinct advantage. Other languages may be particularly sought after depending on location and the specifics of a given programme. Excellent written and spoken communication skills are a must, as is basic knowledge of IT tools, including specialised software.

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| Chapitre Boris Vetsch

Chief Financial Officer and HR Director Symbiotics*

Vous participez depuis plusieurs années à Connexion, notre forum des professions. Que vous apporte cette collaboration ? Nous sommes très satisfaits de cette collaboration dans le cadre des recrutements pour nos postes de stagiaires ou d’analystes. Le fait de se retrouver en contact direct avec d’éventuels futurs collaborateurs lors de la présentation et de la mise en perspective de nos activités permet un échange dynamique et stimulant. Cela offre l’opportunité d’échanger tout en évitant le carcan que peut représenter un entretien de recrutement « standard ». Quelles sont les qualités qui vous intéressent particulièrement chez nos étudiants ? Un niveau de maturité au-dessus de la moyenne, un regard aigu sur les problématiques internationales et une motivation élevée. En outre, les étudiants de l’Institut développent fréquemment une

* Presentation by Symbiotics: Thursday 7 March at 14:15, room Abi-Saab

capacité d’employabilité supérieure à la moyenne. C’est un atout essentiel pour un employeur comme Symbiotics, qui doit s’assurer autant du bagage académique de son futur collaborateur que de sa faculté à s’intégrer rapidement dans la chaîne de valeur de nos activités de pointe. Quels sont les types de profils qui vous intéressent le plus ? Une exposition aux problématiques internationales (pays émergents en particulier), conjuguée à une bonne maîtrise des outils financiers actuels. En d’autres termes, une capacité d’analyse transversale et l’aptitude à gérer plusieurs projets en parallèle tout en pouvant prendre le recul nécessaire à une approche pragmatique et efficiente des problématiques. Ces quelques caractéristiques viennent bien entendu compléter une formation académique de niveau master au minimum. Toutes ces exigences

Employers’ testimonials

sont les garanties de prestations de qualité pour les clients de Symbiotics. Quelle expérience valorisez-vous lorsque vous sélectionnez des candidats ? Toute expérience professionnelle est clairement un avantage car elle permet de se confronter à la réalité du monde économique, à ses exigences et contraintes – et ce d’autant plus si elle se déroule dans un environnement financier et international. Nous accordons une attention particulière aux environnements dans lesquels les expériences sont vécues car de nos jours le réseautage professionnel représente un acquis indéniable ; il peut permettre, par exemple, des avancées significatives lors de processus de conformité ou lors de prospections.

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Quelles sont les compétences essentielles que doit posséder un candidat ?  La motivation et la curiosité sont essentielles  L’ouverture d’esprit envers les autres et la flexibilité  La capacité à mener de front des projets variés  Les langues: anglais, français, espagnol, toute autre langue est un atout  La maîtrise parfaite de Windows ainsi que la familiarité avec les outils financiers  Une expérience antérieure dans l’analyse financière et la gestion d’investissements  La connaissance de l’industrie de la microfinance  Un engagement personnel dans le développement social et durable

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| Chapitre


Xiaomei Zou

Assistant Programme Officer Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Department World Vision International, China Office* How did you start your career? Initially, I applied for a Designing, Monitoring & Evaluation (DME) position at World Vision China in June 2012. During the interview, I was asked where I saw myself in five years’ time, to which I replied that I would love to work in the humanitarian sector. Since the DME position was more development-focused, my interviewer asked if I would like to have my application passed over to the Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Department (HEA), where there was an open vacancy. I agreed and expressed my gratitude. After further interviews with the HEA Department, I was offered the position of Assistant Programme Officer. Following graduation in September, I started my new job in October 2012.

* Presentation by World Vision International: Wednesday 6 March at 15:15, room S4

Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? After obtaining my first Master’s degree in Forced Migration, I was not sure whether I wanted to continue my studies at PhD level. My supervisor suggested that I come to Geneva and study for a second Master’s degree, by the end of which I will have a better idea of whether I wanted to continue in the field of academia or enter the professional world. Following his advice, I applied and was consequently accepted into the Master in Development Studies (MDev) programme. My two years at the Graduate Institute proved to be an invaluable experience: I had the opportunity to study development from an interdisciplinary perspective and to apply theory to practice through the Applied Research Seminar (ARS). Based in Geneva, I also benefited from internships with various international organisations and thus gained a variety of professional skills.

Graduates’ success stories

Why did you choose a career at World Vision? To realise my career aspirations, I plan to become a relief professional with field experience and technical expertise in the first five years of my career. World Vision is an ideal starting place because it is one of the biggest NGOs active in the humanitarian sector with a global presence in more than 100 countries. It works closely with the local communities whom it serves and provides its staff with training opportunities in all thematic and functional areas. In particular, I appreciate World Vision’s effort in welcoming new humanitarian professionals and helping them develop through hands-on relief activities. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at World Vision? To work in the HEA Department of World Vision, you need:  strong commitment to humanitarianism  to be in good health and used to frequent traveling to disaster sites  to be able to work efficiently under pressure and in harsh/basic conditions  to respect and be adaptable to different cultures and local situations  excellent communication and negotiation skills  to be well-organised and good at multitasking  to be a good team player and a quick learner

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Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? Thanks to the MDev programme, I gained a better understanding of the linkages between relief and development work in many complex contexts in the real world. This proved to be influential in shaping my career orientation. The Connexion Forum, organised every year in March, allowed me to discover different career options and meet recruiters directly. Information and advice obtained from the Connexion Forum was especially helpful. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? The interdisciplinary nature of the MDev programme helped me become more flexible and innovative in solving problems. Being able to think outside the box is critical to success in an ever so challenging humanitarian world. How do you benefit from your position at World Vision? When I was a student, I learned much about humanitarian work from literature and lectures. I was eager to see how a relief agency responds to a disaster in practice. In my present role, I am building up essential skills in disaster response and programme management.

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| Chapitre Silvano Sofia

External Relations Officer UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)*

Quel a été votre parcours ? J’ai terminé mes études à l’Institut en 2006. Ensuite, j’ai eu l’opportunité de faire un stage d’une année au sein de la Mission permanente de la Suisse auprès des Nations unies à Genève, dans le domaine des affaires humanitaires. Puis j’ai travaillé pendant presque un an au département de la communication de la banque privée Lombard Odier avant de retourner à l’ONU, d’abord au Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) à Genève, dans le domaine des relations extérieures, et depuis deux ans au bureau de l’Organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), toujours à Genève, en tant que chargé des relations extérieures. Il s’agit de collaborer avec les différents acteurs de la Genève internationale et de représenter l’organisation lors de réunions et de conférences multilatérales impliquant les représentants de gouvernement, des Nations unies et de la société civile.

* Presentation by FAO: Wednesday 6 March at 14:15, room S4

Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d’étudier à l’Institut ? L’actualité internationale m’a toujours particulièrement intéressé et l’Institut me donnait la possibilité de faire des études dans ce domaine et de développer des connaissances pour travailler ensuite, le cas échéant, dans le milieu des relations internationales. Comment et pour quelles raisons avez-vous choisi une carrière dans ce milieu ? La FAO, en tant qu’agence spécialisée des Nations unies, aide les pays en développement/transition à se moderniser et fait ainsi face à des enjeux mondiaux pour lesquels j’ai toujours eu un intérêt marqué. Travailler pour la FAO au Palais des Nations à Genève, qui est l’un des centres les plus importants en matière de diplomatie et de coopération internationale, était donc une occasion à ne pas manquer.

Graduates’ success stories

Selon vous, quelles sont les qualités nécessaires pour faire carrière dans ce domaine ? Il est important d’avoir une connaissance transversale et analytique des enjeux internationaux, de bien s’exprimer dans au moins deux langues du système onusien et de développer un réseau de contacts utiles évoluant dans différents secteurs-clés pour l’organisation. Il faut aussi avoir un esprit ouvert et apprécier la diversité culturelle. L’Institut vous y a-t-il bien préparé ? Oui, certainement. La valeur ajoutée de l’Institut est sans aucun doute la perspective multidisciplinaire de son enseignement, qui fournit les outils permettant de faire face et de s’adapter à des situations, des problématiques et des milieux différents et variés.

