Connexion - the Career Forum - 2015

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UNDP Presentation, Connexion 2014. © Eric ROSET.

Wednesday 11 – Friday 13 March 2015

Connexion THE CAREERs FORUM programme

Welcome to Connexion 2015! Connexion 2015 takes place in this second year of the life of the Institute in the Maison de la paix. The excitement prompted by the move of our forum from the Villa Barton to our new campus has now shifted to a profound engagement in what is called “international Geneva”. To many of the employers and students participating in this forum the term “international Geneva”, although familiar, may not seem to bear any practical consequences. But to us, as organisers of the forum, the concept of international Geneva – and our engagement in it – is shaping the future. As the understanding of “international Geneva” is being deepened by a taskforce set up by the interim Director General of the United Nations Office in Geneva, Michael Møller, the Graduate Institute is taking a leadership role in helping define what “international Geneva” is, and identifying the tangible impact work mandated in Geneva has on the world and in global governance. International Geneva goes beyond the UN, its members and the numerous international organisations that circle around it. It includes the third sector (NGOs, think tanks etc) and international businesses. And it also includes us. As we look at the participants in Connexion this year, we face a microcosm of “international Geneva”.

So what are the implications for you, prospective employers and students? First, everything that you do here in this sphere called “international Geneva” can have a direct impact on every person on this planet. This means that, working together, you can make a huge difference in the world. The partnerships which will be created between employers and you, the leaders of tomorrow, on the occasion of this forum Connexion will contribute to strengthening global governance. Second, as a member of the international Geneva community, you will become ambassadors of this city. Whether you go back to the capital of your country, or choose to continue your career in a third country, you have the ability to be living examples that Geneva helps make this world a better place. So we encourage you to make the most of the smorgasbord of actors coming together during Connexion 2015. Meet and talk with as many of them as you can, and by doing so, you can each further your own aspirations by finding the partner, organisation or student, that will support you in your role as an international Geneva ambassador. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the actors present here in international Geneva. Jacqueline Coté, Director of Public Relations




Acknowledgements The Career Services and the Institute’s administration express their profound gratitude to the individuals, companies, international and non-governmental organisations that contribute to the success of the Careers Forum through their collaboration and support.

We would like to express special appreciation to our partner organisations > Advisor

Swiss Insurance SA


> International > Vistra

Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)


and our sponsors > Ampersand

World SA

> Finders > Groupement > Lalive > Merck


> Nespresso

> Page

Personnel & Gamble (P&G) > Sidley Austin LLP > Symbiotics (Microfinance) > together ag > Union Bancaire PrivĂŠe (UBP)

> Procter

des entreprises multinationales (GEM)



Participants by sector Banking and Finance > Guardian Wealth Management > Symbiotics (Microfinance) > Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) > Vistra SA

> International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

47 80-81 105 94-95

Consulting > Philanthropy Advisors

72 73 10 93

> Polixis Sàrl (Country & Political Risk Analysis) > PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC) > WISE (Philanthropy Advisors)

European Institution > Permanent Delegation of the EU to the UN and other IOs

in Geneva


Foundations > Africa Progress Panel (APP)


International Organisations > Asian Development Bank (ADB)

20-21 42 45 49 50-51 52 53 55 58 59

> North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

60 24-25

> Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


68 69 > UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 82 > UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 83 > UN Development Programme (UNDP) 84 > UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 85 > UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 86 > UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 87 > UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) 14-15 > UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) 88 > UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 89 > UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 90 > UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) 91 > UN World Food Programme (WFP) 92 > World Bank Group 97 > World Health Organization (WHO) 99 > World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 100 > World Trade Organization (WTO) 101 > Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

> Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) > Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The > International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) > International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) > International Labour Organization (ILO) > International Organization for Migration (IOM) > International Organization for Standardization (ISO) > International Telecommunication Union (ITU) > International Trade Centre (ITC)

Law Firms > Lalive > Sidley Austin LLP

64-65 78-79

Media > Agefi


|7 Networks

> Expedia Lodging Partner Services Sàrl

> Assessment Capacities Project, The (ACAPS)

32 > Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN) 43 > Groupement des entreprises multinationales (GEM) 9 > Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) 75 > World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 98 Non-governmental Organisations > Amnesty International > CARE International >

CAUX Foundation – Initiatives of Change (IofC)

> Center for International Environmental Law, The (CIEL) > Concept Foundation > CUTS International > Graines de Paix/Grains of Peace > Human Rights Watch (HRW) > International Rescue Committee (IRC) > International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) > Interpeace > Invisible Experience > Justice Rapid Response (JRR) > Oxfam International > RET International, The (Refugee Education)

> Procter & Gamble (P&G)


> Merck Group


> Ampersand World SA


> Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions

relating to International Cooperation (CINFO) > Finders > Page Personnel > Success & Career

38 5/104 70 76

Swiss Public Administration > Administration fédérale


– Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) – Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC) – Section présence de la Suisse dans les OI – Département fédéral des finances (DFF) – Secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie (SECO) Think Tanks

96 30-31/102 103

> Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) > Global Footprint Network (GFN) > Overseas Development Institute (ODI) > West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI)

Other Companies > Advisor Swiss Insurance SA > DuPont de Nemours International Sàrl

22-23 5 74

Recruiting and Headhunting 34 35 36 37 39 40 46 48 56 57 61 62 63 16-17 77

> Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

(WILPF) > World Vision International (WVI) > WWF International

> Nespresso

54 18-19

* This employer will be present during our ‘after-forum’ on Thursday 26 March at 12:30 –14:00.

41 44 28-29 12-13



presentation Schedule

wednesday 11 March 2015

Auditorium 2 (A2)

Room S7

Room S9


World Trade Organization (WTO)

International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


WISE (Philanthropy Advisors)

International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)



UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

Center for International Environmental Law, The (CIEL)

Guardian Wealth Management


Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The

Symbiotics (Microfinance)

Human Rights Watch (HRW)


World Health Organization (WHO)

International Network of Human Rights (INHR)

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)


UN Development Programme (UNDP)

Graines de Paix/Grains of Peace

CAUX Foundation – Initiatives of Change (IofC)


UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Permanent Delegation of the EU to the UN and other IOs in Geneva

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

18:30 A2

The World of Trade and Trading Roundtable organised in partnership with Ampersand World SA, Geneva’s largest recruiter for trade


presentation Schedule

|9 thursday 12 March 2015

Auditorium 2 (A2)

Room S7

Room S9


World Vision International (WVI)

CUTS International

CARE International



Swiss Public Administration: – Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC)

Merck Group


International Labour Organization (ILO)

Swiss Public Administration: – Départment fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE)

Procter & Gamble (P&G)


World Bank Group

Sidley Austin LLP

UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)


UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions relating to International Cooperation (CINFO)

Assessment Capacities Project, The (ACAPS)


International Trade Center (ITC)

Bakhtar Development Network Global

UN World Food Programme (WFP)


Philanthropy Advisors

Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)

RET International, The (Refugee Education)


The World of Multinationals Roundtable organised in partnership with the Groupement des entreprises multinationales (GEM)

> A2



presentation Schedule

FRIDAY 13 March 2015

Auditorium 2 (A2)

Room S7

Room S9


World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP)


UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN)

Justice Rapid Response (JRR)


International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC)


UN Office at Geneva (UNOG)

Polixis Sàrl (Country & Political Risk Analysis)


UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Amnesty International


International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Global Footprint Network (GFN)

| 11

stand Schedule Thursday 12 March 2015 10:00 – 13:00 > International > Swiss > World > WWF

Labour Organization (ILO)

Public Administration Vision International (WVI) International

10:00 – 17:00

13:30 – 17:00


> Concept

> Assessment

Capacities Project, The

(ACAPS) > Graines


> International


> International

Rescue Committee (IRC)

> UN

> International


> World

Union (ITU) Experience

> Organisation

internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

> Professionals

in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP)

> Success > UN

& Career

Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Centre for Security Policy


Committee of the Red

Cross (ICRC)

> Invisible


> Geneva

de Paix/Grains of Peace


International, The (Refugee Education) World Food Programme (WFP)

Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)




Trixie Akpedonu, Master in Development Studies, 2014 Programme Assistant West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI)

How did you start your career? I started my career in this sector by taking advantage of internship opportunities during my undergraduate studies in Ghana. I started out as an assistant to the programme officer in an Accra based NGO, NETRIGHT, and continued with voluntary service to the Third World Network. Later, in Geneva, I had the opportunity to work with another NGO, UPR Info, which gave me more experience in monitoring and evaluation. Working on the event management team at the Graduate Institute was an added asset as it helped me to enrich my planning and organisational skills. These are all indispensable qualities that I am now able to use in my current position.

Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I chose the Institute because of my programme’s interdisciplinary approach. I believe that this has enabled me to develop a broader understanding of world issues. I was also excited about the Applied Research Seminar (ARS) whose aim was to give students some experience with organisations in Geneva on real world problems. Finally, I thought the multilingual student environment would give me the opportunity to improve and learn other languages. Why did you choose an experience at WACSI? I chose the West Africa Civil Society because of its close working relationship with civil society organisations across the West

| 13 “The Graduate Institute definitely laid the foundation for my current position at WACSI.”

African region. I was able to meet and interact with many organisations that work in the field of development and this served as a learning tool for me. I also felt that WACSI was better placed to have an impact on the region as opposed to national-focused organisations. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at WACSI? The ability and willingness to learn, a curious mind, commitment, thoroughness, good interpersonal relations and a passion for what we do are unquestionably important. Being bilingual in English and French is also a huge advantage because of the scope of our operations. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute definitely laid the foundation for my current position at WACSI. I was especially able to improve my planning and organising through my involvement in the Institute’s numerous events (notably the Career Fair, the inauguration of the Maison de la paix), but also through my commitments in the Institute’s African Students Initiative (IHEID Afrique).

What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? A first advantage would be the theoretical overview of development issues. WACSI is currently engaged in the post-2015 discourse and the ECOWAS Vision 2020 agenda so as to encourage West African civil society to engage their governments on these development agendas. It is deeply gratifying to be able to practically engage on these pertinent issues after understanding them theoretically. More importantly however is the ability to analyse complex issues and to come up with a rational approaches to problem-solving. How did you benefit from your position at WACSI? I find WACSI a great learning place for practical knowledge in development work and a building block for the foundation laid by the knowledge I gained at the Graduate Institute. It also serves as a crucial place for networking with visionary minds whose primary goal is to work towards the advancement of my country, Ghana, and the continent as a whole.

More graduates’ success stories on


| Philippe Aubert, Master in International History, 2014 Consultant UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

How did you start your career? During my third semester at the Graduate Institute I did an internship at the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme of the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), which I secured through a posting on the Career Services website. I then kept on working there, first on customized projects with governments and international organisations and now I am in charge of the Programme’s Core Diplomatic Activities in Geneva, Vienna, Rome as well as at UN Offices in the host cities of UN regional economic commissions.

Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? My motivation to study at the Graduate Institute was threefold. First of all, having studied and worked abroad prior to coming to the Graduate Institute, I wanted to experience to once again a unique, multicultural and vibrant environment. Its reputation in Switzerland and worldwide was the second reason. Finally, the third reason was the opportunity to study in one of the world’s largest centres for multilateral diplomacy. Why did you choose an experience at UNITAR? Having already worked in a bilateral context for the Embassy of Switzerland in Australia, I was curious to have an experience in a multilateral setting. Hence, the UN was one of the many possibilities to do so in Geneva.

| 15 “The Graduate Institute really challenged me to go beyond my own perceptions and to be more analytical.”

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at UNITAR’s Multilateral Diplomacy Programme? A few characteristics that I consider essential in order to work for UNITAR would be the following: strong analytical and research skills, ability to work independently, take initiative, being creative, and feeling confident in a multicultural environment. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? It certainly did. Beyond the great knowledge I learned during my studies at the Graduate Institute I built several skills that prepared me well for the professional world, such as strong drafting and analytical skills, an ease to adopt a critical approach, and the capacity to understand and synthesize a large quantity of information.

What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? Having students and professors from more than 100 countries working together was a strong asset that encouraged me to think outside the box. The Graduate Institute really challenged me to go beyond my own perceptions and to be more analytical. How did you benefit from your position at UNITAR’s Multilateral Diplomacy Programme? When I was looking for an internship (and possibly a professional experience after it), I was hoping to secure a job in Geneva that would also allow me to travel, and during which I would be able to work both on content and on logistical and administrative matters. I think these criteria were met. More graduates’ success stories on


| Laura Gordon, Master in International Affairs, 2010 Country Funding Coordinator, Mali Oxfam International

How did you start your career? While studying at the Graduate Institute, I gained relevant experience in NGOs by interning for the CARE International Secretariat in Geneva. I then applied for an administration role at Oxfam Great Britain (GB) to get my foot in the door. I worked in the Programme Funding Department, which runs Oxfam’s fundraising from institutional donors (UN, EU, DFID, etc). After four months, I was promoted to Contract Officer, where I ran the helpdesk for contract management. Although I was based in Oxford, I also travelled to Chad to assist with preparation for an audit. After eight months in this position, I spent a further three months on secondment to Russia as a Funding Officer, before getting a job in fundraising in Oxfam’s West Africa Regional Centre in Dakar. When the Funding Coordinator position became vacant in Bamako after only four months, I jumped at the opportunity.

Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? It was important for me to study in an international environment. Furthermore, the opportunity to improve my French was a big incentive, as was the ability to do internships alongside my studies. Why did you choose an experience at Oxfam? Oxfam has an amazing reputation as a humanitarian and advocacy organisation. Furthermore, I had also heard that they offered valuable opportunities to their staff. There were also practical concerns. For example, after two years abroad at the Graduate Institute, I was keen to spend some time in the UK to reconnect with friends and family before moving abroad again. Working in Oxfam’s head office enabled me to do this.

| 17 “You will be an attractive candidate if you speak French and are willing to move to developing countries.”

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Oxfam? Flexibility is highly valuable. I have had a number of successful promotions in a short space of time because I took opportunities when they arose. Speaking French is also highly sought-after. You will be an attractive candidate if you speak French and are willing to move to developing countries (in my case, Chad and Mali).

What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? An interdisciplinary understanding of the international system. How did you benefit from your position at Oxfam? I love my job. I get to help vulnerable people in a very challenging country, and I feel that Oxfam is looking after me well while I do this.

Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? Yes. I gained a good overview of the international system and have been able to use this knowledge in my current job. I also feel that my interdisciplinary education gives me flexibility, a quality which I have found valuable. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, speaking French was one of the most important factors contributing to getting my initial job at Oxfam and my promotions to the Regional Centre and to Bamako. More graduates’ success stories on


| Morgan Gray, Master in International Affairs, 2011 Corporate Communications, Public Affairs DuPont de Nemours International Sàrl

How did you start your career? I started my career by aiming for internships which were based on the skills I had (especially written communication) but would allow me to build on them and apply my international affairs education as well. I am very happy that I was able to do two excellent internships in communications at the HD Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and CARE International. While at HD and CARE, I benefited from the experience and guidance of my supervisors who gave me a wide variety of professional opportunities. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I think if you really want to study international affairs from an international perspective, you have to get out of your own country and see how things look from the outside. Where I am from, the US, there are plenty of options for an international degree. But staying there would not have gotten me out of what is familiar and into a “foreign” and international environment like Geneva. That really adds a lot.

Did you work during your studies in Geneva? Yes. There were some busy times trying to combine the two, but being able to have these internships really made my experience here more complete. Just as an example, learning about food security in Nigeria in class was valuable, but getting a glimpse of how a humanitarian aid organisation operates nutrition programmes for Nigerian children and their mothers – seeing how it plays out “in real life” – helped paint the big picture for me. Why did you choose an experience at DuPont? I loved my work at HD Centre and CARE, and that helped me figure out exactly what I was looking for in my first full-time job: an entry-level communications position in an international setting where I could keep learning. DuPont has a Graduate Internship Program, and it was exactly what I wanted: professional training; real, relevant experience; and a clear commitment to investing in the development of their employees. Plus, after years studying the links between the public and private sectors, I was very interested in working in a private sector role for a new perspective.

| 19 “A multidisciplinary background gives you a great range of tools to understand current affairs.”

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at DuPont and in communication and public affairs? I think for my role, flexibility. I do not do the same thing every day, and that is where having a multidisciplinary background really helps. Being an effective communicator is obviously important, but just as important is being open-minded and eager to understand a complex organisation so that you are able to interpret and illustrate it for its various stakeholders. More generally for my department, you have to be able to go out and connect with as many people as possible. They have the information everyone else needs, so being in touch with them is crucial.

expert assessments, and synthesising different points of view together into a comprehensible and relevant format. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? A multidisciplinary background gives you a great range of tools to understand current affairs and how different political, economic, and social phenomena are linked. I am able to draw from my education at the Institute in game theory, economics, and trade law and I gained the advantage of being able to think about complex issues in a variety of ways. This is valuable to me because before I can break down a problem and express it comprehensively, I have to understand its main components.

Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? I would say the Institute gave me the opportunity to interact with classmates and faculty from all over – both geographically and ideologically. I feel comfortable connecting with people who studied a wide range of issues in depth, understanding their More graduates’ success stories on


| Matthias Helble, PhD in International Economics, 2007 Economist Asian Development Bank (ADB)

How did you start your career? I started my career as consultant for the Development Economic Research Group of the World Bank in early 2007. I moved to Washington immediately after my PhD defense and was excited to start working in one of the largest and leading international organisations. I was impressed by the multicultural and intellectually stimulating working environment. After less than a year, I left the World Bank to join the World Health Organization (WHO) as Technical Officer in Geneva. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I was looking for a PhD programme in International Economics in Europe and was accepted by several top schools. Since I wanted to specialise in international trade, the Graduate Institute was my first choice. The faculty of the economics department is outstanding and Geneva is known to host a number of international organisations and think tanks specialising in this field.

