IENVENUE à la 13e édition de Connexion, le Forum des professions de l’Institut. Cette année, un nouveau format attend les participants : plusieurs employeurs œuvrant dans le même domaine vous présenteront ensemble leurs processus de recrutement. Chacun sera accompagné d’un jeune diplômé de l’Institut qui décrira son parcours au sein de l’institution représentée. Ces « tables rondes » seront modérées par des doctorants de l’Institut, spécialistes du domaine concerné. Elles seront suivies d’un événement de réseautage au cours duquel les étudiants auront l’occasion d’échanger librement avec les orateurs. En parallèle, seront proposés les stands et les présentations individuelles d’employeurs, au cours desquelles l’ensemble de leurs activités seront évoquées.
Nous sommes aussi particulièrement heureux d’accueillir pour la première fois des organisations comme Mercy Corps, Gavi – The Vaccine Alliance, IMPACT Initiatives, Plan International, l’Organisation internationale de droit du développement (OIDD) ou le Bureau des Nations Unies pour les services d’appui aux projets (UNOPS), de même que des fondations telles qu’Ashoka, la Chaîne du Bonheur – Swiss Solidarity, et la Novartis Foundation. Enfin, le secteur privé est bien représenté par des consultants comme Dalberg Global Development Advisors et PwC, les sociétés Bamboo Finance, Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG), le groupe Merck, la SGS et le cabinet d’avocats Lenz & Staehelin, entre autres. Nous souhaitons à tous un forum riche en échanges et en nouveaux contacts ! ≥
ELCOME to the 13th edition of Connexion, the Graduate Institute’s Careers Forum. This year, a new format awaits participants: several employers from the same field will present their recruitment processes in the same session. Each employer will be accompanied by a recent graduate of the Institute who will present their experience working within the organisation. These roundtables discussions, moderated by Graduate Institute PhD students specialising in the relevant fields, will be followed by networking events where students will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers in a more casual setting. Alongside these, the forum will feature career booths and individual presentations showcasing the full portfolio of the employers’ activities.
Furthermore, we are particularly delighted to welcome, for the first time, organisations including Mercy Corps, Gavi – The Vaccine Alliance, IMPACT Initiatives, Plan International, International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), as well as foundations including Ashoka, Chaîne du Bonheur – Swiss Solidarity and the Novartis Foundation. The private sector is well reprensented by consulting firms such as Dalberg Global Development Advisors and PwC, the companies Bamboo Finance, Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG), Merck Group and SGS, the law firm Lenz and Staehelin, and many others. We hope you enjoy a forum full of informative exchanges and new contacts! Carine Leu-Bonvin Head of Career Services and Alumni Relations
Le Restaurant de la Maison de la paix, géré par Novae Restauration, jouit d’une vue panoramique sur Genève, les Alpes et le lac Léman et dispose d’une terrasse pour des réceptions. 9 heures 30 – 12 heures Café et petit déjeuner 12 heures – 15 heures Déjeuner avec trois formules possibles 15 heures – 18 heures Espace bar 18 heures – 23 heures Réservations de groupe (minimum 20 personnes) Privatisation sur demande Pour réserver à midi : tél. +41 (0)22 908 43 34 Pour réserver le soir : tél. +41 (0)22 908 43 13 Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2E, 1202 Genève
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Career Services and the Institute’s administration express their profound gratitude to the individuals, companies, international and non-governmental organisations that contribute to the success of the Careers Forum through their collaboration and support.
We would like to express special appreciation to our partner organisations > Advisor
Swiss Insurance SA
> P&G
> Union
> International
> Vistra
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) > The Merck Group
Bancaire Privée (UBP) Geneva SA
and our sponsors > Finders
> Sidley
> Lalive
> Nespresso
Austin LLP Group > together ag
CONTENTS Banking and (Micro)finance > Bamboo Finance
Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) Symbiotics > SYZ Group > Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) > Vistra Geneva SA > >
> Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
11, 30 11, 91 8, 11, 93 5, 22-23, 58 5, 104-105 5, 108-109
Consulting and Advisory > Codethic > Dalberg Global Development Advisors > Philanthropy Advisors > PwC > WISE – philanthropy advisors
11, 36 12, 38 11, 80 12, 84 9, 110
European Institution > Permanent Delegation of the EU to the UN office
and other IOs in Geneva
10, 79
Foundations > Chaîne de Bonheur – Swiss Solidarity > Fondation Ashoka > Novartis Foundation
International Organisations Asian Development Bank (ADB)* > Gavi – The Vaccine Alliance > Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) >
12, 34 8, 11, 41 12, 16-17, 75
28 12, 44 11, 48
10, 47 12, 51 > International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) 11, 55 > International Development Law Organization (IDLO) 10, 59 > International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 5, 8, 12, 56-57 > International Labour Organization (ILO) 8, 12, 60 > International Organization for Migration (IOM) 10, 62 > International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 8, 12, 64 > International Trade Centre (ITC) 12, 65 > International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 11, 66 > Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) 11, 77 > Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)* 78 > UN Children ‘s Fund (UNICEF) 11, 94 > UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 12, 95 > UN Development Programme (UNDP) 12, 96 > UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 11, 97 > UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 10, 98 > UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 10, 99 > UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) 12, 100 > UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) 8, 107 > UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 8, 9, 101 > UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) 12, 102 > UN World Food Programme (WFP) 10, 103 > World Bank Group 12, 112 > World Health Organization (WHO) 12, 114 > World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 8, 12, 115 > World Trade Organization (WTO) 12, 116 > Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The
Law Firms > Lalive > Lenz & Staehelin > Sidley Austin LLP
> RET International
5, 10, 70-71 10, 72 5, 10, 14-15, 88-89
> Save the Children > Swiss International Humanitarian Organization (SIHO) > Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Media > L’AGEFI
8, 10, 85 11, 86 9, 92
> World Vision International (WVI)
11, 111 8, 9, 117
5 Other Companies
Networks > Assessment Capacities Project, The (ACAPS) 8, 9, 29 > Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN) 9, 49 > Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health (GIWEH) 9, 53 > International Network of Human Rights (RIDH) 8, 9, 61 > Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) 8, 12, 82 > Unité 8, 9, 106 > World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 9, 113
> Advisor Swiss Insurance SA > Chemonics International > Merck Group, The > Nespresso > P&G > SGS
Recruiting and Headhunting > Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for
Non-governmental Organisations > Action for Development (AfD) 9, 26 > CARE International 8, 11, 31 > CAUX Foundation – Initiatives of Change (IofC) 8, 9, 32 > Center for International Environmental Law, The (CIEL) 11, 33 > CUTS International 8, 12, 37 > Danish Refugee Council (DRC) 10, 39 > FIAN International 9, 43 > Geneva Call – Appel de Genève 11, 45 > IMPACT Initiatives 8, 10, 54 > International Rescue Committee (IRC) 8, 63 > Interpeace 11, 67 > Justice Rapid Response (JRR) 9, 69 > Mercy Corps 8, 12, 20-21, 74 > Plan International 11, 24-25, 81
5, 76 18-19 5, 12, 73 5 5, 10, 83 10, 87
Professions relating to International Cooperation (CINFO)
> Finders > together ag
8, 10, 35 5, 68 5, 8, 52
Swiss Public Administration > Administration fédérale
– Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) – Direction du développment et de la coopération (DDC)
27 10, 40 10
Think Tanks > Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) > Global Footprint Network (GFN) > Small Arms Survey
* This employer will be present during our ‘after-forum’ on Wednesday 13 April 12.00 –14.00
8, 11, 46 11, 50 11, 90
STAND SCHEDULE 16 March 2016
17 March 2016
18 March 2016
10:00 – 13:00 for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions relating to International Cooperation (CINFO) > RET International > Unité
10:00 – 13:00 > CARE International > Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) > International Network of Human Rights (RIDH) > World Vision International (WVI)
10:00 – 13:00 > International Labour Organization (ILO) > World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
> Centre
10:00 – 17:00 > UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS) > UN Population Fund (UNFPA) 13:30 – 17:00 > IMPACT Initiatives
10:00 – 17:00 > International > International
10:00 – 17:00 Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS) > CAUX Foundation – Initiatives of Change (IofC) > International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) > Mercy Corps > Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP) > Symbiotics > together ag*
Rescue Committee (IRC) Telecommunication
Union (ITU)
> The
13:30 – 17:00 Ashoka
> Fondation
* CV check
13:30 – 17:00 International
17 March 2016 Room 9
10:30 – 11:00 > Justice Rapid Response (JRR)
10:00 – 10:30 > Action for Development (AfD)
11:10 – 11:40 > UN Population Fund (UNFPA)
10.40 – 11.10 > CAUX Foundation – Initiatives of Change (IofC)
> The
11.20 – 11.50 Vision International (WVI)
> International
11:50 – 12:20 Institute for Water, Environment and Health (GIWEH)
> Global
13:15 – 13:45 > Unité
> World
12.00 – 12.30 – philanthropy advisors
12.40 – 13.10 Apprenticeship Network (GAN)
> Global
18 March 2016 Room 7 13.20 – 13.50 International Humanitarian Organization (SIHO)
> Swiss
10:00 – 10:30 > FIAN International 10.40 – 11.10 Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
> World
14.00 – 14.30 Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS) 14.40 – 15.10 Network of Human Rights (RIDH)
ROUNDTABLE PRESENTATIONS 16 March 2016 Auditorium 2 (A2) 10:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 14:00
Room S8
Topic: MIGRATION AND REFUGEES Participants: Danish Refugee Council (DRC), IMPACT Initiatives, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC – IDMC), RET International, International Organization for Migration (IOM), UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Topic: INTERNATIONAL LAW Participants: Lalive, Lenz & Staehelin, Sidley Austin LLP, International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
14:00 – 16:00
Participants: Centre for Information, Counselling and Training for Professions relating to International Cooperation (CINFO), Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE), Direction du développment et de la coopération (DDC), Permanent Delegation of the EU to the UN office and other IOs in Geneva
Participants: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UN World Food Programme (WFP)
16:00 – 18:00
Topic: PRIVATE SECTOR Participants: P&G, SGS
| 11 17 March 2016 Auditorium 2 (A2) 10:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
16:00 – 18:00
Room S8
Topic: CHILD PROTECTION AND GENDER ISSUES Participants: CARE International, Plan International, Save the Children, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Topic: ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Participants: The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Global Footprint Network (GFN), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Topic: PHILANTHROPIC AND SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT Participants: Bamboo Finance, Codethic, Fondation Ashoka, Philanthropy Advisors, Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG), Symbiotics
Topic: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACEBUILDING Participants: Geneva Call - Appel de Genève, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), Interpeace, Small Arms Survey, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Topic: HUMAN RIGHTS Participants: International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
18 March 2016 Auditorium 2 (A2)
Room S8
12:00 – 14:00
Participants: International Labour Organization (ILO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Participants: Gavi – The Vaccine Alliance, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, The Merck Group, Novartis Foundation, World Health Organization (WHO)
Participants: CUTS International, International Trade Centre (ITC), UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), World Bank Group, World Trade Organization (WTO)
Participants: Chaîne du Bonheur – Swiss Solidarity, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Mercy Corps, Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP), UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Participants: Dalberg Global Development Advisors, PwC
| 13
GRADUATES’ SUCCESS STORIES REGINA ADDO, Master in Development Studies Africa-Asia Agricultural Enterprise Pro Bono Programme Coordinator Sidley Austin LPP
How did you start your career? I began with several internships and worked in both public and private institutions in Ghana during and after my undergraduate studies. My admission into the Master in Development Studies programme at the Graduate Institute helped me to broaden my knowledge and to advance my own career. The opportunity to frequently access the Career Services webpage enabled me to apply for and secure a position in Sidley Austin LLP. Furthermore, I participated in training and counselling sessions organised by Career Services. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? The Graduate Institute is situated near several international organisations, including the United Nations. My dream was to be able to give back to society, and Geneva provided me with the ideal location to obtain the necessary skills to achieve this.