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Quelles sont les compétences que vous avez acquises à l’Institut ? Une capacité à analyser et synthétiser les événements internationaux à un niveau multidimensionnel. Le bilinguisme de l’Institut est aussi un avantage indéniable pour évoluer ensuite dans un environnement international. Comment avez-vous trouvé le poste que vous occupez à la FAO ? Quand j’étais au PAM, j’ai collaboré à plusieurs reprises avec la FAO ; les deux agences travaillent en effet pour la sécurité alimentaire. Une opportunité s’est ainsi présentée à moi en 2010, lorsque le bureau de la FAO à Genève était à la recherche d’une personne pour promouvoir les activités de l’organisation au sein des missions diplomatiques, des organisations internationales, de la société civile, des médias, de la sphère académique et du grand public.

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| Chapitre Anastasia dos Santos Business Analyst Gunvor Group*

How did you start your career? I started my career as a part-time assistant in a small oil trading company. In the beginning, I primarily worked as an administrative and personal assistant to the Director. I then slowly became involved in shipping operations and trading activities.

month internship at the IT department of Gunvor. Even though I had no prior experience of working in IT, I knew that the oil trading business interested me in general and that I would use this opportunity to enter the company. Following my internships, I was hired as a business analyst at Gunvor.

Why did you choose a career at Gunvor? I was searching for a big international company which would allow me to develop my career and which offers opportunities for working overseas. I was applying to several companies and institutions per day. I did not target specific types of organisations as I was open to any possibilities to gain more work experience. As a student or recent graduate, you should apply to any available position and accept any offer in order to gain experience. This will, in turn, help you achieve your career goals and aspirations. For this reason, I applied to a three-

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Gunvor? Languages (as many as possible) and ability to work in an open-space office are crucial. Working with many people around you demands a lot of concentration because your job is sometimes made difficult when, for example, several people around you are talking on the telephone at the same time. Moreover, you should be yourself and have moral standards of your own. Sincerity and kindness to colleagues will be most valuable. In the end, people are more interested in the kind of person you

Graduates’ success stories

are than your education and your skills. With time, you can learn how to do any job (as I learned how to work in IT), but you will not change your personality. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute has a useful careers’ website with job offers, which I consult regularly. I would say that in my experience, this is the biggest and most valuable help from the Institute! What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? What I am really using at work are the abilities and skills required for presentations, conferences and debates. In the beginning of my studies, I was very timid about giving a presentation or asking a question in front of the whole class, but I later became accustomed to it. At work, during meetings, you are often asked to be proactive, give new ideas and

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express your point of view. The Institute helped me to be self-confident and feel more comfortable participating in discussions. I talk in front of my managers as freely as I do in front of my classmates and I am not troubled by the prospect of making a presentation in front of my 200 colleagues. How did you benefit from your position at Gunvor? Unlike internships with many international organisations, internships at private companies are paid. So, I benefited materially. Moreover, I gained valuable experience which will hopefully allow me to continue to work for Gunvor or find employment in another company in the trading business.

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| Participant David Loquercio

Head of Policy and External Relations HAP International*

How did you start your career? To be honest, it all started with a mix of purpose and chance. I knew I wanted to work for a humanitarian organisation, ICRC being at the top of the list, but I was too young to access the ICRC right away. After graduating, I spent six months in Germany before I was invited for an interview as a marketing assistant in Geneva. This is not exactly what I had in mind but it allowed me to gain a first professional experience, practice my German and save some money. This gave me time to find a training programme more focused on humanitarian assistance and subsequently made my application to the ICRC much more attractive. I think it is important to know what you want to do but it is also important to keep an open mind so that you can grasp opportunities as they come along. This is how I got to publish my dissertation, work for Oxfam and become a management consultant.

Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I have always considered myself as a generalist rather than a specialist. I had too many interests to focus on one subject. The Institute offered me the opportunity to look at international relations from different perspectives, allowing me to see the big picture by analysing a situation through different lenses. Why did you choose a career at HAP International? Having worked in the field with the ICRC and Oxfam and then as a management consultant with KPMG, focusing on advisory services to development and humanitarian organisations, working for HAP offered me an opportunity to link policy and practice. I believe in HAP’s approach, which aims to put beneficiaries at the centre and ensure that humanitarian action is as much accountable to beneficiaries as it is to donors. The work HAP is doing has a positive

* Workshop by HAP International on “Making Humanitarian Action Accountable to Beneficiaries: A Look at the HAP Standard“ Thursday 21 March, 12:00 to 14:00, room S1

Graduates’ success stories

influence on the way the system works, it is very motivating and it challenges me to give my best. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at HAP International? To succeed with HAP, you need to be dedicated to the vision of the organisation. This is, firmly believe that the main judges for humanitarian programme quality are the people you intend to serve. Because we are a membership organisation, you also need strong facilitation skills and the ability to listen and offer solutions to the problems and issues of our members. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Institute definitely helped me to sharpen my mind and provided me with the tools and training necessary to analyse complex situations. At the same time, no amount of training and education can replace professional experience and in order to have credibility and relevance vis-a-vis the members with whom we interact, having worked at programme level is an invaluable

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complement to my education. On another level, being challenged to attend a number of lectures in English as well as writing in English was a good preparation for a sector where this is the lingua franca. How did you benefit from your position at HAP International? Having joined HAP International only at the end of July 2012, it is probably still too early to tell the whole story. However, I have already seen several benefits materialise. For one, working in a small structure allows me to have more responsibilities than I would have in a bigger organisation. Being a membership organisation, combined with its position as a recognised leader on accountability to affected populations, it has already given me a chance to establish contacts with many organisations. Finally, because I am managing HAP’s deployment team, I also get an opportunity to participate in deployments and maintain the link with country programmes, thus contributing to the development of the body of knowledge on accountability in the humanitarian and development sector. More graduates’ success stories on


| Participant Xanthoula Apostolou

Relationship Manager, Greece/Cyprus GE Team Credit Suisse* How did you start your career? After a series of internships with national and international organisations, I embarked on my career by joining the Credit Suisse Career Start Program for recent graduates within the private banking function. Connexion Forum 2012 played a key role in my discovering of Credit Suisse, while using the Graduate Institute’s Career Services significantly assisted me in the preparation for the hiring process. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? A series of reasons led to my decision to pursue my graduate studies at the Graduate Institute. Among my reasons were the high level of expertise of the academic body, the cultural diversity among the students and the proximity and access to a wide range of professional opportunities. Having a background in international and European economic and political studies, the Graduate Institute was the right place to deepen my knowledge and strengthen my understanding of international affairs. Additionally, interacting and sharing ideas with people from diverse

* Presentation by Credit Suisse: Wednesday 6 March at 12:15, room S1

backgrounds was essential in order to broaden my perspectives on different aspects of my studies. Finally, the Graduate Institute’s graduates follow highly diverse career paths; this appealed to me as it suggested a non-restrictive aspect for my future development. Why did you choose a career at Credit Suisse? I was eager to enter the banking industry and the Credit Suisse Career Start Program offered a challenging and well-rounded training programme with the opportunity to allow me to develop my professional and personal skills. It is a comprehensive programme for young graduates, encompassing both “on-the-job” and “off-the-job” training on a chosen function of the banking industry. Looking to develop qualities well-suited for pursuing a career in the banking industry, I found Credit Suisse attractive. Participating in the Career Start Program has been challenging and rewarding. Indeed, by focusing on people, Credit Suisse contributes in the development of its partners and values all their contributions.

Graduates’ success stories

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Credit Suisse? Judging by my experience so far in the Private Banking function with Credit Suisse, I would say that organisational skills are essential in coping with the demanding and diverse day-to-day tasks while a high sense of responsibility and commitment are necessary. I would add that a deep understanding and knowledge of the international macroeconomic environment and a genuine interest in world markets are key aspects for succeeding. In my opinion, depending on the situation, self-confidence also plays an important role along with the preparedness to take decisions if need be. Finally, the abilities to communicate and cooperate with internal and external partners are necessary in order to function well and bring results. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute gave me the opportunity to learn to interact and cooperate with people from different cultures and with different mindsets. This facilitated my collaboration with crosscultural teams within Credit Suisse.

