Valley News: December 13, 2018

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Valley News

December 13, 2018

Vol. 1, No. 26


Board Approves 2019 Budget, Appoints Chief of Police in Final Meeting of 2018 The Board of Alderman voted to approve the 2019 budget during a brief final meeting for the year on December 10th. The budget, estimating revenues at $4,161,133, includes $300,000 under Capital Projects to engage 3 architectural firms to develop plans for a new Grain Valley Civic Complex at the former Sni-A-Bar farm property owned by the City. Work will include designing the complex, finalizing cost information for the project, and engaging the public in the process through public hearings and community engagement. City employee compensation was also on the agenda, with an ordinance

to establish the 2019 Full and Part-time pay scales tabled. City Administrator Ryan Hunt requested the item be tabled until they have completed the compensation implementation schedule.

The Mayor requested that a 2.6% cost of living adjustment effective January 1st be approved, and the motion was unanimously approved. The board voted down a proposal to authorize the City Administrator to enter into an agreement with Springsted Waters for executive search services at the cost of $24,500 for the purpose of recruitment services to select and appoint a Chief of Police. The use of classified advertising in

Beale Appointed Police Chief

James Beale was appointed Chief of Police for the Grain Valley Police Department during the December 10th Board of Alderman meeting. Beale had been holding the position of Interim Chief since the retirement of David Starbuck in June of 2018.

James Beale has been appointed as Chief of Police for the Grain Valley Police Department, effective immediately. Beale had been holding the position of Interim Chief since the retirement of David Starbuck in June of 2018. Chief Beale previously served as Captain with the Grain Valley Police Department and has been with the department since 2009. “It’s an honor and privilege to serve Grain Valley. It’s a great community in which I’ve developed many great relationships,” said Chief Beale. Chief Beale’s law enforcement experience spans 3 decades. His first experience was with the Air Force Reserves as a Military Police Officer. He then worked as a police officer for the DMV (Washington, D.C. metro area). Chief served in the US Army from 1990 -94, where he was part of Operation Restore Hope, a humanitarian operation in Somalia. Prior to joining the Grain Valley Police Department, Chief Beale worked for the Independence Police Department.

August did not produce any candidates for the position. Following the public meeting, the Board voted during an Executive Session to appoint Interim Chief James Beale as Chief of Police effective immediately. Election filing for the April 2019 election began on December 11th and will end on January 15th. One seat will be open in each of the City’s three wards. Ward 1 Alderman Bamman, Ward 2 Alderman Totton, and Ward 3 Alderman Coleman’s seats will be on the ballot this year. Aldermen serve two-year terms. Those interested in becoming a

candidate for the position of Alderman must be at least 21 years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident living in the City for at least one year before his/her election. Additionally, interested parties should also be a resident of the Ward from which he or she is elected. In other business, Parks and Recreation Director Shannon Davies reported the Community Center will change its opening time from 5:30am to 8:00am effective January 1, 2019. The next meeting of the Board of Alderman will be held at City Hall on January 14th at 7:00pm.

Good News

GVHS Eagle Joins CMU Eagles

Regan Porter, daughter of Ron and Holly Porter of Grain Valley, signed her national letter of intent on December 1st to play softball for Central Methodist right--handed pitcher was joined by University (CMU) in Fayette, Missouri. The right family, coaches and future teammates for the ceremony at CMU. Regan is a senior at Grain Valley High School where she is involved in the culinary competition team, Concert Choir and the Youth Advisory Committee. Photo credit: Holly Porter


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