Factory Outlets All important cities in the world are also developing into a haven for cheap factory outlet shopping. This is primarily because factory outlets have huge takers in every city. Buying from factory outlets help to save hugely on discounted internationally famous brand name clothes. Factory outlet malls usually sell seconds items. These are items which are slightly damaged. However the damage is too small to be noticed. When it comes to electronic items, the damages are small enough to hamper the functioning of electronic goods. All of these items come at a discounted price of 30 to 70 percent off retail prices. No wonder getting expensive items cheap without quite compromising on the quality makes these items a rage with buyers. Factory outlet stores are owned and operated by manufacturers. They sell directly to the consumer. Such kinds of direct selling help them eliminate interim markups in pricing. All major manufacturing units in all fields have opted for this route of marketing. Some such renowned brands include Levi Strauss & Co., Van Heusen, Addidas, Nike and London Fog. Between 1988 and 1994, factory outlet centers in the U.S. have nearly tripled. In 1988 the figure was 108 whereas in 1994 it stood at 311. The huge rise in factory outlets coincided with the vast changes in the attitude of the investor in when rating agencies and state regulatory made insurance companies feel the heat. With cash crunch in the market and huge stocks of defective and unsold items, manufacturers thought upon the plan of starting their own stores where they could sell these surplus or rejected items. However, they made it a point to let buyers know in advance that the items on sale were defective. So they did not incur the wrath of retailers. Much to their consternation they found that these outlets become the focal point around which buyers revolved. Having sensed the pulse of the market manufacturers decided to have more number of factory outlets. Ever since buying from Factory outlets have never looked back. When it comes to shopping factory outlets are the first choice of consumers.