Canopy bed design for various age

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Canopy Bed Design for Various Age Canopy on the bed it has been used since long. As explained previously, the initial function of the canopy is to prevent the wearer from exposure to cold air and keep warm while sleeping in bed. But often the changing times, now people - people prefer canopy functioning as part of the decor bed, or bedroom because of its unique, beautiful, and stylish. Moreover, the canopy at the present time has been available in various models and sizes that can be adapted to the type, size, or any kind of bedroom concept. Speaking of elections canopy for bed, it is adjusted to its user who later taking into account age, whether the child - children, teens, or adults. In addition to the age factor, canopy design must also be adjusted by sex users, in which girls are usually more like girlish style decor princess, while the boys - men prefer things - things simple and sporty. By knowing the taste differences, we will more easily determine canopy design and materials. Here are some interesting ideas to design a canopy bed curtain for: 1. The canopy on the bed for girls and young

Type canopy for bed child or adolescent women should the fabric wrinkle and lace. Let's wrinkle or lace hanging down to the floor. In addition to the material, make sure you choose the right color canopy. Because girls like it - it smelled girlie, get your opt-colored canopy - colorful but still incorporate elements - elements girlie, for example through the use of colors - pastels, pink, beige, and yellow. Thus, the child or young women who are in bed is decorated with a beautiful canopy will feel like a princess. To make it more interesting, you can make some form of castle on the roof canopy to create a sort of looming on the canopy. For that, select the canopy material is thick enough and strong with a larger size than usual. Then, you need to add a hook that is in the sky - the sky room. By using the ring / ring round plastic, associate these objects of each - each side of the canopy to hook in the sky - the sky. It will form a roof like a mini castle in the middle - the middle of your child's bedroom. 2.

The canopy on the bed for boys – boys Not only girls who like canopy. Sometimes, boys - men would want her bed canopy decorated with unique and charming. But, of course canopy on the bed boys - boys will be slightly different from the canopy in girls, although the function is similar to adding a stylish impression only. For a canopy on the bed boys - men, choose a design

that resembles a tent. However, try to select a material that is lightweight but strong canopies are such as nylon. To make it happen, make three sides of the bed covered and leaving one side as the entrance. Add zipper / zipper to open its doors as where it is appropriate that we usually encounter in the tent - tent mini. 3. The canopy on the bed for adults

Given the canopy to be made intended for adult users, must be selected decor is minimalist and not as busy as decoration in children - children. Typically, a canopy for adults further highlight the impression of simple and comfortable. But if you want more the artistic touch, select the material or have the same type canopy motif that is consistent with the concept of space. For a couple beds, canopy striped lines - lines with bold color slightly. Pair this fabric on all four sides of the pole that we usually encounter on a poster bed. Use tacks to fasten. Make sure that the bond strong enough so that the fabric does not sag in the middle. Besides that, you can try any other material as the canopy. For example, to create the impression of style - tropical style, select a canopy made of slats - bamboo and attach right on top of the bed. Make sure that the installation is strong enough and do not harm people who sleep under it. If you like, you can add a curtain. However, the curtains were installed here is different from the existing curtain on the child's bed. Choose a thin curtain, then by using a circular ring to associate each - each edge curtain on 4 poles in the corner edge - corner of the bed. For a long curtain, you can customize it to your taste, if only half of it or until it touches the ground.

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