Why did you choose a career at the Asian Development Bank? Before joining the ADB Institute I had worked for the UN in Switzerland. As much as I enjoyed living there, I was looking for a new professional challenge in a different country and continent. I applied to the ADB Institute because they offered a position in economic research which I considered very attractive. Asia is increasingly becoming the center of the world economy. In addition, Asia is a very heterogeneous continent in terms of its economic development. And finally, Asia is only at the beginning of a regional integration – a topic that is very much to my heart as a strong believer of the idea of European integration. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at the ADB? In my current position, the first job requirement is sound technical skills. Second, it is important to be able to work in an

| 21 “There are very few schools in the world where you are able to ‘breathe the same air of internationalism’.”

international environment and adapt easily to different working cultures and style. Another necessary quality is to be a good team player and be able to network. Finally, the ADB is usually looking for people with several years of relevant professional experience. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? Yes, it prepared me perfectly for my current job. At the Graduate Institute the students receive a first class education in all fields of international relations. The training is well-balanced in terms of theory and applicability/practice. In international organisations it is very often necessary to translate the latest economic theory into concrete empirical research projects and actual policy proposals. In addition, I think that I learned how to become very versatile and open to different fields, different perspectives and to different ways of finding solutions at the Graduate Institute.

What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? There are very few schools in the world where you are able to “breathe the same air of internationalism”. At the Graduate Institute, intellectuals from all continents and all disciplines of international relations gather to debate the most pressing topics in a non-ideological way. How do you benefit from your position at the ADB Institute? My professional experience is highly enriching. I am continuously building up my professional competencies and skills which will give me the opportunity to further develop my career. In addition, every day, I am learning more about Asia, about its people, the culture, the past development and the future challenges.

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| Kristina Povilaityte, Master in International Affairs, 2012 Business Analyst Expedia Lodging Partner Services SĂ rl

How did you start your career? Participating in the Careers Forum of the Graduate Institute in March 2013 helped me to discover career opportunities at Expedia and build a contact with them. Less than two months later, I have started my career in the company as Business Analyst. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? There were several reasons for me to join the Graduate Institute. First, it is one of the top institutions worldwide for studies of international affairs both in terms of its reputation and teaching quality. Secondly, it is perfectly located in a city hosting core international organisations, businesses and NGO’s. Last but not least, it offers rich cultural experiences as it recruits students from hundreds of different countries each of them having unique backgrounds and experiences.

Why did you choose an experience at Expedia? Expedia is a company which offers challenging but also exciting career opportunities. Despite the fact that their business is in a field that is completely different from my studies, I was motivated by the opportunity to gain big data analysis skills as well as increase my practical understanding of international business strategies. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful experience at Expedia? Every day work at Expedia involves a lot of data, therefore, passion for numbers, is one of the more important criteria even though it is not always necessary to have an expert knowledge of statistics and mathematics. Problem solving and analytical skills are relevant in most of the cases. Additionally, communication and presentation skills can be required for some positions.

| 23 “Students get a lot of opportunities to obtain practical experiences and to meet people working in international affairs every day.�

Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute has prepared me well because in addition to purely theoretical aspects I have also developed some practical skills such as statistical analysis. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? Probably the greatest advantage of the Graduate Institute is its close involvement in international affairs. Students there get a lot of opportunities not only to familiarise themselves with international relations from an academic perspective but also obtain practical experiences and the ability to meet people working in international affairs every day.

How do you benefit from your position at Expedia? As a Business Analyst at Expedia I had a great opportunity to enhance my analytical but also technical skills such as programming for data analysis using advanced statistical techniques. Additionally, I had the chance to improve my communication and project coordination skills as I gradually received more and more responsibilities. All these skills will certainly be beneficial for me throughout my future career path.

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| Rolf Schwarz, PhD Political Science, 2006 Political Officer for the Middle East and North Africa North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

How did you start your career? I joined NATO in 2006 and have worked in various functions for the organisation: on political affairs, public diplomacy and outreach. Later, at the NATO Defence College in Rome I worked as a professor, teaching the NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC) which addresses security issues pertaining to the broader Middle East region and the wider international community. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I graduated with a Masters degree in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of T端bingen, Germany and wanted to pursue doctorate studies in international relations. The Graduate Institute offered an ideal combination for this in combining security studies, economics, international law and development studies.

Why did you choose a career at NATO? Working at NATO has allowed me to pursue my interest in security studies and the Middle East. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at NATO? A sound knowledge of international relations and the contemporary security agenda coupled with flexibility and diplomatic skills. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? Yes, the Graduate Institute offers a unique interdisciplinary approach to international relations, which is most suitable for a career in international organisations.

| 25 “The professors were open to discuss research projects and always encouraged independent thinking.”

How did you benefit from your position at NATO? I have been able to work on enhancing political dialogue and practical cooperation between NATO and its partner countries in the Gulf region (Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates) in the framework of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) and with NATO’s partners in the Mediterranean Dialogue (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia), as well as with Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iraq and Libya. Working at NATO has allowed me to fuse my academic experience with policy advice. At the same time I have been able to refine my diplomatic skills and learnt how to work effectively with senior officials.

What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? I found that the professors of the Graduate Institute were open to discuss research projects and always encouraged independent thinking. The Institute’s research programmes, such as the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) are a great asset for any student of international relations.

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| Damien Somé, Master in International Affairs, 2014 Research Fellow Africa Progress Panel (APP)

How did you start your career? I was in my second year of the Master’s programme when I was recruited to work for the APP, first as a part-time Research and Communications Assistant and subsequently as a full-time Research Fellow shortly after my graduation. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I chose to study at the Graduate Institute for two main reasons: first, the relevance of the programmes – namely, the Master’s in International Affairs. I was aiming at a career in international affairs and therefore needed to undertake advanced studies in that field. After reviewing the programmes taught, I realised that the Institute was where I could get a real immersion into the study and practice of the field. Second, the reputation and the location of the Graduate Institute; it is known as one the best schools for international studies. Moreover, Geneva’s position at the heart of the multilateral system makes it a unique place to study and gain exposure to the work of international organisations through internship and training opportunities.

Why did you choose an experience at the APP? The APP is chaired by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan (and alumnus) whose life accomplishments are a source of inspiration for me. The goal of the Foundation is to advocate for sustainable and equitable development in Africa. I chose to work there because I want my work to serve Africa and, through it, the global community. Indeed, I have always felt that, beyond my career ambitions, I have a larger vocation to serve the communities around me by contributing to finding solutions to the economic and political challenges that they face. As a young African, born and raised in Burkina Faso, I have seen the dire needs for better ideas and technical means in order to unlock the untapped potential of our continent. It is, therefore, important to me to wake-up every morning thinking about what can be the most helpful for Africa and how this could benefit the world.

| 27 “Geneva’s position makes it a unique place to gain exposure to the work of international organisations through internships.”

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at the APP? > Passion and commitment for Africa, because it is where our main focus is > A fair dose of creativity and capacity to innovate in order to undertake and deliver on initiatives that help achieve the Foundation’s goals > Multitasking skills to complete various tasks, and analytical thinking in order to make well-informed and correct decisions Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? In addition to the academic training that I received at the Graduate Institute, the Applied Research Seminar (ARS) jointly coordinated by the Graduate Institute and the international law firm, Sidley Austin LLP’s Geneva office, provided me with rich experience. I also did an internship at the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the UN and other IOs in Geneva. Both these practical experiences gave me the opportunity to reconnect with the workplace, thus easing a little my transition from academic to professional life.

What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? An understanding of international affairs, the capacity to find relevant information from a variety of materials (and making relevant use of it), and the ability to propose independent thinking on a particular topic. How do you benefit from your position at the APP? I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by a great team, experienced colleagues and superiors who generously provide time, counsel and direction to my ideas, and support me in delivering good work. For example, I wrote op-eds, travelled abroad to deliver presentations and gave interviews to various media – including Radio France International (RFI) and Swiss TV – thanks to the support of my team. In short, at the APP I am given the chance not only to put my skills and competences to use, but also to learn more and gain professional maturity, as I am in a job where I keep learning. More graduates’ success stories on


| Danièle Stübi, Master in International Economics, 2014 Trade & Development Economist, Republic of Uganda Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

How did you start your career? After graduating from the Institute, I did internships with the NGO CUTS International and with UNCTAD, and was then selected for the Fellowship Scheme of the Oversees Development Institute (UK). ODI fellows are sent to developing countries in Africa and the Pacific to work as civil servants in the local government for a period of two years. My posting is in the Ministry of East African Community Affairs (Department of Economic Affairs) of the Republic of Uganda, where I work as trade economist. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I chose the Graduate Institute because the International Economics programme has a strong development and policy focus. Furthermore, the Institute and the economic faculty are well connected to international organisations. Another major point of attraction was the small size of the programmes, which allows for interactive studying.