Furthermore, it really meant a lot to me to discover that Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General, was an alumnus of the Institute. It is, and always has been, my dream to be a great person who will through several means help transform and improve other people’s lives. I knew that the courses offered at the Graduate Institute would help equip me with the necessary skills and also provide me with excellent opportunities to achieve my goal. Why did you choose a career at Sidley Austin LPP? As it is my ultimate goal and passion to give back to society, and particularly to contribute to any process that will create opportunities for the under-served in Africa and elsewhere, working in Sidley Austin offered me a great opportunity to achieve this. As a Coordinator, I strive to identify and provide legal services to enterprises which have a socio-economic impact on the lives of rural communities in developing countries, notably in Africa.
| 15 “The opportunity to frequently access the Career Services webpage enabled me to apply and secure a position in Sidley Austin LLP.�
It was the realisation that I would be improving the lives of rural populations that made me want to join my team. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Sidley Austin LPP? I believe that what accounts for a successful career is primarily being passionate about the work you do. It also takes confidence, perseverance, hard work and determination to be able to have a successful career. There is no smoother way to achieving success than embracing these tools. You certainly may be down a few times but a successful person is one who arises and moves forward anytime they fall. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute has really provided me with essential tools for my career advancement. Coming from Ghana and being in Europe for the first time, the Institute was an ideal place to meet people from diverse backgrounds and learn from different courses. Studying international development, and taking courses in agriculture policies, international law and qualitative methods, just to mention a few, provided me with a firm foundation for my current work.
What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? The extensive and practical work, through research proposals, writing, and presentations has helped me to adopt a critical and analytical mind-set. More precisely, my Applied Research Seminar in Development and Sustainability offered me an opportunity to work alongside policy-oriented institutions. How have you benefited from your position at Sidley Austin LPP? The main benefit of my position is to be able to work within a team that strives to address societal needs. I get the opportunity to share ideas and learn from people. More importantly, I am able to enrich my career by working closely with experienced staff and senior colleagues. I have had the opportunity to provide gateways to businesses in the developing world by helping them expand and operate their businesses better. It has also helped me to create connections with various clients from different backgrounds, improve my writing and communication skills and identify new skills which would be useful in my future endeavours.
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| SABINA BEATRICE-MATTER, Master in International Relations Manager Health Projects Novartis Foundation
How did you start your career? I started as a Trainee in the Novartis Corporate Communications department. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? The Master in International Relations combined my interest in international affairs, economics and political science. I also wanted to study in the French-speaking part of Switzerland as I am originally from the German-speaking part. Why did you choose a career at the Novartis Foundation? I soon learned more about the work of the Novartis Foundation, and was very keen to moving to the Foundation and contribute to advancing global health issues in low-income settings.
In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at the Novartis Foundation? Although we are the philanthropic arm of Novartis, the organisational culture is very corporate and the team has a strong business mind-set. Performance management is an integral part of the job and the working pace is demanding. However, you need to match it with sometimes different organisational cultures and working approaches of partner organisations – be it nongovernmental organisations, academia or ministries of health in developing countries. Thus, very strong intercultural skills are important. A background in health or medicine is a strong asset and having worked both in a business environment as well as in low-income settings would complete an ideal profile.
| 17 “At the Institute you learn to understand and analyse very complex situations and dissect their essence. This skill is highly valuable when coordinating complex projects with a variety of stakeholders”.
Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute provided me with strong analytical skills and a general theoretical knowledge about international affairs. For my communications role, the many writing assignments during the studies have definitely helped a lot as well. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? My studies have provided me with an in-depth understanding of the history and current developments in international affairs, such as specifically North-South relations. Most importantly, at the Institute you learn to understand and analyse very complex situations and dissect their essence. This skill is highly valuable when coordinating complex projects with a variety of stakeholders.
How did you benefit from your position at Novartis Foundation? My first position at the Foundation as Manager of Communications meant a lot of responsibility at quite a young age. I quickly had to learn to take decisions on my own and be held responsible and accountable for them. Throughout my career at the Foundation, I have learned a great deal about health issues in low-income settings and about working with an extremely diverse range of stakeholders – from the CEO of Novartis who visited our projects to farmers in rural Mali we supported through micro health insurance.
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| TODD DIAMOND, Master in International History Director, Middle East Chemonics International
How did you start your career? After leaving the Graduate Institute, I went directly to the field for three months as an election supervisor with the UN in Bosnia, to help facilitate the first post-war elections, in 1996. That led to a position with the Open Society Institute – George Soros’ philanthropic foundation – in New York. Several years later I landed at Chemonics in Washington. Both of these jobs in the international development field have taken me all over the developing world.
Europe and the Balkans, and I was able to apply what I learned immediately upon graduation.
Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? What intrigued me the most was the degree of independence I had in selecting my own fields of study and research. Rather than dictating what topics had to be covered, my professors advised me on whether my areas of interest were suitable. My areas of focus within the history programme were Eastern
In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Chemonics International? The main criteria are being able to critically examine complex challenges and propose solutions. Whether those challenges are administrative, budgetary, or political, being able to quickly analyse how to solve problems is crucial.
Why did you choose a career at Chemonics International? Chemonics is a private-sector company that is mission-driven in the sector of international development. Having worked at two non-governmental organisations prior to coming to Chemonics, I was really impressed with the opportunities and encouragement for continual professional growth.
| 19 “My career at Chemonics has been the culmination of my studies at the Graduate Institute.�
Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute was a great learning environment to engage in critical debates that forced me to look at historical and political issues in ways I probably would not have otherwise considered. It also had a practical effect, as being so close to the key UN agencies that were of interest to me exposed me to the challenges and the complexities of crises in the developing world. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? It empowered me to pursue my intellectual curiosity, rather than just memorising knowledge for the sake of passing exams. At the time, I was too impatient to pursue my PhD, but in hindsight it might have been a good idea, because unless you go into academia once you start your career it is hard to get back that time to keep up such intellectual pursuits.
How did you benefit from your position at Chemonics International? My career at Chemonics has been the culmination of my studies at the Graduate Institute. I have worked in more than 40 countries (mostly in the developing world) and visited another 20 (due in part to my travel around Geneva while living there). I have been able to grow as an international development analyst and practitioner and worked on the ground on many issues related to US foreign policy, from the Balkans to Afghanistan and the Middle East. Honing my French skills at the Graduate Institute also enabled me to work in French-speaking Africa on multiple occasions. The combination of providing meaningful impact on donor-funded assistance projects and being responsible for making senior-level management decisions has been ideal.
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| MARGARET MUNROE, Master in Development Studies Assistant Programme Officer – West, Central and North Africa Mercy Corps
How did you start your career? The year after my undergraduate degree, I worked as a research assistant for a non-governmental organisation, in Washington DC, that focused on lobbying the US Congress on hunger and poverty issues. After that, I was in the Peace Corps in Mali for two years and then worked at Peace Corps headquarters in Washington as a Programme Assistant on a grant programme funded by USAID. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? The Institute had a good reputation and was more financially feasible than American universities for someone planning to pursue non-profit and government work. I also wanted to gain more experience living abroad and was particularly attracted to the possibility of taking coursework in French.
