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New Year’s Tech Resolutions For 2020

by Burton Kelso, The Technology Expert


With the start of a new year, I'm sure you want to make positive changes in your life. With resolutions, we always tend to focus on improving our relationships, finances, and health. With technology playing a big role in our lives, you need to consider changes to your digital life as well. The good news is that you don't have to be a technology expert to resolve to get better with the tech in your life. Not sure where to start? Well, I've put together a list of tech resolutions that will help you get more from the technology you use at home and work.

1. Get Serious About Cyber Security. 1. Get Serious About Cyber Security. Cybercrime was huge in 2019 and it's only going to get worse in 2020. First, understand that all of your devices have the protection you need against threats on the internet. As long as you keep your devices up to date, you are protected. Most of the scams and viruses require user interaction in order to cause problems, so be cautious of web sites you visit and emails that show up in your inbox. If your information was leaked in a data breach, make sure you take action immediately, by changing your passwords for your online accounts. If you don't, your accounts can become susceptible to 'credential stuffing' which is where criminals use your information leaked in data breaches to take over your online accounts.

2. Be Kind To Your Data. 2. Be Kind To Your Data. 2. Be Kind To Your Data. If you love your data, you will want to make sure you are backing up your precious data automatically to the cloud. External hard drives are great, but if you're like most people, you don't hook them up to your devices all of the time to perform a backup. Cloud backup offers the ability to have your device information saved as a backup as soon as you create it on your device.

3. Keep Your Devices and Accounts Secure.Secure. You want to make sure your computers and smart devices are password protected and your accounts have different passwords. If you haven't enabled 2-factor authentication for your online accounts, you need to do it immediately. This way, if your accounts are compromised, criminals can't get access to your information.

4. Show Your Devices Some Love. 4. Show Your Devices Some Love. 4. Show Your Devices Some Love. Upgrade to Windows 10. Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7 this month. If you have a Mac, you need to

update to High Sierra, Mojave or Catalina. Make sure your smartphone, tablets and your smart home devices have the latest security updates installed to keep you safe from all of the bad things and people on the Internet.

5. Unclutter your Devices and get Rid 5. Unclutter your Devices and get Rid of Old Tech. of Old Tech. Yes, you spent money on those devices, but when they are obsolete it's time to get rid of them. Take them to your favorite recycling center or give them away to someone who can still use them. Some places like Amazon offer trade-ins on old technology. While you're trashing your old tech, delete those old programs and files to keep your devices clutter-free.

6. Set Boundaries with Yourself and 6. Set Boundaries with Yourself and Your Family.Your Family. Don't let your digital life take over your real life. Modern technology is designed to keep you and your family plugged in so you become addicted to your devices. Most adults have the brainpower to switch off technology, but if you have younger members in your household, it can be hard for their brains to disconnect. Choose times and areas in your house where technology use isn't allowed. Life is short, make sure you're making the most out of it.

If you follow these tech resolutions for the new year, you should have a worry-free and enjoyable digital lifestyle for you and your family.

Want to ask me a tech question? Send it to burton@callintegralnow.com. If you prefer to connect with me on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter and watch great tech tip videos on our YouTube channel. I love technology. I've read all of the manuals and I want to make technology fun and exciting for you.

My team of friendly tech experts are always standing by to answer your questions and help make your technology useful and fun. Reach out to us a www.callintegralnow.com or phone at 888.256.0829.

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The Grain Valley Partnership is located at 1450 SW Eagles Parkway, and can be reached by phone, 816-443-5162 or via email at info@growgrainvalley.org.