Why did you choose an experience with the ODI Fellowship Scheme? The ODI Fellowship Scheme offers a great opportunity to gain practical experience in development economics. The ODI fellows are entrusted with high responsibilities to help overcome the lack of trained economists in development country governments. Thus, the fellowship scheme provides challenging work as well as an enriching personal experience. Moreover, it is a unique chance to work within a foreign government where one can gain insights about the governmental system, which are not normally publicly available. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career with the ODI Fellowship Scheme? It is essential to have a Master’s degree in Economics with a strong interest in development economics and economic policy. Apart from the technical skills, one has to be open towards other working ethnics and be prepared to live in a developing country. Furthermore, it is essential to be innovative and capable to work in broad areas which are not necessarily within the focus of your studies.

| 29 “The Institute has a good reputation and its faculty is well connected to the international world, these are key features in finding a job after graduating.”

Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The policy focus of the economics programme has helped me prepare for a job in government. Moreover, I have reached a sufficient level of technical skills to initiate research projects and to support the Ministry in areas with a lack of skilled professionals. Nevertheless, the Institute has not only equipped me with economic skills. The broad range of disciplines and courses enabled me to improve my knowledge in other areas which are relevant for my work, for example international trade law or the history of African development. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? The Graduate Institute has a good reputation and its faculty is well connected to the international world. In addition to the individual knowledge and abilities, these are key features in finding a job after graduating.

How did you benefit from your position with the ODI Fellowship Scheme? I have started my fellowship only recently, but I am sure that after the two years I will have a good understanding of my area of work, which is regional integration within the EAC as well as amongst the various African groups (COMESA, SADC…). Furthermore, I will know more about the workings of a developing country’s government, which is a key challenge development economists are confronted with. Thus, the ODI Fellowship Scheme complements the theoretical skills I have obtained at the Graduate Institute with hands on practical experience in the field.

More graduates’ success stories on


| Xiaomei Zou, Master in Development Studies, 2012 Assistant Humanitarian Emergency Affairs Officer World Vision International (WVI)

How did you start your career? Initially, I applied for a Designing, Monitoring & Evaluation (DME) position at World Vision China in June 2012. During the interview, I was asked where I saw myself in five years time, to which I replied that I would love to work in the humanitarian sector. Since the DME position was more development-focused, my interviewer asked if I would like to have my application passed over to the Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs Department (HEA), where there was an open vacancy. I agreed and expressed my gratitude. After further interviews with the HEA Department, I was offered the position of Assistant Programme Officer. Following graduation in September, I started my new job in October 2012. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? After obtaining my first Master’s degree in Forced Migration, I was not sure whether I wanted to continue my studies at the PhD level. My supervisor suggested that I come to Geneva and study for a second Master’s degree, by the end of which I would have a better idea of whether I wanted to continue in the field of academia or enter the professional world. Following his advice,

I applied and was consequently accepted into the Master in Development Studies (MDev) programme. My two years at the Graduate Institute proved to be an invaluable experience: I had the opportunity to study development from an interdisciplinary perspective and to apply theory to practice through the Applied Research Seminar (ARS). Based in Geneva, I also benefited from internships with various international organisations and thus gained a variety of professional skills. Why did you choose an experience at World Vision? To realise my career aspirations, I planned to become a relief professional with field experience and technical expertise in the first five years of my career. World Vision is an ideal starting place because it is one of the biggest NGOs active in the humanitarian sector with a global presence in more than 100 countries. It works closely with the local communities whom it serves and provides its staff with training opportunities in all thematic and functional areas. In particular, I appreciate World Vision’s effort in welcoming new humanitarian professionals and helping them develop through hands-on relief activities.

| 31 “Being able to think outside the box is critical to success in an ever so challenging humanitarian world.�

In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at World Vision? To work in the HEA Department of World Vision, you need: > strong commitment to humanitarianism > to be in good health and used to frequent traveling to disaster sites > to be able to work efficiently under pressure and in harsh/basic conditions > to respect and be adaptable to different cultures and local situations > excellent communication and negotiation skills > to be well-organised and good at multitasking > to be a good team player and a quick learner Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? Thanks to the MDev programme, I gained a better understanding of the links between relief and development work in many complex contexts in the real world. This proved to be influential in shaping my career orientation. The Connexion Forum, organised every year in March, allowed me to discover different

career options and meet recruiters directly. Information and advice obtained from the Forum was especially helpful. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? The interdisciplinary nature of the MDev programme helped me become more flexible and innovative in solving problems. Being able to think outside the box is critical to success in an ever so challenging humanitarian world. How do you benefit from your position at World Vision? When I was a student, I learned much about humanitarian work from literature and lectures. I was eager to see how a relief agency responds to a disaster in practice. In my present role, I am building up essential skills in disaster response and programme management.

More graduates’ success stories on



the assessment capacities project (ACAPS)

Required skills and experience  degree in International Relations, Humanitarian Action, Social Science, Public Health, Epidemiology and other relevant education > At least one year of relevant experience in the humanitarian sector > Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods > Ability to work efficiently under pressure, manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines, while maintaining attention to detail and working efficiently in a team > Takes initiatives, manages own use of time and is selfmotivating > Flexibility, including willingness to work overtime > Excellent written and verbal communication skills > Excellent English (spoken and written), fluent French or Spanish (spoken and written) is mandatory, other languages an asset > Good working knowledge of MS Office and of social media (Twitter) > Master’s

Contact Caroline Draveny, Communications Officer, Address Av. de France 23, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Guinea, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Turkey Sector Humanitarian Needs Assessments Number of employees   Switzerland: 18 | Worldwide: 27

| 33

Administration fédérale Contact Adresse Marketing du personnel et gestion de la diversité Eigerstrasse 71, 3003 Berne, Suisse Siège social  Berne, Suisse Présence dans le monde  Filiales en Afrique, Amérique centrale, Amérique du Nord, Amérique du Sud, Asie, Europe, Océanie dont plus de 300 emplacements à l’étranger Secteur  Administration publique

Effectif  Suisse : 37 000 | Monde : 1100 Possibilités de stages  Oui. Pendant les études : 6 mois | Après les études : 12 mois Informations sur Période de recrutement  Toute l’année Qualifications et expérience souhaitées connaissances de deux langues officielles > Etudes terminées avec succès > Sens des responsabilités > Volonté d’apprendre > Appréciant la collaboration interdisciplinaire > Affinité avec la politique > Intérêt pour les questions de société > Bonnes



Amnesty international Contact T +41 31 307 22 22 Addresses Swiss Section: Speichergasse 33, 3001 Bern, Switzerland Geneva Groups: Rue de VarembĂŠ 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Sector Human Rights Number of employees Switzerland: 60 Worldwide: 2,380 Recruitment period Throughout the year

Headquarters Bern, Switzerland (Swiss section) London, UK (International secretariat)

Training Programme

International presence 80 countries

Required skills and experience  For Switzerland, language skills: French, English and German

| 35

CARE International

Recruitment period Throughout the year

Contact  Aïda Mechkene Chourou Address  Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  86 countries Sector  NGO Number of employees Switzerland: 27 | Worldwide: More than 10,000 Internship opportunities Yes, for 3 –6 months, mainly in Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience Opportunities are available for students and professionals with diverse levels of expertise and knowledge > Experience and skills in political science, international relations, international relief, humanitarian or development sector, safety and security or other related studies, or a combination of international development studies and practical experience are an asset > English Please visit our career website to access the latest opportunities:



CAux foundation – Initiatives of Change (IofC)

Internship opportunities In Spring: outreach and research internships in the Geneva office In Summer: diverse internships at the Caux Summer conferences

Contact  Rainer Gude | Brigitt Altwegg Address  Rue Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Caux, Switzerland International presence  60 countries Sector  Peacebuilding Number of employees Switzerland: 20 | Worldwide: More than 200

Recruitment period Mainly January-March Required skills and experience Depending on the volunteer, internship or job opportunity. Check out the website Training programme Caux Scholars Programme: Caux Interns Programme: Workshops for Students:

| 37

the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Contact  David Azoulay, Geneva Managing Attorney

Required skills and experience > Various opportunities are available for students and professionals with diverse levels of expertise and knowledge > Experience and skills in international law and/or environmental law are an asset

Address  Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Washington DC, USA International presence  Geneva, Switzerland | Washington DC, USA Sector  International Environmental Law, Human Rights Law

Remarks CIEL is committed to strengthening and using international law and institutions to protect the environment, promote human health, and ensure a just and sustainable society Over the last 20 years, CIEL has trained more than 350 interns from 53 countries