Why did you choose a career at Mercy Corps? Mercy Corps has a good reputation in the field. A former supervisor and mentor advised me that working for the organisation was a good move. I also like the organisation’s stance on development, particularly that they encourage hiring staff members from the countries where they work and strive to work in close partnership with local organisations. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Mercy Corps? Programme management and organisational skills are very important, as the work can be fast-paced and there is usually a lot going on even as you want to make sure the programmes you are implementing are high-quality. My language skills have also been useful, as have good writing skills for donor reports and proposals.
| 21 “The fact that my French was at a decent level was one of the competitive advantages I had to be hired.�
Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? I think I have a deeper knowledge of the field of international development after my degree. The opportunity to take a programme management class was also useful, as it acquainted me with some programme management concepts that I now see are used regularly in the field. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? I think the fact that my French was at a decent level was one of the competitive advantages I had to be hired, so the opportunity to pursue some studies in French at the Institute was good. I have also been involved in some research related to programme development recently, and after writing many 20-page papers for the Institute, I felt well-prepared to tackle that project.
How did you benefit from your position at Mercy Corps? Since I started my employer has been really good at providing training opportunities. Within just a few months of working here, I participated in a week-long training on programme management, and another training on US government rules, regulations and compliance (useful information to have for this field). They have also been responsive to developing my interest in food security; recently I have been supporting research for a big food security proposal, and I will travel abroad to help with the programme design workshop in a few weeks.
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| LAURENT PIGNOT, Master in International Affairs Communications Specialist SYZ Group
How did you start your career? I started my career before studying at the Graduate Institute when I did my first internship at the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg during the academic year 2004–5. I assisted the spokesman and facilitated press relations for Members of the European Parliament while studying political science at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? I have been interested in world history and politics since high school. I went to a European school, in Brussels, and studied history and geography in English since I was 12 years old. This gave me an interesting Anglo-Saxon perspective on these subjects. After studying political science in Brussels and Berlin, I was in
the process of applying to different graduate programmes, and was thrilled by the possibility of studying in one of the oldest schools of international relations. The Graduate Institute had an incomparable aura for me and the classes it offered were a perfect match for my interests at the time. Why did you choose a career at SYZ Group? I have been working in communications for over eight years now and the banking sector was one that always intrigued me. Last year, I joined Banque SYZ, a bank founded in 1996 that has been one of the success stories of the Geneva financial scene. I currently have several roles – mainly internal and digital communications – and I work in a truly fast-paced environment, which is something that I enjoy very much.
| 23 “The two years I spent at the Institute gave me the opportunity not only to network with my peers, but also to realise how important a certain work methodology can be.�
In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at SYZ Group? There are many ways you can succeed in a company like SYZ. I believe one of the main qualities has to be flexibility. We are a dynamic company that embraces change. It is in our DNA to think differently and to continuously challenge what others might take for granted. Did the Graduate Institute prepare you well? The Graduate Institute prepared me very well. The two years I spent at the Institute gave me the opportunity not only to network with my peers, but also to realise how important a certain work methodology can be. I learned how to manage a busy schedule, prioritise and absorb information quickly, as well as
embrace several viewpoints each time a variety of topics were discussed. What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? At the Institute, I learned to take numerous opinions into consideration in order to make a decision. One of the main qualities of the Institute is the variety of backgrounds each student brings to the table. Seeing matters from a different point of view can be challenging, but it also can and often will lead ultimately to a better final decision and solution. This is something I use on a daily basis at work.
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| SUBA SUTHARSHINI UMATHEVAN, Master in International Affairs Programme Partnerships Manager Plan International
How did you start your career? While I was completing my Master in International Affairs at the Graduate Institute, I started working for UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education (IBE) as a Research Fellow. My responsibility was to assess the experiences of mother-tongue and bilingual education programmes in Sub-Saharan African countries. I then moved on to become the Programme Executive of an international non-profit organisation aimed at improving the lives of women and children. I had the unique opportunity to develop their programme and advocacy department and oversee development projects in Africa and South America. In order to gain some private sector experience, I spent a few years managing Strategic Learning Programmes across the globe, identifying megatrends in the world today and preparing leaders for current and future challenges. My passion to work with children then brought me to Plan International, where I now develop strategic partnerships and design programmes in the areas of education, economic empowerment and child protection.
In my spare time, I host a talk show on a Tamil TV channel based in London, speaking to individuals from the Tamil diaspora who have overcome personal challenges, showed courage, and inspired others with their stories. Why did you choose to study at the Graduate Institute? While finishing my undergraduate degree at the University of Ottawa in Canada, I started looking for interesting master programmes that would help me pursue my career goals. Having grown up in Bern, I knew the international importance of Geneva, and I always had the dream of working in what is often called the World’s Capital, which it certainly is in terms of multilateral diplomacy. Hence the decision came easily. It was an excellent place to be in terms of career opportunities, while, at the same time, allowing me to be close to my family. Why did you choose a career at Plan International? Founded over 75 years ago, Plan International is one of the oldest and largest children’s development organisations in the world,
| 25 “The Graduate Institute gives the floor to professors who are change-makers and global policy-influencers.”
working across Africa, Asia and the Americas. Not only does it create positive change in the lives of millions of underprivileged children, but it also focuses on girls, which is what attracted me most to the organisation. Plan International applies a “girls’ lens” in its work, and girls’ rights are what make it stand out. Now that the Sustainable Development Goals have been adopted, we have a real chance to end gender inequality. It is a privilege to work for girls’ empowerment and to promote their rights. In your opinion, what are the qualities necessary for a successful career at Plan International? Commitment to the cause and perseverance in achieving our goals.
have written, we were in the privileged position to hear it from them personally. In addition to that, the diversity of the students, and thus the differing points of view they brought to the Institute, was invaluable. My years at the Graduate Institute were intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling. How are you benefitting from your position at Plan International? I started my career at Plan just last year in June, and so far it has been a very enriching experience. In January, I began a management development programme that aims to equip managers with the skills to fulfil responsibilities and to effectively manage their area of the business, thus contributing to the overall leadership of Plan International.
What advantage did the Institute give you from an intellectual point of view? Due to its location in International Geneva, the Graduate Institute gives the floor to professors who are change-makers and global policy-influencers. Rather than just reading what they More graduates’ success stories on
ACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT (AfD) Contact Fanny Naville, Project Officer T +41 22 347 92 17 | Address Rte de Ferney 150, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities AfD supports international students to get background and experience on development issues. AfD has the goal of devoting more of its energy into making a difference in the communities both in Geneva and in Afghanistan. To this end, we would like to increase our talent resources at our Geneva office by engaging young graduates aspiring to careers in development Internships offer the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience involving real responsibilities and allow interns to develop concrete skills and knowledge of development issues, working in an international environment Required skills and experience towards or a graduate of Master’s level studies in international relations or development studies > Excellent spoken and written English > Good sense of priority setting > Ability to work in an international environment with a diverse team > Be self-motivated, results-oriented, and able to work autonomously > Knowledge of French and any additional language would be an asset > Studying
International presence Afghanistan Sector Community development, capacity building, health, training Number of employees Switzerland: 12 | Afghanistan: 4 Recruitment period Throughout the year
| 27
ADMINISTRATION FÉDÉRALE Contact Adresse Office fédéral du personnel – OFPER Eigerstr. 71, 3003 Berne, Suisse Siège social Berne, Suisse Présence dans le monde Plus de 300 emplacements à l’étranger Filiales en Afrique, Amérique centrale, Amérique du Nord, Amérique du Sud, Asie, Europe, Océanie Secteur Administration publique
Effectif Suisse : 37 000 | Monde : 1100 Possibilités de stages 400-500 stages par année Pendant les études : 6 mois | Après les études : 12 mois Informations sur Période de recrutement Toute l’année Qualifications et expérience souhaitées connaissances de deux langues officielles > Etudes terminées avec succès > Sens des responsabilités > Volonté d’apprendre > Appréciant la collaboration interdisciplinaire > Affinité avec la politique > Intérêt pour les questions de société > Bonnes
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) Contact Address 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Metro Manila, Philippines Headquarters Manila, Philippines International presence 67 members countries Sector Development bank
Number of employees 3000+ Internship opportunities Required skills and experience Internship candidates must: > Be enrolled in a Master’s or PhD-level programme at a university in one of the ADB member countries, both prior to and after the internship assignment > Be engaged in academic study in a field directly related to ADB’s work > Be a national of one of ADB’s member countries > Possess an excellent command of English > Have relevant professional experience
| 29