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What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? The Graduate Institute equipped me with the necessary tools to develop critical thinking and provide inventive solutions. Receiving an interdisciplinary education at the Institute enabled me to look at an issue globally, taking into consideration multiple and adverse points of view in my approach. How did you benefit from your position at Credit Suisse? My position as a trainee in Credit Suisse gave me the opportunity to meet, work with and build a network of fellow Career Starters by sharing experiences, ideas, and aspirations. At the same time, the combination of the “on-the-job” and “off-the-job” training helped me consolidate my knowledge, learn new things and grow professionally. All in all, my position as a Career Starter was the path that allowed me to demonstrate my skills and abilities and ultimately be entrusted with managing a book of clients and assume the role of the Relationship Manager.

More graduates’ success stories on

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pages 8 à 30

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Décembre 2012 | Supplément mensuel du quotidien L’Agefi | Numéro 10

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Steve Hanke (Université John Hopkins Baltimore) pointe les conséquences lourdes de la situation hyperinflationniste en Iran.

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Mensuel Encarté dans L’Agefi

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| 29

AGENCY FOR TECHNICAL COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (ACTED) Recruitment period  Throughout the year Contact  Jobs: Internships: Address  Rue Godot de Mauroy 33, 75009 Paris, France Headquarters  Paris, France International presence 32 countries on four continents: Central America (Haiti & Nicaragua), Central and Eastern Africa, Central and South East Asia, Middle East Sector  NGO Number of employees Over 200 international and 3,000 national staff worldwide

Internship opportunities  ACTED offers field internships to students who are finishing their studies or have recently graduated. This includes:  Real field experience: you receive training on ACTED’s policy and practices as you help implement projects in the field  Professional advancement opportunities: ACTED encourages interns to advance within the agency and provides opportunities to assume management positions as full-time employees Two out of three interns move to officer positions after their internship Required skills and experience   Fluency in English and/or French  Adaptability and flexibility to work in a variety of places and contexts  Dedication to ACTED’s work ethic  Capacity to assume important responsibilities  Ability to adapt to a multicultural environment  Interest in developing a career within ACTED


| Participant


| 31


Période de recrutement  Toute l’année

BNP Paribas est l’une des banques les mieux notées du monde (notée A+ par Standard & Poor’s). Présente en Suisse depuis 1872, elle propose une large palette de produits et services reposant sur un savoir-faire éprouvé et se classe parmi les plus grandes banques étrangères du pays. La gestion de fortune pour une clientèle privée et le financement du négoce international de matières premières sont au cœur de l’importante gamme de services de la banque, dont les activités se structurent en deux pôles : Corporate and Investment Banking et Investment Solutions. Attentive à l’évolution rapide du monde et véritable précurseur dans un grand nombre de domaines, elle s’affirme aujourd’hui comme « la banque d’un monde qui change », avec une culture d’entreprise fondée sur quatre valeurs communes : réactivité, créativité, engagement, ambition

Possibilités de stages Dans un environnement professionnel dynamique et exigeant, la banque vous offre  des stages de courte durée (6 mois) permettant de découvrir la diversité des métiers bancaires  des stages « relève » personnalisés (18 mois) en fonction de votre propre orientation, de vos intérêts et de votre motivation

Si la banque vous attire et que vous êtes  au bénéfice d’un master  capable d’initiatives et prêt à vous investir  à l’aise dans plusieurs langues  créatif et enthousiaste n’hésitez pas à nous contacter

Contact  Michèle C. Rey | Adresse  Pl. de Hollande 2, 1211 Genève 11, Suisse Siège social  Quatre implantations en Suisse : Genève, Bâle, Lugano, Zurich Présence dans le monde  Plus de 80 pays Secteur  Banque et finance Effectif  1700 en Suisse | 198 000 dans le monde


| Chapitre

CARE INTERNATIONAL Contact  Tatiana Hoyos

Number of employees  Switzerland: 23 Worldwide: More than 11,000

Address  Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Yes

Headquarters  USA

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

International presence  84 countries

Required skills and experience Dependent on specific posts Visit for the latest openings and required skills

Sector  NGO


| 33


Internship opportunities  Yes, mainly in Washington DC

Contact  David Azoulay Geneva Managing Attorney

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Washington DC, USA International presence  Amsterdam, Netherlands | Geneva, Switzerland | Washington DC, USA | Sector  International Environmental Law and Human Rights Law Number of employees  Geneva: 1 | Worldwide: 18

Required skills and experience  Various opportunities are available for students and professionals with diverse levels of expertise, knowledge and experience  Experience and skills in international law and/or environmental law are an asset Remarks Over the last 20 years, CIEL has trained more than 350 interns from 53 countries Visit for more information


| Participant

CINFO Contact Address  Rue Centrale 115, PO Box 2500 Bienne 7, Switzerland T + 41 32 365 80 02 Sector  Recruitement in international cooperation Recruitment period  On-going (information in the newsletter)

Internship/Employment opportunities   Our online job database, cinfoPoste, provides a wide range of announcements of vacant positions in the field of international cooperation. cinfoPoste is primarily intended for professionals fulfilling the requirements specific to the field of international cooperation  We also recruit for JPO positions and UNV internships for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Remarks   We organise information and networking events with UN agencies and development banks such as the World Bank, IDB, EBRD, IFC  Our publications, available on our website, provide tips for application procedures and entry level opportunities  We offer support through our coaching and career counseling services  Stay up to date by registering for our newsletter


| 35


Effectif  15 Contact  Ressources humaines Rue des Eaux-Vives 94, 1207 Genève, Suisse T + 41 22 735 47 31

Possibilités de stages  Oui Offre limitée de stages au siège ainsi que dans nos bureaux de représentation à l’intention des diplômés Période de recrutement  Toute l’année Qualifications souhaitées Master pour tous les postes de responsable de projet, excellente maîtrise de l’anglais et du français, minimum deux ans d’expérience professionnelle post-études

Présence dans le monde  Internationale Secteur  Management Consulting in Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Formation interne  Oui Cours de formation de 3 à 8 semaines selon profil avant de participer à un projet client ou sur le terrain

WWW.ICRC.ORG/ENG/JOBS 36 | Participant


International Committee of the Red Cross Recruitment Unit 19 Avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva, Switzerland T + 41 22 730 22 62/25 18 F +41 22 730 22 26 E-mail: /

John George/ICRC

The ICRC recruits delegates, administrators, assistants, database administrators, logistics specialists, medical doctors, nurses, orthotists/ prosthetists, engineers and technicians (water and habitat, construction, information systems), agronomists and interpreters.

Marko Kokic/ICRC

Visiting prisoners of war and civilian detainees Searching for missing persons Passing messages between family members separated by conflict Reuniting dispersed families Providing food, water and medical assistance to civilians in need Spreading knowledge of international humanitarian law Monitoring compliance with humanitarian law Drawing attention to violations and contributing to the development of humanitarian law Fiona Mcdougall/ICRC

• • • • • • • •


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COMITÉ INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGE (CICR) Possibilités de stages  Oui Offre limitée de stages au siège uniquement pour diplômés en droit international humanitaire, relations internationales, communication Période de recrutement  Toute l’année Contact  Secrétariat, Unité du recrutement Av. de la Paix 19, 1202 Genève, Suisse T + 41 22 730 25 18

Qualifications souhaitées Master pour tous les métiers CICR, très bonne connaissance de l’anglais et du français, minimum deux ans d’expérience professionnelle post-études

Présence dans le monde  Internationale

Formation interne  Oui Cours de formation de 2 à 5 semaines selon profil avant le départ sur le terrain

Secteur  Humanitaire Effectif  12 900 collaborateurs Environ 12 000 sur le terrain et 900 au siège (expatriés et employés nationaux)

Remarques Le CICR recrute uniquement pour des missions d’un an à l’étranger, sur le terrain, avec un engagement minimum de deux ans


| Participant


CREDIT SUISSE Contact  Salomé Amsler HRCS 42, Campus Recruiting Romandie, 1211 Geneva 70, Switzerland T + 41 44 333 66 77, Credit Suisse is a global financial services company providing Private Banking & Wealth Management services and Investment Banking services and expertise to companies, institutions and high-net-worth clients. Credit Suisse is active in more than 100 countries and employs over 48,000 people. As a stable company with a long banking tradition, we are one of the most respected banks in the world We offer entry-level career opportunities in a variety of business areas. Our programs give you the chance to make a difference from day one and provide firstclass training and support to help you to develop into a future business leader. Throughout your career with us, you will benefit from cross-business and international mobility opportunities

