Valley News: September 27, 2018

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Valley News

September 27, 2018

Vol. 1, No. 15


Board Considers Elementary Redistricting, Middle School Addition District growth and how best to deal with it was just part of a full agenda at the September 20th Board of Education meeting. In addition to a welcome reception for thirty-nine teachers who are new to the district, the Board considered two agenda items that both dealt with the continued growth of the district. North Middle and South Middle Schools are both near capacity. North Middle School is currently at 98% capacity with 442 students enrolled. South Middle School, with a current enrollment of 618, has a bit more capacity, but the district prefers to keep its enrollment at the low 600s. District administration reported to the Board that there is an immediate need for the addition of 5 classrooms, which could be funded through a lease-purchase agreement.

A lease purchase agreement is similar to bond money in that it is borrowed funding that the district agrees to repay. With a bond, the debt is paid back using the district’s debt service levy. Payments to pay back a lease purchase agreement come from the operating levy. “Our approach to a lease purchase is to use it for projects that are smaller in scale, such as replacing a set of buses or adding a few classrooms to an existing school. As the scale of the project or purchase gets larger, then it becomes more challenging to repay with our operating levy, which we rely upon to provide for the operation of the schools and programs,” Brad Welle, Deputy Superintendent for School and Community Services said. The Board is considering two options at this time. The first option

would be to build out a current half wing of the building at North Middle, adding 5 classrooms. The other option being considered is a full buildout of the remaining 1 ½ wings of North Middle School. The building was designed to allow for build out to three full classroom wings which would enable the school to support the same number of students as South Middle School. Regardless of the option selected, administrators are working on plans to best utilize existing space at North Middle School for the 2019-20 school year. If the Board decides to only build out a half wing, adding 5 classrooms, work would still not be completed before next fall. Administrators will look at how each space in the building is being used, downsizing smaller classes

into alternate spaces. They will consider solutions such as traveling teachers who utilizing classrooms not being used during plan periods, Welle said. The Board also reviewed a process proposed by District Administration to establish an Elementary Boundary Steering Committee to convene in October. The Committee’s mission would be to review enrollment and growth at each of the district’s elementary schools and draft a proposal to adjust existing boundaries. Committee recruitment is well underway, with representatives for Matthews and Prairie Branch covered. “PTA leadership have been helping recruit volunteers for the steering committee. Matthews and Prairie Branch are pretty well see SCHOOLS on page 3

Good News

Road Work to Close Portion of Buckner Tarsney Road Starting October 2nd The Missouri Department of Transportation will close Buckner Tarsney Road between U.S. 50 and Lone Jack Lee’s Summit Road beginning on Tuesday, Oct. 2, until approximately Tuesday, Oct. 16. In addition to this

closure, the left turn lane from eastbound U.S. 50 to Buckner Tarsney Road will be closed. This closure is for paving work. Motorists will need to plan ahead and find an alternate route. All work is weather permitting.

GVPD Offers Free RAD Training

Grain Valley Schools has been awarded the 2018 MTSS Implementation Award from the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education. The recognition affirms the processes the district has in place to implement multi-tier systems of support for all students.

Multi-Tier System of Supports, or MTSS, is widely accepted as an effective approach to improving educational outcomes for all students. MTSS is driven by systematic data collection on student progress, with proven interventions and monitoring as needed. Photo courtesy of Grain Valley Schools.

Officer Iiams with the Grain Valley Police Department will present RAD (Rape Agression Defense) Training, a free, 4 day course at First Baptist Church of Grain Valley beginning October 30th. Sessions will be held October 30th, November 1st, November 6th, and November 8th from 5:30pm— 8:30pm. First Baptist Church of Grain Valley is located at 207 West Walnut Street. The Rape Agression Defense (RAD) System is a program of

realistic, self-defense tactics, concepts, and techniques. It is a comprehensive course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction, and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. The program is sponsored by Jackson County COMBAT. Only 20 seats are available for this course. To register for the event, contact Officer Iiams at 816847-5000 ext. 2019 or 816-8476250.

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