Required skills and experience degree in international relations, humanitarian action, social science, public health, epidemiology and other relevant education > At least one year of relevant experience in the humanitarian sector > Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods > Ability to work efficiently under pressure, manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines, while maintaining attention to detail and working efficiently in a team > Takes initiatives, manages own use of time and is selfmotivating > Flexibility, including willingness to work overtime > Excellent written and verbal communication skills > Excellent English (spoken and written), fluent French or Spanish (spoken and written) is mandatory, other languages an asset > Good working knowledge of MS Office and of social media (Twitter) > Master’s
Contact Francesca Pezzola, Communications Officer, Address Av. de France 23, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Guinea, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Turkey Sector Humanitarian needs assessments Number of employees Switzerland: 18 | Worldwide: 27
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Contact T +41 22 544 20 70 Address Rue de Malatrex 32, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland, International presence Bogota, Geneva, Luxembourg, Nairobi and Singapore Sector Finance, equitable investment Number of employees Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: 23 Internship opportunities According to needs
Required skills and experience > Venture capital > Private equity investments > Economic development or > Social entrepreneurship Please visit our career website to access the latest opportunities:
| 31
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Contact Aïda Mechkene Chourou Address Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence 86 countries Number of employees Switzerland: 27 | Worldwide: More than 10,000 Internship opportunities Yes, 3 –6 months, mainly in Geneva, Switzerland
Required skills and experience Opportunities are available for students and professionals with diverse levels of expertise, knowledge and experience > Experience and skills in political science, international relations, international relief, humanitarian or development sector, safety and security or other related studies, or a combination of international development studies and practical experience are an asset > English Please visit our career website to access the latest opportunities:
Internship opportunities In Spring: outreach and research internships in the Geneva office In Summer: diverse internships at the International Conferences in Caux above Montreux
Recruitment period Mainly January-March
Contact Brigitt Altwegg, Project Manager Switzerland Address Rue Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Lucerne, Switzerland International presence 60 countries Sector Peacebuilding Number of employees Switzerland: 20 | Worldwide: More than 200
Required skills and experience Depending on the volunteer, internship or job opportunity For jobs and internships, check out the website For volunteering opportunities, check out the website Training programme CAUX Scholars programme: CAUX Interns programme: Workshops for students:
| 33
Internship opportunities Yes, mainly in Washington DC Please refer to our website
Contact David Azoulay, Geneva Managing Attorney Recruitment period Throughout the year Address Rue des Savoises 15, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Washington DC, USA International presence Geneva, Switzerland | Washington DC, USA Sector International environmental law, human rights law Number of employees Switzerland: 1 | Worldwide: 20
Required skills and experience > Various opportunities are available for students and professionals with diverse levels of expertise and knowledge > Experience and skills in international law and/or environmental law are an asset Remarks Over the last 20 years, CIEL has trained more than 350 interns from 53 countries
Sector Humanitarian aid, emergency Contact Catherine Baud-Lavigne, Deputy Director Address Rue des Maraîchers 8, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Yes, projects financed in many countries
Number of employees Switzerland: 20 Internship opportunities Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience Depends on department but language prerequisite is German and French
| 35
CENTRE FOR INFORMATION, COUNSELLING AND TRAINING FOR PROFESSIONS RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (CINFO) Contact T + 41 32 365 80 02 Address Rue Centrale 115, PO Box 2500 Bienne 7, Switzerland Sector Recruitement in international cooperation Recruitment period Throughout the year (information in the newsletter)
Internship/Employment opportunities > Our online job database, cinfoPoste provides a wide range of announcements of vacant positions in the field of international cooperation (DFAE) > We also recruit for JPO positions and UN Youth Volunteers Programme for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (DDC) Remarks > We organise information and networking events with UN agencies and development banks > Our publications, available on our website, provide tips for application procedures and entry level opportunities > We offer support through our coaching and career counselling services > Stay up-to-date by registering for our newsletter > Follow us on:, and
CODETHIC Contact T + 41 22 735 47 31
Internship opportunities Yes, in Geneva and representative offices Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and competences degree for project management roles > Excellent level of English and French > At least 2 years’ professional experience following studies > Master’s
Address Rue des Eaux-Vives 94, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland International presence Worldwide Sector Management consulting, corporate social responsability (CSR)
Training Programme A training course of 3–8 weeks will be given prior to engagement with projects
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CUTS INTERNATIONAL Contact Josiane Rufener T + 41 22 734 60 80 Address Rue de Vermont 37-39, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Jaipur, India Sector Trade and development International presence Ghana, India, Kenya, Switzerland, Vietnam, Zambia Number of employees Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: 100–150
Internship opportunities Yes Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience > Postgraduate student in political science, economics, international relations, development studies or related fields with a strong academic background > Fluency in English is essential; knowledge of French is an asset > Highly motivated and willing to learn and contribute Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with CUTS International regarding internships for the Institute’s students
Internship opportunities Yes
Contact Niall Saville T + 41 22 809 99 00
Recruitment period Throughout the year
41 241
Address Rue de Chantepoulet 7, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Sector Private International presence Denmark, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Tanzania, UAE, UK, USA Number of employees Switzerland: 12 | Worldwide: 210
Required skills and experience While we hire candidates with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, successful candidates typically have the following characteristics: > Professional services experience with a top management consulting firm > Experience living, studying or working in a developing country > Academic credentials from a leading university > Entrepreneurial mindset and willingness to build our organisation > Long-term commitment to raising living standards around the world
| 39
DANISH REFUGEE COUNCIL (DRC) Recruitment period Throughout the year Contact Stephan Maurer, Geneva Representative | T +41 22 552 22 88 Address Av. de France 23, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Copenhagen, Denmark Sector Humanitarian aid, forced displacement, migration, mine action, integration Internship opportunities 1–6 months. In principle limited to selected programs and duty stations. The Geneva office can be approached by candidates for internships Number of employees Switzerland: 5 | Worldwide: over 3500
Required skills and experience > Fluency in English > Enrollment in or completed university degree > Motivation to work on issues related to our mandate > Analytical and to think critically capacities > Good interpersonal skills International presence > Central Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan > East and Central Africa: Central African Republic, DRCongo, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda > Europe and Caucasus: Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine > Horn of Africa and Yemen: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen > Latin America: Colombia > Middle East: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey > North Africa: Libya, Tunisia > South Asia: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam > West Africa: Burkina Faso, Cote d`Ivoire, Guniea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria
Possibilités de stages Oui
Recrutement Concours diplomatique organisé une fois par an pour douze stagiaires environ
Adresse Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) Direction des ressources Bundesgasse 28, 3003 Berne, Suisse
Programme de formation 15 mois comprenant une formation de base à la centrale à Berne et un stage pratique en principe à l’étranger
Siège social Berne, Suisse Présence dans le monde Internationale Secteur Public Effectif 360 diplomates dans près de 100 pays
Qualifications et expérience souhaitées > Master > Maîtrise parfaite de deux langues nationales et une onusienne (anglais, russe, arabe, chinois ou espagnol) > Pas d’antécédents judiciaires > Etre âgé de 35 ans maximum
| 41
FONDATION ASHOKA International presence Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Kenya, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Sahel, Scandinavia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA, Venezuela Required skills and experience
> Interest in social entrepreneurship and non-profit sector;
Contact Olivier Fruchaud,
> Experience in project management
understanding of CSR issues and/or strategic philanthropy > Ability to think strategically and laterally
Address c/o Quadia, rue du Conseil Général 20, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland
> Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work collabora-
tively with colleagues from different backgrounds > Strong oral and written communication skills in English
Headquarters Arlington, USA
and French (for Geneva) or German (for Zurich) > Good Computer skills (MS Excel, MS Office)
Sector Social innovation
> Autonomy, entrepreneurial skills, rigor, enthusiasm and
positivism Internship opportunities Geneva and Zurich Recruitment period January and June Number of employees Switzerland: 4 | Worldwide: 200+
Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Fondation Ashoka regarding internships for the Institute’s students
Each year students from the Graduate Institute’s interdisciplinary master programmes in international affairs and development studies carry out, as part of their curricula, research projects worth 9ECTS for international and non-governmental organisations, public institutions and the private sector. Organisations benefit from the Applied Research Seminars by engaging students from a leading academic institution to carry out research projects such as desk studies, interviews, data collection and analysis on topics relevant to their sector. The results of the Applied Research Seminar are delivered to the organisations by the Institute’s students through reports and presentations. By helping students gain hands-on experience working in partnership with them on real world projects, organisations can also tap into the Graduate Institute’s talent pool for recruitment and expertise. The Institute’s students come from over 100 different countries. More than 70% speak three languages or more and the majority have international
work experience. Our rigorous selection process ensures that they are some of the most promising minds from their countries. Our study programmes prepare them to work on the world’s major challenges. Groups of two to four master students in their second year work together on a given research topic elaborated with the partner organisation and the Graduate Institute’s faculty. Research starts in spring and is finalised in December. The groups receive guidance and supervision by Graduate Institute faculty on methodology and content. Partners are expected to interact with the groups on a regular basis and meet them at least three times. The ARS does not require any financial participation but partners would be expected to pay for any non-discretionary expenses such as long distance-travel. Contact us to find out more.
