Home design with eco green concept

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Home design with eco-green concept Globalwarminghas becomethe worldpublic attentionbecause ofthe negative impacton humans. Many peoplewhostartinnovatingtosave the environment. Ifduring this timethe concept of ecogreen livingmuchtoutedforbuildingssuch as offices, shopping malls, hotels, andapartmentsthatare nowsimilar conceptcan also beappliedtoresidential buildings(house and lot). The conceptof eco-greenshould be appliedcomprehensivelyin home designsince thepreconstruction, constructionandpost-construction formaximum results. Onethatneeds to beapplied to theconcept of eco-green is theminimumenergy usage. Embodiesthe conceptof green livingcan be donewithtwoapproaches, namelythe selectionof buildingmaterialsandhomedesign selection. Fornew buildings, the two approaches aremore easilyapplied. Buildingmaterialssuch asnatural ingredientssourcedfromthe localarea, the selection ofenvironmentallyfriendlypaint, choose efficient power devices, such asLEDorT5lamps. For thedesign ofthe most importanthousesinthe effectiveness ofthe modelhousewithview the location ofthe sunandwindtoharnessnaturalenergy. Furthermore,the design ofthe housewill bedesignedtomaximizethe material, views, andventilation. Lightingarrangementis the main pointbecauseby maximizingnatural lightingwill saveelectricalenergy. Likewise withventilationarrangements has the purpose toreducethe useof air conditioning machines. So thateachbuildingcanheat uporcool down thehouseautomatically. In addition tolightingandventilationare stillnootherhomedesign tipsforeco-green house modelislike fencemodifythe originaldesign ofconcreteintoa living fence. Thelivingfencesshouldnotgrassbutalsocan be avegetableorfruitvines. In addition,if you want tomake acanopyforthe gardencan also bereplacedwithvinesortreesandshadybroad-leafed species. As forthe finishedbuilding(existingbuilding), the design ofthe housecanuseeconomicandbusinessapproaches, such as thereplacement of the interiorand household appliancesareenergy efficient and environmentallyfriendly. Astothe typeof LEDreplacementlamps, televisionstoLCD type, anon-organic wasteintocompost bins.

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