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The Aaronic Priestly Blessing

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The Nazarite Vow

The Aaronic Priestly Blessing



“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace”

These lines are referred to as the Aaronic blessing but if you read the first line it says that it is the LORD’S blessing! The Bible teacher, David Pawson says that, “It has every mark of direct inspiration from God because it is mathematically perfect. In the Hebrew there are three lines in the blessing (as above). In the Hebrew there are 3 words in the first sentence, 5 in the second and 7 in the third. There are 15 letters in the first, 20 letters in the second and 25 in the third. There are 12 syllables in the first, 14 in the second and 16 in the third… Even in English it builds up – there is a kind of crescendo through the lines. Each line has 2 verbs, and the second expands the first.”

The LORD declares a double blessing, both of grace and peace, “this is the blessing given in the epistles of the New Testament: “Grace and peace to you from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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