| 43
Sector Social movement
Contact T +41 22 328 03 41
Internship opportunities Yes Each FIAN section and co-ordination retains its own recruitment strategy and policy, please check directly with the respective sections and coordinations for job offers
Address Maison des Associations, Rue des Savoises 15 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters International secretariats in Heidelberg, Germany and Geneva Switzerland International presence ~ 50 countries
Recruitment period Throughout the year
GAVI – THE VACCINE ALLIANCE Contact Undram Bayarsaikhan, HR Consultant T +41 22 909 66 11 Address Ch. des Mines 2, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Washington, USA
Number of employees 231 Internship opportunities Limited availability Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience According to the needs
| 45
International presence Works in 15 countries Permanent staff in Colombia, DRCongo, Iraq, Lebanon, Thailand Contact T +41 22 879 10 50
Internship opportunities Yes For the regional departments (Asia, Africa, Middle East), the communication department, and the legal and policy department
Address Ch. de la Chevillarde 47, 1208 Chêne-Bougeries, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
> Fluency in French, English, and languages spoken in
Sector Respect of humanitarian norms by armed groups Number of employees Around 25
Required skills and experience country of operations > Knowledge of humanitarian norms or background in international relations > Advanced writing > Analytical and communication skills > Strong interpersonal skills
GENEVA CENTRE FOR SECURITY POLICY (GCSP) emerging security challenges, regional capacity development as well as in geopolitics and global futures Recruitment period Throughout the year
Required skills and experience > Current student or recent graduate in international relations,
Contact Priscilla Calmes, Head of HR Operations and Support Services Address Maison de la paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2D PO Box 1295, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland International presence 48 member states represented on the GCSP Foundation Council
development, political sciences, economics, international humanitarian law or other relevant field > One year of prior work or internship experience, preferably in organisations in the humanitarian, development or international cooperation sector > Proficiency in English and French; knowledge of German, Spanish and/or Arabic an asset > Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail > Ability to interact with colleagues of diverse cultures; respect for diversity > Ability to work autonomously, yet under guidance
Number of employees 60+ Internship opportunities Yes, a range of internship opportunities exists in the Centre’s four programmes: leadership, conflict and crisis management,
Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) regarding internships for the Institute’s students
| 47
Number of employees Switzerland: 45 | Worldwide: 111
Contact T +41 22 749 18 50
Internship opportunities Yes, for 6 months
Address Rue de Vermont 37-39, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
> A first administrative/field experience is highly appreciated
Required skills and experience > Fluency in English is mandatory. Depending on the
International presence Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, UK, USA
location, there might be other requirements > Excellent working knowledge of the entire MS Office
package along with good general IT skills > Good analytical and communication skills, attention to
detail, good time management and organizational skills Sector International development, health and nutrition
> Depending on the position, there might be other
Recruitment period May-July (for Junior Programme Officer positions)
Contact | T + 41 22 730 93 60 Required skills and experience Address Maison de la paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2C, PO Box 1300, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence 60 countries Sector Humanitarian demining Number of employees Switzerland: 50 Internship opportunities 5 Junior Programme Officer positions offered annually
> Recent university studies in international relations,
development, political sciences, economics, international humanitarian law or other relevant field > One year prior work or internship experience, preferably in organisations in the humanitarian, development or international cooperation sector > Proficiency in spoken and written English and French is required; knowledge of German, Spanish or Arabic is an asset > Good IT skills; proficiency in Windows environment is expected > Excellent organisational skills and attention to detail > Ability to interact with colleagues of diverse cultures; respect for diversity > Ability to work autonomously, yet under guidance
| 49
Internship opportunities Yes
Contact T +41 22 929 00 00
Recruitment period 3–6 months
Address Av. Louis-Casaï 71, 1216 Cointrin Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Required skills and experience Written and verbal and communication skills, advanced degree in political science, international affairs or other relevant field
International presence Worldwide
Training programme Yes
Sector Youth employment Number of employees 7
GLOBAL FOOTPRINT NETWORK (GFN) Contact Loredana Serban Address International Environment House 2, Ch. de Balexert 9, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Oakland (California), USA
Internship opportunities Many opportunities are presently available in Oakland and Geneva Recruitment period Throughout the year for a period of 3 months minimum Required skills and experience Candidates from the following fields are encouraged to apply: environmental science, economics, social sciences, communications and statistical analysis
International presence Belgium, Switzerland, USA Sector Environmental think-tank Number of employees Switzerland: 7 | Worldwide: 35
Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Global Footprint Network (GFN) regarding internships for the Institute’s students
| 51
THE GLOBAL FUND TO FIGHT AIDS, TUBERCULOSIS AND MALARIA Contact Address Ch. de Blandonnet 8, 1214 Vernier, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland Sector Public health Number of employees 684
Internship opportunities Yes Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience As per job descriptions Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria regarding internships for the Institute’s students
| 53
Number of employees 6
Contact Dr Nidal Salim, Founder and Director Youness Chtaini, Scientific Officer
Internship opportunities Yes, for 6 months
Address Rue de Chantepoulet 10, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland Sector Environment, water, development
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Contact Anaïs Pigot, HR Officer
> Master
Address Ch. de Balexert 7, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence 15 countries, among which Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Myanmar, Niger, South Sudan, Turkey, Ukraine
Required skills and competences degree in relevant discipline: anthropology, sciences, assessment, or similar > Excellent analytical skills > Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting > Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility > Familiarity with the aid system, and understanding of donor and governmental requirements > Experience in assessments, evaluations an asset; preferably in an international context
Sector Humanitarian sector Number of employees 50 Internship opportunities Yes Assessment intern for 6 months
Training programme 3 days in Paris in ACTED HQ and 1 day in Geneva in IMPACT HQ
| 55
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (ICJ) Contact Clotilde Salomon, Human Resources Officer Address Rue des Bains 33, PO Box 91, 1211 Geneva 8, Switzerland
Number of employees Switzerland: 26 | Worldwide: 49 Internship opportunities Yes, internships are unpaid and normally last from 3 to 6 months
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
International presence Belgium, Guatemala, Nepal, Myanmar, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia, Zimbabwe
Required skills and experience Requirements vary according to position For legal posts, a Master in law is required
Sector Human Rights
| 57
INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC) Contact Markus Dolder, T + 41 22 730 25 18 Address Av. de la Paix 19, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Sector Humanitarian International presence 80 countries Number of employees Switzerland: 950 | Worldwide: 13,000 Internship opportunities About 70 positions every year
Recruitment period Throughout the year Approximately 400 other worldwide positions per year Required skills and experience least 2 years of work experience > Empathy > Team building ability > Adaptability > Stress resistance > Readiness to work in war-torn environments under potentially permanent tension > At
Training programme Two weeks integration course before the first field mission and then further options depending on career development
| 59
International Development Law Organization
Number of employees Switzerland: 3 | Worldwide: 480
Contact Julian Fleet Permanent Observer and Head of Permanent Delegation
Internship opportunities Yes
Address Av. de France 23, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Rome (Italy), with branch office in The Hague (The Netherlands) and Permanent Observer offices in Geneva (Switzerland) and New York (USA)
> International
International presence Field offices in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas Sector Rule of law, access to justice, law and development
Required skills and competences relations > Human rights > Law > Strong analytic > English drafting skills
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION (ILO) Contact Address Rte des Morillons 4, 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Worldwide Sector Labour, economic and social development, etc. Number of employees Switzerland: 1,000 | Worldwide: 3,000
Internship opportunities Internships are intended to provide a learning and development experience for selected high calibre candidates with a view to: > Increasing their understanding of relevant issues at the international level by direct involvement in the work of the Office and the application of ILO values, principles, programmes, policies and strategies > Gaining practical work experience from the ILO which is directly related to their area of specialisation The normal duration of an internship is between 3 and 6 months Required skills and experience > Be enrolled in the final year of a graduate degree programme, or in a higher degree programme or have completed your studies no earlier than one year prior to the application > Have a working knowledge (both oral and written) of at least one of the ILO’s working languages: English, French and Spanish > Be able to adapt to an international, multicultural and multilingual environment > Have good communication skills and be able to work in a team
| 61
Internship opportunities With the launch of the new application “Geneva Human Rights Agenda” RIDH will need the support of more people as the collaboration with other NGO’s continue growing Contact Maria Lindelien, Project Officer
Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience interest in human rights > Spanish is a strong asset as RIDH works mainly in Latin America
Address Rue Gardiol 8, Atelier no 307, 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland
> Strong
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Training programme Throughout the year with the possibility to directly attend meetings and sessions at the UN and write articles and reports. Also twice a year training programme for journalists in Latin America which interns are asked to join
International presence Worldwide Number of employees Switzerland: 12
INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) Contact Sherree Atkinson Address Rte des Morillons 17, 1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland
Recruitment period Interns tend to be students approaching the end of their studies or graduates between 19 and 32 years of age (average age is 26) For positions of one year subject to a vacancy announcement (VN), recruitment can take from 2 to 4 months For positions of 3 to 9 months subject to short-term vacancy announcements (SVN), recruitment can take from 2 to 4 weeks
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence More than 240 country offices worldwide Sector Humanitarian Number of employees Switzerland: 200 | Worldwide 8,500 Internship opportunities Throughout the year
Required skills and competences > Fluent knowledge of English and/or French or Spanish > Nationals from IOM member states > Holders of an advanced university qualification > Persons with at least 3 years of professional experience in their respective fields of expertise or several years of experience for senior level positions > Persons willing to be assigned to IOM duty stations in the field
| 63
INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE (IRC) Address Rue J.-A.-Gautier 7, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters New York, USA International presence More than 40 countries: Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Caucasus, Europe, Middle East as well as refugee resettlement offices in the United States. The full list can be accessed at: Number of employees 10,000+
Sector Emergency response, health, children and youth, women’s protection and empowerment, governance and rights, advocacy, economic recovery, refugee resettlement Internship opportunities Yes, see volunteer page: Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience Varies on positions
INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION (ITU) Contact Marianne Wilson, Deputy Chief HR Management Department
Internship opportunities Yes. Currently candidates are selected on an ad hoc, first come first serve basis determined by the needs of various sectors and departments within ITU
Address Pl. des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Barbados, Brazil, Cameroon, Chile, Egypt, Ethiopia, Honduras, Indonesia, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, USA, Zimbabwe Sector Information and telecommunication technologies Number of employees 837
Recruitment period Throughout the year Certain vacancies are published on the ITU website Required skills and experience Preferably candidates enrolled in an advanced university degree programme or recently graduated