Boundaries, Borders, and Kingdoms Wayne’s World

by Wayne Geiger

I lived in Miami in 1972. Although I was very young, I do remember that the year was pretty historic for our community. It was because of the Miami Dolphins. You’re probably chuckling, but back in the day, the Dolphins were the team to beat. But, in 1972, nobody did. They went undefeated—all the way through the Super Bowl. It was a memorable time. I remember the electricity and excitement of that season and the thrill of winning the Super Bowl. In our neighborhood, after the game, people ran outside to celebrate. Most of them wearing Dolphins paraphernalia. Our neighbors were beeping car horns and celebrating loudly. My house, friends, community, and city celebrated triumphantly. My wife and I have always chosen to bloom where we’ve been planted and supported the teams in the cities where we lived. That meant, when we moved to New Orleans in 1990, we supported the New Orleans Saints. Of course, in the ‘90’s, the Saints struggled. But it wasn’t about the team, it was about the community. In 2001, we moved to Kansas City and instantly became Chiefs fans. We weren’t born in Kansas City, we were adopted. When I arrived at my office at KLJC radio, one of the gifts they presented me with was a Chiefs coffee cup. I was expected to be a Chief and I was proud to be part of the family. The move to the Kansas City metro in 2001 was interesting. We had never lived in city that had a “border”. Working on the morning show at KLJC, I had to learn how to say strange phrases like, “the Kansas side” or “the Missouri side” and memorize two area codes, 816 and 913. It took a little getting used to. In those early days, it was new and fun! When the kids were little and riding in the car, we loved to tell them, “We’re about to cross the state line!” It was a new experience for us. Although most of the metro supported the Chiefs, one of the things that I found fascinating was that people had strong emotions about rival college teams. It became very clear to me early on that either you were a Tiger or a Jayhawk. I found out really quick that, to some, “Them was fightin’ words.” Some people I met were alumni and had a dog in the fight. But others, just chose to support the team because of where they were located on an unseen boundary. Some lived in a house divided. Although all Americans, it was a line that divided states, communities, and affections. For some, it just good fun. To others, it was very serious. It made me wonder, “What is it about boundaries and borders that unites or divides people? Why is it that some things bring us together and other things drive us apart? I don’t support the Dolphins or the Saints any longer. I am a Chiefs fan and part of the kingdom. The year 2020 will go down as a remarkable year for our city. Before the Super Bowl, it was exciting to drive around town. I would smile when I saw the promotional signs in people’s yards supporting the Chiefs. I enjoyed seeing people proudly display their red jerseys (most #15). Everybody

was talking about the Chiefs road to the Super Bowl! This could be our year. During the game, I’ve got to admit, I was one of the doubters. For most of the second half, I chose to accept the inevitable. I sat in a defeated, sullen state and uttered phrases like, “Well, we did well this season, but it just isn’t our year” and “We needed to experience this for next year.” It was the very reason I did not want to accept an invitation to watch the game at someone’s home. Although I try not to allow football games to control my emotions, sometimes, they do. I was glad to be home. I wasn’t prepared for that unbelievable fourth quarter. In the back of my mind, I kept hearing Mahomes say, “Everyone knows KC’s on the rise, but what they don’t know is, we’re just getting started,” but I didn’t believe. I wanted to believe, but the evidence was overwhelming. I needed to protect my heart. But then, something happened. A switch was turned on. In typical, Chiefslike fashion, they did what they do best. The sleeping giant awakened, and the lion roared. The Chiefs believed, dug deep, and together, as one, they fought to win. The crowd in Miami began to believe too. The sound of the tomahawk chop chant in Miami was thrilling and emotional. The people in the Power and Light District also believed and cheered their team to victory. When the clock ticked to 00, my mouth was agape, and I was in unbelief. Phrases like, “We’re Super Bowl champs,” “We did it,” and “I can’t believe it” kept pouring from my mouth. The sound of fireworks outside was a wonderful crescendo to an emotional rollercoaster. The dried up well flowed with water once again. Some of the moisture found its way into Coach Reid’s eyes. Having a Super Bowl champion team in Kansas City—again—ignited and unified our city. Putting aside our petty differences, we all celebrated being a part of the Chiefs Kingdom. We threw a huge party and even the kids were granted with a Red Snow Day in the Valley. The thrill of community is alive and well in Kansas City. The experience reminded me of a greater, coming, eternal kingdom. It’s a kingdom that believers in Jesus have been waiting for for a very long time. But one day, the return of the King will usher in the establishment of His eternal kingdom where peace and righteousness will dwell. I love one of the final pictures of the church in Revelation 7:9 which says that there will be, “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne.” The Lord is clear that in heaven, there are no barriers and no borders. We will all be one. And we all celebrate one color: red, the color of perfect sacrifice and selfless love. It doesn’t matter where you were born, where you’ve lived, or what you’ve done. You’re invited to be part of this kingdom. And oh, there will be a party like you’ve never seen before.

Wayne Geiger is the Pastor of First Baptist Grain Valley, an Adjunct Associate Professor of Speech, and freelance writer.

