WinBizSolutionsIndia: Your Most Trusted Video Editing Service Provider

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Introduction Video- An easy to digest format that gives our eyes rest from the plethora of online textual


Video marketing is the go-to strategy for marketers these

days. It helps in increasing their brand awareness, drive social media engagement and generate leads. Advertising a brand using video is one of the effective business tactics in recent times.

No matter what industry you are in, the importance of videos is not negligible.



About us

If you are working with video in your business, make sure it is as professional as possible. WinBizSolutionsIndia delivers professional video editing services to

businesses in various industry domains. Video editing for corporate presentations, sales promotion, or any other

requirement, we can help you create the desired outcomes accordingly. We extend our services to individual clients, established businesses,

startups, or real estate firms to strengthen their video marketing campaigns with the help of tailored visuals.


Services Offered

360° Video editing services

eLearning Videos

Training footage

TV Commercials


Client testimonials

Wedding Videos

YouTube videos

Short films

Real Estate Videos

Gaming Videos

Travel/Vacation Videos

Explainer Videos

Music Videos

Educational videos

Corporate Videos

Wedding Video Editing Services The popularity of wedding videos is increasing day by day. It has gone through significant changes over the years. To stand out of the competition your wedding video editing style matters a lot.

We have a team of talented wedding video editors who can help you in putting together the video clips or developing a full-length video or

any other wedding video editing work.

Whether it is to add a stunning wedding backdrop, combine the most exciting moments of your wedding or even edit a snippet of the video,

we are the people whom you can trust to outsource wedding video editing services.

Editing wedding drone visuals

Editing of Guest Interviews

Wedding Highlight Reel Editing

Giving a sense of surreal feel

We are capable of stringing

Our professional video editing

and look, drone videos have

and stitching diverse fun and

services also include wedding

become the new trend in the

entertaining guest interviews

highlight reel editing that

wedding video industry. We

to enhance the excitement of

combines various moments in

utilize some of the best drone

your wedding video. We can

the most stunning, breathtaking,

video editing methods giving

effectively blend the videos

and impeccable ways. If

an exclusive sense of thrill to

together at apt situations to

requested, we can also develop a

the wedding video, by mixing

create more entertaining

cinematic sequence for the same.

diverse angles and shots.



Composition Video Cropping

Mood Enhancement Editing

GoPro Wedding Shot Edits

Aside from retouching and

We have the best video

We have the expertise to produce

enhancement, our video

editors in-house who can

high-quality videos by editing the

editing team also takes the

make necessary adjustments

wedding shots captured with

responsibility to wipe out any

to the color tone in the

GoPro action cams.

unwanted details with the

wedding videos to improve

No matter the quality, setting,

help of composition cropping

their overall mood. This will

mood, or lighting, we can perform

without affecting the quality

ensure that the videos look

edits and sync the outcomes with

of videos.

lively and cheerful.

the normal audio visual.


Real estate Video Editing Services Video marketing has penetrated deep into the real estate

industry. Today, many developers pair up with real estate video editing companies to get a professional hand in developing the

videos. Real estate Video marketing is an effective weapon to attract

customers amid stiff competition in the industry. WinBizSolutionsIndia can effectively help with its real estate video editing services.

Basic editing of real estate videos

Enhancements in real estate videos

Our video editors are comfortable at working with any

We help you in integrating your property videos with

type of real estate video, available in various formats,

various multimedia elements including subtitles,

including AVI, MOV, MP4, WMV etc.

transitions, sound, voice-overs, music, animations and

They carry out the basic edits in these images, including

so on.

merging the clip shots, removing unwanted clips,

This will enhance the impact of the videos to a great

stabilizing the shaky ones, and sequencing the shots.


360-degree virtual tour creation

Adding enhancements

Do you need a professional hand for creating 360-

We help you in adding various effects to real estate

degree virtual tours. We can develop these videos by

videos to make them more appealing by making

stitching the images together with a number of clips.

color adjustments/ corrections, adjusting the

You can also get the 2D videos converted to 3D ones by

sharpness, tilting, noise removal, adding 2D and 3D

implementing this technique.

effects, upscaling the videos etc.