| 65
INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE (ITC) Contact Address Rue Montbrillant 54-56, 1212 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland | New-York, USA | London, UK
Internship opportunities Yes. The internship offers: > To promote, among participants, a better understanding of trade promotion issues at the international level > An opportunity to develop their personal competencies working in an international environment and to build a professional network > Most importantly, it provides the interns a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a UN agency
Sector Trade-related technical assistance Number of employees 312 Recruitment period Throughout the year Internships can last for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 months, although the initial period is normally 3 to 4 months with the possibility of an extension Please register on career-options/internship-programme/
Required skills and experience Applicants to the ITC internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements: > Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher) or > Have graduated and, if selected, must commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation > Good command of English or French
Number of employees Worldwide: 1000
Contact | T +41 22 999 00 00
Internship opportunities Yes, 3 or more months
Address Rue Mauverney 28, 1196, Gland, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Gland, Switzerland
Required skills and experience Depending on internship opening
International presence 45 countries Sector Environmental organisation
| 67
Sector Peacebuilding Number of employees 300
Address Maison de la paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2E, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Yes
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
International presence Belize, Burundi, Costa Rica, Cyprus, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Israel, Liberia, Nicaragua, Panama, Palestine, Rwanda, Somali Region and Timor-Leste
Required skills and experience > Outstanding graduates > Experience in countries where we work is an asset > English, French, Spanish or Portuguese
| 69
Internship opportunities Yes, minimum of 3 months at the Geneva Office and the New York Office
Contact or Michael Gussing,
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Av. de la Paix 7bis, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
> Applicants
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence New York, USA | The Hague, Netherlands Sector International humanitarian law Number of employees 9 –12
Required skills and competences must be enrolled in a university graduate programme, preferably in international relations, international criminal law and/or international humanitarian law > Fluency of written and oral English and good working knowledge of at least one other UN language > Strong analytical skills and problem-solving ability, resistance to stress, a focus on results, team spirit, strong organisational skills, flexibility and adaptability, strong knowledge of international humanitarian law and international affairs
| 71
LALIVE Internship opportunities Yes Recruitment period Throughout the year Contact Dr. Bernd Ehle, Hiring Partner
Required skills and experience > Master and/or PhD in law
Address Geneva office: Rue de la Mairie 35, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland Zurich office: Stampfenbachplatz 4, 8042 Zurich, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
> Strong analytical, drafting and language skills
(in particular in English; some knowledge of French) Training programme Opportunity to attend regularly conferences, workshops in field of practice as well as regular in-house training
Sector Law firm International presence Qatar LALIVE is an international law firm with offices in Geneva, Zurich and Doha (LALIVE IN QATAR LLC). It is renowned for its expertise in international legal matters, including international dispute resolution (litigation and arbitration) Number of employees Switzerland: 64 lawyers | Worldwide: 68, including 18 partners
Remarks The firm comprises lawyers and legal advisers from over 15 countries who together speak more than a dozen languages and whose legal expertise covers Switzerland and several other key jurisdictions. A number of them are Graduate Institute’s alumni. They advise and represent clients on a global basis with particular emphasis on the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. Key industry sectors include energy, telecommunications, construction and infrastructure
Number of employees Over 200 attorneys at law
Contact Me Daniel Schafer, Hiring Partner
Presence Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich
Internship opportunities Please refer to our website for further details For specific internship openings
Sector Law firm
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Rte de Chêne 30, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland
| 73
THE MERCK GROUP Contact Marine Simon Administrative Coordinator, Access to Health (A2H)
Number of employees Around 38,000 in more than 66 countries
Address Quai des Bergues 29, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Darmstadt, Germany International presence 147 countries Sector Pharmaceuticals
Internship opportunities Yes, 1 to 12 months long
Required skills and experience Depending on internship opening Training program On a case by case basis, depending on the position and needs
MERCY CORPS Contact Louise Barber, HR Director Address C/- 49 - 51 East Road, London N1 6AH, UK Headquarters Edinburgh, UK International presence 40+ countries globally Sector International humanitarian and development Number of employees Worldwide: 4,000+
Remarks Poverty. Conflict. Disaster. These are the global challenges that Mercy Corps have been responding to since 1979, helping more than 258 million people survive emergencies and build back better. When a natural disaster strikes, an economy collapses, or conflict erupts, Mercy Corps is there. We respond immediately to meet urgent needs for food, water and shelter, and stay beyond the emergency to partner with communities for their long-term recovery. Our network of professionals in more than 40 countries literally speaks the language – 93 percent of our field staff are from the country where they work – giving them unique insight into what will move communities from relief to recovery and ultimately toward resilience. We believe even in the world’s most challenging places, people have the power to transform their own lives when they have the right resources. Growing more food, earning higher incomes, advocating for their needs – we leverage their local logic to pioneer innovative, sustainable solutions that build stronger communities.
| 75
NOVARTIS FOUNDATION Contact T +41 61 696 23 00 Address Novartis Campus, Forum 1.3.92, 4002 Basel, Switzerland Headquarters Basel, Switzerland Sector Global health
Number of employees Switzerland: 12 Internship opportunities Yes Required skills and competences Depends on the position but health/medical background can be an asset
| 77
> increase Contact Nigol Vanian, Chief, HR Management Section
the intern’s understanding of current human rights issues at the international level and give them an insight into the work of the United Nations and OHCHR > provide OHCHR and the United Nations Human Rights mechanisms with the assistance and contribution of outstanding young students or graduates
Address Palais Wilson, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period > Summer deadline: 30 April > Winter deadline: 31 October
Sector Human rights Number of employees Worldwide: 1,062 Internship opportunities Yes Internships for graduate students are available for a period of 2-6 months. They are intended to:
Required skills and competences > Be enrolled in a Master’s or PhD programme throughout the entire duration of the internship > If candidates are pursuing studies in a country where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages, they must be enrolled in the fifth year (or higher) at a university or equivalent institution
Address Rue André Pascal 2, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France
Internship opportunities > Winter round (for those wishing to start between Jan-Jun) applications from mid-September to mid-March > Summer round (for those wishing to start between Jul-Dec) applications from mid-March to mid-September
Headquarters Paris, France
Recruitment period Throughout the year
International presence Public Affairs and Communications offices in Berlin, Mexico City, Tokyo and Washington DC
Required skills and competences > Master’s degree in economics, statistics, social affairs, development, or another related field
Sector International organisation
Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Corporate Internship Agreement with the OECD creating a traineeship programme for the Institute’s students
Contact Naoto Sugiura,
Number of employees 3,246
| 79
PERMANENT DELEGATION OF THE EU TO THE UN OFFICE AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS IN GENEVA Number of employees Switzerland: 40 | Worldwide: 3,400 There are 55,000 EU civil servants in total
Internship opportunities Yes. In Brussels, Geneva and EU Delegations worldwide
Contact For Geneva internship opportunities For all other opportunities
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Rue du Grand-Pré 64, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
> Master
International presence The EU is represented through 139 EU Delegations and Offices around the world. Other EU institutions (European Commission, Council and Parliament) are also significant employers Sector International relations
Required skills and experience student in public administration, international relations, human rights, languages or similar > Fluency in at least two official EU languages Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the Permanent Delegation ot the EU to the UN Office and other IOs in Geneva regarding internships for the Institute’s students
Internship opportunities Yes
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Geneva Office: Rue du Conseil Général 14, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland Paris Office: Rue Berryer 5, 75008 Paris, France Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland | Paris, France International presence Worldwide operational outreach Sector Counselling and strategic planning in philanthropy Number of employees 6
Required skills and experience interpersonal skills, ability to multi-task, team spirit, taking initiatives > Outstanding communication and public relation skills > Excellent analytical and writing skills > Experience in humanitarian and development environments an asset > Experience in CSR an asset > Proficiency in French and English > Strong
| 81
Internship opportunities Yes Minimum 4 months, maximum 6 month Recruitment period Throughout the year Contact Irene Cantini, Administrative Officer Address Rue de Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Woking, UK International presence More than 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas Sector International development non-profit Number of employees Switzerland: 17 | Worldwide: 10,000
Required skills and experience > Master’s degree in human rights, political science, international law, international development or any other specific field > Interest in child rights and knowledge of human rights issues, as well as a good understanding of NGO structures and the UN human rights system > Good analytical skills > Excellent oral and written communication skills in English. Fluency in French and/or Spanish is an asset > Ability to use initiative, prioritise competing workloads and work independently > Excellent interpersonal skills; desire and ability to work in an international and collaborative team environment
PROFESSIONALS IN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND PROTECTION (PHAP) Contact Martin Damary, Office Manager Address Rue de Montbrillant 87, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence International association with members present in 146 countries Sector Humanitarian Recruitment period New positions starting every 3 months
Internship opportunities 2-3 internship positions in the following areas: > Management and Governance > Communications > Member relations > Events and Member Exchange > Humanitarian Law and Policy Required skills and experience > Excellent English language skills (both oral and written). Professional proficiency in other languages, especially in French and Arabic, is an advantage > A demonstrated aptitude and enthusiasm for learning how to use new IT tools and systems > Demonstrated interest in the field of humanitarian sector > Prior working experience in a similar environment is an advantage > Strong organisational skills, resourcefulness, flexibility and ability to multi-task > Entrepreneurial spirit
| 83
Internship opportunities Yes
Contact Jeremy Godelaine |
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Rte de Saint Georges 47, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland
Recruitment possibilities We offer full-time entry level management and internship positions all year round in the following functions: marketing, finance, purchasing, consumer market knowledge, human resources, sales, IT and customer service and logistics. Please go to to see current openings
Headquarters Cincinnati, USA International presence 80 countries
Required skills and experience degree > Fluency in English > Leadership demonstrated in extracurricular activities and/or internships > Collaboration and communication skills > Passion for learning > Master’s
Sector Consumer Goods Number of employees Switzerland: 3,000 | Worldwide: 121,000
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Contact Caroline Poncet
> Assurance
Internship opportunities > Tax
Address Av. Giuseppe-Motta 50, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
and Legal Services
> Advisory > Administrative
Headquarters Zurich Oerlikon, Switzerland International presence 157 countries Sector Consulting Number of employees Switzerland: 2,767 | Worldwide: 195,433
Required skills and experience > Soft skills : team spirit, client oriented, flexibility > Hard skills : depending on the sector (finance, consulting, audit, economy, law, legal…) > Experience: no experience required for internships or entry positions
| 85