Number of employees Worldwide: 20 Internship opportunities  Yes, mainly in Washington DC

More information:



cENTRE FOR infoRMATION, COUNSELLING AND TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONS RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (CINFO) Internship/Employment opportunities online job database, cinfoPoste provides a wide range of announcements of vacant positions in the field of international cooperation > We also recruit for UNV internships and JPO positions for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation > Our Contact T + 41 32 365 80 02 Address Rue Centrale 115, PO Box 2500 Bienne 7, Switzerland Sector Recruitement in international cooperation Recruitment period Throughout the year

Remarks > We organise information and networking events with UN agencies and development banks > Our publications, available on our website, provide tips for application procedures and entry level opportunities > We offer support through our coaching and career counselling services > Stay up-to-date by registering for our newsletter > Follow us on: and

| 39

Concept foundation Concept Fo u n d a t i o n Contact  Petra Procter | Fabienne Bochaton T +41 22 734 25 60

Number of employees  Worldwide: 15 - supported by a roster of 10-15 technical consultants/experts Internship opportunities  Currently recruiting for a paid internship of 6 months based in the Geneva office. Further details can be provided on request Recruitment period  March – May 2015

International presence  Worldwide with a focus on low and middle income countries, in particular sub-Saharan Africa and Asia

Required skills and experience > A graduate degree, preferably in a science/health/public health/ international development > Previous internship experience preferred, however not required > Competent with MS Office > Good numerical and data handling skills > Excellent research skills > Eligible to work in Switzerland

Sector NGO | Public Health, Reproductive Health (RH), Access to RH commodities in low-resource settings

Training programme  Initial orientation and supervision will be provided throughout the internship

Address  Campus Biotech, ch. des Mines 9, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Bangkok, Thaïland | Geneva, Switzerland



cuts International

Number of employees Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: 100

Contact  Josiane Rufener | T + 41 22 734 60 80

Internship opportunities  Yes

Address Rue de Vermont 37-39, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Headquarters  Jaipur, India

> Postgraduate student in political science, economics,

Sector  NGO | Trade and Development International presence  India, Ghana, Kenya, Switzerland, Vietnam, Zambia

Required skills and experience international relations, development studies or related fields, with a strong academic background > Fluency in English is essential; knowledge of French is an asset > Highly motivated and willing to learn and contribute

| 41

Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) Contact Katya Palazzolo, Head of Administration and Human Resources Address Maison de la paix, ch. Eugène-Rigot 2D PO Box 1295, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence 45 member states represented on the GCSP Foundation Council Sector  International Affairs and Security Number of employees  60+

Internship opportunities Yes, a range of internship opportunities exists in the Centre’s four programmes: Leadership, Crisis and Conflict Management, Emerging Security Challenges, Regional Development, Geopolitics and Global Futures as well as in the Department of External Relations and Senior Management Team Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience > Current student or recent graduate in international relations, development, political sciences, economics, international humanitarian law or other relevant field > One year of prior work or internship experience, preferably in organisations in the humanitarian, development or international cooperation sector > Proficiency in English and French; knowledge of German, Spanish and/or Arabic an asset > Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail > Ability to interact with colleagues of diverse cultures; respect for diversity > Ability to work autonomously, yet under guidance > Must be eligible to work in Switzerland



Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)

Recruitment period May-July (for Junior Programme Officer positions)

Contact | T + 41 22 730 93 60 Required skills and experience Address Maison de la paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2C, PO Box 1300, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  60 countries Sector  Humanitarian Demining Number of employees  Switzerland: 50 Internship opportunities 5 Junior Programme Officer positions offered annually

> Recent university studies in international relations,

development, political sciences, economics, international humanitarian law or other relevant field > One year prior work or internship experience, preferably in organisations in the humanitarian, development or international cooperation sector > Proficiency in spoken and written English and French is required; knowledge of German, Spanish or Arabic is an asset > Good IT skills; proficiency in Windows environment is expected > Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail > Ability to interact with colleagues of diverse cultures; respect for diversity > Ability to work autonomously, yet under guidance

| 43

Global apprenticeship Network (GAN)

Internship opportunities  Yes

Contact  T +41 22 929 00 00

Recruitment period  3–6 months

Address  Av. Louis-Casaï 71, 1216 Cointrin, Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience Written and verbal and communication skills, advanced degree in political science, international affairs or other relevant field

International presence  Worldwide

Training programme  Yes

Sector  Youth Employment Number of employees  4



Global Footprint Network (GFN)

Recruitment period  Throughout the year for a period of 3 months minimum

Contact  Ingrid Heinrich Address  International Environment House 2, Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland

Required skills and experience Candidates from the following fields are encouraged to apply: environmental science, economics, social sciences, communications and statistical analysis

Headquarters  Oakland, California, USA International presence  Belgium, Switzerland, USA Sector  Environmental Think-Tank Number of employees  Switzerland: 7 | Worldwide: 35 Internship opportunities  Many opportunities are presently available in Oakland and Geneva

Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Global Footprint Network (GFN) regarding internships for the Institute’s students

| 45

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Contact Address  Ch. de Blandonnet, 8, 1214 Vernier, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Sector  Public Health

Number of employees  684 Internship opportunities Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience  As per job descriptions



Graines de Paix | Grains of Peace Contacts  Delia Mamon, Emmanuelle Le Du, Christophe Denjean Address  Rue de Cornavin 11, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  France, Ivory Coast

Internship opportunities Internship opportunities are available in various departments, including fundraising and development of the international programme. Internships are designed to be flexible, thus allowing the intern to participate in several aspects of the NGO’s activities. Interns are usually hired for a period of 6 months. Visit our website for the latest internship, volunteering and employment offers Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Sector  Peace Education and Conflict Prevention Number of employees  Switzerland: 11

Required skills and experience Vary according to specific internships

| 47

Guardian Wealth Management

Internship opportunities Yes. Also many early-career opportunities

Contact Address  International Center Cointrin, Rte de Pré-Bois 20, 1215 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  London, UK International presence  Belgium, Germany, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Qatar, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates Sector  Insurance | Financial Advising

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience service > Financial experience > Forward thinking > Trustworthy > Takes initiative > Customer



Human Rights Watch (HRW)

Possibilités de stages  Oui

Contact  David Das Neves Associate, Outreach and Development T +41 22 732 57 60 |

Période de recrutement  Février, avril, juin, août, octobre

Adresse  Av. Blanc 51, 1202 Genève, Suisse Siège social  New York, USA Présence dans le monde  Amsterdam, Berlin, Beyrouth, Bruxelles, Chicago, Genève, Johannesburg, Londres, Los Angeles, Moscou, Nairobi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington, Zurich Secteur  ONG Effectif  Suisse : 12 | Monde : 320

Qualifications et expérience souhaitées > Très bon niveau de français et d’anglais (parlés et écrits) > Connaissances des outils informatiques (MS Office, Outlook et Internet) > Intérêt marqué pour les droits humains et/ou les enjeux mondiaux > Capacité de compréhension de la mission pour représenter le programme de HRW > Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et d’analyse > Capacité à travailler sous pression > Diplôme universitaire dans le domaine des sciences humaines

| 49

International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Contact Clotilde Salomon, Human Resources Officer Address Rue des Bains 33, PO Box 91, 1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland

Number of employees  Switzerland: 28 | Worldwide: 60 Internship opportunities Yes, internships are unpaid and normally last from 4 to 6 months Recruitment period Throughout the year

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Belgium, Egypt, Guatemala, Nepal, Myanmar, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Zimbabwe Sector  Human Rights

Required skills and experience Requirements vary according to position For legal posts, a Master in law is required



| 51

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC) Contact  Markus Dolder, T + 41 22 730 25 18

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Approximately 400 other worldwide positions per year Required skills and experience > At least 2 years of work experience > Empathy

Address  Av. de la Paix 19, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

> Team building ability > Adaptability

Sector  IO | Humanitarian

> Stress resistance > Readiness to work in war-torn environments under potentially

International presence  In approximately 80 countries Number of employees  Switzerland: 950 | Worldwide: 13,000 Internship opportunities  About 70 positions every year

permanent tension Training programme  Two weeks integration course before the first field mission and then further options depending on career development



International Labour Organization (ILO)

