BedroomIdeas forTeenageGirls For girls room design requires a lot of detail. As a parent, you should also accommodate what is desired by the child. For girls in particular are already a teenager, usually have their own desires in designing the room. Creativity for teenage girls bedroom is the one that you need to fix, if your bedroom still looks bad. Because, this is a very important place for you. The bedroom is the room that you use to spend your time when you feel very tired. In addition, you need a place to learn as well. Therefore, you need to fix properly. Actually, creative teen bedroom is a room depicting teenage girls. In general, girls are more like the colors are soft and light to give a touch of color to their room. Usually the girls room paint colors synonymous with colors like pink, blue or purple which is becoming a trend. These colors are very favored by teenagers and very suitable when applied to the bedroom girls. This is because the color is more feminine look, but also gives the impression of a soft and cool to room. The impression will be generated by providing bright paint colors such as purple, blue and pink will make the room look more spacious an dairy. In order to look more vibrant room, you should choose at least two colors to be applied to girls minimalist bedroom. If you want to make two different colors, you should not choose colors that are too contrasting. Should select a matching color such as pink, combined with purple. Or if not, select a color such as purple on the color purple and mauve. Both of these colors will give the impression of a very elegant yet minimalist so as to produce a child's bedroom into amore livelyandharmonious. By combiningthesecolors, youno longerneed awallpaperthatwillmake theroomfeel full, especiallyforthe size of theroomis limited. Teenagebedroomsother creativewomenarecolorful rugstoadd tothe beautyofthe bedroom. Teen bedroomthemes forgirlsare usuallywomenlikesomething cuteandgirly, andhereyouusuallyhave toset thethemeof yourdaughter's favorite. Youdo nothave tospecifydecide for themselvesaboutthe themeofthe designgirlsbedroom. Ask him whathe wants, hemaylike the themeof flowers, royalprincessthemeorother themes.] Additionally, youcanmatch the color ofthe wallsofbookshelvesanda bedtoprovidea beautifulaccentbedroom. As for thefurniturealso supportselegantbedroomteenage daughters.Furniture including beds, tables, chairs, sofas, etc. Usually, girlslikefurniturethathas auniqueshapeandnice color. And you do not need to worry to get it, because now some furniture stores provide a wide range of furniture for teenage girls bedroom design.