RET INTERNATIONAL Contact Address Rue de Saint-Jean 36, 1203 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Present operational presence in Afghanistan, Belize, Burundi, Chad, DRCongo, Kenya, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Lebanon, Panama, Turkey, Venezuela Since inception, RET has have been active in 27 countries across three continents with over 140 programmes and projects Sector Non-Profit | Humanitarian and transitional development assistance for forced displaced young people Number of employees Approx. 250 management staff with 700 team members overall Recruitment period Throughout the year
Internship opportunities RET International hires interns in the field as well as in our headquarters in Geneva. Internships offer great hands-on experience involving real responsibilities and allow interns to develop concrete skills and a thorough understanding of working in a humanitarian context Required skills and experience > Master degree in a relevant field such as education, social work, international relations, refugee issues, humanitarian action, development, conflict prevention and mitigation, possibly gender issues, child labour issues, human rights and/ or democracy & governance > Excellent command of English + French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic or German > Prior field experience and/or experience of working in international settings > Demonstrated knowledge of the INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, would be greatly appreciated > Excellent organisational, analytical and writing skills > Capacity to work independently, but with a strong team spirit > Flexible timetable > Very good communication skills
Address Rue de Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Save the Children advertises its job vacancies and internship opportunities nationally on its websites The Geneva Office usually recruits interns for a period of 6 months; there is opportunity to work either for the Advocacy Office or the Global Education Cluster
Headquarters London, UK
Recruitment period Throughout the year
International presence 29 national organisations working together to deliver programmes in over 120 countries around the world
Required skills and experience > Ongoing or completed Master’s level studies in a relevant field (law, political science, international relations, education) > Proven ability to work in multifaceted and international setting > Excellent spoken and written communication skills: fluency in English and French > Knowledge of the UN humanitarian system > Computer skills
Sector Child rights, humanitarian response Number of employees Switzerland: 16 (10 in Geneva, 6 in Zurich) Worldwide: 14,000
| 87
Internship opportunities Yes
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Pl. des Alpes 1, PO Box 2152, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland
Training programme Yes Basic Consulting Readiness (BCR): 1 week Mini-MBA: 3 weeks Regular training courses throughout career
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Worldwide
Required skills and experience the status quo > Be competitive and profit driven > Have the energy to deliver > Keep things simple > Act quickly and decisively and above all > Behave with integrity > Challenge
Sector Industries Agriculture and Food | Automotive | Chemical | Construction | Consumer Goods & Retail | Energy | Finance | Industrial Manufacturing | Life Sciences | Logistics | Mining | Oil and Gas | Public Sector | Environment | Health and Safety | Risk Management | Sustainability | Trade Number of employees Switzerland: 280 | Worldwide: 70,000
| 89
SIDLEY AUSTIN LLP Contact Laura Juillet, Office Manager T +41 22 308 00 00 | Address Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Chicago, USA International presence Australia, Belgium, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, UK, USA Sector Legal Services, Trade, Arbitrations, Life Sciences Number of employees Switzerland: 40 | Worldwide: 1,900
Internship opportunities 9 month paid internships > The intern will gain invaluable experience working with lawyers and international trade analysts in the WTO Global Policy, International Arbitration and Dispute, and Life Sciences Practices Required skills and experience We would like to hear from lawyers and economists with experience or demonstrable interest in international trade, trade litigation, WTO law, arbitration and life sciences. Candidates will be focused, intelligent and enthusiastic with a strong personality, a sense of humour and a real interest in practising law in the commercial world
Internship opportunities > Unpaid internship (up tp 8 weeks) during semester breaks > Paid
internship (up to 6 months) depending on availability of project funding Address Maison de la Paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2E, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Bosnia Herzegovina, Honduras, Nepal, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Ukraine Sector Disarmament, arms control, violence prevention and reduction; data collection, research and analysis Number of employees Switzerland: 20 | Worldwide: network of experts
Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience > Excellent command of written and spoken English (other languages are an asset) > Good written and oral communication skills > Demonstrable interest and abilities to be able to make a contribution to the Survey > Demonstrable skills in qualitative and/or quantitative research methods is an asset > Computer proficiency is a requirement, particularly Word, Powerpoint and Excel (statistical packages may be desired, depending on the type of internship)
| 91
Sector Finance, non-profit
Contact T +41 22 849 19 13
Number of employees 800 (17 founding members)
Address Ch. Rieu 17, 1208 Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Yes
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
SWISS INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION (SIHO) Contact Fanny Naville, Project and Partnership Manager T +41 22 311 55 33
Internship opportunities Various opportunities are available for students and professionals with diverse levels of expertise and knowledge Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Pl. de la Taconnerie 2, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Burundi, Jordan Sector Education, development, higher education for refugees in UNHCR camps Number of employees Switzerland: 6 | Worldwide: 4
Required skills and experience > Studying towards or a graduate of Master level studies in international relations or development studies > Excellent spoken and written English and French skills > Good sense of priority setting > Ability to work in an international environment with a diverse team > Be self-motivated, results-oriented, and able to work autonomously
| 93
Number of employees Switzerland: 60 | Worldwide: 84
Internship opportunities Yes, 3–6 months internship
Address Rue de la Synagogue 31, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Required skills and experience > Familiarity with economics/accounting > Interest in microfinance and impact investing > Good knowledge of MS Office > Excellent written and oral skills in English > Other languages are an asset
International presence Cape Town, Geneva, London, Singapore, Zurich Sector Sustainable and Impact Finance
UN CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) Address Av. de la Paix 5-7, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters New York, USA
Internship opportunities The UNICEF Internship Programme offers eligible/qualified students at both Headquarters and country offices the opportunity to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF’s work under the direct supervision of experienced UNICEF staff
International presence Active in more than 190 countries, territories and areas through country programmes and National Committees
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Sector Children’s Rights
> Internship requirements
Required skills and experience Number of employees Switzerland: 253 | Worldwide: 12,531
> Employment requirements
| 95
UN CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) Address Palais des Nations, Av. de la Paix 8-14, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Worldwide Sector Trade and development | Interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development Number of employees 500, mostly based in Geneva
Internship opportunities Yes Recruitment period As part of the United Nations Secretariat, UNCTAD employs a recruitment process that is governed by the United Nations staff selection system (Inspira), which publishes a compendium of current job openings within the United Nations Secretariat Required skills and experience or PhD programme or > Have graduated with a university degree and commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation > Be enrolled in a Master
Number of employees Switzerland: 43 | Worldwide: 7,722
Address Ch. des Anémones 11-13, 1219 Châtelaine, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Yes
Headquarters New York, USA
Recruitment period Throughout the year
International presence 140 countries and territories
Required skills and experience Enrollment in a graduate-level degree programme in a development related field such as economics, public or business administration, or environmental studies
Sector > Sustainable development > Democratic governance > Crisis response and climate change
| 97
UN ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP) GENEVA ENVIRONMENT NETWORK (GEN) Contact Diana Rizzolio Address Ch. des Anémones 11, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters UNEP: Nairobi, Kenya | GEN: Geneva International presence Worldwide Sector Environment Number of employees Switzerland: 200 | Worldwide: 1,200 Recruitment period Throughout the year
Internship opportunities UNEP, students from a wide range of disciplines are able to apply to internships. Depending on qualifications, candidates are selected for internships that relate either to the organisation’s strategic activities or to administrative or technical functions. Internships provide an opportunity to work in a multi-cultural international organisation > GEN diffuses vacancies from its members through its mailing lists and website > For
Required skills and experience > For UNEP internships, the applicant must be enrolled in a post-graduate programme, and must continue to be enrolled for the duration of the internship > For other GEN member organisations, qualifications vary in accordance with the organisation
Internship opportunities Yes
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Contact Silvano Sofia, T + 41 22 917 27 70
Required skills and experience For internships, candidates must be > Enrolled in a graduate programme in a field relevant to the work of FAO > Fuent in English and in the working language of the office of assignment
Address Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy Headquarters Rome, Italy International presence More than 130 countries Sector Food security and nutrition security, trade and markets, sustainable management of natural resources, resilience and disaster risks reduction, social development, forestry, etc. Number of employees Geneva: 10 | Worldwide: 3,000
Training programme The FAO Junior Professional Programme (JPP) provides young professionals under the age of 32 with an opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with the FAO. Each Junior Professional will also be assigned a mentor, a senior member of staff who will provide guidance and informal feedback throughout the assignment
| 99
Number of employees 8,600
Contact Anne-Marie Deutschlander
Internship opportunities Yes
Address Rue du Montbrillant 94, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Required skills and experience Varies according to position
International presence Worldwide: 126 countries
Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) regarding internships for the Institute’s students
Sector Humanitarian | Refugees, stateless and displaced persons
Internship opportunities Yes
Contact Dirk De Bruyne, HR Officer T +41 22 917 18 36 |
Recruitment period Throughout the year > Junior positions in headquarters are selected through the Young Professional Programme (YPP), see
Address Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland | New York, USA International presence 44 countries Sector Humanitarian affairs Number of employees Switzerland: 152 | New York: 150 Field: 423 professional positions and around 1,000 national positions
Required skills and experience Any academic background is welcome, provided that there is a focus on humanitarian work
| 101
UN POPULATION FUND (UNFPA) Contact Victoria Fernandes Branding, Sourcing and Outreach Specialist
Number of employees Switzerland: 9 | Worldwide: 1,956 Internship opportunities Yes Required skills and experience
Address Ch. des Anémones 11,1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
> Expressed interest in the field of development
Headquarters New York, USA
> Written and spoken proficiency in English. Fluency in
International presence 128 Countries
> Ability to adapt to new environments and to establish and
> Enrolled in a graduate social science or development
studies programme French is strongly desirable Sector > Population and development > Sexual and reproductive health > Gender equality and women’s empowerment
maintain good working relations in a multicultural team and with a wide range of partners Training programme Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
Internship opportunities Yes, around 10 per year
Contact Jenifer Freedman Head of Communications and Outreach
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
> Advanced degree in development studies, development
Required skills and competences Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence Worldwide through research networks Sector Research Number of employees Switzerland: 25
economics, public policy, sociology, political science or a related field, or in communications/journalism > Experience in research (desk and field-level), project management, event organisation and fundraising > Excellent written and spoken communication skills, including ability to summarize and present complex analysis and ideas
| 103
UN WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME (WFP) Address Ch. des Anémones 11-13, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Yes, Rome and worldwide. See Required skills and experience > Logistics
Headquarters Rome, Italy
> IT > Nutrition
International presence 80 countries
> Management > Policy
Sector Food Assistance
> Security > Economy
Number of employees Geneva: 13 | Worldwide: 14,000
> International
relations, etc.