> Increasing Contact Address Rte des Morillons 4, 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide Sector  Labour, Economic and Social Development, etc. Number of employees Switzerland: 1,000 | Worldwide: 3,000 Internship opportunities Internships are intended to provide a learning and development experience for selected high calibre candidates with a view to:

their understanding of relevant issues at the international level by direct involvement in the work of the Office and the application of ILO values, principles, programmes, policies and strategies > Gaining practical work experience from the ILO which is directly related to their area of specialisation The normal duration of an internship is between 3 and 6 months Required skills and experience > Be enrolled in the final year of a graduate degree programme, or in a higher degree programme or have completed your studies no earlier than one year prior to the application > Have a working knowledge (both oral and written) of at least one of the ILO’s working languages: English, French and Spanish > Be able to adapt to an international and multilingual environment > Have good communication skills and be able to work in a team

| 53

International Organization for Migration (IOM) Contact  Sherree Atkinson Address  Rte des Morillons 17, 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Internship opportunities The IOM Internship Programme provides students with the opportunity to learn about IOM’s activities, gain work experience and/ or prepare for a degree dissertation. The IOM may select certain interns to be included in the roster for future external vacancies Required skills and experience > Fluent knowledge of English and/or French or Spanish

International presence  More than 240 country offices worldwide

> Nationals from IOM member states > Holders of an advanced university qualification > Persons with at least three years of professional experience in

Sector  Humanitarian

their respective fields of expertise > Persons willing to be assigned to IOM duty stations in

Number of employees  Switzerland: 200 | Worldwide 8,500

the field



| 55

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Contact  Laurence Waeber | Emilie Bastie HR Business Partners Address  Ch. de Blandonnet 8, 1214 Vernier, Switzerland

Internship opportunities Yes. 9 months as part of the ISO Internship Programme Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience > Fluency in English

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

> Project management experience > Strong communcation skills

International presence  166 National Members

> ‘Can do’ attitude > Leadership capabilities

Sector  Standardization Number of employees  140



International Rescue Committee (IRC) Address Rue J.-A.-Gautier 7, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters New York, USA International presence More than 40 countries: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Caucasus, Caribbean, Europe as well as refugee resettlement offices in the United States. The full list can be accessed at: Number of employees  10,000+

Sector Emergency Response, Health, Children and Youth, Women’s Protection and Empowerment, Governance and Rights, Advocacy, Economic Recovery, Refugee Resettlement Internship opportunities Yes Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience Varies by positions

| 57

International Risk Governance Council (IRGC)

Number of employees  Switzerland: 4 | Worldwide: Network Partners

Contact  Marie-Valentine Florin T +41 21 693 82 90

Sector NGO | Risk Governance

Address EPFL, CM1-517, PO Box 99, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Internship opportunities Yes

Headquarters Lausanne, Switzerland

Recruitment period Throughout the year

International presence China, India, USA, Western Europe

> Native English speaker

Required skills and experience > Excellent writing style



International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Contact  Julia Watt Head, Human Resources Management Department (HRMD) Address  Pl. des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Barbados, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Egypt, Ethiopia, Honduras, Indonesia, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, USA, Zimbabwe Sector  Information and telecommunication technologies Number of employees  837

Internship opportunities  Yes Non-remunerated internships Candidates are selected on an ad hoc first come first serve basis determined by the needs of various sectors and departments within ITU Recruitment period Throughout the year Certain vacancies are published on the ITU website Required skills and experience Preferably candidates enrolled in an advanced university degree programme or recently graduated

| 59

International Trade Centre (ITC) Contact

Internship opportunities The objectives of the Internship Programme are: > To promote a better understanding of trade promotion issues at the international level > To offer interns an opportunity to develop their personal competencies by working in an international environment > To provide various divisions at the ITC with the assistance and enthusiasm of outstanding students studying in a relevant technical field

Address  Rue de Montbrillant 54-56, 1212 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Sector  Trade-related Technical Assistance Number of employees  269 Recruitment period  Throughout the year Internships can last for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 months, although the initial period is normally 3 to 4 months with the possibility of an extension

Required skills and experience > Applicants must: a) be enrolled in a higher/Master programme at the time of application and during the internship or b) have graduated within the last year > Applicants should have good working knowledge of English and French > The internship programme is not remunerated > ITC is currently looking for individuals enrolled in a degree programme in human resources, social sciences, international relations or a related field. For details, please visit ITC’s web page



International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Number of employees  Worldwide: 100

Contact | T +41 22 999 00 00

Internship opportunities  Yes, 3 or more months

Address  Rue Mauverney 28, 1196, Gland, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Headquarters  Gland, Switzerland

Required skills and experience  Depending on internship opening

International presence  45 countries Sector  Environmental organisation

| 61


Number of employees  300


Internship opportunities Internships available in our offices around the world

Address  Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2E, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Recruitment period  Throughout the year Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Belize, Burundi, Costa Rica, Cyprus, DRC, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Israel, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Libya, Nicaragua, Mali, Panama, Palestine, Rwanda, Somali Region and Timor-Leste Sector  NGO | International Peacebuilding Organisation

Required skills and experience > Outstanding graduates > Experience in countries where we work is an asset > Proficiency in English, French, Spanish and/or Portuguese an asset



invisible experience Contact  Sandrine Cina, Co-Director T +41 76 822 44 14 Address  Rue Eugène-Marziano 37, 1227 Les Acacias, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Sector  Social enterprise working on diversity and inclusion

Internship opportunities  Yes Recruitment period Throughout the year Jobs openings in March 2015 About us Invisible Experience is a non-for-profit social enterprise based in Geneva, that helps companies, youth organizations and cultural events develop inclusive environments, where everyone feels that they can be themselves, in particular LGBT people

| 63

Justice Rapid Response (JRR)

Number of employees  9 –12

Internship opportunities Yes, internship opportunities both at the Geneva Office and the New York Office. Minimum of 3 months

Contact  Michael Gussing:

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  7bis Av. de la Paix, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

> Applicants must be enrolled in a university graduate

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence New York, USA | The Hague, Netherlands Sector  International Criminal Law

Required skills and experience programme, preferably in international relations, international criminal law and/or international humanitarian law > Fluency of written and oral English and good working knowledge of at least one other UN language > Strong analytical skills and problem-solving ability, resistance to stress, a focus on results, team spirit, strong organisational skills, flexibility and adaptability, strong knowledge of international humanitarian law and international affairs



| 65


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Contact  Dr. Bernd Ehle, Hiring Partner |

Required skills and experience > Master and/or PhD in law > Strong analytical, drafting and language skills (in particular in English; some knowledge of French)

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland Sector  Law LALIVE is an international law firm with offices in Geneva, Zurich and Doha (LALIVE IN QATAR LLC). It is renowned for its expertise in international legal matters, including international dispute resolution (litigation and arbitration), international commercial contracts and infrastructure projects. It is also a full service Swiss law practice Number of employees 64 lawyers in Switzerland | 67 worldwide including 18 partners Internship opportunities  Yes

Training programme Monthly internal training sessions. Opportunity to regularly attend conferences and workshops in field of practice Remarks The firm comprises lawyers and legal advisers from over 15 countries who together speak more than a dozen languages and whose legal expertise covers Switzerland and several other key jurisdictions. A number of them are Graduate Institute alumni. They advise and represent clients on a global basis with particular emphasis on the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. Key industry sectors include energy telecommunications, construction and infrastructure



| 67


Sector  Pharmaceuticals

Contact  Marine Simon Administrative Coordinator, Access to Health (A2H)

Number of employees  Around 38,000 in more than 66 countries

Address  Quai des Bergues 29, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Headquarters  Merck KGaA, Frankfurterstr. 250, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany International presence  147 countries

Internship opportunities  Yes, 1 to 12 months long

Required skills and experience  Depending on internship opening Training program  On a case by case basis, depending on the position and needs



Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Contact Human Resources Consultant

Internship opportunities > Winter round (for those wishing to start between Jan-Jun) applications from mid-September to mid-March > Summer round (for those wishing to start between Jul-Dec) applications from mid-March to mid-September

Address  Rue André Pascal 2, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France Recruitment period  Throughout the year Headquarters  Paris, France International presence Public Affairs and Communications offices in Berlin, Mexico City, Tokyo and Washington DC Sector  Economic Organisation Number of employees  3,041

Required skills and competences > Master’s degree in economics, statistics, social affairs, development, or another related field Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Corporate Internship Agreement with the OECD creating a traineeship programme for the Institute’s students

| 69

Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

Effectif  300


Possibilités de stage Au siège ainsi que dans les représentations diplomatiques d’Addis-Abeba, Bruxelles, Genève et New York

Adresse  Ch. des Mines 15 bis, 1202 Genève, Suisse Siège social  Paris, France Présence dans le monde Addis-Abeba, Bruxelles, Bucarest, Genève, Hanoï, Libreville, Lomé, New York, Port-au-Prince Secteur  Langue française, diversité culturelle et linguistique, droits de l’Homme, divers thèmes économiques et sociaux, etc.

