2 minute read
The First Occasion of Sacrifice
This day is of great importance in the nation of Israel, it is an initiation into the procedure of sacrificing which is instructive for both the priests and the people (Lev.ch.9) and this first occasion of sacrifice will be sanctified, just as the completion of the tabernacle was sanctified by the manifestation of the LORD’S glory. On that first day when the tabernacle was completed the LORD came to dwell among His people, which was marked by His continued presence in the sanctuary. This important day when the LORD comes to sacrifice takes place on the 8th day which is the day after the Sabbath, the day when Jesus rose again (v1). God is initiating sacrifices, but He is anticipating the day of His resurrection when sacrifices will be no more, made void by the one unique sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Later we will see how God’s calendar of resurrection, post-resurrection appearances, the ascension, the disciples 10-day prayer meeting and the descent of the Spirit is written into the sacrificial system (Lev.23:15-16). All Israel participates in this day of united public sacrifice - priests, elders and “all the congregation stand before the LORD” (v5) and multiple sacrifices take place – sin offering, burnt offering, peace offering and meal offering (vv2-4). From today right through until the destruction of Jerusalem in A D 70, sacrifices will be an essential part of Jewish practise (the Israelites will later be reduced to Judah and right at the end of their history the Jews faith is known as Judaism.
The last offering on this day of multiple sacrifices is “the wave offering before the LORD” by Aaron (v21). To accomplish this offering required raised hands to wave the shoulder and the chest/breast of the bullock before the LORD. The raising of the hands cannot be done apart from the raising of the heart in praise and thankfulness to God for the unspeakable gift of His Son, who is raised on high every-time we remember Him in the Breaking of Bread. Having accomplished his offering of sacrifices under the watchful eye of Moses, he comes out to the assembled people and with raised hands he blesses all the congregation,
“And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of meeting and came out and blessed the people. Then the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people, and fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces” (Lev.9:23-24).