Photo credit: Grain Valley SchoolsPhoto credit: Grain Valley Schools

Hopefully, in our formative years we all had an adult who positively influenced us and meaningfully impacted our lives. A teacher, coach, neighbor, community member, etc. who we could look up to as a mentor outside of our immediate families. Someone who would guide with encouragement and be quick to correct us when needed as we learned right from wrong. Grain Valley South Middle School Teacher Amanda Chrisman has warmly garnered the nickname of “Mom” at times from her students. A moniker she has earned through trust and wears with pride. Upon interviewing Chrisman for this story, a student approached her after school with tunnel vision while Chrisman was talking with colleagues to ask her a question. The student didn’t care that Chrisman was engaged in dialogue, she proclaimed that she knew Chrisman would know the answer to her question and that’s why she needed to ask her. Chrisman fulfills the role of instructor,

Amanda Chrisman Community Profile

role model, active listener, authority figure, and “Mom” at times in her job as a special education teacher. The fifteenyear veteran of public education has spent her entire career with the Grain Valley School District. Chrisman also attended Grain Valley Schools from kindergarten through graduation and is proud that she was able to return home as a professional. Grain Valley News recently received a nomination to do a Community Profile on Chrisman. Grain Valley South Middle School Principal Jim Myers was happy to learn of Chrisman’s nomination and was quick to shower her with praise. “Amanda is an excellent educator in every sense of the word. She is a highly skilled classroom teacher who works tirelessly to meet the individual needs of her students. She will do whatever it takes to help them be successful,” Myers said. “While her instructional skills are exemplary, what makes Amanda truly great is the fact that she is a genuinely outstanding individual who cares very deeply for all the students in her care. This allows her to connect with students and their families in an authentic way. They trust her and know that she is on their side every step of the way.” Myers continued, “At the risk of sounding redundant, I can’t say enough good things about Amanda. She is highly respected by her colleagues and is viewed as a leader in our building. In addition to her teaching duties, Amanda volunteers to help organize and coach the Special Olympics team in Grain Valley. I would just like to say that Grain Valley South Middle School is a better place because Amanda Chrisman is part of our staff.” Chrisman paused and thought deeply when the question was posed to her about the most rewarding thing about being a teacher. “It’s definitely not the money. Just kidding. I think knowing that every kiddo can learn and figuring out how, along with finding the motivation they need to see the light bulb go off in their head is exceptional. Then getting to see the kids later down the road after they’ve reached their potential and still having a connection with him from the past relationship that was fostered is rewarding,” Chrisman said. The challenges of being a teacher also weigh on the mind of Chrisman. “Kids see themselves through what they see in social media. Teaching kids academically must be balanced with social and emotional learning. Social media is a barrier and a lens through which students allow themselves to be evaluated or judged. Trauma that kids may endure and combatting against low self-esteem has been a change in our culture,” Chrisman said. Being referred to as “Mom” by her students doesn’t faze Chrisman. Wearing that mantle proves how comfortable Chrisman is in her skin as an educator. “I am their school Mom. That’s my job, especially as a special educator. I’m there go to person or safe place when

Candidate Profile: Michael Todd

Valley News will feature a candidate for City or Grain Valley School board in the weeks leading up to the April election. Information is provided by the candidates and edited for space and clarity. This week, we profile Michael Todd, candidate for Mayor. My name is Michael Todd and I’m seeking re-election for Mayor on April 7 th . As a lifelong resident of Grain Valley, I have experienced many changes from when I was a kid growing up here. I believe these changes continue to make Grain Valley a great place to grow up. That is why my wife Tosha and I are raising our family here. During my time as Mayor, many great things that have happened in Grain Valley. We continue to reap the benefits of the work that we did to the I-70

Interchange. New businesses such as Temp Stop, Taco Bell, and QuikTrip are great additions to town. Businesses such as Price Chopper are doing well and are drawing people from outside of our community to shop in Grain Valley. We have lowered the city property taxes in Grain Valley a total of 7% over the last two years. We have been able to put together one of the most qualified city staffs in the state. Our staff have a wealth of experience and knowledge and are a true asset to Grain Valley. Community events are growing. We had huge numbers again this year at Trail or Treat and the Holiday Festival. This past year also saw record numbers at the Grain Valley Fair as it also continues to grow and become one of the premier festivals in the area. We acquired the Nichols Building in downtown and were able to move the Grain Valley Assistance Council to part of the building, giving them a muchneeded larger space to serve our community. We have started Youth Outreach Programs with the addition of Camp Focus through the Police Department and the additions of events like the Mayor’s Pool Party and the Mayor’s Movie Party. These were all hugely successful in their first year and we hope to see them continue to grow.

