The 4 Gospels - Matthew No 2 - The Sermon on the Mount

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The Sermon on the Mount

The prize of the activity of the peacemaker is reconciliation, the restoration of loving relationship and unity in the church. Matthew contains the only words spoken by Jesus about the church. Jesus’ primary instruction regarding the church is about church discipline, the objective of which is to gain reconciliation among brothers and sisters who are quarrelsome and hostile to one another – this was not always achieved, not even by the apostles. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” The remainder of the blessings apply to those Christians who are persecuted. This beatitude is different because persecution is something which is imposed on the church from outside. Jesus refers to persecution again when He sends out the 12 disciples on mission (10:16-39). Luke also refers to Jesus’ words about persecution (Lk.6:22-23). We know how persecution accompanied the spread of the gospel from the book of Acts and the letters of the apostle Paul. It appears that with the blessings which accompany the realization of the kingdom there will also be persecution. “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake,” persecution is also intensely personal, and it is false accusations. Persecution is not based on social justice! It is unfair and vindicative and this is where the Christian calls upon those Christ-like qualities which Jesus is promoting in His teaching on the Mount and later demonstrated in His persecution/crucifixion, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Lk.23:34). The secret of bearing pain is to suffer for Jesus’ sake. Martyr’s die in the presence of Jesus. “Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you,” This is the final blessings resulting from persecution. The Martyrs of the church are continuing a long line of witnesses which goes back to the prophets of old, even to Abel who was martyred because of the offering he brought to God. Today, Christian men and women are being crucified and beheaded by fanatical and hateful men - simply because they have chosen to follow Jesus. The blessings for the martyr do not concern the kingdom of heaven but reach into heaven, “your reward is in heaven” where Jesus wipes away all tears and celebrates the victory of those who are coming out of the great tribulations of sufferings on the earth. These intense and sufferings are signs of the end times and the near return of Jesus Christ and we read that he who endures to the end, will be saved! 3. Salt and Light, 5:13-16 Christians are salt and light, salt to the earth and light to the world. Firstly, the gospel comes with penetrating power and in its powerful beam of light people are transformed from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Secondly, Christians who retain their saltiness have a powerful effect upon others. People bring transformation to a community not through social programmes of help. I do believe in social action that is spearheaded by the gospel. I believe with all my heart that William Booth was right in linking care for the human person with the compassion of God manifested in the gospel. The life of God is manifested in those attributes Jesus has been teaching about and the light of God is His life shining out from His children into the world. Jesus had turned His attentions from the blessings of His children to their responsibilities, - “you are the salt” Jesus is not speaking a blessing He is making an emphatic statement. Salt is a metaphor which is applied to

New Life Radio – Talk No 36

6 Derrick Harrison


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