 Summer Internship – 10 to 12 weeks You get the opportunity to gain experience in a particular area at Credit Suisse  Internship – 3 to 6 months Take a first look at our organization and our corporate culture  Career Start Program – 12 to 18 months Combine the challenges of direct entry with the structure of a training program We look for people with a wide range of experi­ ences, interests and degrees who will add fresh perspectives to our business. A career with us means that you can help shape our future

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| Chapitre

Rue Haldimand 17, case postale 5748, 1002 Lausanne, TĂŠlĂŠphone 058 277 30 72,


| 41


Number of employees  Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: 100

Contact  Josiane Rufener T + 41 22 734 60 80

Internship opportunities  Throughout the year

Address  Rue de Vermont 37-39, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience   The ideal candidate is a postgraduate student in political science, economics, international relations, development studies or related fields, with a strong academic background  Fluency in English is essential; knowledge of French is an asset  Candidates should be highly motivated and willing to learn and contribute

Headquarters  Jaipur, India Sector  NGO – Trade International presence  India, Kenya, Switzerland, Vietnam, Zambia

Recruitment period  Throughout the year


| Participant


Number of employees  Switzerland: 12 | Worldwide: 160 Internship opportunities  Yes Contact  Mara De Monte T + 41 22 809 99 00

Recruitment period  All year round

41 241

Address  Rue de Chantepoulet 7, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Jaipur, India Sector  Private Dalberg is a strategic advisory firm that works to raise living standards in developing countries and address global challenges International presence  Denmark, India, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Switzerland, UK, USA

Required skills and experience  While we hire candidates with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, successful candidates typically have the following characteristics:  Professional services experience with a top management consulting firm  Experience living, studying or working in a developing country  Academic credentials from a leading university  Entrepreneurial mindset and willingness to build our organisation  Long-term commitment to raising living standards around the world


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Contact Adresse  Freiburgstr. 130, 3003 Berne, Suisse Siège social  Berne, Suisse Présence dans le monde  Plus de 50 pays Secteur  Développement et coopération, aide humanitaire Effectif  500 (sans le personnel local) Possibilités de stages  Oui Période de recrutement  Toute l’année

Qualifications souhaitées  Spécialiste du développement, de la coopération internationale et de l’aide humanitaire  Compétences thématiques et linguistiques  Finances, management La Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) est l’organe du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) en charge de la coopération internationale. Lui incombent la coordination de la coopération au développement et de la coopération avec l’Europe de l’Est avec d’autres offices de la Confédération ainsi que l’aide humanitaire de la Suisse. La coopération au développement a pour objectif de lutter contre la pauvreté. Elle promeut l’accession à l’autonomie économique et politique des Etats, contribue à améliorer les conditions de production et aide à gérer les problèmes écologiques ainsi qu’à améliorer l’accès à la formation et aux soins médicaux de base


| Participant


Possibilités de stages  Oui

Contact  Tim Fürst T + 41 31 323 08 75 |

Période de recrutement  Toute l’année

Adresse  Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) Division politique III Nations unies et autres organisations internationales Présence de la Suisse dans les OI Bundesgasse 28, 3003 Berne, Suisse Siège social  Berne, Suisse Présence dans le monde  Internationale Secteur  Public Effectif  30-40 par année


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Formation interne  Programme des jeunes experts associés  Volontaires des Nations unies  Stages Remarques Le Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) soutient et finance le Programme des jeunes experts associés (JEA). Le but de ce programme est d’attirer les jeunes talents pour leur donner l’occasion d’acquérir une première expérience dans une OI. La durée du programme varie d’un à trois ans, selon les organisations. Les JEA sont placés sous la responsabilité des Etats membres. Ces derniers en assument le recrutement et le financement. Le DFAE finance actuellement entre 12 et 16 postes par année


| Participant

DUPONT DE NEMOURS INTERNATIONAL SÀRL Address  Ch. du Pavillon 2, 1218 Le Grand Saconnex, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Graduate Program from September 1st 2013 to September 30th 2014 Recruitment period  As of April 2013

Headquarters  Wilmington, USA EMEA Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience  Bachelor’s and Master’s degree

International presence  More than 60 countries Sector  Industry Number of employees  Switzerland: 800 | Worldwide: 65,000

Training programme  13 months  90% on the job  10% special project and trainings


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Careers: Corporate: Travel: Contact  Vivienne Talbot, Senior HR Business Partner

Number of employees  Switzerland: 90 (and growing) | Worldwide: 9,000 Internship opportunities  We look for interns and full-time employees in the areas of data analysis, operational research and statistical modelling

Address  Rue du Lac 12, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Bellevue (Seattle), Washington, USA International presence  We have more than 140 Expedia, Inc. localised points of sale in nearly 70 countries Sector  Travel & Technology

Recruitment period  Throughout the year We presently have a dozen permanent jobs open in Geneva in the Lodging Partner Services. To find out more and to apply, visit We have over 500 positions open worldwide in a range of sectors across the various Expedia, Inc. brands. You can also upload your CV and edit your profile under “Network with us” if you do not find a particular job that suits you immediately but are keen to be contacted by Expedia if your profile matches one of our opportunities in the future


| Participant


Possibilités de stage  Au siège principalement, pour une durée de 6 mois au minimum

Contact  Steven Fricaud | T +41 58 611 06 79 | Période de recrutement  Toute l’année Adresse  Av. de Montchoisi 15, 1006 Lausanne, Suisse Siège social  Lausanne, Suisse Présence dans le monde  34 pays en Europe de l’Est, Amérique latine, Asie et Afrique Secteur  Humanitaire | Aide à l’enfance Effectif  Suisse : 110 Monde : 80-100 expatriés et 1500 employés locaux

Qualifications et expérience souhaitées   Profils généralistes : logistique, finances et administration  Profils thématiques : water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), santé publique et nutrition, psychosocial, protection (trafic, justice juvénile) Formation interne  Semaine d’introduction pour tous, formations individuelles sur toutes les thématiques de Terre des Hommes


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Internship opportunities  Determined annually on a needs basis Opportunities arise predominantly in our regional offices

Address  Ch. des Brumes 4, 1263 Crassier, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Headquarters  Southampton, UK (registration address) Crassier, Switzerland (administrative)

Required skills and experience  The requirements vary from one placement to another. However, as a general guideline, successful candidates often possess the following attributes:  BA or MA in a related field  Good understanding and high interest in environmental and social responsibility issues  Previous field experience a plus  Ability to work within a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team

International presence  Brazil, Cameroon, China, France, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Laos, Malaysia, Switzerland, UK, USA (Seattle), Vietnam Sector  Environment Number of employees  100


| Participant

THE FOUNDATION FOR THE REFUGEE EDUCATION TRUST (RET) Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Internship opportunities  The RET hires interns in the field as well as in the headquarters. Internships offer great hands-on experience involving real responsibilities and allow interns to develop concrete skills and a thorough understanding of working in a humanitarian context

Contact Address  Rue de Saint-Jean 36, 1203 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Present operational presence: Afghanistan, Burundi, Chad, DRC, Kenya, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela. We have been active in 23 countries across three continents. 20/120 programmes have taken place over multiple years Sector  Non-Profit: Humanitarian and transitional development assistance for forced displaced young people Number of employees  Switzerland: 6 | Worldwide: 200

Required skills and experience   Master’s degree in a relevant field e.g. education, social work, international relations, refugee issues, humanitarian action, development, conflict prevention and mitigation, possibly gender issues, child labour issues, human rights and/or democracy & governance  Excellent command of English and French. Spanish, German and Arabic are an asset  Prior field experience and/or experience of working in international settings  Demonstrated knowledge of the INEE Minimum Standards for Education  Excellent organisational, analytical, communication and writing skills  Capacity to work independently, but with a strong team spirit  Flexible timetable


| 51


Number of employees  100

Contact T + 41 22 718 03 09

Internship opportunities  Determined annually Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Rue de Chantepoulet 25, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Boston, USA International presence  Boston, Geneva, Mumbai, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington Sector  Consulting

Required skills and experience  For all positions, we look for candidates who are highly motivated, action-oriented and creative problem-solvers. Ideal candidates bring a blend of skills including intellectual curiosity, analytical rigor, enthusiasm for team-based work and technical expertise. Candidates applying for positions in the Geneva office must be eligible to work in Switzerland and should be fluent in English and French or German


| Chapitre

GLOBAL FOOTPRINT NETWORK Contact  Oscar Fornoza Address  International Environment House 2, Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  Oakland, California, USA International presence  Belgium, Switzerland, USA Sector  Environmental think-tank Number of employees  Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: 35