Training programme Yes Recruitment period Throughout the year
| 105
Période de recrutement Toute l’année
Contact Rue du Rhône 96-98, CP 1320, 1211 Genève 1, Suisse
Qualifications souhaitées Esprit entrepreneurial, esprit d’équipe, proactif, orienté solution et aptitudes de haut niveau
Secteur Banque L’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) allie dynamisme, efficacité et professionnalisme. Notre notoriété est le fruit d’une vision et notre réputation vient de notre volonté permanente d’innovation. Fondée en 1969 par Edgar de Picciotto, la Banque se concentre sur la gestion de fortune au service de clients privés et institutionnels. Avec CHF 110 milliards d’actifs sous gestion à fin décembre 2015, l’UBP figure parmi les plus importantes banques de gestion de fortune en Suisse. Indépendante et animée par une vision entrepreneuriale, l’UBP construit son expertise locale sur son puissant réseau international Siège social Genève, Suisse Effectif 1450 Présence internationale Une vingtaine de pays à travers le monde
Remarque L’audace et la flexibilité caractérisent le mieux la philosophie de la Banque. Notre stratégie d’investissement illustre notre capacité à prendre des positions claires et assumées, et notre intelligence de gestion nous permet d’identifier les meilleures opportunités d’investissement et de sélectionner les gérants les plus talentueux. Banque à taille humaine, l’UBP se démarque par une organisation transversale et de type « flat », ce qui lui permet de jouir d’une grande flexibilité. La stratégie de la Banque consiste avant tout à poser le diagnostic précis du besoin du client et d’être capable de proposer une solution adaptée, et ceci dans un délai extrêmement compétitif. Ainsi, l’agilité de l’UBP dans ses processus opérationnels représente un avantage concurrentiel indéniable sur le marché
Number of employees Worldwide: 680
Contact Raji Sultan Communications and PR Officer
Internship opportunities Yes
Address Rosenweg 25, 3007 Bern, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and competences > Interest in development cooperation
International presence Around 30 countries
> Specific expertise in at least one development cooperation
issue Sector Development cooperation
| 107
Number of employees Worldwide: more than 7,000
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Ch. des Anémones 11-13, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Yes, between 6-12 months InternshipListing.aspx
Headquarters Copenhagen, Denmark International presence 80 countries Sector Non-profit, infrastructure, project management, procurement
Required skills and experience enrolled in a graduate programme, or have completed the degree within the last 3 years
> Be
| 109
Vistra Geneva SA
Contact Walter Stresemann, Managing Director Locations Belgium, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria , Cayman Islands, China, Curaรงao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Jersey, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States Sector Fiduciary
Services Corporate Services | Trustee & Fiduciary Services Fund Services | Business Services & Outsourcing Marine & Aviation Services | Immigration Services Number of employees Geneva: 40 Worldwide: 1300 Internship opportunities Periodically Recruitment period Throughout the year
Number of employees Switzerland: 5
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Rue des Corps-Saints 4, PO Box 2124, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Twice a year, minimum of 6 months with remuneration
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Required skills and experience Our collaborators constitute our company’s principal asset and we look for competent, passionate and entrepreneurial individuals
International presence 12 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East Sector Consulting and Advisory
| 111
Number of employees 15 (approx. 7,000 Members)
Recruitment period Varies, but generally November/December and May/June for Geneva
Contact Line Favre | Address Rue de Varembé 1, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence International Office in New York 30 National Sections worldwide and working in an additional 10 countries with partners Sector Non-profit peace NGO
Internship opportunities In Geneva there are 6 openings every 6 months for interns working for different programmes. The New York office offers internships and fellowships for 4-6 interns every 4 months Required skills and experience Varies, depending on which programme you apply for, but in general true dedication to our work and mission is definitely required
WORLD BANK GROUP Address Ch. Louis-Dunant 3, PO Box 66 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters Washington DC, USA International presence Development professionals from nearly every country in the world are employed in the World Bank’s Washington DC headquarters or in its 120 country offices
Internship opportunities The Internship Programme is open to students who are nationals of the Bank’s member countries and attracts a large number of highly qualified candidates. The goal of this internship programme is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international environment. Interns generally find the experience to be rewarding and interesting Required skills and experience To be eligible for the Internship Programme, candidates must be enrolled in a Master or PhD programme. Generally, successful candidates have completed their first year of graduate studies or are already into their PhD programme
Number of employees Worldwide: 12,000 Recruitment period Washington: > Summer Internship (June – September) > Winter Internship (December – March)
Training Programme The World Bank also offers other programmes for Young Professionals and Junior Professional Associates. Please refer to
| 113
Sector Sustainable business and environment
Address Maison de la Paix, Ch. Eugène-Rigot 2 PO Box 246, 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland
Number of employees Switzerland: 70
Internship opportunities Yes, for 3-6 months
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Recruitment period Throughout the year
International presence India, USA
Required skills and experience Requirements vary according to position
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Contact Cornelia Griss Felicia Barry-Jørgensen (for internship and JPO programme)
Internship opportunities WHO’s Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of WHO. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available at WHO Headquarters. WHO’s Regional Offices and some Country Offices also accept interns Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Av. Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland Required skills and experience Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
> Be enrolled in a graduate programme both at the time of
International presence Worldwide
> Possess a first degree in a public health, medical or social field
Sector Public Health
related to the technical work of WHO > Fluent in the working language of the office of assignment
application and during the internship
Number of employees Switzerland: 2,060 | Worldwide: 7,850
Training programme WHO participates in the Junior Professional Officer Programme of the UN. More information can be found on
| 115
Internship opportunities Yes, throughout the year (roster)
Contact HR Planning Section, Address Ch. des Colombettes 34, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland International presence 188 Member States, 6 External Offices Sector UN Specialised Agency | Intellectual property Number of employees 1,200+ mainly based in Geneva
Recruitment period Throughout the year Required skills and experience WIPO seeks to recruit staff from a wide range of backgrounds, and with diverse experience, languages and expertise Remark *The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) regarding internships for the Institute’s students
Number of employees Switzerland: 650
Contact WTO Human Resources Division
Recruitment period Throughout the year
Address Centre William Rappard, Rue de Lausanne 154, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities uid_c=3475&vaclng=en
Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland
Required skills and experience Varies per position, check openings for more details
Sector Forum for trade negotiations. Handling trade disputes, monitoring national trade policies, providing technical assistance and training for developing countries
Training programmes Yes, for more information visit website
| 117
WORLD VISION INTERNATIONAL (WVI) Contact Christine Steiger, Administration & HR Postal address International Environment House 2, Ch. de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland
Internship opportunities Geneva is one of the many ‘global’ and ‘regional’ capitals where World Vision seeks to influence global development processes (e.g. Sustainable Development Goals, Global Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Child Protection) as well as policies and practices to increase the effectiveness of international development cooperation in support of local efforts to promote justice and encourage sustainable development Required skills and experience Master or PhD degree
Headquarters Executive Office in London, UK International presence 95 countries Sector International development and humanitarian assistance, advocacy and programmes Number of employees Geneva: 22 | Worldwide: over 40,000 Recruitment period Throughout the year
Training programmes Where possible and appropriate, every effort will be made to facilitate intern participation in relevant events and workshops Remarks * The Graduate Institute has signed a Memorandum of understanding with World Vision International (WVI) regarding internships for the Institute’s students
Our surveys of graduates carried out since 2008 show that almost all of the Institute’s students had obtained prior professional or internship experience, often in an international environment, during their studies. After graduation, the average time to secure employment for more than 90% of our students was less than 4 months and they chose the following sectors: public sector attracted 37% of our graduates. More than half of them went to international organisations. > The next most popular sector was the third sector with 31% of the graduates. The majority of them chose non-governmental organisations working on a diverse range of issues. > The private sector accounted for 22% of our young graduates. Most of them chose multinationals and consulting. > The
The remaining 10% of our graduates either continued their studies towards a PhD or conducted research work as part of an academic institution. Half of our graduates chose to begin their careers in Switzerland, while the others went on to work all over the world.
| 119 Employment by sector
Public sector 56% International organisations 21% Foreign government 14% Swiss federal administration 9% Local government
Third sector
Public sector
Third sector
Private sector
Academic sector
80% Non-governmental organisations 12% Think tanks 8% Foundations, associations
Private sector 26% 21% 18% 13% 12% 10%
Multinationals Consulting Banking and finance Law practice Media and communication Other
La grande salle
nstallé dans la Maison de la paix, située au cœur de la Genève internationale, le centre international de réunions accueille, avec un haut niveau de confort et de prestations, des groupes de 12 à 140 personnes pour des assemblées générales, des groupes d’experts, des audiences d’arbitrage ou des négociations diplomatiques. Le centre offre deux espaces séparés : une grande salle de 288 m2 pouvant recevoir de 30 à 140 personnes et quatre salles plus petites pouvant recevoir de 12 à 30 personnes. Il possède un accès direct au Restaurant de la Maison de la paix, dont la terrasse offre une vue panoramique sur Genève, le lac Léman et les Alpes. Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2E, 1202 Genève Contact et réservations
Les quatre salles de réunions