All the above items are just a snapshot of the work we have done that make me very proud of our city. However, I do not want to stop there. Two years ago, I spoke of the need for a year-round aquatics center and on the ballot this April for citizen approval will be a new recreation center along with a whole new “Community Campus.” If approved by the voters, I want to be a part of overseeing the construction of that campus, which will be one of the biggest additions that Grain Valley has

they are having a rough time. Working hard to build relationships makes it feel cool to be called Mom. To me it’s endearing to be considered with that highly respected name,” Chrisman said. Another big part of Chrisman’s life is Special Olympics. The head coach sees the volunteer opportunity more as a reward more than work. Seeing a kid practice, compete, and grow on a playing field suited for them brings a smile to Chrisman’s face. She doesn’t mind being known as “Mom” their either. Chrisman was also mentioned for her faith-based work when nominated for the Community Profile in Grain Valley News. The member of Crossroads Church works with youth in their Quest program on Sundays. Teaching seems to travel everywhere with Chrisman regardless of her geographic location. “I enjoy that in our community everyone still has the chance to know your name. We are still small enough in that regard. My friend teases me that every time we go somewhere you run into someone you know. She’s from Grandview and I remind her that I live here and teach here. It’s kind of like being in a glass bowl, but I love it regardless of whether I’m having a good day or bad day and wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Have a nomination for a Community Profile? E-mail news@grainvalleynews.com

had in years. Over the next two years I also want to increase the number of police officers that we have on the streets in Grain Valley. The first step in doing this is underway with the inception of a Police Advisory Board. We hope to have recommendations from that board later this year on how to make Grain Valley even safer. Additionally, with our growing community there are a several intersections in town that need our attention with the addition of new turn lanes and other improvements. Finally, with the acquisition of the Nichols Building I would like to see us establish a Senior Center where we offer activities daily for Seniors, plus offer meals a few times a week. As you can see we have accomplished a lot, but there is more to do. I would appreciate your vote on April 7 th

. Thanks for your time.

Focus on Fiber to Lower Cholesterol Health & Fitness

by Tracey Shaffer, RDN, LD

Fiber has gained attention because of its role in helping to control cholesterol. Soluble fiber binds cholesterol and removes it from the body before it is absorbed into the blood stream. Health professionals recommend 10 to 25 grams of soluble fiber daily, though research has shown eating just 5 to 10 grams/day may decrease LDL cholesterol by 5%. Tips to increase soluble fiber: Eat three or more servings of foods rich in soluble fiber daily: oatmeal, oat bran, barley, beans (kidney, black, navy), flax seed, chia seed, apples, pears, bananas, oranges, strawberries, blackberries, prunes, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, green beans and edamame. Increase consumption of whole-grain foods – whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole-grain breads. Eat high-fiber cereal for breakfast. Choose a whole-grain cereal with at least 3 to 5 grams of soluble fiber. Sprinkle ground flax seed or chia seed on oatmeal, yogurt or salads. Try new flaxseed flavored blends in cereal, yogurt, salads, smoothies. Flavors include flaxseed, cocoa, strawberries and blueberries; flaxseed, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and Q10; flaxseed and goji berries; and flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame seed and goji berries. Blend yogurt fortified with plant sterols, chia seed, orange juice, banana and frozen strawberries for a delicious heart-healthy smoothie. Eat soluble fiber-filled foods at breakfast or before bed, to help remove the cholesterol your body produces while you sleep. Use psyllium, found in some fiber supplements such as Metamucil, as an easy way to boost the soluble fiber in your diet.

Try this delicious, heart-healthy smoothie for breakfast or snack using the new flavored flaxseed blends from Linwood. Tracey Shaffer, RDN, LD is a registered dietitian at the Blue Springs Hy-Vee. She can be reached at tshaffer@hy-vee.com. The information is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for individual advice.