Internship opportunities  Many opportunities are currently available in Oakland. The internship programme is presently in development for the Geneva office. The programme is expected to be finalised during summer 2013 Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience  Candidates from the following fields are encouraged to apply:  environmental science  economics  social sciences  communications and statistical analysis

Employment opportunities after graduation

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Headquarters  Geneva

Internship opportunities  Internship opportunities are available in various departments, including fundraising and development of the international programme. Internships are unpaid and are designed to be flexible, thus allowing the intern to participate in several aspects of the NGO’s activities. Visit our website for the latest internship, volunteering and employment offers

International presence  France, Ivory Coast, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Sector  Peace education and conflict prevention

Required skills and experience  Vary according to specific internships

Contact  Delia Mamon Address  Rue Cornavin 11, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Number of employees  3


| Media Partner


Secteur  ONG Effectif  Suisse : 12 | Monde : 320 Possibilités de stages  Oui Période de recrutement  Février, avril, juin, août, octobre Contact  Keyvan Ghavami Associate, Outreach and Development T +41 22 732 57 60 | Adresse  Av. Blanc 51, 1202 Genève, Suisse Siège social  New York, USA Présence dans le monde  Amsterdam, Berlin, Beyrouth, Bruxelles, Chicago, Genève, Johannesburg, Londres, Los Angeles, Moscou, Nairobi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington, Zurich

Qualifications et expérience souhaitées   Très bon niveau de français et d’anglais (parlés et écrits)  Connaissances des outils informatiques (Microsoft Office, Outlook et Internet)  Intérêt marqué pour les droits humains et/ou les enjeux mondiaux  Etre capable de maîtriser et de représenter la mission et le programme de HRW  Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et d’analyse  Capacité à travailler sous pression  Diplôme universitaire dans le domaine des sciences humaines

Media Partner

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International presence  Egypt, Guatemala, Nepal, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Sector  Human Rights Contact  Clotilde Salomon Human Resources Officer Address  Rue des Bains 33, PO Box 91, 1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Number of employees Switzerland: 28 | Worldwide: 60 Internship opportunities  Yes, internships are unpaid and normally last from four to six months Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience  Requirements vary from one position to another For legal posts, a Master in Law is required


| Participant

INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (FIDH) International presence FIDH offices in Bangkok, Brussels, Cairo, Geneva, The Hague, Nairobi, New York, Paris and 164 member organisations worldwide Sector  Human Rights

Number of employees  40

Contact  T + 41 22 700 12 88

Internship opportunities  All year round at all FIDH offices  Vacancies will be advertised on the website  Spontaneous applications for internships are welcomed

Address  Rue du Grand Pré 53, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Paris, France

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience   For employment, a Master’s degree in human rights, international law or a related domain is necessary  For internships, a degree in a related domain is required


| 57

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (ILO) Contact Address  Rte des Morillons 4, 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide Sector  UN organisation Number of employees  Switzerland: 1,000 | Worldwide: 3,000

Internship opportunities  Internships are intended to provide a learning and development experience for selected young high calibre candidates with a view to:  Increasing their understanding of relevant issues at the international level by direct involvement in the work of the Office and the application of ILO values, principles, programmes, policies and strategies  Gaining practical work experience from the ILO which is directly related to their area of specialisation The normal duration of an internship is between three and six months Required skills and experience   Be enrolled in the final year of a graduate degree programme or in a higher degree programme as may be required for specific internships in areas relevant to the work of the Office, or have completed such programme in the year preceding the application  Have a working knowledge (both oral and written) of at least one of the ILO’s working languages: English, French and Spanish  Be able to adapt to an international and multilingual environment  Have good communication skills and be able to work in a team


| Participant

INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Contact  Sherree Atkinson Address  Rte des Morillons 17, 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  The IOM Internship Programme provides students with the opportunity to learn about IOM’s activities, gain work experience and/or prepare for a degree dissertation. The IOM may select certain interns to be included in the roster for future external vacancies

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence More than 240 country offices worldwide Sector  Humanitarian Number of employees Switzerland: 200 | Worldwide 8,500

Required skills and experience   Fluent knowledge of English and/or French or Spanish  Nationals from IOM member states  Holders of an advanced university qualification  Persons with at least three years of professional experience in their respective fields of expertise  Persons willing to be assigned to IOM duty stations in the field


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Number of employees  837 Contact  Yajaira Freudiger Head of HRA Division, HRM Department Address  Pl. des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Yes Candidates are selected on an ad hoc first come first serve basis determined by the needs of various sectors and departments within ITU

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Recruitment period  All year round; certain vacancies are published on the ITU website 

International presence  Barbados, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Egypt, Ethiopia, Honduras, Indonesia, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, USA, Zimbabwe

Required skills and experience  Preferably candidates enrolled in an advanced university degree programme or recently graduated

Sector  Information and telecommunication technologies

Training programme  Non-remunerated internships


| Participant

INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE (ITC) Contact Address  Rue de Montbrillant 54-56, 1212 Geneva, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  The objectives of the Internship Programme are:  To promote a better understanding of trade promotion issues at the international level  To offer interns an opportunity to develop their personal competencies by working in an international environment  To provide various divisions at the ITC with the assistance and enthusiasm of outstanding students studying in a relevant technical field

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Sector  Trade-related technical assistance Number of employees  269 Recruitment period  Throughout the year Internships last between two and eight months. The initial period of an internship with ITC is normally three to four months. The internship may be extended in agreement between ITC and the intern up to a maximum period of eight months

Required skills and experience   Applicants are enrolled in a higher/Master’s programme at the time of application and during the internship  Applicants should have good working knowledge of English or French  The internship programme is not remunerated  ITC is currently looking for individuals enrolled in a degree programme in human resources, social sciences, international relations or a related field. For details, please visit ITC’s web page



Sector  NGO | International peacebuilding


Number of employees  300

Address  Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Internships available in our offices around the world

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Recruitment period  Throughout the year International presence  Interpeace works in 16 countries and territories: Belize, Burundi, Costa Rica, Cyprus, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Israel, Liberia, Nicaragua, Panama, Palestine, Rwanda, Somali Region and Timor-Leste

Required skills and experience   Outstanding graduates  Experience in countries where we work is an asset

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| Participant


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Recruitment period  All year round

Contact  Françoise Simonin |

Required skills and experience   Bachelor, Master and PhD in law  Strong analytical, drafting and language skills (in particular in English; some knowledge of French)

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Sector  Law LALIVE is an international law firm with offices in Geneva, Zurich and Doha (LALIVE IN QATAR LLC). It is renowned for its expertise in international legal matters, including international dispute resolution (litigation and arbitration) and international commercial contracts and infrastructure projects. It is also a full service Swiss law practice Number of employees  51 lawyers in Switzerland 54 worldwide including 13 partners Internship opportunities  Yes

Training programme  Opportunity to regularly attend conferences and workshops in field of practice Remarks  The firm comprises lawyers and legal advisers from over 15 countries who together speak more than a dozen languages and whose legal expertise covers Switzerland and several other key jurisdictions. A number of them are Graduate Institute alumni. They advise and represent clients on a global basis with particular emphasis on the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. Key industry sectors include energy telecommunications, construction and infrastructure


| Participant

IMAGINE A BANK Imagine a bank where your interests really do come first.