Youtube Video Editing Services Everyone is busy paying attention to create well-edited footage so

that they can draw viewers attention. WinBizSolutionIndia’s professional YouTube video editing services can help you create

well-edited footage. We offer online video editing services that can be a game-changer

for those who wish to create a successful YouTube channel. Our YouTube video editors will help you eliminate every minute

mistake and polish your footage. We have editors well-versed in using the full potential of high-end

video editing tools and technologies to produce the most impressive outcomes.

Color Correction

Lighting correction

Audio Integration & Synchronization

Jump Cuts Removal

Our video editing team

We correct improper

We can include advanced

Our video editors

performs the needed

lighting in your footage to

sound effects as well as

remove jump cuts from

correction to eliminate

create the best view.

synchronize audios in the

the footage to help it run

improper or unwanted colors

Having the right light will

right way to spice up your

smoothly from start to

from your footage to give it

ensure that the viewers’

footage and improve the

finish. These cuts often

the most professional

eyes are drawn to the

message you’re

include repetitive words,




phrases, or mistakes.


Blurred Images Removal

Effects and Transitions Addition

Our editing team can effectively remove blurred

We can enhance your footage by adding special

images or similar distractions from your footage that

effects, transition, voice-over, zooming,

can negatively impact the success of your YouTube

animation, creative titling, etc.


Title and Subtitle Addition

Background Manipulation

Our team also consists of multilingual experts and

We can change the footage backgrounds to

talented content writers who can work together to

anything you want, be it just the color and

add titles or subtitles to your footage in any

something entirely different from the existing

language you want.



Background Noise Removal

Footage Stabilization

With our professional

Usually, live footage is

video editing services we

filmed without a tripod or

can remove background

any support, which makes

noise from footage so

the footage a bit shaky.

that there is no

In that case, we can

interference while

stabilize the footage

conveying the message.

through shake removal.


Storyboard illustration Services One of the most crucial aspects of the video creation process is storyboarding. WinBizSolutionsIndia is a professional storyboard

agency that adept at offering stellar class storyboard illustration services that are highly detailed and accurate to ease and pace up the video production activity of clients.

We have an elite team of graphic designers and artists who can effectively employ their creativity and expertise to refine the ideas of clients and shape them into stunning visuals, thereby crafting exceptional storyboard illustrations.

Product Design Storyboards

Character Design Storyboards

With our product storyboard service, we can create

We employ an expert team of storyboard illustrators

concepts that can help clients to shape their product

who can help with the effective design and creation

building strategy and minimize communication

of high-quality character storyboards for any of your

errors with their designers, thereby leading to

business needs, be it for entertainment, marketing,

successful product development.

or branding.

Cartoon Storyboards

Storyboard for Fashion Design

At WinBizSolutionsIndia, we are proficient at crafting

We understand the importance of storyboards in

cartoon illustrations that immediately grab the

fashion designing and craft the most appealing

attention of their targets and keep them engaged in

fashion illustration storyboards for our clients to

the video to garner a positive response for the

appropriately express their ideas and stand out in

client’s products or services.

the competitive domain.


Why us? We pay attention to understand the videography editing service needs and the purpose of each project so that we can add the needed graphics to create videos to make them appealing. Accordingly, we integrate the necessary changes in the raw footage to tailor the visuals according to your requirements. At WinBizSolutionsIndia, we provide a complete solution for your unlimited video editing service requirements. Whether you need assistance refining the raw footage or want to develop full-length commercials, we are here to help you

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Our Specialities Advanced technologies

Turnaround time

Quality output

Cost-effective pricing

The experts working with us keep

The time required to complete the

Our quality assurance

Our video editing pricing

themselves updated on the latest

projects depends on their

team keeps track of the

packages have been

video editing tools. The

complexity and the duration of the

outcome quality, ensuring

developed to ensure

integration of advanced software

raw footage. We can deliver high-

the delivery of desired

compatibility with your

in the operational mechanism

quality visuals within the agreed


financial resources.

leverages the quality of output.



Let’s shake hands! Whenever you are searching for a reliable partner for all your video editing services don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


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