Energy Boosting Strawberry SmoothieSmoothie- - Serves 4 Serves 4 Serves 4

All you need:All you need:

4 tbsp Linwood ground flax, sunflower, pumpkin & sesame seeds & goji berries

1 banana

1 cup low-fat milk

1 cup ice

¾ cup nonfat yogurt

5-7 strawberries

All you do:All you do:

Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend for 45 seconds, or until desired.

Adapted from www.linwoodshealthfoods.com

Get Back on the Road After a Tire Warning Light

(BPT) - It'll happen to every driver and likely at the most inopportune moment - like when you're running late, on a family road trip or commuting to work. A familiar dashboard light will flick on in your car. Sometimes, the low tire pressure indicator can mean it's time to add more air, caused by regular wear-and-tear or a sudden change in the weather. But other times, the light leads drivers down a road that requires them to buy a new set of tires. So how do you know? Hankook Tire offers four things to consider when the tire light turns on to help determine the next steps to get you back on your way:

1. Kick the tires1. Kick the tires Seventy-eight percent of drivers say that checking their tires is a regular part of their maintenance routine, according to Hankook's latest Gauge Index survey. If it's been awhile since the last time you checked your tire pressure, the light could just be indicating that it's time to add air. Luckily, 86% of drivers consider themselves confident in putting air in their tires in a proper manner with the right amount of pressure. If you aren't in that majority, look for a tire dealer that offers a free air check, and refer to the panel of your driver's side door, or your owner's manual, for your vehicle's ideal pressure reading. 2. Don't pause after pressure2. Don't pause after pressure Tire pressure checks can be an opportune time to examine the overall health of your tires, so don't stop inspecting just because your pressure is perfect. Look at your tread, too. An easy way to check the tread is to insert a penny upside down into the groove of your tire. If Lincoln's head is fully visible, it's time to drive to the dealer to buy new tires. Many drivers need to purchase a set of tires at some point; one-in-four has had to purchase new tires more than four times.

3. Know what you're looking for3. Know what you're looking for If your pressure light eventually leads you toward a point of sale, there's plenty to consider, like where to make the purchase, and what is most important for your vehicle, and your wallet. The survey found that when deciding where to go to buy their tires, consumers most consider price (45%), where they can get their preferred brand (20%), and the tire dealer's product knowledge (14%). And once they find a dealer they like, most Americans (78%) will return to the same location when they must make another purchase in the future. But the tire dealer and its repair team can also be a great resource - in fact, a quarter of Americans base their decision on the recommendation of a mechanic. Regardless of who influences your decision, communicate your priorities: whether that's getting the best price, ensuring that your tires have a top safety rating or that they're the right tires for your driving habits.

It's also important to consider that the tire pressure indicator could have gone on for a completely different reason: It could be a sign that your vehicle's tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) needs replacing. Your owner's manual will provide details on what that alert looks like for

4. Talk it out4. Talk it out Once you're at the dealer, knowing which tires to buy can be an overwhelming choice. Over a third of drivers (35%) do their own research on brands and where to get the best deal. iStock PhotoiStock Photo

iStock PhotoiStock Photo

your vehicle, but oftentimes, if the lowpressure light is blinking, it's an indicator for the system, not necessarily the tire itself. And while 30% of drivers say the TPMS sensors are the element of their vehicle they'd be least likely to replace, Hankook recommends getting any issue checked out by a certified mechanic before hitting the road.

MDC Taking Reservations for Free Outdoor Youth Camp

by Bill Graham of Missouri Department of Conservation

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is now accepting applications for a free, one-day Discover Nature Youth Camp on Saturday, June 20 in Lee’s Summit. Day campers will learn outdoor skills such as fishing, firearms safety, shooting, and water safety at the James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area. The camp is aimed at teaching youths ages 11 to 15 how to explore Missouri’s diverse outdoors. Limited spaces are available for this camp. MDC will accept 16 girls and 16 boys in the order that the required applications are completed. Participants accepted to attend must complete the first portion of MDC’s hunter education class online and submit results to MDC prior to the camp. Application forms are now being accepted and are due May 1. Campers should arrive at Prairie Hollow Lake at the Reed Area at 8 a.m. on June 20. They will depart at 5 p.m. Transportation to the Reed Area must be provided by camper’s family or friends. Participants will learn outdoor skills from experts and try out activities such as fishing. This camp will give them the knowledge and confidence to enjoy the outdoors. To request an application or for more information, contact MDC Agent Brian Bartlett at 816-835-6087 or brian.bartlett@mdc.mo.gov. Applications are also available at MDC public offices in the Kansas City area.

