Valley News: March 7, 2019

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March 7, 2019

Valley News

Vol. 2, No. 10


Shafer Appointed to Planning and Zoning Commission The Board of Alderman appointed Scott Shafer to serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission at the February 25th Board of Alderman meeting. The Commission recommends approval of all plats, zoning changes, zoning ordinance

changes, capital improvement plans or any issues dealing with future planning. Members serve 2 year terms. The next meeting of the Commission is March 20th at 6:30pm at Grain Valley City Hall.

Dr. Carrie Reich, Principal at Sni-A-Bar Elementary School, was honored as Distinguished Principal representing the Kansas City Suburban Region at the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals (MAESP) reception at Tan-Tar-A on Saturday, March 2nd. “Dr. Reich is committed to the success of every student and does so by working closely with teachers to make purposeful decisions around teaching. Encouraging each student's voice in their own learning sounds challenging but, under Dr. Reich's leadership, Sni-A-Bar

teachers are making it look much easier,� Dr. Brad Welle, Deputy Superintendent for Student and Community Services said. Grain Valley educators were on hand at the MAESP banquet honoring Dr. Carrie Reich and Missouri's other 2019 distinguished principals. Pictured left to right: Dr. Brad Welle, Kara Liddle, Dr. Beth Mulvey, Dr. Carrie Reich, Casey DeLoach, Dr. Kevin Carroll, and Dr. Glenna Bult. Photo credit: Grain Valley Schools

Good News Much progress has been made in recent years in reducing the number of teens who smoke cigarettes. The CDC reports from 2011 to 2018, cigarette smoking went down among middle and high school students; middle school students who smoked decreased 4.3%,

Looking Back:

and the rate of high school students who smoked cigarettes decreased 15.8%. However, this positive news is dampened by what the CDC states is an epidemic of students using e-cigarettes. Nationally, news reports and social media sites are reporting widespread

see VAPING on page 3

Sni-A-Bar Farms Demonstration by Marcia Napier Grain Valley Historical Society

From the beginning in 1913, William Rockhill Nelson was seeking to demonstrate what could be done to improve native cattle by using good purebred bulls. The project was put into operation before the economic losses of the depression following World War I which created a gradual deterioration of Corn Belt livestock. For agricultural colleges seeking to find a remedy for these financial conditions,

see DEMONSTRATION on page 5

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