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| 65

LOMBARD ODIER & CIE Contact  Liza Friart | Young Talent Development Specialist T + 41 22 709 16 49 | Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Amsterdam, Bermuda, Brussels, Dubai, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Lausanne, London, Lugano, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Montreal, Moscow, Nassau, Paris, Singapore, Tokyo, Vevey, Zurich Sector  Private Banking/Asset Management

Training programme  Lombard Odier’s Graduate Programme is a two-year tailor-made intensive training programme dedicated to talented young people with a Master’s degree and a strong interest in financial markets. During this period, we also offer the opportunity to complete professional financial qualifications such as the CFA, CAIA, CIWM, etc. Since 1796 Lombard Odier has offered private and institutional clients independent advice and state-of-the-art expertise in wealth management. A family business for seven generations, it is managed today by a board of Partners with joint and unlimited personal liability. With a network of over 20 offices in 17 countries, Lombard Odier stays in close contact with the markets in the principal financial centers across the globe

Number of employees  2,000 Internship opportunities  Six-month internships according to business needs (see available opportunities on our website) Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience  High level of motivation to work in the banking industry, entrepreneurial skills, strong analytical or sales skills, leadership, problem-solving ability, a focus on results and team spirit

About Lombard Odier Investment Managers Poised at the convergence of traditional investment’s liquidity and transparency, and alternative investment’s risk management and dynamic capital allocation – we are defining the future of investment management by doing what we do best: giving our people the space they need to do their jobs well; focusing on diversifying risk; hunting for returns not benchmarks to beat; keeping an ever watchful eye for a storm on the horizon; and delivering a truly bespoke client service. Welcome to the future of investment management


| Sponsor


Possibilités de stage  Oui, uniquement au siège social

Contact  Véronique André, relations externes en Suisse

Période de recrutement  Toute l’année

Adresse  Ch. du Croset 9, 1024 Ecublens, Suisse Siège social  Ecublens, Suisse Présence dans le monde  Afghanistan, Haïti, Madagascar, RDC, Somalie, Somaliland, Soudan du Sud, Syrie, Tchad, Zimbabwe Secteur   Santé et nutrition  Eau : assainissement et hygiène  Abris : reconstruction et infrastructure Effectif  Suisse : 70 collaborateurs Monde : 130 collaborateurs internationaux et 1000 collaborateurs nationaux

Qualifications et expérience souhaitées  Au moins une année d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine concerné : management, support (finance, ressources humaines, logistiques, IT, communication) Formation interne  ROC – Relief and Rehabilitation Orientation Course :  13 – 20 avril 2013 en Suisse  22 – 29 juin 2013 en Suisse  29 septembre – 5 octobre en Suisse Remarques  Medair est une organisation non gouvernementale dont le personnel international puise dans la foi chrétienne sa détermination à secourir les personnes en détresse



Effectif  300


Possibilités de stage  Au siège ainsi que dans les représentations diplomatiques (Addis-Abeba, Bruxelles, Genève, New York)

Adresse  Ch. des Mines 15 bis, 1202 Genève, Suisse Siège social  Paris Présence dans le monde  Addis-Abeba, Bruxelles, Bucarest, Genève, Hanoï, Libreville, Lomé, New York, Port-au-Prince Secteur  Langue française, diversité culturelle et linguistique, droits de l’homme, divers thèmes économiques et sociaux, etc.

Période de recrutement  Toute l’année en fonction des vacances de poste Qualifications et expérience souhaitées  Pratique du français, être un citoyen d’un pays membre de l’OIF, qualités multiculturelles, connaissance et pratique du multilatéralisme, etc.

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| Participant


Possibilités de stage  Oui

Période de recrutement  Toute l’année

Contact T + 41 22 809 49 39 | F + 41 22 809 49 29

Qualifications et expérience souhaitées   Langues : bonne connaissance du français et de l’anglais, l’espagnol est un atout  Formation : études universitaires en droits de l’homme, relations internationales ou droit international  Capacités rédactionnelles, de recherche et d’analyse  Connaissance du fonctionnement des mécanismes de protection des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies et régionaux  Capacité à s’adapter à un travail
multidisciplinaire dans le cadre d’une équipe multiculturelle

Adresse  Secrétariat international Rue du Vieux-Billard 8, CP 21, 1211 Genève 8, Suisse Siège social  Genève, Suisse Présence dans le monde  Belgique, Libye, Tunisie Secteur  Droits humains, lutte contre la torture et l’impunité


| 69


Recruitment period  November/December each year for a September/October start the following year

Contact Address  203 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NJ, UK Headquarters  London, UK International presence 23 developing country governments across Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean Sector  Economics/development Number of employees  100

Training programme  The Fellowship Scheme offers two-year postings for trained economists in developing country governments in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. The Fellowship Scheme has been enabling young postgraduate economists to work in the public sectors of developing countries for over 40 years. It has trained more than 950 economists in 40 countries Required skills and experience   Candidates must be educated at postgraduate level  Candidates must be trained economist with either their under- or postgraduate focusing strongly on economics  Some work experience and an interest in development are preferred

Join one of our targeted learning programmes for professionals. Meet your specific training needs through our degree-granting, short and customised programmes. International Negotiation Oil and Gas Leadership Acteurs polit iques suisses Projets de développement Advocacy Development Practices Development Policies Global Health Policy Ma k i ng Asian Af fairs C r isis Ma nagement Projets de développement Acteurs politiques suisses Global Health Mu lt ilatera lism Oil and Gas Leadership I nter nat iona l Negotiation Global Health Advocacy Projets de développement Advocacy Asian Affairs International Negotiation Oil and Gas Leadership Acteurs politiques suisses Projets de développement Advocacy Development Practices Development Policies Global Health Policy Making Asian Affairs Crisis Management Projets de développement Acteurs politiques suisses Global Health Mu lt ilatera lism Oil and Gas Leadership I nter nat iona l Negotiation Global Health Advocacy Projets de développement


Apply now


OXFAM INTERNATIONAL Contact  Advocacy Office Geneva Stephen Hale, Head of Office or Marise Pegat-Toquet, Office Manager

Number of employees  Switzerland: 6 Worldwide: 9,300 staff, 45,000 volunteers 1,200 charity shops in 10 countries Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Internship opportunities  Yes Headquarters  Oxford, UK International presence  International confederation of 17 organisations networked in more than 22 countries Sector  Fair Trade, Humanitarian, Climate Change, Development, Campaigns, Advocacy

Required skills and experience   Languages: English, French and Spanish  Education: Bachelor’s or Master’s level  Fields: International relations, Economics, Humanitarian, Policy, Law

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| Participant


| 73


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Contact  Xavier Chauville, Executive Director

International presence  34 countries worldwide

Required skills and experience   Business acumen  Client and service orientation  Sales, entrepreneurial, consulting and/or HR experience  Pro-active mindset There are five values at the core of what we do: pride, passion, resilience, teamwork and fun. If you recognise yourself in these… you are a Page Personnel person

Sector  Recruitment

Training programme  Yes

Number of employees PageGroup: over 5,000

Remarks  Page Personnel Switzerland has initiated a privileged partnership with the Graduate Institute to provide career advice to its students

Address  Locations in French-speaking Switzerland  Rue du Stand 60-62, 1204 Geneva, T +41 22 594 31 31  Rue Pichard 20, 1003 Lausanne, T +41 21 561 31 00 Headquarters  London, UK

Internship opportunities  Yes


| Participant

PEACE BRIGADES INTERNATIONAL Contact  Katia Aeby | T + 41 31 372 44 44 Address  Gutenbergstr. 35, 3011 Bern, Switzerland Headquarters  Switzerland: Bern International: London International presence  Projects in Colombia, Guatemala, Kenya, Mexico and Nepal Sector  Human rights and promotion of peace Number of employees  Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: 50

Internship opportunities   Internships in Bern in communication, fundraising and public relations More information and applications on  Volunteering in our field projects in Latin America Recruitment period  For volunteering opportunities in Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia, visit Required skills and experience   Volunteering: minimum 25 years old  Free to commit at least one year  Fluent in Spanish


| 75


Number of employees  7 employees plus volunteers


Internship opportunities  One opportunity/year in Zurich

Address  Rue Liotard 5, 1202 Geneva Quellenstr. 31, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland

Recruitment period  On an ongoing basis. Information sessions on our fieldwork opportunities are held throughout the year. Visit our website to find out about upcoming sessions

Headquarters  Zurich, Switzerland International presence  Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Palestine/Israel Sector  Protective accompaniment

Required skills and experience   English/Spanish  Life skills  Communication skills  Physical and psychological resistance


| Participant


Internship opportunities  Yes


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Geneva Office: Rue du Conseil General 14, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Paris Office: Rue Berryer 5, 75008 Paris, France

Required skills and experience  The ideal candidate will have the following qualities:  Minimum two years of field experience in humanitarian or development environments  Experience in project cycle management  Proficient in French and English

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide operational outreach Sector  Counselling and strategic planning in philanthropy


| 77


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Contact  Jeremy Godelaine |

Recruitment possibilities  We offer full-time entry level management positions all year round in the following functions: marketing, finance, purchasing, consumer market knowledge, human resources, sales, IT and customer service and logistics