MDC is now taking applications for a free outdoor skills day camp for youths ages 11 to 15 to be held June 20 at the James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife in Lee's Summit. Summit. Photo credit: MDCPhoto credit: MDC


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This weekThis week’ ’ s theme: Be My Valentine s theme: Be My Valentine s theme: Be My Valentine Play free crossword puzzles online: Play free crossword puzzles online: www.grainvalleynews.com/online-puzzles

ACROSS 1. *Abélard to Héloïse 6. C.E.O.'s degree 9. a.k.a Snowmobile 13. Make amends 14. Over, poetically 15. Garlic unit 16. ____ lazuli 17. New, prefix 18. Bumpkin 19. *St. Valentine's Day Massacre city 21. James Bond's drink of choice 23. Building annex 24. Galsworthy's "The Forsyte ____" 25. MD, familiarly 28. Land of Nod, in relation to Eden 30. Hire for work 35. Part of an eye 37. Feudal laborer 39. Request from Amazon 40. Waterproofed canvas 41. Bunch of bees 43. Black cat, e.g. 44. Apollo of "Rocky" 46. Roofed colonnade 47. X in a letter 48. Medicinal herb 50. Tangerine-grapefruit hybrid 52. Tennis barrier 53. Hold as a conviction 55. End of a fuse? 57. *____ Valentine, a.k.a. humorous Valentine 61. *One of star-crossed lovers 65. Beyond's occasional partner 66. E.T. transporter 68. Wombs 69. Hansen's disease patient 70. Young canine 71. *Flirt 72. *They used to be each other's Valentines 73. Attempt 74. Passover meal DOWN 1. Barber's supply 2. Arizona's neighbor 3. Serengeti antelope 4. *Like a bottle of champagne 5. "Goodwill Industries" business 6. *Unfortunate consequence of kissing? 7. Busy as a what? 8. *Pleasant bouquet smell 9. Vegas bandit 10. Mischievous Norse deity 11. ____-tempered 12. Sub station 15. *Roxane's pen pal 20. "Heart of ____," Blondie's hit 22. Well-kept secret, for some 24. Strata, sing. 25. *Go ____, or split the cost of a date 26. Estrogen maker 27. The smallest dwarf planet 29. Uses a Singer 31. Get the picture 32. Short for administrator 33. Goslings, when they grow up 34. *German artist or Young's partner 36. "Singes" in "La Planète des Singes" 38. *Mr. Right, pre-kiss 42. Tiny European republic 45. Jackie Robinson, e.g. 49. Princess tester 51. "My two cents," pl. 54. Do like Vesuvius 56. *Héloïse to Abélard 57. Wide river valley 58. Wild goat 59. Uh-uh 60. "The Three Faces of ____," pl. 61. Printer button 62. Old paint hazard 63. Gaelic tongue 64. *Wedding cake layer 67. "___ Elise"


Lady Eagles Defeat Ray-Pec to be Tournament Champions

by John Unrein

Grain Valley Lady Eagles Head Basketball Coach Randy Draper had an intense stare on his face Friday, January 31 st

