AttractiveWaterGardenIdeas Have a narrow fieldwill indeed bedifficult for youtodesign it. Especiallyifyouwant thepresence waterparksaroundthe house. Having awater parkinthe housecan makethe atmospherecalmandcool. The elementof waterwhichhas asoothingcharactercanprovidea sense of comfortto you, especially ifcoupledwithbeautifulwaterplants. It willadda coolimpressionfor you. Unfortunately, for those of youwhohave a narrow field, certainlyfeelconfusedwhenwillcreateawater parkas you wish. There aresome ideasthatyoucanuse asa referencein designingexciting waterparkthoughwithlimited land. The first thing todo is tofind a location. Ifdesiredgardenpond withjust abit ofgreenery, youcanbuild itanywherein thehouse. However, ifyouwant to completewithfloweringplants, find a place exposed tosunlight. 1. Ifyoulike thelotusplant, youcanplant alotusflowerinyourwatergardenpond. However, you should considerthe lotus plantneeds to beexposed to direct sunlightfor at least6 hours per day. 2. Avoidpositioningthe soilis toolow. Therefore, rainwaterwill flowandbringdirtormud. So as tocreatea poolwas murkyandfull, evencancausefloodinginyourhome. 3. Determinethe depth ofthe pond towateryourgarden. Swimming is nottoo deepcanbringreflective effect, butlessgoodforthe growth offishandplants. For that, at leastfora poolwitha depth of45cmif you want tokeep the fishandvarious types of plants. 4. To enhancethe pool, youmaywant todecorate itwitha waterfall. Finda location that hasa fairlysharpslopefor. Youcancreate adesignthat resemblesa minicliffby pilingrocksandsoil. However, the naturalslopecansaveyourcostsandwilllook more natural.