Address  Rte de Saint Georges 47 1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland Headquarters  Cincinnati (Ohio), USA International presence  80 countries Sector  Consumer Goods Number of employees  Switzerland: 3,130 | Worldwide: 127,000 Internship opportunities  Yes

Required skills and experience   University degree (Bachelor’s or Master’s)  Fluency in English  Leadership demonstrated in extracurricular activities and/or internships  Collaboration and communication skills  Passion for learning

New Website + C V chat! 78

| Pub

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| 79

SIDLEY AUSTIN LLP Contact  Mireille Spycher-Chabry, Office Manager T +41 22 308 00 25 | Address  Rue de Lausanne 139, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Chicago, USA International presence  Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, UK, USA Sector  Legal Services | Trade and Arbitrations Number of employees Geneva: 40 | Worldwide: 1,800

Internship opportunities  Nine-month paid internship The intern will gain invaluable experience working with lawyers and international trade analysts in the WTO Global Policy Practice and International Arbitration and Dispute Practice Recruitment period  Recruitment process opens in September Required skills and experience  We would like to hear from lawyers and economists with experience or demonstrable interest in international trade, trade litigation and WTO law. Candidates will be focused, intelligent and enthusiastic with a strong personality, a sense of humour and a real interest in practising law in the commercial world


| Sponsor

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Sector  Impact Finance

Contact  Boris Vetsch Chief Financial Officer and HR Director

Number of employees  Switzerland: 30 | Worldwide: 40

Address  Rue de Lyon 75, 1203 Geneva, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence   Cape Town  Geneva  Mexico City  Singapore

Internship opportunities  Yes, six-month internships

Required skills and experience   Familiarity with economics/accounting  Interest in microfinance  Good knowledge of Excel/Word/Power Point  Excellent written and oral skills in English  Other languages would be an advantage Training programme  Yes


| Chapitre


UBS AG Contact

Number of employees  Switzerland: 23,000 Worldwide: 64,000

Address  Rue des Noirettes 35, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Yes

Headquarters  Zurich and Basel, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

International presence  Worldwide in over 50 countries

Required skills and experience   Internship experience  Good English and French skills (other languages can be an asset)  Strong academic performance  International experience  Strong interpersonal skills  Team player  Highly motivated  Good analytical skills

Sector  Financial Working at UBS means being part of a global team where your career can move forward. We bring together the ideas of people from 150 nations every day, working across geographic and business boundaries to fulfil our clients’ needs. Our work environment encourages you to take the initiative and showcase your abilities. Relationships are the basis of our business. We combine our talents to give our clients the best results. At UBS you work side by side with other great professionals – smart and supportive colleagues and inspiring managers who motivate you to give your best. You’ll have the experience of working together with other outstanding people who are used to performing to the most exacting standards

Training programme  Yes

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| Chapitre


| 85


Présence internationale  Une vingtaine à travers le monde

Contact Rue du Rhône 96-98, CP 1320, 1211 Genève 1, Suisse

Période de recrutement  Toute l’année

Secteur  Banque L’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) allie dynamisme, efficacité et professionnalisme. Notre notoriété est le fruit d’une vision et notre réputation vient de notre volonté permanente d’innovation. Fondée en 1969 par Edgar de Picciotto, la Banque se concentre sur la gestion de fortune au service de clients privés et institutionnels. Avec CHF 80 milliards d’actifs sous gestion, l’UBP figure parmi les plus importantes banques de gestion de fortune en Suisse. Indépendante et animée par une vision entrepreneuriale, l’UBP construit son expertise locale sur son puissant réseau international Siège social  Genève, Suisse Effectif  1300

Qualifications souhaitées  Esprit entrepreneurial, esprit d’équipe, proactif, orienté solution et aptitudes de haut niveau Remarque Aujourd’hui, la nouvelle génération de la famille fondatrice, avec Guy de Picciotto (CEO) à sa tête, entend poursuivre l’œuvre pionnière qui a fait la réussite de l’Union Bancaire Privée en perpétuant la conjugaison de qualités humaines, de son savoir-faire et de méthodes financières de pointe, pour construire les succès de demain. En effet, en plus de sa vocation première, l’UBP s’engage. Entreprise citoyenne, elle prend à cœur son rôle dans la société comme l’attestent son adhésion en tant que membre fondateur de la Fondation Philias, ainsi que son partenariat avec l’INSEAD à Paris et à Singapour qui lui permet de contribuer activement à l’éclosion et à la formation de nouveaux talents dans le domaine de la finance


| Participant

UN CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) Address  Av. de la Paix 5-7, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  New York, USA International presence  Active in more than 190 countries, territories and areas through country programmes and National Committees Sector  Children’s Rights Number of employees  Switzerland: 272 | Worldwide: 11,306

Internship opportunities  The UNICEF Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students at both Headquarters and country offices the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF’s work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff More information available on: Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience   Internship requirements:  Employment requirements:


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Sector   Poverty Reduction and the Millennium Development Goals  Democratic Governance  Crisis Prevention and Recovery  Environment and Sustainable Development Number of employees  Switzerland: 60 | Worldwide: 8,500 Internship opportunities  Yes Address  Ch. des Anémones 11-13 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  New York, USA International presence  177 countries and territories

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience  Enrolment in a graduate-level degree in a development related field such as economics, public or business administration or environmental studies


| Participant

UN ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP)  GENEVA ENVIRONMENT NETWORK (GEN) Contact  Diana Rizzolio Address  Ch. des Anémones 11, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  UNEP HQ in Nairobi | GEN based in Geneva International presence  Worldwide | Regional offices in each region. Geneva is the second duty station of UNEP after Nairobi Sector  Environment Number of employees  Switzerland: 200 | Worldwide: 1,200 Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Internship opportunities   UNEP: students from a wide range of disciplines are able to apply and, depending on qualifications, are selected for internships that relate either to the organisation’s strategic activities or to administrative or technical functions Interns are given the opportunity to work in a multi-cultural international organisation  GEN: vacancies from its members, of which there are more than 75 based in Geneva, are diffused through its mailing lists and website Required skills and experience   UNEP: the applicant must be in his/her third or fourth year of undergraduate or in a graduate or postgraduate programme, and must continue to be enrolled throughout the duration of the internship  GEN: the profile varies according to the member organisation


| 89


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Internship opportunities  Yes

Contact  Silvano Sofia, T +41 22 917 27 70

Required skills and experience  For internships, candidates must  be enrolled in a graduate programme in a field relevant to the work of FAO  be fluent in English and in the working language of the office of assignment

Address  Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy Headquarters  Rome, Italy International presence  More than 130 countries Sector  Food security, agriculture, humanitarian issues, forestry, agronomy Number of employees Geneva: 10 | Worldwide: 3,000

Training programme  The FAO Junior Professional Programme (JPP) provides young professionals under the age of 32 with an opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with the FAO. Each Junior Professional will also be assigned a mentor, a senior member of staff who will provide guidance and informal feedback throughout the assignment


| Participant


Number of employees  Geneva: 1,550

Internship opportunities  Yes Students must be enrolled in a graduate degree programme

Contact  Alessandra Vellucci Chief Press and External Relations Section United Nations Information Service (UNIS)

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience  Varies from one post to another

Address  Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Headquarters  New York, USA International presence  Worldwide Sector  International Organisation

Training programme  Each year, as part of its educational outreach programmes, the United Nations Information Service at Geneva organises a Graduate Study Programme. This seminar is an opportunity to deepen participants’ understanding of the principles, purposes and activities of the United Nations and its related agencies


| 91

UN OFFICE FOR THE COORDINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS (OCHA) Contact  Dirk De Bruyne, Human Resources Officer T +41 22 917 18 36 |

Number of employees  Switzerland: 152 | New York: 150 Field: 423 professional positions and around 1,000 national positions

Headquarters  Geneva and New York

Recruitment period  Throughout the year  Junior positions in headquarters are selected through the Young Professional Programme (YPP), see  Junior positions in the field are selected through

International presence  44 countries

Internship opportunities  Yes

Sector  Humanitarian Affairs

Required skills and experience  Any academic background is welcomed, provided that there is a focus on humanitarian work