during his team’s 54-46 victory over the Raymore-Peculiar Panthers during the championship game of the 22 nd Annual Grain Valley Basketball Tournament. Draper dug deep into his coaching toolbox as he intended to hinder the Panthers offense by showing them multiple defenses early in the game. The tactic worked as Draper opened the game with a full court press, followed by a half court trap, and a 2-3 zone before switching to man defense. Mixing up the defenses permitted the Eagles to gain a 14-9 lead at the end of the first quarter. Draper confirmed his defensive strategy was intended to keep the Panthers from getting into rhythm and having to adjust to what Grain Valley was doing. “We made changes defensively because we thought pressure would affect them. We had a player out tonight with an ankle injury and we weren’t as deep as usual. I had to protect tonight because we couldn’t press and trap as long as I would’ve liked,” Draper said. “Our zone defense was effective early until we had trouble blocking out (for rebounds) and then we went man. It avoided them getting comfortable. I thought our best man defensive possession tonight ended with Jordyn Weems getting to basket with a layup on the other end. Our team is starting to develop toughness and it was on display tonight as this was a challenging game for us.” Ray-Pec was the taller team and used its height to their benefit in the second quarter when they out rebounded Grain Valley. That advantage led to easy put backs for the Panthers when they shaved the Eagles’ lead to two points going into halftime by a score of 26-24. Grace Slaughter poured in a trio of three point baskets in the third quarter that put Grain Valley ahead for good at the 2:49 mark. Slaughter led all scorers with 29 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists, and 3 steals in a monumental effort. Slaughter credited her team’s unselfish passing of the basketball as the reason for their victory. “Our team definitely made good passes tonight. We ran hard and played tight defense. The ball had to be moved effectively because it wasn’t easy getting by their bigs (post players). We haven’t played a team that tall yet this year,” Slaughter said. “Patience was key on offense. Draper told us before the game that we were going to have to insist on passing the ball until a window opened. I tend to look to drive first if I get the ball and there’s an opening. Tonight, my shoot was on and felt good, so I kept shooting.” Slaughter was not alone in sharing the load in the win or for the tournament. Teammates Keely Hill and Malia Guttierrez were honored with medals along with Slaughter as part of the all-tournament team. Guttierrez scored all seven of her points in Grain Valley’s victory from the free throw stripe. The Junior Guard was consistent with the basketball in turning the corner on drives and attempting shots at the basket. This was derived from the Eagles motion offense that eventually wore down Ray-Pec in the fourth quarter. Guttierrez made the choice to be aggressive in getting to the basket due to her jump shot not being there early in the game. “The drives to the basket was a second approach for me because my other shots weren’t falling. I was trying to go up strong and draw fouls in getting to the basket,” Guttierrez said. “Confidence plays a big key in our offense. If everyone is confident in handling and passing the basketball in our motion offense, one of us is going to get an open look. You are not tired when you are determined to play with energy.” Grain Valley as the second seat in the tournament was able to upset Ray-Pec, who was the first seat in the tournament. Draper took a moment to enjoy the win after the game and explained why he was proud of his team. “I told them before the game, look, what I’m asking you to do is not going to be easy, but it will allow us to win. We played tight defense tonight and found the open player on offense. I’m so proud of this team.”

Junior Guard Malia Guttierrez drives past a RayJunior Guard Malia Guttierrez drives past a Ray- - Pec defender. Pec defender. Pec defender. Photo credit: John Overstreet

Eagles Drop Final Game of Tournament to Van Horn

by John Unrein

The Grain Valley Eagles Boys Basketball team dropped the third-place consolation game to the Van Horn Falcons on Saturday, February 1 st

by a score of 83-64. The number one seated Eagles finished fourth in their 22 nd Annual Basketball tournament. The three-point shooting and athleticism of the Falcons along with a scoring barrage by Junior Guard Jaden Monday proved to be too much for the Eagles to contain. Monday led all scorers with 29 points. The athletic ability possessed by Monday in driving to the basket and finishing was paramount in the Falcons win. Grain Valley worked diligently at the outset of the game to match their opponent. Josh Kilpatrick gave his team the lead with three minutes left in the opening quarter after consecutive buckets under the basket and a subsequent three pointer. The lead did not hold for the Eagles as the first quarter ended in a 19-19 tie. The second quarter saw Van Horn effectively stretch the floor and work to find open looks for three-point shooters. Turnovers by Grain Valley led to easy transition baskets at times for the Falcons. Grain Valley went into halftime down by a score of 37-31 and would not regain the lead. Eagles Head Basketball Coach Andy Herbert praised Van Horn and discussed his team’s effort after the game. “We knew defensively that we had a tall order in front of us. We talked prior to the game that they were going to make some shots and that we couldn’t let it affect us. We did a decent job of that in the first half. Offensively, we played simply in the first half. We took what was there and has some success. We were the reciprocal of those things in the second half,” Herbert said. “Things were difficult in the second half and we didn’t compete like we