Période de recrutement Toute l’année en fonction des vacances de poste Qualifications et expérience souhaitées Pratique du français, être citoyen d’un pays membre de l’OIF, qualités multiculturelles, connaissance et pratique du multilatéralisme, etc.



| 71

Permanent Delegation of the Eu to the UN Office and other international organisations in Geneva Contact Address  Rue du Grand-Pré 64, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland International presence The EU is represented through 139 EU Delegations and Offices around the world. Other EU institutions (European Commission, Council and Parliament) are also significant employers Sector  International Relations Number of employees  Switzerland: 40 | Worldwide: 3,400

Internship opportunities  Yes. In Brussels, Geneva and EU Delegations worldwide Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience > Master student in international relations, human rights or similar policy fields > Fluency in English and French Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Permanent Delegation ot the EU to the UN Office and other IOs in Geneva regarding internships for the Institute’s students



Philanthropy Advisors Contact Address  Geneva Office | Rue du Conseil Général 14 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Paris Office | Rue Berryer 5, 75008 Paris, France Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide operational outreach Sector  Counselling and Strategic Planning in Philanthropy

Internship opportunities  Yes Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience The ideal candidate will have the following qualities > Strong interpersonal skills, ability to multi-task, team spirit, takes initiative > Outstanding communication and public relation skills > Experience in analytical and writing skills > Experience in humanitarian and development environments an asset > Experience in CSR an asset > Proficiency in French and English

| 73

Polixis sàrl

Translating Politics into Business Address  Rue du Jeu-de-l’Arc 15, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Caucasia, Kazakhstan & Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia Sector Political, Country and Regulatory Risk Analysis, Advisory Research, Trainings and Seminars

Number of employees  11 Recruitment period Throughout the year in Geneva Required skills and experience Russian and preferably other CIS member States languages > Interest in history, economy, politics and regulatory dynamics in these markets > Interest in banking and finance > Speaking



Procter & Gamble (P&G)

Internship opportunities  Yes

Contact  Jeremy Godelaine |

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Rte de Saint Georges 47, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland

Recruitment possibilities We offer full-time entry level management and internship positions all year round in the following functions: marketing, finance, purchasing, consumer market knowledge, human resources, sales, IT and customer service and logistics. Please go to to see current openings

Headquarters  Cincinnati (Ohio), USA International presence  80 countries

Required skills and experience and Master’s degrees > Fluency in English > Leadership demonstrated in extracurricular activities and/or internships > Collaboration and communication skills > Passion for learning > Bachelor

Sector  Consumer Goods Number of employees  Switzerland: 3,000 | Worldwide: 121,000

| 75

Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) Contact Markus Forsberg, Membership and Communications Coordinator Address  Rue de Montbrillant 87, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Members of the association present globaly Sector  Humanitarian Recruitment period New positions starting every 3 months

Internship opportunities 4-6 internship positions in the following areas > Management and Governance > Communications > Member relations > Events and Member Exchange > Humanitarian Law and Policy Required skills and experience > Excellent English language skills (both oral and written). Professional proficiency in other languages, especially in French and Arabic, is an advantage > A demonstrated aptitude and enthusiasm for learning how to use new IT tools and systems > Vested interest in the field of humanitarian affairs > Prior working experience in a similar environment is an advantage > Strong organisational skills, resourcefulness, flexibility and ability to multi-task > Entrepreneurial spirit



Votre partenaire emploi! +

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Rdv a` ne pas manquer !

| 77

The RET INTERNATIONAL Recruitment period  Throughout the year Contact Address  Rue de Saint-Jean 36, 1203 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence Operational presence in Afghanistan, Burundi, Chad, Colombia, Costa Rica, DRC, Ecuador, Kenya, Lebanon, Panama, Turkey, Venezuela. Active in 26 countries across three continents in over 120 projects Sector Non-Profit | Humanitarian and transitional development assistance for vulnerable young people Number of employees  Switzerland: 9 (+ 2-3 interns) | Worldwide: Over 300

Internship opportunities The RET hires interns in the field as well as in the headquarters. Internships offer great hands-on experience involving real responsabilities and allow interns to develop concrete skills and a thorough understanding of working in a humanitarian context Required skills and experience > Master’s degree in a relevant field e.g. education, social work, international relations, refugee issues, humanitarian action, development, conflict prevention and mitigation, possibly gender issues, child labour issues, human rights and/or democracy and governance > Excellent command of English and French. Spanish, German and Arabic are an asset > Prior field experience and/or experience of working in international settings > Excellent organisational, analytical and writing skills > Capacity to work independently, but with a strong team spirit > Flexibility > Very good communication skills



| 79

sidley austin llp Contact  Karen Bucknor, Business Services Manager T +41 22 308 00 00 | Address  Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Chicago, USA International presence Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, UK, USA Sector  Legal Services | Trade, Arbitrations, Life Sciences Number of employees  Geneva: 45 | Worldwide: 1,900

Internship opportunities 9 month paid internships > The intern will gain invaluable experience working with lawyers and international trade analysts in the WTO Global Policy, International Arbitration and Dispute, and Life Sciences Practices Required skills and experience We would like to hear from lawyers and economists with experience or demonstrable interest in international trade, trade litigation, WTO law, arbitration and life sciences. Candidates will be focused, intelligent and enthusiastic with a strong personality, a sense of humour and a real interest in practising law in the commercial world



Our strategy is to be a leading investment company dedicated to inclusive and sustainable finance in emerging and frontier markets. We seek professionals who wish to be part of a young, dynamic and challenging work environment in a growing industry.

Reaching out through investments

| 81

SYMBIOTICS Contact Duc Nguyen, Human Resources Manager

Number of employees  Switzerland: 56 | Worldwide: 84

Address Rue de la Synagogue 31, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Yes, 3–6 months internships

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

International presence Cape Town, Geneva, London, Singapore, Zurich

> Familiarity with economics/accounting

Required skills and experience > Interest in microfinance and impact investing

Sector  Sustainable and Impact Finance

> Good knowledge of MS Office > Excellent written and oral skills in English > Other languages are an asset



Un Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Address  Av. de la Paix 5-7, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  New York, USA International presence Active in more than 190 countries, territories and areas through country programmes and National Committees Sector  Children’s Rights

Internship opportunities The UNICEF Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students at both Headquarters and country offices the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF’s work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff More information available on Recruitment period  Throughout the year Required skills and experience > Internship requirements

Number of employees  Switzerland: 270 | Worldwide: 11,628

> Employment requirements

| 83

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Address Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Internship opportunities The UNCTAD Internship Programme is offered to students with a view to promoting a better understanding of trade and development issues and giving them insight into how UNCTAD attempts to find solutions to these problems

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  194 Member States Sector  Trade and Development | Interrelated issues in the areas of Finance, Technology, Investment and Sustainable Development Number of employees 500

Recruitment period Throughout the year for a period of 2–6 months Required skills and experience Students who at the time of application meet one of the following requirements > Be enrolled in a Master or PhD programme > Have graduated with a university degree and must commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation



UN Development Programme (UNDP)

Number of employees  Switzerland: 43 | Worldwide: 7,722

Address  Ch. des Anémones 11-13, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Yes

Headquarters  New York, USA

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

International presence  140 countries and territories

Required skills and experience Enrollment in a graduate-level degree programme in a development related field such as economics, public or business administration, environmental studies or communication

Sector > Sustainable development > Democratic governance and peacebuilding > Climate and disaster resilience

| 85

Un Environment Programme (UNEP)

Internship opportunities from a wide range of disciplines are able to apply and, depending on qualifications, are selected for internships that relate either to the organisation’s strategic activities or to administrative or technical functions > Interns are given the opportunity to work in a multicultural international organisation > Students

Contact  Diana Rizzolio Address  Ch. des Anémones 11, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  Nairobi, Kenya International presence  Worldwide Sector  Environment Number of employees  Switzerland: 200 | Worldwide: 1,200 Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Required skills and experience > Applicants must be in a graduate or postgraduate programme, and must continue to be enrolled throughout the duration of the internship



UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Internship opportunities  Yes

Contact  Silvano Sofia, T + 41 22 917 27 70

Required skills and experience For internships, candidates must > Be enrolled in a graduate programme in a field relevant to the work of FAO > Be fluent in English and in the working language of the office of assignment

Address  Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy Headquarters  Rome, Italy International presence  More than 130 countries Sector Food Security and Nutrition Security, Trade and Markets, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, Resilience and Disaster Risks Reduction, Social Development, Forestry, etc. Number of employees  Geneva: 10 | Worldwide: 3,000 Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Training programme The FAO Junior Professional Programme (JPP) provides young professionals under the age of 32 with an opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with the FAO. Each Junior Professional will also be assigned a mentor, a senior member of staff who will provide guidance and informal feedback throughout the assignment

| 87

Un High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Number of employees  7,519 (6,611 in the field, and 908 in Geneva)

Contact  Ursula Aboubacar Internship opportunities  Yes Address  Rue du Montbrillant 94, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide: 126 countries Sector  Humanitarian | Refugees, Stateless and Displaced Persons

Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience Varies according to position



UN Office at Geneva (UNOG)

