1 minute read

Marching Eagles Clinch Championship at Golden Regiment Invitational

by Sally Whitaker

The Grain Valley Marching Eagles (GVME) competed in the Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Band Competition on Saturday, September 29, at Blue Springs High School.


They received First Place for Class 2A in preliminary competition along with Outstanding Drum Majors (Karley Drabik and Skylar Schmidt), Outstanding Soloist English Horn (Alex Griffitt), Outstanding Music Performance, Outstanding Visual Performance, and Outstanding Visual Effect.

The Marching Eagles competed in the Finals along with 11 other high schools from 3 different states, Class 2A, 3A and 4A. They won Best Visual Performance, Best General Effect and were the First Place Grand Champions.

The band will next travel to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to compete in the 2018 Broken Arrow Invitational on October 6th. Thirty bands typically perform in preliminary competition with twelve bands advancing to the evening finals.

The Band Parents Association (GVBPA), an active group of volunteers who support GVME through fundraising and a host of volunteer efforts, is currently raising funds to replace an aging equipment trailer. For more information on the GVBPA and to make a donation to support the Marching Eagles, visit www.gvbpa.net.

Photo credit: Kathy Romo

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