should have. Monday is a very talented player for them. We started to push in wanting to help the outcome and forced things. We need to find some composure.” The second half saw a lid on the basket for Grain Valley at times as several shots bounced off the rim. Kilpatrick was the leading scorer for the Eagles with 27 points, 8 rebounds, and 3 assists. The senior worked to post up in the second half and get close attempts at the basket. The effort yielded two trips to the free throw line and accounted for four of Kilpatrick’s points. Kilpatrick reflected on things that went right for the Eagles as well as his team’s opportunities for improvement after the game. “The first half, we had guys cutting, we moved the ball well, and we got some easy baskets. The second half, Van Horn did what we did early on, and we let them do what they do best. They drove the ball to the goal, kicking out the basketball after offensive rebounds and scoring. At the end of the day, you must move on to the next game,” Kilpatrick said. Guard Seth Dankenbring drew a bevy of minutes and had the tough task of defending against Van Horn’s backcourt. The Senior would finish with 8 points, 2 rebounds, and 1 steal in trying to aid his team. Dankenbring was concise with his words after the game in sharing his opinion on what would help his team moving forward. “We definitely need to improve our defense and moving the ball better as a team. There were good moments today by us where effective passes yielded productive shots on the backside of their defense. Overall, we need to get in the gym and practice more,” Dankenbring said.

Senior Guard Seth Dankenbring pushes the ball up court. Photo credit: Valley News staffPhoto credit: Valley News staff

Senior Forward Josh Kilpatrick scores a basket in the paint. he paint. Photo credit: Valley News staff

Eagles Struggle to Find Stride in Loss to Kearney

by John Unrein

The Grain Valley Eagles Boys Basketball team struggled to contain Kearney’s Brennan Watkins along with finding their stride offensively during their 64-49 loss on Tuesday, February 4 th

. Watkins would pour in 27 points for the Bulldogs as he was efficient from both the three point and free throw lines. Grain Valley worked hard to find open looks offensively only to have a figurative lid appear to be on the basket with a fair share of shots bouncing off the rim for a second consecutive game. The Eagles work on the offensive and defensive boards produced limited shots for Kearney and aided in second chance shots for Grain Valley’s offense. The hard work allowed the Eagles to go into halftime only trailing the Bulldogs by three points with the score 29-26. It was clear that the message in the locker room during intermission was for the Eagles to attack the basket at the start of the second half. They did just that with determined drives to the hoop early in the third quarter. It looked as if this would put Kearney in a bind as they accumulated fouls and Grain Valley was in the bonus at the charity stripe for a good part of the third and fourth quarters. The Eagles would amass empty offensive possessions down the stretch that padded Kearney’s lead as they pulled away for the win. Eagles Head Basketball Coach Andy Herbert reflected on his team’s effort against their conference foe after the game. “It’s a taxing effort to guard the Watkins kid from Kearney. I thought Caden (Matlon) did a good job on him for us. We had other guys help as well. However, when Kearney’s supporting cast shoots the ball the way they did, it makes things tough,” Herbert said. “I didn’t think our defensive awareness was good enough away from the ball and that bit us. There are enough challenges when you have to guard a kid who scores an average of 28 points a game like Watkins does. He’s good. He can score by stepping back, he can get to the basket, and he makes free throws. He’s a very good high school player that’s just a junior.” Senior Josh Kilpatrick was the leading scorer for the Eagles with 19 points to go with his 9 rebounds. He was bolstered by Senior Guard Tristin Whitton who contributed 6 points, 2 rebounds, 4 assists, and 3 steals. Whitton consistently played hard throughout the game and refused to concede defeat in the second half. “I tried to gamble when it came to me getting the steals. I waited until they put the ball on the ground in their dribble and was able to come away with the basketball a few times. The assists came by me keeping my eyes up and getting my teammates the ball when they were open,” Whitton said. “Of all the things we did tonight, I think we pushed the ball well. The second half saw us attack the basket. That stopped the clock at times as we wanted to slow down the game. We have to play better on defense by not letting people drive by us as we move further into February basketball.” The Eagles Boys Basketball team will resume play when they travel to face the Smithville Warriors in a Suburban Conference matchup on Friday, February 7 th .

Senior Guard Triston Whitton attempts a three pointshot against Kearney. shot against Kearney. Photo credit: Valley News staffPhoto credit: Valley News staff

Senior AJ Salisbury attempts a three point shot.Senior AJ Salisbury attempts a three point shot. Photo credit: Valley News staffPhoto credit: Valley News staff

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