Creating A Cute Bedroom with Purple Touch If you ask for what colors that most preferred by girls, the most answer is pink. However, there is one color which is also become the favorite color of your daughter is purple. This color is not only beautiful but also improves femininity. For this reason, this color has been chosen by many women for their bedroom area. There are a lot of purple are offered by many wall paint products. There is a dark purple, mauve, purple pastel and various types of derivatives of the color purple. Well, for the design of the bedroom, you should be smart in determining the purple color that is right for your room. To balance the purple that you choose, you can combine purple with other colors. For example, white color which gives the impression of a more soft. Then, you can add a rug on the floor of your bedroom. In addition to the carpet, you can add a seat that is not too large. The seating can be placed facing the wall that is used as a focal point. Beautiful curtains can be added to make your bedroom more spectacular. You can also add more touch of purple to your bedroom with a lampshade using purple or candles in various shades of purple. Then, a beautiful bunch of flowers in a vase can be an additional element in your purple room.