Jean van der Westhuyzen CV

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eanvanderWes t huyz en

3r dWor l dChampi ons hi ps201 6 J uni orMenK11 000m

eanvanderWes t huyz en Vi t alSt at s

Bor n8Dec1 998 Sout hAf r i can +27( 0)739258579 j eanvdwes t 5703@gmai l . com

Pr ef ect( Mi chael hous eBoysHi ghSchool ) Canoei ngCapt ai n Chr i s t i anFel l ows hi pCommi t t ee

eanvanderWes t huyz en Pl ays :

Rugby&Cr i cket

At t ends : :

I nves t or sCl ub

Does :

Engl i s h, Af r i kaans Bi ol ogy&Geogr aphy Mat hs&Economi cs

Cont actdet ai l s( Fat her ) : Pi etvanderWes t huyz en pvdwes t @f as t . co. z a + 27( 0)829255637

eanvanderWes t huyz en

GOAL: Towi nanOl ympi cMedal

dwor ki ng St r engt hs :Har Di s ci pl i ned Sel fmot i vat ed Dependabl e

eanvanderWes t huyz en Ai mst o: Obt ai nanEconomi csDegr ee Beanent r epr eneur Es t abl i s hhi sownbus i nes s

Cur r ent l y: Memberoft heEl i t eAt hl et e Devel opmentpr ogr amme

Spons or edby: KayakCent r e Pi nkLady Hi ghPer f or manceTr ai ni ng

eanvdwes t 5703@gmai l . com Cont act : j +27( 0)739258579

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