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Anderson Train Station and Rails to Trails Bike Path

Fema + Red Cross Hurricane Relief Center for the Disabled

The Clemson Institute of Construction Science and Management

Infill Housing and Bike Depot for Clemson’s Town Center

Field Sketches

Anderson Train Station and Rails to Trails Bike Path

roof plan

Ɵcket oĸce level

baggage/departure level

This project is the revival of an old train staƟon in downtown Anderson. The old train staƟon is long gone and the site is presently overgrown with weeds. It was my goal in this project to engage the drasƟc topography by connecƟng the upper street level to the lower train level. The Įrst approach was to have the diīerent secƟons of the building step down and this later evolved into a more Ňuid moƟon. The Ɵcket oĸce needed to Įt in with the rest of downtown Anderson while sƟll drawing aƩenƟon from the street level. This resulted in this open air brick laƫce form. The bricks sustain the vernacular approach keeping with the consistency of the materials in this area while at the same Ɵme giving this building a unique form. This desing also creates a nice path to the parking lot in the back where the previous walkway was a narrow catwalk.

Along side the railroad tracks that would be in use runs another, completley abandoned railroad track. Rails to Trails is a program that is currently transforming abandoned railroad tracks into back paths. This design fully embraces the Rails to Trails program by allowing bikes to path directly over the train staƟon. This way bikers can choose to ride into Anderson to shop in the downtown area, or conƟnue on their way through the tunnel. Another important aspect of this project is architecture as a billboard. The Ɵcket oĸce stands out in this environment as it has a completely diīerent geometry the buildings surrounding it and it uses leƩers in a sculpture form to announce the presence of the train staƟon. These leƩers made of concrete are suspended by steel rods from the roof; however, above the roof the brick laƫce conƟnues, making the leƩers appear to be almost suspended in air.

Railsto totrails Trails rails Conservancy

north elevaƟon

secĆ&#x;on a-a

The Ňow of the outline of the buildings is mirrored in funcƟon as the movement through the train staƟon is very smooth. Once entered into the brick laƫce area that serves as the Ɵcket oĸce, the customer comes into contact with the Ɵcket salesman behind a glass counter. AŌer purchasing his Ɵcket, he then enters a door into the condiƟoned area, descends down a spiral staircase and walks along a counter for baggage storage. If the passenger is only traveling to another city brieŇy then he can store luggage unƟl his arrival back at the staƟon. AŌer storing his bags the customer then exits the door into a shaded waiƟng area to await the arival of the train.

Fema + Red Cross Hurricane Relief Center for the Disabled






This project is a design for a hurricane relief center in Charleston, SC for people too frail to evacuate the center. One of my primary concerns in this design was for the building to work on an urban level. This was accomplished by rotating the axis of the building to match that of the streets and also by incorporating a garden terrace into the plan. According to the program requirements the pods had to be prefabricated so expressing this prefabrication was another design goal. This was achieved by offsetting the units so that each individual unit was expressed. Most importantly this building needed to be hurricane resistant. Everything in this building is closes up during the actual hurricane. In the pods, the porches close; the clerestory has hurricane shutters and the administrative tower has hurricane louvers. Most of the building is built on fill and the exterior walls are primarily concrete

FEMA Required Height 11’

SecĆ&#x;on C - C

First Floor

Ground Level

Third Floor

Second Floor

A precedent for the terraces used in this design is the Fukuoka International Hall in Japan. The terraces would be wild local vegetation that would be labeled to serve as an educational garden for the community. The rooftop garden is organized in contrast to the wild vegetation and serves as a spot of relaxation for the residents. Additional community space is available in the hallway in between the pods below the clerestory. This could also be used as overflow space in emergency situations

MeeĆ&#x;ng Street ElevaĆ&#x;on

SecĆ&#x;on A-A

Fukuoka InternaƟonal Hall

Hurricane Louvers

Huger Street ElevaƟon

SecƟon B-B

SecƟon C-C

Lemon Grass

The Clemson Institute of Construction Science and Management

campus plan

highgrounds plan

lee hall

This project is a design proposal for the construcƟon science and management building across from the architecture building. It focuses on the outdoor space it creates and details for water collecƟon. This is arƟculated in the plaza below because when it rains, as the canals Įll up, the building is reŇected both physically by the water and by the form of the canals. Also it serves as a gateway to the highgrounds, where ten more academic buildings are to be built, as can be seen in the monumental stair and the outdoor study area that over looks the highground area. Furthermore, this building serves as a learning tool for both construcƟon science and architecture students with its display of stark concrete and bare I beams.

The inner columns drain into a fountain in the lobby area. The fountain can also be used for seaƟng.

The runoī of the outdoor study area and porches is collected in a guƩer and drained into the I beams.

The I beams spout water into the canals to create the image of the facade in the hardscape.

The buƊerŇy roof collects water in the tow center columns. The solar panels are located on the north side to maximize sun exposure.

The water that permeates the garden is drained into the canal for future storage.

Grand stairs lead to an outdoor studing room that will over look the highgrounds.

The railing also serves as a desk that can be used for outdoor studying.

The path to the new building contains a green space that connects to Lee Hall’s courtyard.

The railing also serves as a desk that can be used for outdoor studying.

The path to the new building is a classical garden that connects to the garden adjacent Lee Hall.

The water that permeates the garden is drained into the canal for future storage.

Grand stairs lead to an outdoor studing room that will over look the highgrounds.

Infill Housing and Bike Depot for Clemson’s Town Center

site context

bike share system

front bike display The client of this project is the owner of a bike share program that he would like to implement in Clemson, SC. The city has told him that to build this bike depot, the building must be a mixed-use building, with apartments above. Bike share staƟons are posiƟoned outside the bike storage area for easy access by the students. The extra bikes are displayed behind a curtain wall as an adverƟsment for the bike share company. The lobby for the bikeshare is rotated to face the most condensed pedestrian traĸc, that coming from College Avenue. To the leŌ of the lobby is the garage for the vans that restock the bike staƟons around campus. Parking for employees is provided on the Įrst level, above the bike storarge and below the apartments .

The weeHouse is a prefabricated unit developed by Alchemy Architects. The unit used in this parƟcular project is the medium sized weeHouse, sized at 14’ x 48’ it includes a bedroom, living room, full bathroom with washer and dryer and full kitchen including a dishwasher, along with tall cabinets for storage and a relaxing porch on the end. This project develops a large steel frame of circulaƟon that the weeHouses stacked around. The idea behind this construcƟon method is that this structure can be placed on top of bike depots at a variety of sites as these apartments leave a very minimal footprint on the ground. The precedent for this method of construcƟon was a project by Urban Splash and Shed KM called Moho (short for modular homes) where the circulaƟon was built Įrst out of steel and concrete and then the prefab units were stacked around it. The Įrst Ňoor is dedicated solely to the bikeshare program, including storage for over 500 bikes, a lobby to sign up for the program, a bathroom, oĸces, a breakroom, and a bike repair staƟon. The second Ňoor contains a gym for residents and employees and four parking spaces for employees. This level also has a public park area for the enjoyment of the community. The next three levels are residenƟal levels. Each level has an elevator two sets of stairs and an elevator along with four apartments. The roof level is a paƟo space for residents to have community cookouts or relaxaƟon.

bike depot level

parking level

weeHouse medium

moho, shed km

residential level

roof level

east elevaĆ&#x;on

secĆ&#x;on b-b

secĆ&#x;on a-a

Field Sketches

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