Recruitment period Throughout the year Contact Bérengère Neyroud-Plügel, Human Resources Officer (HRMS) T +41 22 917 60 30 | Address Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Headquarters  New York, USA International presence  Worldwide Sector  International Organisation Number of employees Geneva: 1,550 Internship opportunities  Yes Students must be enrolled in a graduate degree programme

Required skills and experience  Varies from one post to another Training programme Each year, as part of its educational outreach programmes, the UNIS organises a Graduate Study Programme. This seminar is an opportunity to deepen participants’ understanding of the principles, purposes and activities of the UN and its related agencies Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) regarding internships for the Institute’s students

| 89

Un Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Contact  Dirk De Bruyne, Human Resources Officer T +41 22 917 18 36 | Address  Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

Number of employees Switzerland: 152 | New York: 150 Field: 423 professional positions and around 1,000 national positions

International presence  44 countries

Recruitment period Throughout the year > Junior positions in headquarters are selected through the Young Professional Programme (YPP), see > Junior positions in the field are selected through

Sector  Humanitarian Affairs

Internship opportunities  Yes

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland | New York, USA

Required skills and experience Any academic background is welcomed, provided that there is a focus on humanitarian work



UN population fund (UNFPA)

Number of employees  Switzerland: 9 | Worldwide: 1,956

Contact  Victoria Fernandes Branding, Sourcing and Outreach Specialist

Internship opportunities  Yes

Address  Ch. des Anémones 11,1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland

> Expressed interest in the field of development

Required skills and experience  > Enrolled in a graduate social science or development studies

Headquarters  New York, USA

programme > Written and spoken proficiency in English. Fluency in French is

International presence  128 Countries

strongly desirable > Ability to adapt to new environments and to establish and

Sector  > Population and development > Sexual and reproductive health > Gender equality and women’s empowerment

maintain good working relations in a multicultural team and with a wide range of partners Training programme  Junior Professional Officer (JPO)

| 91

UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Contact  Jenifer Freedman Head of Communications and Outreach

Internship opportunities  Yes, around 10 per year

Address  Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

> Advanced degree in development studies, development

Required skills and competences Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide through research networks Sector  Research Number of employees  Switzerland: 25

economics, public policy, sociology, political science or a related field, or in communications/journalism > Experience in research (desk and field-level), project management, event organisation and fundraising > Excellent written and spoken communication skills, including ability to summarize and present complex analysis and ideas



UN World Food Programme (WFP) Address  Ch. des Anémones 11-13 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  Rome, Italy International presence  80 countries Sector  Humanitarian, Emergency Response, Post-Recovery, Development, Capacity Building and Sustainability Number of employees  Worldwide: 14,000

Recruitment period  From 3 to 6 months with possibilities for extension Internship opportunities  Yes Required skills and experience  > Enrolled or have recently graduated from a Master’s degree > Have attended courses in the last 12 months > Proficiency in MS Office > Fluent in English Training programme  Yes

| 93

WISE (Philanthropy Advisors)

Number of employees  5


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Rue des Corps-Saints 4, PO Box 2124, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland

Internship opportunities Twice a year, minimum of 6 months with remuneration

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience Our collaborators constitute our company’s principal asset and we look for competent, passionate and entrepreneurial individuals

International presence 12 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East Sector  Consulting and Advisory



| 95



Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Contact  Line Favre | Address  Rue de Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence International Office in New York, 30 National Sections worldwide and working in an additional 10 countries with partners Number of employees  15 and approximately 7,000 Members

Recruitment period Varies, but generally November/December and May/June for Geneva Internship opportunities In Geneva there are 6 openings every 6 months for interns working for different programmes. The New York office offers internships and fellowships for 4-6 interns every 4 months Required skills and experience Varies, depending on which programme you apply for, but in general true dedication to our work and mission is definitely required

| 97

World Bank Group Address  Ch. Louis-Dunant 3, PO Box 66 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters  Washington DC, USA International presence Development professionals from nearly every country in the world are employed in the World Bank’s Washington DC headquarters or in its 120 country offices

Internship opportunities The internship programme is open to students who are nationals of the Bank’s member countries and attracts a large number of highly qualified candidates. The goal of this internship programme is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international environment. Interns generally find the experience to be rewarding and interesting Required skills and experience To be eligible for the internship programme, candidates must be enrolled in a Master or PhD programme. Generally, successful candidates have completed their first year of graduate studies or are already into their PhD programme

Number of employees  Worldwide: 12,000 Recruitment period Washington: > Summer Internship (June – September) > Winter Internship (December – March)

Development & Capacity Building programmes The World Bank also offers other programs for Young Professionals and Junior Professional Associates. Please refer to



World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Sector  Sustainable Business and Environment

Address  Maison de la Paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2 PO Box 246, 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland

Number of employees  Switzerland: 70


Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Internship opportunities  Yes, for 3-6 months

International presence  India, USA

Required skills and experience  Requirements vary according to position

| 99

World Health Organization (WHO)

Internship opportunities WHO’s Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of WHO Every year a limited number of places for internships are available at WHO Headquarters. WHO’s Regional Offices and some Country Offices also accept interns

Contact  Cornelia Griss Recruitment period  Throughout the year Address  Av. Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland International presence  Worldwide Sector  Public Health Number of employees Switzerland: 2,060 | Worldwide: 7,850

Required skills and experience > Be enrolled in a graduate programme both at the time of application and during the internship > Possess a first degree in a public health, medical or social field related to the technical work of WHO > Fluent in the working language of the office of assignment Training programme WHO participates in the Junior Professional Officer Programme of the UN. More information can be found on



World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Contact  HR Planning Section,

Internship opportunities Yes, throughout the year (roster) Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address  Ch. des Colombettes 34, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience WIPO seeks to recruit staff from a wide range of backgrounds, and with diverse experience, languages and expertise

International presence  188 Member States, 6 External Offices Sector  UN Specialised Agency | Intellectual Property Number of employees 1,200+ mainly based in Geneva

Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) regarding internships for the Institute’s students

| 101

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Number of employees  Switzerland: 650

Contact  WTO Human Resources Division

Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Address Centre William Rappard, Rue de Lausanne 154, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland

Internship opportunities uid_c=3475&vaclng=en

Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland

Required skills and experience Varies per position, check openings for more details

Sector  Forum for trade negotiations. Handling trade disputes, monitoring national trade policies, providing technical assistance and training for developing countries

Training programmes Yes, for more information visit website



World Vision International (WVI) Contact  Beris Gwynne, Director and UN Representative Postal address  International Environment House 2 Ch. de Balexert 7-9, PO Box 545, 1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland Headquarters  Executive Office in London, UK International presence  95 countries Sector  International Development and Humanitarian Assistance, Advocacy and Programmes Number of employees  Geneva: 20 | Worldwide: 45,000 Recruitment period  Throughout the year

Internship opportunities Geneva is one of the many ‘global’ and ‘regional’ capitals where World Vision seeks to influence global development processes (e.g. Millennium Development Goals, Post 2015 and fragile states) as well as policies and practices to increase the effectiveness of international development cooperation in support of local efforts to promote justice and encourage sustainable development Required skills and experience Master’s or PhD degree Training programmes Where possible and appropriate, every effort will be made to facilitate intern participation in relevant events and workshops Remarks * The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding World Vision International (WVI) regarding internships for the Institute’s students

| 103

WWF International

Recruitment period  Throughout the year Internship opportunities  placements in WWF projects and programmes in Africa, Asia and Latin America > Internships at WWF International > Scholarship opportunities for individuals from developing countries > Volunteer Contact Address  Av. du Mont-Blanc 27 1196 Gland, Switzerland Headquarters  Switzerland Sector  Environmental Conservation Number of employees  Switzerland: 180 | Worldwide: 5,000

Required skills and experience  > The global volunteer and internship programme is open to 20-26 year olds from all backgrounds. It requires a commitment to hands-on experience, expertise and innovative ideas of how to spread a wider understanding of conservation issues and sustainable development. More information can be found on: > The Prince Bernhard Scholarships are open to all candidates from developing countries studying/working in the field of conservation or associated disciplines. More information can be found on:



| 105




Our surveys of graduates carried out since 2008 show that almost all of the Institute’s students had obtained prior professional or internship experience, often in an international environment, during their studies. After graduation, the average time to secure employment for more than 90% of our students was less than 4 months and they chose the following sectors: public sector attracted 36% of our graduates. More than half of them went to international organisations. > The next most popular sector was the third sector with 32% of the graduates. The majority of them chose non-governmental organisations working on a diverse range of issues. > The private sector accounted for 22% of our young graduates. Most of them chose multinationals, consulting and banks. > The

The remaining 10% of our graduates either continued their studies towards a PhD or conducted research work as part of an academic institution. Half of our graduates chose to begin their careers in Switzerland, while the others went on to work all over the world.


108 deParticipant La Maison la paix

Contact: Carine Leu-Bonvin Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2 CP 136, CH-1211 Genève 21 T +41 22 908 57 55

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