Address  Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


| Participant

UN OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (OHCHR) Contact  Nigol Vanian Chief of the Human Resources Management Section Address  Palais Wilson, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  49 countries Sector  Human Rights Number of employees  Worldwide: 1,062

Internship recruitment period  Summer deadline 30 April Winter deadline 31 October Internship opportunities  Yes Internships are intended to  increase the intern’s understanding of current human rights issues at the international level and give them an insight into the work of the UN and OHCHR in particular; and  provide OHCHR and the UN Human Rights mechanisms with the assistance and contribution of outstanding young students or graduates OHCHR internships last for a minimum period of two months and may be renewed for up to six months Candidates must be enrolled in a Master’s or PhD programme for the duration of the internship


| 93


Number of employees  Switzerland: 9 Worldwide: 1,956 Internship opportunities  Yes Contact  Laura Gehrke, External Relations Officer Address  Ch. des Anémones 11, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  New York, USA International presence  112 countries Sector   Population and development  Sexual and reproductive health  Gender equality and women’s empowerment

Required skills and experience   Expressed interest in the field of development  Undergraduate degree or enrolment in a social science or development studies programme  Written and spoken proficiency in English. Fluency in French is strongly desirable  Ability to adapt to new environments and to establish and maintain good working relations in a multicultural team and with a wide range of partners Training programme  Junior Professional Officer (JPO)

c ro s s i n g bord e rs

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In a world of growing complexity, you need a different perspective to see things clearly. Vistra is a global independent provider of trust, fiduciary, corporate and fund services with 27 offices in 20 locations around the world. Relationships with our clients are the foundation of our business, so we believe in recruiting the best people into our dynamic working environment, providing training and development as well as global opportunities to help you grow in your career with us. For further information, please visit Belgium / China / Curaรงao / Cyprus / Germany / Hong Kong / Ireland / Jersey / Luxembourg / Malta / Mauritius / Netherland s New Zealand / Singapore / Spain / Switzerland / Taiwan / United Arab Emirates / United Kingd om / United States


| 95


Services  Corporate Services | Trustee & Fiduciary Services Fund Services | Business Services & Outsourcing | Marine & Aviation Services | Immigration Services

Global career opportunities with Vistra Contact  Walter Stresemann, Managing Director

Locations  Belgium, China, Curacao, Cyprus, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Jersey, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, UK and USA

Number of employees  Geneva: 27 Worldwide: 350

Sector  Fiduciary

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Internship opportunities  Periodically

Vistra is a global independent provider of trust, fiduciary, corporate and fund services with 27 offices in 20 locations around the world.


| Participant

WISE (PHILANTHROPY ADVISORS) Contact Number of employees  5 Address  Rue des Corps-Saints 4, PO Box 2124 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva International presence  12 countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa and Middle East Sector  Consulting and Advisory

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Internship opportunities  Twice a year, minimum of six months with remuneration Required skills and experience  Our collaborators constitute our company’s principal asset and we look for competent, passionate and entrepreneurial individuals


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WORLD BANK GROUP Contact  Isabelle Taylor | T +41 22 748 10 00 Address  Ch. Louis-Dunant 3, PO Box 66 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters  Washington DC, USA International presence  Development professionals from nearly every country in the world work in the World Bank’s Washington DC headquarters or in its 120 country offices

Internship opportunities  The internship programme is open to students who are nationals of the Bank’s member countries and attracts a large number of highly qualified candidates. The goal of this internship programme is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international environment. Interns generally find the experience to be rewarding and interesting Required skills and experience  To be eligible for the internship programme, candidates must possess an undergraduate degree and be enrolled in a full-time graduate study programme (pursuing a Master’s degree or PhD with plans to return to school in a full-time capacity). Generally, successful candidates have completed their first year of graduate studies or are already into their PhD programmes

Number of employees  Worldwide: 12,000 Recruitment period  Washington:  Summer Internship (June – September)  Winter Internship (December – March)

Training programmes  Development & Capacity Building programmes The World Bank also offers other programmes for Young Professionals and Junior Professional Associates Please refer to


| Participant


Number of employees  2


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Postal address  c/o IMSP-CMU Rue Michel-Servet 1, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland Physical address  c/o IMSP Ch. de la Tour-de-Champel 17, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Opportunities are available for a three to four months period, an academic semester or a full year Visit for more information and to apply

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience   Strong academic background  Interest in global public health  Strong writing and research skills  Ability to work independently  Knowledge of major issues in the field of global health is an asset

International presence  About 80 Public Health Associations in the world and two regional offices in Ethiopia and China Sector  Public Health



Recruitment period  Throughout the year


Internship opportunities  Yes

Address  Ch. des Anémones 11-13 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland

Required skills and experience  A wide range of skills and experiences are sought:  Logistics  IT  Nutrition  Management  Policy  Security  Economics  International relations, etc.

Headquarters  Rome, Italy International presence  79 countries Sector  Food Assistance Number of employees  Geneva: 13 (Liaison Office) | Worldwide: 14,000

Training programme  Yes

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| Participant


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Contact  Beris Gwynne, Director

Internship opportunities  Geneva is one of a number of ‘global’ and ‘regional’ capitals where World Vision seeks to influence global development processes (e.g. Millennium Development Goals, Post 2015 and fragile states) as well as policies and practices to increase the effectiveness of international development cooperation in support of local efforts to promote justice and encourage sustainable development

Postal address  Ch. de Balexert 7-9, PO Box 545 International Environment House, Building 2 (3rd Floor east) 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  Executive Office (London) International presence  95 countries Sector  International development and humanitarian assistance, advocacy and programmes Number of employees  Geneva: 22 | Worldwide: 40,000

Required skills and experience  Master’s or PhD degree Training programmes  Where possible and appropriate, every effort will be made to facilitate intern participation in relevant events and workshops


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Recruitment period  Throughout the year

WWF is one of the world’s largest and most experienced independent conservation organisations. It boasts over 5 million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries

Internship opportunities   Volunteer placements in WWF projects and programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America  Internships at WWF International  Scholarship opportunities for individuals from developing countries

Contact Address  Av. du Mont-Blanc 27 1196 Gland, Switzerland Headquarters  Switzerland Sector  Environmental Conservation Number of employees  Switzerland: 180 | Worldwide: 5,000

Required skills and experience   The global volunteer and internship programme is open to 20-26 year olds from all backgrounds. It requires a commitment to hands-on experience, expertise and innovative ideas of how to spread a wider understanding of conservation issues and sustainable development. More information can be found on:  The Prince Bernhard Scholarships are open to all candidates from developing countries studying/working in the field of conservation or associated disciplines. More information can be found on

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| Participant New | Agendarelease

Nouvelle parution


RELIGION AND DEVELOPMENT RELIGION ET DÉVELOPPEMENT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | DIRECTEUR DE LA REVUE GILLES CARBONNIER, Professor of Development Economics, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva |  Professeur d’économie du développement,  Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement, Genève GUEST-EDITORS | RÉDACTEURS INVITÉS MONCEF KARTAS, Researcher |  Chercheur, Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP), Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva |  Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement, Genève KALINGA TUDOR SILVA, Senior Professor of Sociology | Professeur de sociologie, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka ≥ ≥ ≥

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AFTER GRADUATION Students graduating with a Master degree from the Graduate Institute in 2011 found a wide range of employment opportunities. 60% of that cohort went on to work for the public and private sector in almost equal number, whilst 27% joined the third (not-forprofit) sector. These figures clearly show that our graduate programmes prepare our students for careers in all three sectors. The remaining 13% of the 2011 graduating class either continued their studies towards a PhD or conducted research work as part of an academic institution. More than half of the graduates choosing the public sector for their first job went to work for the United Nations and other international organisations; the remainder opted to work for their government. Multinationals and consulting firms attracted the majority of the graduates chosing the private sector, followed by media & communication, law practices and banking & finance. As in previous years a large majority of our graduates chosing the third sector opted for non-governmental organisations, the remainder going to think tanks and foundations. Despite the strained employment market virtually all our graduates had a job six months after graduation, with more than half of them finding their first job in three months.

Employment by sector


Private sector


Public sector


Third sector


Academic sector

Imprimé sur papier FSC

Contact  Carine Leu-Bonvin Tel. + 41 22 908 57 55

CP 136 – CH-1211 GENÈVE 21 TEL + 41 22 908 57 00

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